
Melt the cold




















Wow i never thought you could cook all of this.


Well it's all in the experience of living alone and who doesn't love food.


Nuna you are like.... a striker.


Why is that so Haechan.


Well you own a cafe. A popular cafe. Everyone in the neighbourhood knows you. You're good at making all of things taste so yummy.


Aww... thanks. Alright. I will prepare all of this. You call the rest for me.


Unnie. You are done cooking.


Yeah. Left Taeyoung oppa to cook his side dish.


Finally home cook. So tell me what's the menu


Oh you see what you see Jina.


Wow, so much food.


Well sit down boys.


Nuna i miss your cookings


Yah you don't miss mine at all.


Taeil hyung. Are you for real.


Well at least i made perfect ramyeon.


Whatever. Anyways thanks Suyeon nuna for cooking dinner.


Its okay. Im thanking you all for helping me out earlier


Its nothing much. Im sure Yuta met alot of girls today


They are fine. If you need help you know who to search for.


You are using those girls as your minions.


Well if they want to im not forcing them.


Yuta will always be Yuta.


Kyaaa i'm done with my cooking. Omo it's rare to see everyone here on time.


Haechan just said food and we all went out.


Aigoo what is this smell.


Nice timing. Suyeon cooked dinner for us. Come sit.


I'm not hungry. I will be in my room


Jaehyun always kills the vibe. Mark wanna eat.


Let me go and wash up first. I will join you all soon.


Alright then. Lets dig in.



All settled down and started to eat. To your surprise. They have a big dining room that could fit in around 20 people. You found it fascinating but at the same time you were thinking about Jaehyun and Mark. Taeil saw your expression and nudged your elbow to get your attention.


Hey. What are you thinking about.


Them. Like they look so concern but seems so sorry


Well they are sorry for what they have done. They must be having something that dad ask them to do.


Don't worry much about them nuna. They aren't like that. They are more than who the are now.


Oh... okay...


You eat slower than I thought you are.


She has weak digestion. She don't like to eat normally or how Jungwoo hyung eats.


Finally you came down. I thought of stealing your food.


We have plenty for everyone.


You look at Mark and he gives a weak smile before sitting right opposite you.


Eat up. Suyeon cooks for us. Its nicer than Doyoungs food.


Hyung. Thats mean.


Well im done. Thanks for the food Suyeon ah.


You are welcome Johnny oppa.


Suyeon should do this once in a while it would be nicer than those meals that Doyoung hyung always cook.


Yah you got to be kidding me


Im done. Thanks for the food Suyeon.


Yah just eat and go. Dont make her reply every single time.


Its fine oppa.


Eat up. I will leave some for Jaehyun. Dont worry about him. Doyoung will feed him.


Thanks oppa.


Slowly one by one leave the table. Thank you for cooking something for them. Till the table left you, Mark and Taeil who is almost finishing his food. Just then Mark decided to speak up.


Dad told me that theres family dinner soon.


Really. Well its time to see the other half soon. I kinda miss them


Well not only that. She would be there too.


Well thats nothing to be expected on....


Hyung..... Dad told me something.


I bet he told you about the joker card.




Im not letting you doing it.


But hyung.


No Mark. I am not letting you doing it. Even how much he wants you to.


Hyung. You know how dad would just


When i say no. I meant it. That joker card is not something we should messed up on.


Still hyung its not like...


Listen. If your love one end up leaving you for good. How would you feel. What if one day you were so happy and end up she was killed by someone. What would you do.


I would be hurt....


That applies to the joker card. So don't try or you will regret through out of your life. I know you fell in love with her. But you cant messed things up. I wont let you do that. You once melt her cold and thats already enough to bare.


Mark stayed silent and not even looked at Taeil. You were so clueless as you dont know what is going on. Taeil finish up his food and leave the table. Not even a word was heard. Mark sigh and smile at you.


Thanks for cooking all those food.


Its okay. I understand what Taeil oppa said.


Wait you know it.


Mark. I know who your father is. I met him before when i was still in the same school with Taeil oppa. He is one of my dad greatest shareholder.


Oh.... well....


If theres something that you need to say. Just tell me. I dont bite.


Well.... my dad told me if you could attend the dinner with us


Wow. Dinner.


But it seems like Taeil hyung doesnt agree with it....


Sometimes Mark. Taeil oppa has some right words but its just him trying to protect me from the past. That is why he is acting like that. A dinner wont be hurt for me.


Really you would go even if Taeil hyung doesnt agree.


I will talk to him. Dont worry about it.


Well okay... Im not forcing you. Its just my dad want you to have dinner with us since we know you and you are our friend.


Dont worry about it. I will settle it soon.


Thanks Suyeon.....

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