Oppa, please?

Pretty Little Eyes (that I hate)

Part Two

Oh my god, you really showed up,” was how I was greeted after ringing the doorbell five times, his pretty little eyes (that I hate) looking exceptionally big at me.

“Yeah, I said I would, so here I am, big surprise,” I reply in full sarcasm, but can’t focus too much on insulting him because I am paying much more attention to his outfit.

He was wearing a low-neck white mesh, mothering mesh, shirt with a black leather vest over it, and if I can see correctly, the back of that was mesh too. To accessorize he had several bracelets at both his hands and a long necklace going down his chest. Making the outfit even more agonizing to look at, he matched this with a simple pair of blank skinny jeans, and when I say skinny, I mean thigh-hugging-skinny. He was so thin already, how small did they have to make jeans for them to hug him so perfectly? 

But that wasn’t the cherry on top of the cake, no, it was his hair. Normally, his thin strands of honey-brown hair were short, normal boy-hair length, so how in the hell were they four times as long, hair running a tad bit past his shoulder? Like I was even supposed to notice that instead of it’s usual straight perm, the strands were curled, no not curled, crimped in the most stylish way I have seen. And his bangs- they were to the side, making his face even prettier as it covered less than his normal, straight down bangs. 

Don’t even get me started on the makeup- it was so natural, yet a huge difference. 

When we went on dates he literally came out in his worn out t-shirts and shorts, but now he decides that whoever he was meeting for a good time needed this whole get up? 

But that’s pointless to think about because I don’t even care.

“Uhm, well, I really wasn’t expecting you to actually come,” was his only response, as he awkwardly looked around, and this just took me back years prior. 

Me, showing up at his door, and a nervous bundle of awkwardness opening the door for me, no sure where to place his eyes, that was exactly what I had replicated in front of me. Where did the Lee-bratty mc chatty-Taemin that always had endless insults go all of a sudden?

“Well, I did, so I’m coming in,” I announce, moving his hand out of the way so that I could actually enter. Did he expect to keep me at the door forever? 

I make myself at home, like I had plenty of times before and get out my laptop, but it seems Taemin’s still not over the fact I’m here, as the door is still open, he's standing at the doorway looking out. It takes him a moment and when he comes back, he comes back to the Lee Taemin I’m used to.

“Listen, you inconsiderate jerk,” he starts, “I don’t waste my life away playing video games like you do, so I have places to be, people to meet,” 

I refrain from scoffing, because ‘meet’ is a huge understatement, especially with that outfit. I’m not saying I like it, I’m just saying I know people would consider it attractive. People. Not me.

But I’d be crazy if I’m letting him go out like that, so I stand my ground, “ to , either we do the assignment now or your geeky self will have to deal with their first ‘F’ because I’m not planning on coming back here after being turned down the first night,” 

He stands there for a second, probably weighing his options, before he lets out an annoyed grunt, “Fine! But just know you’re being a bigger jerk to me than you think right now,” he replies walking over to grab his phone which had been laying down next to me. That should only make me feel even better, but for some reason the way he said it made me feel like I really was messing up his plans. Did that make me mad? No, but it did make me feel agitated. 

One night stands? That’s one thing, but for him to be so upset over missing one? That was different. 

He already had the phone to his ear, probably ready to let the other person know they wouldn’t make it, but I grabbed his phone and ended the call before the other line could pick up.

Fine, go, do what you have to do,” I don’t know why I’m being so nice, but the words came out before I could really think about what I was saying. Still, he shouldn’t have too much fun, so I add, “but be quick, I’ll wait here until you come back,” 

I want to slap myself because that doesn’t even sound like a good idea. I wait until he's finished getting ed? What am I, his house pet?

“No, Minho, you can’t just wait until I’m done, it takes longer than you think,” he sighs as he explains. Takes longer than I think? How much kinkier did he get in the past two years that it 'takes longer than I think'?

“I can wait for a while,”

“Minho, you’re not getting it, I’m not going to meet someone, I’m going to meet several people. This event will take longer than whatever you think,”

Several people? How much kinkier did he get- I didn’t know kinks were something that grew!

“Didn’t know you were into that,” was my only response. I mean- what else could I say?

“Gosh is all you have in your stupid head all the time? I have actual things to do, so,” he stopped here, closing his eyes, as if he was bracing himself for what he would say next, “please, could we do another day?” he said this part sweetly, and for a second I remembered my Taeminnie, the one who always talked to me in this way (partly because it was on his top 5 kinks).

“Don’t look so pained, you love begging,” I tease and I have the satisfaction of knowing it’s true. Normally, when I use his kinks as teasing he has no option but to let me win the round, as he has nothing nearly as embarrassing on me, but instead his eyes light up with a small glint. 

“And you love hearing me beg,” he begins, his eyes only becoming more mischievous. I never thought this could be turned around on me, “Please, Minho-hyung? Can we please move this to another day, hmm?” He ing begs, his eyes somehow begging too, and his voice is soft and airy.

His outfit didn’t help. Neither did the fact that for the past months it has only been me and my hand to take care of my urges.

“W-what are you doing-” I ask because I wasn’t used to this- not anymore. How was I supposed to reply with insults like I normall do when he was being so, so freaking seductively?

He had been walking to close to me that I had no option but to fall back onto the couch, which didn’t stop him from coming on top of me in return. 

Oppa, can we please re-schedule?” He begged, yet again this time using another one of his kinks against me. 

How was he doing that? 

I was not the one into getting called, ‘oppa’ by him! He was! He was the one! So why was I the one that seemed to be getting played here?

I hated to say this but I think I lost this round.

“O-of course baby, we can reschedule.” 

The only thing I was thankful of was that Taemin seemed so excited of the turn of events that he left immediately after, thus not having the time to tease me over my slip. 

'Baby'? How embarrasing, how the did that come out of my mouth.


To recap- 

  1. 2min used to date
  2. Tae was the little kinkky one and Ming was the loving boyfriend that simply loved anything that came out of him (but don't worry you'll learn all about Taemin's kinks later~~)
  3. Please comment and let me know what you think^^
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Chapter 21: Hi there
I'm new here and I just can't help to read this fic cause I like it so much
why Taemin such a brat here, I want to smack his head and kiss his cheek, oh I don't know
I need to know what's next
So if you have free time or better mood, please update
Thank you
Chapter 21: I'm so curious about what the Noonan said about Key. It doesnt seems like he has been rejected completely. If he lied about his Intel maybe that's because he is link to the dance universe by his family or past. She talked about competition. Maybe his family owned another dance academy... ahhh I like and dislike equally those mysteries ^^
I am sorry to read you are not happy right now in your life but happy that you can find some kind of support and comfort in writting and reading our comments!
To deal with your depression and bugging thought preventing you to write your story... why dont you write your dark thoughts as well? Not in order to publish them ( except if you want and need to) but to free your mind. Well for me that's working everytime I have a hudge grudge against someone or life ( feeling of anger, unfairness, deep sadness...) the only way to not endlessly ruminate this negativity are to write a letter to the person or even the thing bothering me. And once done I dont send it just it sooth me. Of course that wont erase the problem or my opinion on it but my feelings will be solaced and I will be able to think objectively and not feeling suffocated by chaotic feelings.

Hope It will be help and you will figure it out in a way or another. Dont hesitate to text me back if you want to talk more ;)

Ah ! Another thing: why is that I cant find your stories when I go on your profile page? I was able to find it only through comment history :(
Chapter 20: Indeed Key is perfect!
Dmat17 #4
Chapter 21: So worried about Tae. I hope it all works out and that you’re ok too. ?
Dmat17 #5
Chapter 21: So worried about Tae. I hope it all works out and that you’re ok too. ?
Chapter 21: For saying minho is being a jerk on last chapter Minho is thinking only himself too. Taemin just comin didn't know what happened before. And suddenly Minho's bestfriend got humiliated (taemin's fault) and so Minho stand up and get dragged and suddenly said to taemin you should come up to me and forget your dream. Again! Never talk it out first with Taemin. Taemin only have one dream after so long he sacrified everything (include being kind) and a step away to reach his ONLY dream he just want Minho to be beside him (forget about kai being ) but minho find it easy to say to taemin to burn your dream! It's different with jongkey case. Also if you read it again from prev chapters from taemin side you should understand what he think back then when they got break up. I would say there are always a reason why a person being rotten and destroyed. Taemin got trauma from the past? So now he'll do anything to get minho by his side. So that's why taemin's like playing with minho when they got back first time because he afraid of getting break up again? Anyway this story isn't ended yet so I might be wrong. But the author already tell the story from both side.
Chapter 21: I want you to know that even the you just updated the story it makes jump off the bed and happy about it. But even so you can write anytime as long as you get sleep enough. Don't feel burdened. Anyway back to the story, I do remember you said taemin isn't being truthful. And it's coming on this chapter. But I guess there are more?
Chapter 21: Health comes first! (of course, if writing helps your health, please do so :P ) and take as long as you need (look at me, I update every 6 months or more and somehow still have readers, go figure)

The chapter was not bad, it was dramatic! things are getting interesting. (Kai is an @$$)

Also, no calling the story ty. You are hereby not allowed to think negative thoughts about this story *angry pouty face*
Chapter 21: Take care of your health ?
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 21: Please take care of yourself - it's so hard to get out of your head sometimes?!
Kai is really stirring the pot!!