Chapter 2

In the Rain

Eun Mi POV

Was I really this hated in this world? Does God really want me suffering alone? What would I do without Manager? Was I being watched over?

A soft caress could be felt on my face, gentle as the breeze.

"Eun Mi," the voice cooed, "you ARE loved. You ARE being watched over. You are not suffering alone. I am suffering with you."

That voice I thought where have I heard it? Kiseop? Is that you?

"Yes, Eun Mi," he cooed, bringing me into a soft hug, "you are not normal."

"Kiseop!" His name came out of my mouth, rolling off my tounge like butter. "Is that really you?" I buried my head into his masculine chest and breathed in his scent. Cherry blossom. My favourite. Does he stalk me? Nah.

"Yes it is, love," he chuckled, "come with me, to Neverland and live with my brothers. You will never be alone again."

It sounded like he was almost PLEADING me. I peaked at him from my bangs/fringes.

"Really?" I asked as he cupped his hand under my chin and tipped it upward. "Will I really be loved? Will I never be lonely again?"

"I never lie." He said simply. I hesitated. I really did believe him. My birthmark pounded with a soothing pain, as if it was agreeing with Kiseop.

"I trust you." I said at last.

Kiseop beamed at me, holding out his hand in a polite, loving gesture. I took it confidently, putting my full trust in him. I trusted him with my life. He better not screw up and make us both die. He closed his eyes. I observed his angelic face carefully. It looked so peaceful and angelic. Not like the fire he had the first time I met him. I was attracted to him. Almost as if we were meant for each other. It was almost like a magnetic rope pulling toward him. Yet, my guts told me that I had to be careful around him, that he could kill me with a snap of his fingers. I believed both my guts and instinct. But at this moment, my guts were stronger. I carefully inched away and he opened his eyes, smiling at me and gestured me to come closer. Then, we where into somewhere. All I saw were purple, pink, blue and green, all mixed together. Then, I felt myself land on something soft. To soft to be ground. 

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cupcake_cream #1
Aww! Their jealous! Update soon~
cupcake_cream #2
hm... I read your other FF, the Hello Baby with...who? I liked it! I love this one, too! Update soon!
OMG! I LOVE YOUR STORY 'MY MANEQUIN BOYFRIENDS!' It's such a good FF. Thank you for reading, commenting and subscribing! ^_^
Neverland1900 #4
its an interesting story...Update soon ^^
Thanks for taking time to read my FF!
kinspiremae #6
hope you update soon ^_
^ its interesting so far.