I Was Wrong

Pretty Little Eyes (that I hate)

Part Thirteen

I could have gone after him, but what was the point? He was clearly being unreasonable and I don’t even think I actually did anything wrong!

Except, that wasn’t true… I did. There is absolutely no part of me that even thinks of Mrs. Kwon like that, so I don’t know why those words flew out of my mouth, but what could I do? He was yelling out the most unreasonable things.

“Ahhh!” I yell, kicking my blankets off as I throw a small tantrum. I was fed up! This is all I had been thinking about ever since I got home and there was no real answer, just me going around in circles. 

Should I apologize? Shouldn’t he apologize? Is an apology even needed? 

I had no answers.

“You're an idiot,” I suddenly hear from my left and fly out of my bed in shock as I stare at the man sitting in the corner.

“What the , Onew?!” I yell, clutching my hand to my chest. I have no idea when he got here or how long he’s been sitting in my room, but it’s really starting to freak me out how he just shows up places unnoticed.

“What?” He asks me calmly and I’ve never wanted to slap someone more than right now.

What are you doing here?” I can't believe asking this was even necessary.

“We made plans like two weeks ago,” he replies, getting up from his sitting position in the corner and coming to take my place on the bed, letting himself fall comfortably.

“A reminder would have been appreciated, I totally forgot,”  I mumble, getting up from the floor and getting back on my bed as well. “Since when have you been here?” 

“I came right after school so I waited a while before you got here, but then you came in throwing a tantrum so I thought I’d let you cool down a bit,” he replies, grabbing a pillow and snuggling into it. Is he crazy? I seriously wondered if there was something wrong with him every time we held a conversation together.

How did we even become friends? It’s a miracle to even me, and I bet if I asked him he wouldn’t know the answer either.

“Well, at least you can help me get out of my head a bit, I keep thinking and going in circles,”

“Yeah, I know, that’s why I said you’re an idiot,” he mumbles and I wonder if he knows how insulting that is, even if he says it as he has his eyes closed, almost as if he was in the middle of a nap.

“What do you mean? You don’t even know what I’m going through,”

“It’s Taemin, right?” 

“How do you know?”

“If it’s you, it’s always Taemin.”

“Well, yeah, he- we kind of had a fight,” I mumble, and half of me thinks I’m crazy for actually talking to him about this, but the other half thinks that Onew always has the best advice, so there was no harm in asking.

“You guys are always fighting, what’s new?”

“This time, I don’t even know what’s the problem. There’s definitely something there, we definitely have a problem, but I don’t know what it is. And if I don’t know what it is I don't know whose fault it is. If I knew that then I’d know whether I should apologize or-”

“Or whether you wait for him to apologize?” he finished the question for me but he was looking rather judgmental so I’m assuming my rant was only becoming tiresome to him.

“Well, yeah,”

“The problem is that you’re trying to find someone to blame. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your fault or whether it’s Taemin’s fault. You love him and he loves you, so maybe both of you should it up and apologize?” Hearing him say it outloud it sounded so easy, and the more I thought about it, the more I agreed as well. Except….

“Well, I know that I do love him. But what if he doesn’t? You said that it didn’t matter if we both loved eachother but Taemin’s just with me because he’s obsessed withs -”

OH.” Was all Onew said, cutting me off, as he sat up looking at me with a big smile. It’s creepy. “Nevermind wha what I said before, you’re the one at fault.” 

I was first of all offended by hearing him say that, because all I did was explain my point of view, how did I suddenly mess up? But second of all, he had the biggest smile on as if me being at fault was a good thing?

“You’re a bigger idiot than I thought, both of you don’t need to apologize and it up, you need to apologize and big time.” 

“What did I do?”

“Even thinking like that puts you at fault. How lowly do you think of Taemin to think all he cares about is ? And to top it off, I’m sure that insecurity in itself is what causd for you to  it up with him. Unless Taemin told you directly that’s all he cares about, it’s a huge insult to think about him like that. High school girls and boys spreading rumors? That’s natural, but if you’re going to go and pin that stereotype on him when you don’t even know if they’re true, then you can’t call yourself his boyfriend, much less a friend.”

I didn’t bother replying, instead taking my time to think about it. And I hated to admit it, but he was right. Goddammit. 

He was one hundred percent right. I keep telling myself I love Taemin so much, but I don’t even have the decency to confront him about my thoughts? And I pin on him all these views that are based on extensive rumors that although might be right, I’ve never even once asked him about?

And I dare have the right to get mad at him for what? For calling me a friend? 

I couldn’t be a bigger idiot.

“Judging by your face of epiphany, I think you see that my words are correct,” Onew interrupts me from my thoughts and its only then I realize I hadn’t said a word.

“I-Yeah, you’re absolutely right, hyung. I ed up.”

“So, fix it.” He got up, getting his bag from the corner of my room and walking out, leaving me a bit confused.

“Where are you going?”

“I’m guessing you’ll be a bit busy with this and I only have so much couple advice in a day,” was his short response before leaving and I didn’t really ponder on that much before sprinting for my phone and dialing Taemin’s number.

This couldn’t wait. Not now that I knew it was all my fault.

It took a couple rings, and I couldn’t help but have my foot fidget until the call was finally picked up and a shaky breathed-Taemin answered, “M-minho?” 

I couldn't help but have my face instantly light up hearing his voice, his sweet, sweet voice. Which I assume he’s still at practice if he’s so out of breath. I called because I had so much to tell him, so much to explain, but all that left my mouth was, “Taemin,” 

The line was silent for a the next couple seconds as I tried to find my voice,

“I’m sorry,”, “I’m sorry,”

I couldn’t help, but let out a chuckle as both of us apologized at the same time.

“Taemin, don’t, I really should be the one to apologize, I love you. Okay? And I’ve been stupid before and to be honest, I’ll probably be stupid in the futrue too. That’s because I’m an idiot. A really big one and I’m sorry you have to deal with me, but I promise you I’ll do my best to stop letting my stupidity get to you. I’m sorry, Taemin. I just wanted to let you know that.” Seconds ago I couldn’t get anything out, but now everything was coming out. 


“I’m going to make it up to you. One apology isn't enough. When are you off practice? I’ll pick you up. You know what? No. I’ll go there now and wai-”

Don’t come!” His voice was far too loud that even I had to flinch. “I-I’m not at practice, I got off a while ago,” his voice had calmed back down now, almost to a whisper.

“Are you home? I’ll go there instead-”

“No. Don’t. I-I’ll just see you at school tomorrow.”

“I-I get it. It’s a bit much, huh?”

“No, Minho, it’s not. That’s not what I meant-” 

“It’s okay. I get it. I do. I’ll see you at school tomorrow, but Taemin?”


“I’m really sorry and I love you, okay?”

I didn’t receive a reply before he hung up. Honestly, it kind of hurt. But I wasn’t going to let that bring me down, an apology over the  phone? I wouldn’t forgive myself so easily like that either. 

But it’s okay. I knew what to do. I dated him before, I could pull off the best apology ever. I happen to know exactly what he likes.


Don't get confused, this is a rollercoaster of a story, theres more to come~~~

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Chapter 21: Hi there
I'm new here and I just can't help to read this fic cause I like it so much
why Taemin such a brat here, I want to smack his head and kiss his cheek, oh I don't know
I need to know what's next
So if you have free time or better mood, please update
Thank you
Chapter 21: I'm so curious about what the Noonan said about Key. It doesnt seems like he has been rejected completely. If he lied about his Intel maybe that's because he is link to the dance universe by his family or past. She talked about competition. Maybe his family owned another dance academy... ahhh I like and dislike equally those mysteries ^^
I am sorry to read you are not happy right now in your life but happy that you can find some kind of support and comfort in writting and reading our comments!
To deal with your depression and bugging thought preventing you to write your story... why dont you write your dark thoughts as well? Not in order to publish them ( except if you want and need to) but to free your mind. Well for me that's working everytime I have a hudge grudge against someone or life ( feeling of anger, unfairness, deep sadness...) the only way to not endlessly ruminate this negativity are to write a letter to the person or even the thing bothering me. And once done I dont send it just it sooth me. Of course that wont erase the problem or my opinion on it but my feelings will be solaced and I will be able to think objectively and not feeling suffocated by chaotic feelings.

Hope It will be help and you will figure it out in a way or another. Dont hesitate to text me back if you want to talk more ;)

Ah ! Another thing: why is that I cant find your stories when I go on your profile page? I was able to find it only through comment history :(
Chapter 20: Indeed Key is perfect!
Dmat17 #4
Chapter 21: So worried about Tae. I hope it all works out and that you’re ok too. ?
Dmat17 #5
Chapter 21: So worried about Tae. I hope it all works out and that you’re ok too. ?
Chapter 21: For saying minho is being a jerk on last chapter Minho is thinking only himself too. Taemin just comin didn't know what happened before. And suddenly Minho's bestfriend got humiliated (taemin's fault) and so Minho stand up and get dragged and suddenly said to taemin you should come up to me and forget your dream. Again! Never talk it out first with Taemin. Taemin only have one dream after so long he sacrified everything (include being kind) and a step away to reach his ONLY dream he just want Minho to be beside him (forget about kai being ) but minho find it easy to say to taemin to burn your dream! It's different with jongkey case. Also if you read it again from prev chapters from taemin side you should understand what he think back then when they got break up. I would say there are always a reason why a person being rotten and destroyed. Taemin got trauma from the past? So now he'll do anything to get minho by his side. So that's why taemin's like playing with minho when they got back first time because he afraid of getting break up again? Anyway this story isn't ended yet so I might be wrong. But the author already tell the story from both side.
Chapter 21: I want you to know that even the you just updated the story it makes jump off the bed and happy about it. But even so you can write anytime as long as you get sleep enough. Don't feel burdened. Anyway back to the story, I do remember you said taemin isn't being truthful. And it's coming on this chapter. But I guess there are more?
Chapter 21: Health comes first! (of course, if writing helps your health, please do so :P ) and take as long as you need (look at me, I update every 6 months or more and somehow still have readers, go figure)

The chapter was not bad, it was dramatic! things are getting interesting. (Kai is an @$$)

Also, no calling the story ty. You are hereby not allowed to think negative thoughts about this story *angry pouty face*
Chapter 21: Take care of your health ?
Beau1996 1372 streak #10
Chapter 21: Please take care of yourself - it's so hard to get out of your head sometimes?!
Kai is really stirring the pot!!