
Melt the cold




















~> so you're telling me that you aren't gonna let Doyoung hyung enter your cafe after what happened a few days ago.


>> more like i won't let everyone who is staying in that house.


~> nuna are you serious about this.


>> are you on their side. Or is it just me that you are defending them


~> I'm on no one's side nuna...


>> whatever you say Jaemin. Now tell me how do you know about this news.


~> Jaehyun hyung told me that night. He said that you left him alone right after he said something.


>> it's nothing. Yah, I gotta go. There's some delivery on their way to the cafe. Jongha is not around since he has things to do with his fiancee.


~> want me to come by.


>> if you are free Jaemin. I'm fine alone unless there's someone else willing to help


~> i will ask someone to help you.


>> it's okay. I'm fine all alone.


~> Nuna....


>> got to go. Bye.


You hang up and sigh. You look at the clock and start to panic as the delivery is around the corner and you have to walk to your cafe. You quickly grab your things and grab the box that is full with cupcakes batter and cookie dough. You walk out of the door. Lock your house and quickly make your way to your cafe. As you were walking at a fast pace. You could not see your front, you just walk as fast as you can so you won't have to let the delivery guy to wait for you. Just before you could cross to the other side of the road. You didn't notice that there was a car coming through. Just then you felt your hands were being pulled and the car horn making you flinch and drop all the things on the floor. You were just too shocked that you can't think of anything else.




I... I....


Hey, why are you crying. You almost got hit by the car don't you know that.


You burst into tears making Mark feel guilty. He pulled you in his embrace and patted you to make you calm down. You cried harder as you remember something in your mind that really hurts a lot. Just then Taeil and Jungwoo came by and saw you in Mark's hand. They look at Mark, Mark just shrugged and kept patting you.


What just happened.


Well i saw her walking so fast without looking at her surroundings and she almost got hit by a car.


I'm scared.... it hurts.


Oh no.... yah bring her home. She must be scared.


No. I need to get to my cafe.


Mark bring her to the cafe. We will help bring these things to the place. I will let Jaemin know. About this.


Alright hyung




Doyoung ah i have a call from Taeil hyung said that you need to meet him now.


Why am I included in his mission.


I don't know. It says that he wants you to make a calming soup and bring it to him.


Who is it this time.


I don't know. He must be with Mark and Jungwoo.


Well I will be where he asks me to go. Have you seen Jaehyun.


Well he went to the town with Yuta. He said that he wants to buy something for his room.


Must be for the lights that he blew up a few days ago.


Well i think so. I'm going to meet dad. Tell Taeyong to do the laundry when he comes back from the park.






All of you were at the cafe and you are still in Marks hands as you were too scared and felt traumatized by the past. All of the boys were worried about you. While Mark is still trying to calm you down. Jaemin arrived with Jina.


Nuna... Hyungs...


Jaemin ah. Can you settle the delivery. I don't think Suyeon will be able to do it.


Sure hyung.


Oppa did she have her past trauma again.


I think so. She has been shivering since an hour ago.


Jaemin ah did she....


Yes hyung. Basically that is why she ignores strangers and not wanting to hurt others.


But she almost got herself into one.


Jungwoo oppa. She is still suffering from her PTSD. I mean she was getting better but she just can't be in that kind of incident or this will happened.


When will she be fine.


In a few days. Her healing part takes time. Even if she is cold to you guys she is not what she is now.


Poor unnie...


Why am i here.... wait why is she in Marks arm


Now it's not the time Doyoung. Did you bring the soup.


Here. Wait, she is the one who bangs into me.


Doyoung thats enough.


Hyung how can you just let her be in that when she still has yet to pay back the incident.


Hyung can you just chill. She just faced something worse and you are going to add more. Chill man.


Hyung just don't add your naggings here. Its not the right time.


What right time. She must be careless of not even looking around her surroundings.


Doyoung continue to nag while arguing with Taeil. You quickly cover your ears and lean on Mark's chest as you start to feel panic and more scared than before. Mark notice your actions and hug your tighter as he knows that you are scared. He signaled Jina to stop the hyungs and he agreed..


Alright boys you both are out of here.


Yah yah yah i am not finished with this.


Yes you are. No arguments here or you both are going to be killed by me.


Hyung she meant what she say when she is like that


Fine. Let her eat her soup whatever.


Taeil hyung just bring him back home.


Jungwoo hyung you too.


What. I did nothing even.


Just go. I will update you later.


Fine. I will bring this two cats home.


Jungwoo grabs both Taeil and Doyoung's hands and walks out of the cafe. Mark calmed you down and you start to cry again. Jaemin and Jina were so worried that your condition would get worse. After a few moments you fall asleep under Marks arm.


Hyung just stay by her side for now. I will handle the delivery guy.


Yeah... sure....


Jaemin smile at Mark and went to the back of the cafe since the deliveries are always done there. While Jina just sighs and takes out something from her bag.


Oppa. This is her pills.


Why do you have her pills with you.


Everyone that is close to her has this. She tends to not bring her medication when she is suffering like this.


Oh.... she must be living a hard time.


Well she does. However she just hated it when people tries hard to know her well.


How do you get to know her.


She is like a sister to me. I love her so much that I'm worried about her sometimes. Even Jaemin oppa once had to force her to eat her medication.


Does she not have friends.


Her only friends are Jongha and his fiancee. They are like a guardian when she needs them.


Well that explains much.


Oppa we just need either you or Jaehyun oppa to melt her cold. We don't want her to suffer like this anymore.


Well i will try....


Hyung, can you bring her back to her house. Jina will help you. I have many things to do here. Plus I have to close the shop and give notice.


Well i could ask Johnny hyung for a ride


That is great. Thanks hyung. Oh and when you put her to bed. Please pat her head three times. It will calm her down and not feel tense.


I hope she is fine after this.


She will. I will call Johnny oppa for you. You just make her feel comfy. She gets tense everytime this happens...


I just hope i could melt it down for you Suyeon......


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