
Melt the cold




















Oh come on Suyeon, you have to tell Taeil hyung about this weekend. I mean it's not wrong to have you for dinner at our dad's house.


Jungwoo oppa. When i said that i will talk to him soon. It doesn't mean the next day. I'm busy with paperwork so please.


How about i do all of your administration papers when you open back your cafe. You attend the dinner with Mark. Please Suyeon. I have always wanted to have a friend for formal dinner


I have always gone to your house for dinner Zeus. Is that not formal at all.


No I mean....




I'm in the kitchen Jina.


Oh good. Well I found out that one of our neighbourhood shop owners got kicked out and now that shop is rented to a new owner.


That will be the cranky ahjussi and ahjumma that have been selling over priced supply. You know how this neighbourhood works. My dad doesn't want black market around.


As if like he cares


In business he cares Jina. So apple juice.


No thanks. Jaemin oppa is bringing me to Hongdae today.


A special date. Must be nice


It's their special day oppa. We'll have fun. Tell Jaemin not to expose code blue. I'm having trouble with all administrations given by the landlord. You know how bossy she is.


Wait aren't you the boss around here.


Not to the shop both of you always go. Now have fun dear. Just remember code teal. Thats what im aiming for


Oh. I get it. Oh and Jaehyun oppa have been at your main gate for so long. He just kept staring.


Why is he there.


I don't know. Must be something that he wants to ask about.


Just ask him to come in. Tell him that i want to talk to him.


Alright. Adios.


Jina left. Jungwoo look at you with his puppy eyes. You rolled your eyes and grabbed your cup to your living room. Jungwoo followed along and still gave the same face. Just then you saw Jaehyun were by the door looking guilty. You smile at him and signal him to sit right next to you. He followed and all you heard is sigh.


Jungwoo oppa. I won't repeat my answer.


But please do this for us. Talk to him.


Oppa. Our conversation is done.


Fine. See you soon then


Jungwoo left and you heard another sigh from Jaehyun. You turn and smile at him.


So what brings you here.


I... actually i.... Suyeon ah.


I forgive you. What you do to me. I already forgive you.


You arent mad at all.


Oppa. People have right to get mad. But im just frustrated at time because you are mad that Mark also have feelings for me. Am i right.


Yeah. Still I should have not done that.


It's okay. Things happen and we can't control it when we are in that situation.


I'm really sorry Suyeon ah.


Well i'm accepting your apology so now dont feel guilty. You are my friend and i don't want us to be distant just because of that problem.


What do you see in Mark.




Just tell me what do you see in Mark.


He is someone who makes me feel protected. Someone who makes my world stop and I fell for him. Mark is Mark. No one can replace that. My feelings for him grew when he showed that he cares about my situation.


Now i understand....


Jaehyun oppa. I'm sorry i didn't see your feelings first but you are someone who I can rely on. Despite this, you always come to the cafe and help out. I appreciate that. But I just see you as a friend. A friend that i can rely on.


I understand that Suyeon ah.


Oppa don't be sad. Even if I end up with Mark. I will still look for you.


You will....


Well yeah... Jongha and I have thought about it and the plan was to make you the Co owner of my cafe.


But i'm still new to that cafe. I can't be the one who is supposed to be the Co owner. Jongha should be the one. He has been there for so long. Even longer than me.


Oppa. Jongha wants you too. He saw how passionate you are when you always come by. Besides you are the only one that suits that role


Well.... i guess i should work hard from now on.


As you should. I know that you are the head of stockholder. But that doesn't mean that you can help me. Think about it as your passion.


Thanks Suyeon.


Well back to the point. What brings you here.


Will you be there.


Well that depends on how my conversation with Taeil oppa is. Is there anything wrong.


Just talk to Taeil hyung. For Mark especially.... He really wants you to be there even if its for business. Mark doesn't want you to get backstabbed by our father....


Well i cant promise but i can assure you that your dad won't backstabbed anyone. Because i'm the main key for both Company.


What do you mean.


Oh theres so much things you dont know about your father company. Only Taeil oppa knows. So see you soon. I have to meet Taeil oppa somewhere.


Will you do it Suyeon....


No promises....

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