A Long Night

More Than Friends


The game came to a close, and everyone was slowly making their way out of the field. Fans of the opposing team hung their heads, while Minho's team whooped and cheered in the centre of the field. Taemin was the last fan remaining, even as the sun began to fall behind the horizon and cast an orangey glow over the smiling faces. Finally, Minho broke away from the group. He seemed shocked to see Taemin standing there. 


"Taemin! How long have you been waiting there?"


"A while." Taemin smiled, standing up and walking towards Minho. "I don't mind though. Congratulations on your win."


"Thanks." Minho smiled back gently. He walked with Taemin, back to the bleachers to get his bag.


"So, it's Friday..." Taemin pointed out, watching Minho dig out his water bottle and take a few sips. 


"So it is." Minho realized. "Got any plans for the weekend?"


"Actually...I was wondering if I could sleep over."


Minho had nearly forgotten in the midst of all their fighting. On weekends, both Minho and Taemin's parents often had to leave town. It had become habit that Taemin come to Minho's house so that he wouldn't get lonely. 


"Oh, geez. I  forgot. My house is kind of messy. My stuff's..Everywhere."


" It's okay. Most of it's probably my stuff anyway." Taemin giggled. 


"That reminds me." Minho dug around in his bag a bit before pulling out something yellow and folded. "You forgot this at my house yesterday."


"My sweater!" Taemin cheered, clutching the sweater in his arms. "Thank you hyung. I could never loose this."


"It's no problem." Minho watched Taemin cuddle the sweater adorably. 


"I remember the day you got this for me..." Taemin recalled. "That was really nice of you."


"I do my best." Minho laughed, zipping up his bag and slinging it over his shoulder. "Shall we go?"


"We shall." Taemin grinned. Minho hooked their arms together and called out to his soccer team.


"I'm gonna go now guys!" Minho announced. "Good-night!"


"Bye Minho!" Eunhyuk, one of the soccer team's members called back. "Tell your girlfriend I said hi!"


'My girlfriend?' Minho thought, puzzled. 'I don't have a...' Minho's eyes drifted down to the gorgeous boy clinging to his arm. '...Oh.' Minho smirked.


"Eunhyuk says hi." 


"Hyung!" Taemin whined, pushing Minho playfully. "They think we're..."


"Just go with it, Minnie." Minho laughed, slinging an arm across Taemin's shoulders. Taemin pouted, holding back a smile. 


Meanwhile Key, Jonghyun and Onew watched from their hiding spot underneath the bleachers, whispering amongst themselves as they watched the duo walk away into the sunset, inseparable once more.




It didn't take long for Minho and Taemin to reach Minho's house. Minho took a quick shower. Before they knew it they were sitting in Minho's living room, Minho in the kitchen, trying to make dinner, and Taemin on the couch, nearly falling asleep, much like yesterday. 


"Don't go falling asleep yet." Minho scolded. "Dinner's almost done."


"But I'm tiiiiiiired." Taemin yawned, stretching as he forced himself to sit up. 


"At least eat first. You have all weekend to sleep." Minho reasoned, scooping the kimchi stew he'd made into a bowl for Taemin. 


"Ugh, you're such an umma." Taemin joked as Minho laid his food in front of him. 


"An umma who knows how to cook. Really, where would you be without me?" Minho sighed, taking a bite of his own food.


"Mrthfghksk." Taemin mumbled around his mouthful. Minho smiled. 


"Is it good?"


"You know I love your cooking." Taemin responded around his gulps. 


Taemin's eating habits never failed to impress Minho. He ate like a pregnant elephant, but never put on a pound. Somehow, Minho found it adorable. The fact that Taemin was in HIS house, eating HIS cooking on HIS couch only added to his happiness. The two ate for awhile as the television blared in the background. They didn't pay much attention to the movie. All they were sure of was that it was some sort of love movie. With every dramatic kiss scene, the two boys could feel the awkward tension in the room rise. When it had come to a somewhat graphic rated scene, Minho decided it was time to turn the television off. 


"How about we do something else." Minho suggested, scratching the back of his head awkwardly. 


"S-sounds good. It's getting dark anyway, I think we should sleep."


The duo headed upstairs and towards Minho's room. "Hey hyung, can I borrow a pair of pyjamas?"


"Of course Taemin. My clothes are your clothes. I don't know it any pants will fit you though." Minho said, tossing Taemin an oversized tee shirt of his. 


"It's okay. I can just wear my jeans. They're comfy." Taemin smiled as he headed to the bathroom to change. 




"I'm bored." Jonghyun announced, who had decided to sleep over at Key's house that night. 


"I know, I can't wait to see Taemin and Minho again. There's nothing to do without them." Key sighed, hugging a pillow.


"Just because they're not here doesn't mean we can't have a little fun." Jonghyun smirked, pulling out his cellphone.


"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Key chided, pulling out his own phone.


"Way ahead of you."





Taemin began to change. He was just removing his shirt when he phone decided to beep. Taemin sighed as he dug his phone out of his pocket.


"A text?"


'Umma: Hey min-min. How goes it.?'


Taemin smirked as he texted a response.


'Minnie: I'm sleeping over at Minho's again. I'm trying to change.'


Taemin laid the phone on the counter, expecting Key to show some sympathy for his current situation, but the insensitive diva texted again. Taemin scooped up the beeping phone.


'Umma: What are u gonna wear? u didn't bring ur pyjamas to school' Taemin sighed. The man knows everything. 


'Minnie: Minho lent me one of his shirts'


'Umma: I think u should seduce him'  Taemin's eyes widened. W-what?


'Minnie: Seduce him?"


'Umma: u know. b all y around him and he'll fall for you.' Taemin raised an eyebrow. Actually, that didn't seem like a bad idea. Minho likes someone else, why not show him what he'd been missing out on?


'Minnie: Okay...But how?'




Minho sat in his room, on his bed. Usually Taemin would bring a sleeping bag or something to sleep in so that they didn't have to sleep under the same blanket. But today, Taemin hadn't brought one, meaning they'd both be sleeping in the same bed, under the same blanket. The thought made Minho both delightfully happy and terribly horrified, as he expected the worst. 


Taemin had been taking a while. Just as Minho was about to go check on him, his phone beeped. A text?


When Minho opened his phone, what awaited him was not a text, but a picture. And not just any picture, but a picture of Taemin. It must've been taken at lunch time, because Taemin had his mouth hovered over a particular long yellow fruit, about to take his first bite, his eyes shut from the flash of the camera. Even worse, the picture was sent by Jonghyun.


'Oh god.' Minho dropped his phone, but he couldn't get the image out of his mind. Questions buzzed about his mind. Why did he send him this? Why did Jonghyun even HAVE this photo? 


Hot, bothered, and somewhat disturbed, Minho was about to text back, when Taemin waltzed into the room. 


"Hey Minho." Taemin purred, leaning against the doorframe, his clothes and phone balled up in his hands. Minho gulped at the sight. Taemin was wearing his shirt, but had failed to keep his jeans on, meaning he was wearing nothing but his red boxers under them. Taemin rarely wore shorts, and Minho could see those deliciously milky legs up to about mid-thigh. 


"H-Hey T-Taemin." Minho averted his gaze to the ground as Taemin walked into the room. 


"Whoops, dropped my phone." Taemin's cellphone tumbled away from him. It had almost seemed like Taemin threw the phone on purpose, but Minho was too busy focusing on Taemin's , as the fabric of his boxers stretched taut over it when he bent down to retrieve the phone. 


'You're killing me Taemin.' Minho groaned in his mind, watching as Taemin turned off the lamp. The bed dipped as Taemin climbed in beside him. Those near-bare legs brushed against Minho's own, and Minho shivered as Taemin slid under the blankets slowly. 


"Hyung~" Taemin breathed into the cold darkness.


"Y-yes, Taemin?" 


"Are you okay?" Taemin slid closer to Minho in the bed. It was a Queen sized bed, plenty of room for both of them, but thanks to Taemin, the bed seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. Taemin placed a hand on top of Minho's forehead. "Your forehead is really hot~"


"I'm fine." Minho insisted, turning around so that his back was facing Taemin. 


"Okay. Just checking, hyung."


After that, everything was silent. Minho assumed he was safe.


At least until Taemin moaned quietly in his sleep, hugging Minho around the waist. 


"Mmm, hyung. You're so warm."




Tonight was going to be a long night.  






Lol, when I first wrote this and put it here, I accidentally clicked the back button and when I clicked the forward button, all my stuff was gone. So I got all mad and I was like



But then I realized I keep the whole story saved on my laptop anyway. 



The value of saving your work, kiddies.


But anyway, I added this teaser for you all. If you're a fan, sorries. You might be waititng awhile. I'm not a fan of writing that wierd logic where everyone is all,





Anyway, so I casually popped into AFF today..





You guys are amazing. If I knew all of you, I'd give you ice cream. Or an ice cream alternative because I'm just that considerate. However I think one more person should subscribe because I don't really like numbers that aren't multiples of 5. 





But yay. 


Edit: oh snap I have 41 subscribers now. They are just rollin' in. 

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Chapter 8: I h8 minho here
im gonna get something hard to hit him with
Chapter 9: Such a good story!! I wanna know what happens next. I hope the drama isn't bad to the point hey break up. :( can't for more !!
AusAngel26 #3
Chapter 9: Such a cute story, perfect ending just the way it is. Thank you for writing it. :-)
Chapter 9: Super-cute!! But i don't like the hair extensions... I like when tae has a natural hair, and you can touch it without gettin your hand stuck in the plastic extension... XD
Please update soon!
Taemax #5
Chapter 9: Ugh, it's so fluffy and cutsie! ^-^ I love it!
pikasquad #6
Chapter 9: Please update I'm in love with this story ^^
pekopeka #7
Please please please update soon!!^^
This is great :)