
Pretty Little Eyes (that I hate)

Part Eleven

“Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,” Jonghyun came rushing to the table, almost tripping over his short feet on the way, but I don’t comment on it because his face looks much too serious and rushed for me to make a joke. Especially about his height.

“Yes?” I question, just a tad bit intrigued by the urgency he holds in his eyes, but part of me thinks I shouldn’t bother because Jjong has the tendency to think the stupidest things are important.

“You will not believe my luck!” He exclaims and I think maybe I should be a good friend and sound interested, so I nod my head, urging him to continue as he takes a seat next to me. Key simply rolls his eyes (probably annoyed he wasn’t being directly talked to).

“What happened?”

“There’s this guy- he got into a car accident yesterday, total blow out, he’s in the hospital with a broken rib!” His excitement is off the roof, but I’m just staring at him with puzzled eyes.

How lucky for you…” I trail off with sarcasm. 

Should I be scared of Jjong? When I die will he like suddenly throw the biggest party ever or-

“No, you idiot! Obviously that part's sad, but he’ll be fine! Eventually...anyways the point is he was supposed to perform at the Dream Concert this weekend, and because they have no one to replace him they asked my club if they had any qualified people and, low and behold, I was the clear choice!” He finished this with a huge smile, and I’m pretty sure he explained everything perfectly, but I didn’t understand a thing. 

I really should, because all of my friends seem to be musically inclined in one way or another, so I should start to know these important clubs and companies and concert names, but they just never peaked my interest.

Well, I definitely should now, after all, isn’t my boyfriend in a super important organization? I should study up a bit and surprise him. 

My lack of response makes Jonghyun slam his hands on the table and sit down angrily, pouting as he does so, “Why don’t any of you guys care, this is such a big deal! It’s the Dream Concert! And I’m performing!” He’s sulking so I try my best to seem empathetic.

“I’m super excited for you, that’s really great,”

“Are you being sarcastic?”

“No, I mean it,”

“Then can your voice not sound so bored? It really is a big thing! You guys don’t get it, I’ll be doing a duet with someone from the best dance company out there, these people are no joke, if you get into this company you are guaranteed to make it big!”

“Well, it’s not like you’re in that company, right? You’re just performing with one of them,” Key retorts and I know he’s usually sour, but I’m not sure why he’s being so bratty right now, it was clear this was important to Jonghyun.

“I don’t dance, for your information, so I can’t apply to that company, okay?” 


“Aren’t you a dancer, why aren’t you in it?” Jonghyun counters and this seems to shake Key, his face going from uninterested to insulted.

“I don’t like wasting my time!”

Wasting? No, if you get into that company you wouldn’t be wasting your time!”

“They didn’t accept me, okay?!” Key yelled back in response, and although he’s usually so good at hiding emotions and only letting  people see what he wants to let them see, it was clear he was hurt. 

He didn’t get in.

Key? He’s so good though…

I clearly remember watching him and Taemin practice. Key isn’t just good, he’s so good he taught Taemin. And Taemin is perfect, if it weren’t for Key I don’t know if he’d be at the level he is now… How did Key not get in? It seems to hurt him so much too...

But, why was I the one feeling ty? I didn’t know about any of this, and I call these people my friends? How can I not know these things…


“Forget it, I’m going to class,” he gets up and rushes out of the cafeteria and I get up to chase after him, but Jonghyun beats me to it. I feel bad, but I know a group ambush would make him feel worse so I let it go.

I was still feeling somewhat guilty about all this as I sat quietly, but I was startled by the soft, “Awkwaaaaaaaaard,” that was muttered from my left.

“Since when have you been here!” I yell, clutching my chest, seeing Onew hyung’s small smile.

“Before you got here, that was awkward,” he comments as if nothing is wrong, but oh my god, I didn’t even know he was here!

“Make some noise next time, you scared me!”


I know it’s only been a couple of hours, but I haven't seen Taemin yet and I was starting to worry. He hadn’t been at lunch, and by the looks of it, he wasn’t going to show up to the only class we had together.

Seriously, where was he? He hasn’t even sent me a message…

“Minho?” I hear Kwon seonsaengnim call and I look up.


“Where’s Taemin?” I wish I knew too.

“Uh, I don’t know-” I try to begin answering, but a couple girls from the back interrupt me.

“Seonsaengnim! Why would you ask him! Minho-oppa is the last person to care about where or what Taemin is doing!”

“Don’t you mean who?” A girl from the group speaks up in between giggles.

They begin snickering after that and I turn back to the front, rolling my eyes at their comments, but suddenly Taemin is standing by the door looking flushed, probably after hearing the comments.


I should have spoken up, shouldn’t I?

Kwon seongsaengnim scolds him a bit for being late and he rushes to his seat, avoiding my gaze and I feel bad again. 

I spend the whole class period wondering how Taemin is doing, I mean people have said way worse, this shouldn’t hurt him too much… But he sits behind me so I can’t do anything but wait until the bell rings, and when it does I’m all the more grateful for it.

It takes me less than a second to turn around to ask Taemin if he’s fine, but he’s hurriedly packing his stuff and is out the door within seconds.

I sat in shock for a couple minutes before aimlessly walking to my car. No rush today, as it seems nothing good is happening today. It can’t get worse than this, right?

Yah, what are you doing! Walk faster or do I have to wait here for hours?” I hear the bratty demand, making me look up to see Taemin standing by my car. 

I can’t help the smile forming on my lips as I rush up to him, “Are you okay?” I question, concerned, because I really do feel bad over what happened earlier, I shouldn’t have just assumed because he gets called these things all the time it just suddenly wouldn’t hurt anymore to hear it.

“”Why wouldn’t I be?” He still has an attitude but it seems to falter at seeing me look so concerned.

“I just think people shouldn’t really say those things about you.”

“That’s it?”

“Yeah, or, I mean, is something else bothering you?”

“Forget it,” he mumbles, getting in the car. 

Did I miss something? I wasn’t sure what was going on… Regardless, he didn't seem in the mood for this so I went ahead and let him have his silence.

“So, I drop you off where?” I bring myself to ask in the midst of awkward silence. I knew he was mad, but I wasn’t quite sure of what, so I didn’t really know how to fix it.

“Drop me off?”


He scoffs before mumbling his reply, “At practice I guess,” 

Did I say something wrong again? “Wait- did you want me to stay with you?” I didn’t mean to act like I was just trying to get rid of him, but instead he only rolled his pretty little eyes (that I hate?).

“No, why would I want you there?” 

Okay, got it. So I am unwanted there.





On next chapter ill explain (if you guys even care), but right now i just want to upload and let you guys know i love you and I am sorry!!


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Chapter 21: Hi there
I'm new here and I just can't help to read this fic cause I like it so much
why Taemin such a brat here, I want to smack his head and kiss his cheek, oh I don't know
I need to know what's next
So if you have free time or better mood, please update
Thank you
Chapter 21: I'm so curious about what the Noonan said about Key. It doesnt seems like he has been rejected completely. If he lied about his Intel maybe that's because he is link to the dance universe by his family or past. She talked about competition. Maybe his family owned another dance academy... ahhh I like and dislike equally those mysteries ^^
I am sorry to read you are not happy right now in your life but happy that you can find some kind of support and comfort in writting and reading our comments!
To deal with your depression and bugging thought preventing you to write your story... why dont you write your dark thoughts as well? Not in order to publish them ( except if you want and need to) but to free your mind. Well for me that's working everytime I have a hudge grudge against someone or life ( feeling of anger, unfairness, deep sadness...) the only way to not endlessly ruminate this negativity are to write a letter to the person or even the thing bothering me. And once done I dont send it just it sooth me. Of course that wont erase the problem or my opinion on it but my feelings will be solaced and I will be able to think objectively and not feeling suffocated by chaotic feelings.

Hope It will be help and you will figure it out in a way or another. Dont hesitate to text me back if you want to talk more ;)

Ah ! Another thing: why is that I cant find your stories when I go on your profile page? I was able to find it only through comment history :(
Chapter 20: Indeed Key is perfect!
Dmat17 #4
Chapter 21: So worried about Tae. I hope it all works out and that you’re ok too. ?
Dmat17 #5
Chapter 21: So worried about Tae. I hope it all works out and that you’re ok too. ?
Chapter 21: For saying minho is being a jerk on last chapter Minho is thinking only himself too. Taemin just comin didn't know what happened before. And suddenly Minho's bestfriend got humiliated (taemin's fault) and so Minho stand up and get dragged and suddenly said to taemin you should come up to me and forget your dream. Again! Never talk it out first with Taemin. Taemin only have one dream after so long he sacrified everything (include being kind) and a step away to reach his ONLY dream he just want Minho to be beside him (forget about kai being ) but minho find it easy to say to taemin to burn your dream! It's different with jongkey case. Also if you read it again from prev chapters from taemin side you should understand what he think back then when they got break up. I would say there are always a reason why a person being rotten and destroyed. Taemin got trauma from the past? So now he'll do anything to get minho by his side. So that's why taemin's like playing with minho when they got back first time because he afraid of getting break up again? Anyway this story isn't ended yet so I might be wrong. But the author already tell the story from both side.
Chapter 21: I want you to know that even the you just updated the story it makes jump off the bed and happy about it. But even so you can write anytime as long as you get sleep enough. Don't feel burdened. Anyway back to the story, I do remember you said taemin isn't being truthful. And it's coming on this chapter. But I guess there are more?
Chapter 21: Health comes first! (of course, if writing helps your health, please do so :P ) and take as long as you need (look at me, I update every 6 months or more and somehow still have readers, go figure)

The chapter was not bad, it was dramatic! things are getting interesting. (Kai is an @$$)

Also, no calling the story ty. You are hereby not allowed to think negative thoughts about this story *angry pouty face*
Chapter 21: Take care of your health ?
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 21: Please take care of yourself - it's so hard to get out of your head sometimes?!
Kai is really stirring the pot!!