Chapter 2

What Can I Do

     Cameron pushed the glass door open and was welcomed by a rush of people everywhere. She tried dodged all the busy people as best she could while rolling her luggage around looking for an information desk. She spotted a desk in the distance and hurriedly maneuvered over to it. As she approached the desk the woman behind it looked her up and down. “Can I help you?” she said in a pretty good English accent. Cameron nodded. “Yes, um I’m the new intern from the United States. I was wondering which floor I needed to go on to meet with Yang Hyun-Seok?” The woman looked at her computer and began typing. She looked back up, “Cameron Shockley?” Cameron shook her head to her name. “You need to go to the eighth floor. Elevators are over there.” The woman pointed to the left of her. “Thank you,” Cameron said, but the woman ignored her. “Oooookay” she thought to herself as she made her way to the elevator. She pressed the up button and waited for the doors to open up.

     When the doors opened more people came out. Cameron waited till everyone was off before making her way inside. She pressed the eight button and made her way up. The doors opened up to a room with another woman at a desk. “I hope this one is friendlier” Cameron said to herself as she approached the desk. “Excuse me,” Cameron said. The woman looked up and smiled. “Yes? How can I help you?” Cameron smiled back. “I’m here to meet withYang Hyun-Seok , I’m the new intern from the United States.” “Ah okay!! Yes, he has been waiting for you. I’ll call and tell him that you’re here. Please have a seat. He will be with you shortly.”  “Okay, thank you,” Cameron took a seat in the corner of the room and bit her lip nervously. “He’s been waiting for me?!! I’ve probably been wasting his time…he probably has all these meetings that he needs to attend and I’m holding him up…” “Cameron Shockley?” Cameron snapped out of her thoughts and stood up. “Yes?” she asked as a man came up to her. “It’s finally nice to meet you, please follow me.” “So this isYang Hyun-Seok.” She followed him into a room and he shut the door behind them. “Please, have a seat,” he said as he took a seat behind the massive desk. Cameron grabbed a seat and sat at the edge of it, feeling nervous.

     “So how was your flight?” Yang Hyun-Seok asked her. Cameron cleared , “It was good…” He laughed. “That’s good. So we’re going to make this meeting short.” Cameron’s eyes widen, “He got so serious, so quickly…” “You’re here to be a stylist who wants to dress idols right?” Cameron nodded. “Okay, well I am assigning you to my group BIGBANG. You’re familiar with them aren’t you?” Cameron nodded again. “Good. I’ve seen you’re work, which is why I offered you the internship. So I expect good things from you. The members all have their own stylists except for Jiyong…so you don’t have to worry much about him. But I expect you to help him decide on things as well even if he insists on wearing something completely outlandish. Understand?” Cameron nodded again. “Alright, you will be living in this building. We have rooms on the tenth floor. Your room is right beside the boy’s rooms. So you will probably see them a lot.” Cameron just continued to nod not sure what to say. Hyun-Seok just laughed. “You’re free to go. Good luck and make sure to make my boys look good!” “I will sir!” Cameron bowed before she left and got back on the elevator. “OHMYINGGOD I’M WORKING WITH BIGBANG!!!!!!!” She jumped up and down throwing her fists in the air with excitement. Before she could calm down the doors to the elevator and two people stood there looking at her like she was crazy. Realizing that she wasn’t alone, Cameron composed herself and got out of the elevator.'s a baby update. :D



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kaytbear3 #2
haha seems cute so far!!!