
More Than Friends



"Hyung~ I'm hungry~" Taemin whined as he flopped through the doors of Minho's unoccupied house. Minho followed soon after, his and Taemin's backpacks both slung over his shoulder.


"Why are you always so hungry when you get back from school?" Minho asked tiredly, tossing the two bags to his couch. 


"I work hard." Taemin responded proudly, taking a seat next to the bags. 


"I've known you for five years Taemin. I know how hard you work." 


Taemin pouted, doing his infamous puppy eyes, but to no avail. Minho merely chuckled, heading towards the kitchen to grab a snack for the younger boy. As the sounds of chopping on a cutting board were heard, Minho called back to Taemin. 


"I know you spent all of last night playing video games." 


"How do you know?!" Taemin objected, jerking up. 


"This morning you texted me 'just spent all of last night playing video games.'" 


Taemin sighed, kicking the backpacks off of the couch to make room for his legs. He made himself comfortable and laid down, his eyes slowly closing against his will. When Minho returned from the kitchen, holding a plate adorned with little heart-shaped sandwiches, Taemin was fast asleep. 


Minho smiled as he set the plate down on the coffee table, resisting the urge to lay a blanket over the peacefully sleeping boy. Taemin was after all, here for a better reason than to sleep. Minho crept towards his friend slowly, and ran his fingers down the smooth skin of his cheeks and neck, which pulsed with his steady heartbeat. 


Taemin was so beautiful.


When his fingers met Taemin's shoulders, he shook the younger gently until his eyelids parted. Taemin sat up lazily, stretching his arms as Minho placed the sandwiches on his lap.


"Aish. Did I really fall asleep? I feel like crap." Taemin complained through a mouthful of sandwich, stopping abruptly as he looked down and examined the shapes more closely. 

"And why are these sandwiches shaped like hearts?..."


"I...Umm..." Minho felt his cheeks heating up. Every time he tried to say it, somehow the lump in his throat always stopped him. Yet in his head, it seemed so easy. 


'Because I love you Taemin.' 


But as usual, the sweet words wouldn't come, and Minho found himself shrugging. "It was the only cutter we had." He muttered, changing the subject. "Do they taste good?" 


"Neh! Delicious as usual." 


Minho chuckled, though happy Taemin at least approved of his mediocre cooking. 


"How can you say that? It's nothing but bread and cheese." Minho teased. 


" Yeah, but it's my favorite bread and cheese." Taemin finished up his sandwiches and swiped his hands together to rid them of the pesky crumbs. 


"Ready to work now?" Minho tossed Taemin his backpack, which Taemin caught with reflexive hands. 


"Heh. Almost forgot why I was here." Taemin joined Minho on the floor. 


"Well you remember right? That history project is due in three days. We should really get working." 


Taemin let out a heaving sigh as he opened his bag. Moments later the duo were working on the project placidly, no sounds heard except for pencils scratching hangul into thick poster paper until they both felt they'd completed enough work to feel satisfied. 


"That's enough for today." Minho decided, Taemin nodding along to every syllable of his words. 


"Araso. What time is it?" 


"Around five." 


"Ugh." Taemin groaned, furrowing his eyebrows. "I don't want to go home yet then. There's nothing to do at my house before dinner." 


"What can you do here that you can't do at your house?" Minho smirked inwardly. 


"You're not at my house." 


Minho felt his cheeks getting warmer, and he looked down so that Taemin wouldn't see his light blush. 


"Well...What do you want to do then?" 


"I dunno. Just talk." 


"Talk about what?" Minho looked back up at the younger boy, who'd began tucking his things back into his bag. 


"We could talk about school. Or home. Or traveling. Or food. Or even better..." Taemin crawled slowly towards Minho and whispered in his ear.




"Since when do you have a crush?" Minho protested, his eyes wide. Inexplicable feelings of jealously burned inside of him at that moment. Not even he knew why he felt so jealous. Alright, maybe he did. 


"Since forever." Taemin said matter-of-factly. 


"Well then I wanna hear about it. Girl or guy?" 




Taemin is gay too? Minho's heart beat faster. Maybe he actually had a chance! 


"What's his name?" 


"I can't tell you that!!" Taemin shouted so quickly, that his mouth became a blur as he spoke. 


"Whoa, whoa. Okay then. What does he look like?" Minho had never seen Taemin act so shy before. Jealous feelings began to rise up again from the pit of his stomach. 


Taemin's head suddenly fell, his eyes lidded as if he was imagining the very person vividly. 


"He has gorgeous brown hair... And chocolate eyes too..."


Minho nodded attentively, urging Taemin on. 


"...He's really tall... And tan skin.. But it's not just his looks. I've known him for a long time. He's always been there for me. When I'm sad, he always gives me a pat on the back, and when I laugh, he laughs with me. I really love him." 


Minho saw Taemin smile under his scarlet blush, and couldn't help but smirk despite his envy. 


Taemin snapped to his senses shaking his head wildly. "Okay, okay. Enough about my crush. Tell me about yours!"


"I-I don't have a crush." Minho lied through his teeth. Taemin raised an eyebrow. "I mean it Taemin!"


"Come on, hyung! Yes you do!"


"I don't." Minho denied, staring at the ground. 


" Come on. Just give me a hint. Is it a guy or a girl?"




"See! You do have a crush!" Taemin jumped to his feet and pointed at Minho's blushing face. "Who is he?" 


" Taemin... I can't tell you that." 


"Yes you can." Taemin insisted, sitting down next to Minho again. He held Minho's hand. "You can tell me anything."


"Well... He has blonde hair, and brown eyes...."




"That's it. He's blonde, he has brown eyes, and I really like him." Taemin smiled.


"See, that wasn't so hard." 


Taemin leaned onto Minho, not releasing his grip on Minho's hand as they chatted on until Taemin had to leave. 


" Well, I guess I'll see you tomorrow?" Minho asked as he led Taemin to the door.


"Of course!" Taemin grinned as he stepped outside. 





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Chapter 8: I h8 minho here
im gonna get something hard to hit him with
Chapter 9: Such a good story!! I wanna know what happens next. I hope the drama isn't bad to the point hey break up. :( can't for more !!
AusAngel26 #3
Chapter 9: Such a cute story, perfect ending just the way it is. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 9: Super-cute!! But i don't like the hair extensions... I like when tae has a natural hair, and you can touch it without gettin your hand stuck in the plastic extension... XD
Please update soon!
Taemax #5
Chapter 9: Ugh, it's so fluffy and cutsie! ^-^ I love it!
pikasquad #6
Chapter 9: Please update I'm in love with this story ^^
pekopeka #7
Please please please update soon!!^^
This is great :)