Lee-insert insult-Taemin

Pretty Little Eyes (that I hate)


Part One

“But, noona,” I whine and though it comes of as cute, it also has the manly charm that I know makes older woman crazy, “can’t you help me out this once? It’s not that hard of a favor...” I continue, coming in closer, to the point where there’s only inches in between me and her, her back pressed to the white board. Her face looked to the side as if she was thinking about it, which meant I wasn’t being persuasive enough.

I slam my right hand on the white board, closing the small gap between us, giving her face no option, but to look back up at mine, her eyes wide. Yeah, she was pretty, beautiful even, but I wasn’t doing this to pursue her.

“M-minho-yah,” she calls out and I know she means for it to be warningly, but there’s no way it can come out like that when my face is now only centimeters apart from hers. Was I going to have to actually kiss her to persuade her? I guess.

“I just don’t understand why you can’t do this favor for me, noona, I’ve worked so hard to be the best student you’ve ever had,” I’m really dragging this out, because I don’t want to have to kiss her, and thankfully she responds instead of leaning in.

“Minho-yah, of course you’ve been a great student, I just don’t understand, why you’re even asking of this,”

“I don’t care who you pair him up with!” I exclaim, now backing down, I was meant to keep my cool to continue persuading Ms. Kwon, but thinking to the situation I couldn’t help, but get agitated- noticeably. “As long as it’s not Lee Taemin, you can pair him up with whoever!”

“Okay, okay, I’ll change the partners so that they won’t get paired together, but you better get a good grade on your next assignment; oogly eyes and blowing me kisses in the middle of class doesn’t make you that great of a student!” she scolds me, but it’s kind of useless, I’m not listening, just happy I got my way.

The roles are reversed now, as she’s the one coming closer to me, as I lean against her desk, she’s leaning forward, her hands on either side of me laying on the flat surface. There’s no time for anything to happen- and I’m thankful I don’t have to actually start something with her yet. Yet. Maybe in the future, if I need something bad enough. Or if I fall for her. That’s possible too. Anyways, no time because the bell rings meaning it’s time for class and technically we could still have a couple moments alone, since everyone waits until the last minute to actually go to class, but striding in comes Lee- on legs himself-Taemin. He stops for just a split-second, his face completely shocked, probably not expecting to see us in this position from the get go, but he’s quick to change his expression, instead ignoring us as he walks to his desk, not before grumbling a small, ‘’, under his breath as he passes by me. I know he meant for me to hear him, and I know he was talking about me, but I also know that Ms. Kwon probably took that insult to herself instead, she quickly leaned off me, allowing me to also take my seat.

“Hypocryte much?” I ask, taking my seat, which happened to be right infront of his. I don’t bother turning to look at his face, instead I keep looking forward, my arms crossed at my chest, blowing a kiss to Ms. Kwon. It may or may not be so that a certain someone else could see.

He doesn’t reply, but I can just imagine him rolling his eyes at me, what a brat.

It doesn’t take long before the rest of the students come trickling in, Ms. Kwon scribbling down some last minute changes to her notebook, which I assume is the list of group pairings.

Once everyone is settled in on their seats, Ms. Kwon introduces our project and lets us know that she will be picking the partners for us, I don’t bother listening until I hear my name, “and Minho your partner will be Taemin,” she continues finishing off the last couple people, but I could hardly focus now- what? I asked her to separate him from Yesung (whom, which after some investigation, I found was the same guy I saw Taemin with in the hallway with), not to get me to be his partner! 

That is just as much as an inconvenience to me! I do not feel like dealing with his bratty attitude and annoying comments all afternoon as I blow off yet another project. 

Spending a whole afternoon with his pretty little face sitting in front of me? No thank you, I had better things to do, like literally anything at all. There’s some people you hate, and some you just can’t stand, Taemin is one of those. 

I don’t know what happens for the rest of class time, as usual, I’m not really paying attention. I just know that when that bell rings I’m off the clock and ready to go home, which is exactly what I get up to do when I hear that glorious bell that I have a love-hate realtionship with. 

I am stopped, however, but a tiny hand at my arm, and I turn to look back.

“Did I give you permission to touch me?”

“Calm down, frog prince, I was just wondering when we’d get together for the stupid project,” Taemin mutters, looking away as he speaks to me, almost as if looking at me for too long would make him throw up. Glad to know the feeling is mutual.

“Meet up? That’s sick, if you think I’m spending any more time near you then I have to, you’re sadly mistaken,” I reply, already starting to walk away, because as I said, just being next to him gives me the chills. How was I expected to last an extra hour with that?

“You think I want to waste an afternoon of mine doing this stupid project with you? I have plenty of better things to do-”

“You mean people,” I interrupt, and receive a roll of eyes from him. It’s no secret that Taemin has been coined one of the biggest s of our school. And you don’t get that name by speniding your afternoons doing homework. So what was he trying to tell me here? That because he had booty calls to attend to he couldn’t give me the light of day to work on this project- oh, I don’t think so. 

“What I do in my free time is none of your buisness, Minho,” It was a play on words with my name, but I could only scoff at it. What right did he have to call me that? “But, regardless, we still have to do this project,”

Why was he being so uptight about this stupid little project anyways? It’s not that big of a deal- except, if I remember correctly Taemin had been a straight A student all his life, I thought he had given that up when began being the school’s little , but I’m starting to think he instead managed to keep both occupations.

“You’re still a geeky little nerd at heart, aren’t you?” I tease, this time my voice is amused and not at all annoyed anymore. How could I be? I just found another fault in his stupid little persona, he knows it too, because I see his pretty little eyes (that I hate) give a glint of emberassment and I can tell by the way he bites the corner of his plump pink lips that he’s upset at himself for letting this fact be known. “They do say it’s always the nerds that are the kinkiest, and, well, if I remember correctly, you certainly check that box off,” 

His chubby, little porcelain cheeks turn a soft pink in emberrasment, I assume, and ignores my comment, “What time are you free, I can do anytime except from 8pm onwards,” 

What, is that the time he himself around? Oh my god, it very well could be.

“Great, I’ll see you at 8.” I reply going on my way, not waiting for the list of complaints from him. Let me just make one thing clear: I chose 8 to annoy him, not becasue I care what he does at that time.



Cute, huh? 2min is always cute

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Chapter 21: Hi there
I'm new here and I just can't help to read this fic cause I like it so much
why Taemin such a brat here, I want to smack his head and kiss his cheek, oh I don't know
I need to know what's next
So if you have free time or better mood, please update
Thank you
Chapter 21: I'm so curious about what the Noonan said about Key. It doesnt seems like he has been rejected completely. If he lied about his Intel maybe that's because he is link to the dance universe by his family or past. She talked about competition. Maybe his family owned another dance academy... ahhh I like and dislike equally those mysteries ^^
I am sorry to read you are not happy right now in your life but happy that you can find some kind of support and comfort in writting and reading our comments!
To deal with your depression and bugging thought preventing you to write your story... why dont you write your dark thoughts as well? Not in order to publish them ( except if you want and need to) but to free your mind. Well for me that's working everytime I have a hudge grudge against someone or life ( feeling of anger, unfairness, deep sadness...) the only way to not endlessly ruminate this negativity are to write a letter to the person or even the thing bothering me. And once done I dont send it just it sooth me. Of course that wont erase the problem or my opinion on it but my feelings will be solaced and I will be able to think objectively and not feeling suffocated by chaotic feelings.

Hope It will be help and you will figure it out in a way or another. Dont hesitate to text me back if you want to talk more ;)

Ah ! Another thing: why is that I cant find your stories when I go on your profile page? I was able to find it only through comment history :(
Chapter 20: Indeed Key is perfect!
Dmat17 #4
Chapter 21: So worried about Tae. I hope it all works out and that you’re ok too. ?
Dmat17 #5
Chapter 21: So worried about Tae. I hope it all works out and that you’re ok too. ?
Chapter 21: For saying minho is being a jerk on last chapter Minho is thinking only himself too. Taemin just comin didn't know what happened before. And suddenly Minho's bestfriend got humiliated (taemin's fault) and so Minho stand up and get dragged and suddenly said to taemin you should come up to me and forget your dream. Again! Never talk it out first with Taemin. Taemin only have one dream after so long he sacrified everything (include being kind) and a step away to reach his ONLY dream he just want Minho to be beside him (forget about kai being ) but minho find it easy to say to taemin to burn your dream! It's different with jongkey case. Also if you read it again from prev chapters from taemin side you should understand what he think back then when they got break up. I would say there are always a reason why a person being rotten and destroyed. Taemin got trauma from the past? So now he'll do anything to get minho by his side. So that's why taemin's like playing with minho when they got back first time because he afraid of getting break up again? Anyway this story isn't ended yet so I might be wrong. But the author already tell the story from both side.
Chapter 21: I want you to know that even the you just updated the story it makes jump off the bed and happy about it. But even so you can write anytime as long as you get sleep enough. Don't feel burdened. Anyway back to the story, I do remember you said taemin isn't being truthful. And it's coming on this chapter. But I guess there are more?
Chapter 21: Health comes first! (of course, if writing helps your health, please do so :P ) and take as long as you need (look at me, I update every 6 months or more and somehow still have readers, go figure)

The chapter was not bad, it was dramatic! things are getting interesting. (Kai is an @$$)

Also, no calling the story ty. You are hereby not allowed to think negative thoughts about this story *angry pouty face*
Chapter 21: Take care of your health ?
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 21: Please take care of yourself - it's so hard to get out of your head sometimes?!
Kai is really stirring the pot!!