
More Than Friends


This was the moment where in most dramas Minho's ever seen, the girl runs far far away and the camera cuts to the guy, who just sits there and doesn't chase after her until many hours later, when it's raining outside. And then he finds the girl all hopeless and wet, curled up into a shaking shivering half-dead ball. Whenever he sees scenes like that, Minho always finds himself asking, 'why did the guy give her so much time to run away? If he truly loved her, wouldn't he have chased after her the moment she left?'


Although in real life, it could be sometimes hard to learn from a drama. But Minho knew how he felt for Taemin, without doubt. He loved Taemin, with all his heart. So why let him run away?


Throwing his caution to the wind, Minho jumped into his shoes, slung his jacket over one arm, and ran outside. The moment he got there, he didn't bother to shield his eyes from the bright sun that had not magically become rain to match his emotions. Instead he just ran ahead, assuming that's the only way Taemin would've gone. And his thoughts were proved correct as he saw  Taemin, walking slowly now, auburn hair swishing in the wind, clueless to the fact Minho was following him. 


"Yah! Taemin-ah!" Minho screamed impulsively. Just like that, his cover was blown. Taemin cast a glance over his shoulder, before bolting straight ahead. Not even winded, Minho ran after him, his love propelling him forward. He ran faster than he did in soccer. Faster than he did in gym class. Heck, he ran faster than he did in races, and sure enough, little by little, he caught up to Taemin.


 When he was finally within about three arm's distances from the boy, Taemin was racing across an intersection, paying no mind to the car that was slowly advancing towards him. With the speed Taemin was running, the car would hit him. Minho tried yelling. 'stop' or 'watch out' or anything that came to mind, but of course, Taemin didn't listen.


Minho had to make a decision then, as he was running. He could keep running, and save Taemin from the impending danger, possibly injuring himself in the process, or he could stand and watch Taemin be injured. Well, one was indeed much worse than the other. 


Without much thought, Minho raced forward faster, using the last bits of his energy on tackling Taemin to the other side of the crossing, where it was safe. Minho cradled Taemin in his arms like a precious treasure, and he could only squeeze his eyes shut, listening to the car zoom away, and hope that when he opened them, everything would be okay.


They hit the ground with a thump, well mostly Minho, who broke Taemin's fall and Minho cracked his eyes open, to see Taemin's shocked face right in front of his own. Minho hugged Taemin close to his chest, regardless, and inhaled his scent as if it was the last time he ever would, lying there on the pavement. 


"I thought I  was gonna loose you." Minho cried, lowering all his barriers as he let tears escape his eyes. " Don't ever do something so dangerous ever again."


"Let go of me." Taemin sobbed. His demand was cold, but his voice was wavering, as if not even he believed in what he was saying. "I don't care." Taemin attempted to escape feebly, but when he realized that Minho wouldn't let him go, Taemin stopped struggling. 


"Have you ever thought for just a minute, that maybe you're too important to me to just get hit by a car?" Minho hugged Taemin closer and Taemin didn't protest.


"It hurts hyung." Taemin whimpered. Minho became worried and loosened the hug.


"What hurts? Did you get hurt by the car?"


" No hyung.." Taemin squirmed out an arm and poked himself gently in the chest. "It hurts here."


Minho placed a hand on the spot, and as he felt the steady beating, Minho understood. His heart.


"It hurts never knowing who you really love hyung. One day you say they're a blonde boy like me, and leave me feeling all happy and hopeful, and then the next you tell me it's a girl hyung. Just be honest, please. Who is your crush?"


"My crush...." Minho trailed off. "I'll tell you the truth. He's a boy, but he likes to be called a man. He used to have blonde hair, but now he has gorgeous long auburn hair that I love even more. We've been friends for such a long time, and I don't know how to tell him how I feel about him. I tell him I love him all the time, whenever I can, but we've been friends for so long, he doesn't take it seriously. But the truth is, I really love him, more than anything else in the world. He almost just got himself killed because of me, and now he's alive and in my arms because of me, and truth be told..." Minho paused to look down at Taemin's expectant, upturned face. "It's you, Taemin."


" Me?" Taemin asked happily. "I'm your crush?"


"Recently it's become a little more than a crush..." Minho admitted. "In fact, I think I might love you."


At this, Taemin began to smile. "I'm in love with you too hyung."


"For real this time?" Minho questioned cautiously. "As in, not like friends love, but romantic love? Boyfriends love?"


"Yes, like that."


"Would you be my boyfriend?." 


"Of course."


"Seal it with a kiss?" Minho puckered his lips out childishly, waiting for a peck. Taemin had began to lean in when suddenly the car that had nearly hit Taemin came speeding back. Minho felt the ground rumble as it got nearer. That could mean one of two things. One, it came to check if Taemin was okay, or two, it came to finish the job. Much to Minho's relief, the driver calmly parked next to the small block of pavement where Taemin and Minho where embracing, but when the driver climbed out, Minho was surprised.




"Yo man. What are you doing lying down with this chick? What would your girlfriend think?" Eunhyuk asked, referring to the blonde Taemin that he'd seen last night. 


"Eunhyuk, I'll have you know that this is my girlfriend. She dyed her hair. Also, she's a he, and his name is Taemin." Minho informed him. "You almost ran my boyfriend over."


"Well that's not exactly my fault." Eunhyuk retorted. "Gotta look both ways before you cross the street."


Taemin nuzzled into Minho's neck shyly, not wanting to face the music of his mistake. 


"He's sorry." Minho apologized on Taemin's behalf. There was silence for a few moments.


"So, you guys need a hospital ride or anything?"


"No I think we're good." Minho said flatly. 


"Well then can you stand?" Eunhyuk requested. "You're making me feel kind of awkward."


"Oh.. Erm. One second." Minho began to help Taemin to his feet, but to moment he put weight on his right ankle, he cried with pain. "Augh." Minho gasped, stumbling downwards until Taemin caught him and pulled him up. 


"Hyung!" Taemin cried concernedly. "What's wrong?"


" So how about that hospital ride, guys?....." Eunhyuk offered casually. Taemin shot him a look. 


"It's my ankle..." Minho grunted. "Its sprained...Or twisted. I don't know, but something's" wrong with it."


"Hospital ride?" Eunhyuk butted in.


"Nah. It's not serious. A ride home would be nice though."


Eunhyuk shrugged. "Eh, what the heck. That's closer than the hospital."




After thanking Eunhyuk, Minho and Taemin waddled into Minho's home, Minho supported by an arm that was slung across Taemin's shoulders. Right away, Taemin led Minho to the couch and laid him down, gently brushing the hair off of Minho's sweaty forehead. 


"You really worked up a sweat, chasing me like that." Taemin sighed sadly. "I'm sorry."


"It's okay, Taemin." Minho insisted, grinning. "It was worth it. Now I have a gorgeous boyfriend." 


Taemin blushed. "You're too sweet. I'll stay over tonight again and pamper you, alright? You won't have to move a finger."


"You know you don't have to do that, Taemin." Minho protested gently, although Taemin, free and willing to do whatever Minho desired really was tempting, Minho still couldn't do that to Taemin.


"You saved my life, it's the least I can do. I'll go get you some ice." Before Minho could protest Taemin had scurried off. For the whole 4 minutes that Taemin was absent, Minho felt achingly lonely. When Taemin returned with a bag of ice, he nearly jumped for joy, not because of the ice, but because Taemin was back.


"I was so bored without you." Minho whined as Taemin placed the ice over Minho's bruised ankle. 


"I was only gone for four minutes."


"Four minutes is a long time." Minho argued, wincing as the cool ice hit his hot skin. "Stop nursing me, I wanna cuddle." Minho demanded. 


"I need to nurse you." Taemin explained. "If I don't, you'll swell up like a sponge."


"Well it can't be that serious." Minho grumbled. "Aren't you tired, Minnie? Doesn't it sound nice to just lay in my bed all warm, wrapped up in the covers and my arms and watch television instead of pressing ice onto my ankle?"


"That sounds great." Taemin admitted. "But you can't cook tonight. I'll have to make us dinner."


"Just tell Key to bring us something." Minho suggested. "When he hears what almost happened to you, he'll be over here with a feast."


Taemin's eyes flickered with realization. "...Darn it, you're right again. Alright, I'll text him."


Taemin pulled out his phone momentarily and pushed a few keys before stuffing it back into his pocket. 


"To the bedroom."




"See, isn't this nice?" Minho asked as Taemin joined him in bed, the television in front of them blaring some random drama. 


"I feel like we're an old married couple. Watching television like this." Taemin murmured, blushing as he slid under the covers and closer to Minho's body. 


" Feels good though, doesn't it?" Minho wrapped both of his arms around Taemin, taking deep inhales of his familiar scent. " We wasted so much time. We could have been cuddling like this years ago."


"It's okay. We still spent a lot of time together. We've known each other for a long, long time." Taemin pointed out. "We met when we you were six and I was four, after all."


"You were so cute back then."  Minho chuckled.


"Back then?" Taemin pouted and pretended to be offended. 


"Oh shush. You know you're still adorable."  Minho laughed as he rolled over on to his side to look at Taemin. "Now close your eyes, get some rest. You deserve it, love."


"You know I'm not going to go to sleep without a kiss, now that we're a couple." Taemin smirked, puckering out his lips. 


"H-honestly?" Minho became nervous. "I've never kissed anyone before. I want my first kiss to be with you, but not in a bed. It'll be more romantic, araso?"


Taemin sighed, looking disappointed, almost like he was about to cry. Why wouldn't Minho kiss him now? Was he not attractive anymore?


"..But," Minho cut off Taemin's thoughts. "...We don't have to tell anyone about this one, do we?"


Taemin was shocked as Minho gripped his chin, pressing his lips to Taemin's tenderly. Taemin's lips moved gently against Minho's, almost a little too confidently.


Taemin smiled as Minho pulled him closer to cuddle again.


"You tasted like that pie you ate earlier." Minho half-whisper half-laughed. "And by the way you're an amazing kisser, you little minx."


"Well, I might have had some practice." 


"Practice?" Minho was shocked. "Practice with who?" He demanded.


"Pillows, mirrors...My hand. Things of the like." Taemin giggled. "You're so cute when you're jealous." Minho rolled his eyes. For a while, there was silence.


Minho had already began to drift off. He slung an arm around Taemin, and Taemin cuddled into his strong, broad chest, and placed his hands against it, feeling it rise and fall with Minho's breaths. 


"Love you." Minho murmured before sleeping, placing a gentle kiss on the top of Taemin's head and his hair. 


 Taemin smiled as he fell asleep, for the first time, madly in love when he did. 








However, just because they're together does not mean that the story is over. In fact..



You can expect more action from this point onwards is what I'm trying to say if you can't see that gif up there. So be happy, friends.


You can also expect more drama a little later. Yeah, drama is kind of annoying, but it moves the story along. 


Lol what am I doing. I'm supposed to be doing homework right now.



le sigh. Back to work.


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Chapter 8: I h8 minho here
im gonna get something hard to hit him with
Chapter 9: Such a good story!! I wanna know what happens next. I hope the drama isn't bad to the point hey break up. :( can't for more !!
AusAngel26 #3
Chapter 9: Such a cute story, perfect ending just the way it is. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 9: Super-cute!! But i don't like the hair extensions... I like when tae has a natural hair, and you can touch it without gettin your hand stuck in the plastic extension... XD
Please update soon!
Taemax #5
Chapter 9: Ugh, it's so fluffy and cutsie! ^-^ I love it!
pikasquad #6
Chapter 9: Please update I'm in love with this story ^^
pekopeka #7
Please please please update soon!!^^
This is great :)