Chapter 32

You're Kidding Right?



It was one of those days where I had nothing to do. No school or homework, just boredom. 

He's been going off places with the others. Time to time Zelo goes with them, but he usually stays at home with me. I wonder what they do when they leave, I've asked them all so far but they won't tell me. 

But today I have devised a plan. 

"YongGuk," I whined. 

"Neh?" He asked walking over to him. 

I can't believe I'm actually doing this. 

"Where have you guys been?" I asked as I wrapped my arms around his waist and looked up at him with puppy eyes. I stuck my lip out a little in a pout. 

"Uh... Um... Er..." He looked away nervously. 

"YongGuk?" I asked as I tilted my head to the side. 

Muawhahahahahaaa, I have you now. 

Suddenly his nervousness dissappeared like it was all an act and was replaced by a devious smirk. His arms wrapped around my shoulders and pulled me closer. He leaned down, his mouth beside my ear; his warm breath burning my skin. 

"Nice try..." He whispered huskily. 

My eyes widened, my plan was a failure and a big fat failure at that. 

"GODDAMNIT!" I yelled. 

His charming laughter echoed off the walls. 

"FINE BE THAT WAY, I'LL JUST GO OUT THEN!" I yelled as I stomped away. 

"Awww hanuel~~~" He moaned. 

"Nope, I lost my pride and dignity because of that and you still won't tell me," I replied. 

"I can't tell you," He whined as he pulled me back by the waist. 

"Why?!" I asked. 

"Because I-" He started but was cut off by my mobile ringing. 

It was an unknown number. 

"Hello?" I asked. 

"Hello, is this Song Hanuel?" A man asked over the phone. 

"Neh, this is Hanuel," I replied. 

"This is the morgue, we would like you to confirm the body of a Song ChangHee."

The whole world seemed silent as the phone slipped from my fingers. 


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Hi... Well no one will probably read this but here goes- I probably will up date in 2 weeks (I have exams) ppyong!~


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Lolypop123 #1
Chapter 45: So many dead suddenly,whyyyy -3-
Chapter 45: Whaaaat?
*Spoiler alert*
I was reading this story and all of a sudden Zelo and Daehyun died (well I guess Daehyun died) and I was shocked af. All kinds of started to happen so I litterly made myself believe that this was a dream she was having AND THEN THE STORY ENDED! HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO MEHH? Anywayyy it was a great story so I did really enjoy reading. I was just a little shocked when all these bad things happened but I'll learn to live with it haha ;)
ReenRieX #3
Chapter 34: Wooo... 'She' sound like a "sick" person..
nowaywth #4
Chapter 45: That not right a lot is missing. Why would she hurt Guk he did nothing wrong?!
Chapter 6: you like anime? wahh and I watched ouran high school host club like a long time ago, I loved it! I think we could be great friends~~ also I really like this story :D
rluong #6
Chapter 40: It would be nice if there was a sequel. It feels incomplete. ;-; NOOO ZELOO WHY.
_fallenangel_ #7
Chapter 45: wait what but i dont get why she wanted to kill haneul @@ it's not like guk did anythign to her
_fallenangel_ #8
Chapter 42: poor zeloooo ;-;
_fallenangel_ #9
Chapter 40: i dont know why i have a feeling the wolf might be yongguk's dead who became twisted or smth