Chapter 1

What Can I Do

     Waking up to the blaring sun hitting her face, Cameron groaned and rolled over in bed trying to block out the sun. Just as she was about to go back to sleep her phone alarm went off, Yo Ma Heart heart heart heart heart breaker!! Cameron buried herself deeper into her pillow trying to block the noise. “Cameron!!! GET UP NOW!” Cameron’s ears perked to her mother calling her from downstairs. Knowing her mother doesn’t like to repeat herself, Cameron immediately got up. She turned off her phone and rubbed the sleep from her eyes. Still tired,she shuffled out to the stairs. Not paying attention and still being half asleep Cameron missed a step while going down and fell. She hit the tiled floor at the bottom of the staircase with a loud thump. “!” she yelled while lying there in pain. Her mother, not rushing to her aid, called from the kitchen. “WATCH YOUR MOUTH!! AND WHAT WAS THAT NOISE!!!??” Cameron groaned. “Nothing mom, just me falling down the stairs, nothing to worry about, I’m sure I didn’t just break a leg or anything.” She wiggled her limbs to make sure they were alright. “Oh okay, as long as you’re alright!” Called her mom. Cameron picked herself off the floor and walked into the kitchen.

     “Why aren’t you dressed? You have to leave in about 30 minutes to make it to the airport.” Cameron just shrugged and sat down on one of the bar stools. Noticing something was wrong, her mother stopped what she was doing. “You do want to still go…don’t you?” Cameron made circles on the counter with her index finger, “Yeah, I do still want to go…it’s just…I’m just not sure about how people will react to me being a foreigner and all. Plus I’m not all thin like the girls over there; my figure is different from there’s.” Her mother placed a hand on Cameron’s shoulder. “You will be fine Cam. Don’t worry about what people say, anyways just have baby fat on you still, nothing to worry about. It will go away when you get a little bit older.” Her mother pinched Cameron’s cheeks and went back to what she was doing. Cameron rubbed her face and pouted. “Okay, so go get dressed and bring your luggage down, we’re going to be leaving soon.” With that Cameron went upstairs and got dressed.

     Cameron stepped in front of her full length mirror and looked at herself. “I don’t see baby fat at all. It’s obvious my mom is trying to make me feel better about myself, but…at least my outfit looks sort of cute…thank god for all those fashion classes or else I’d look as bad as I feel about myself.” She adjusted her cardigan and turned away from the mirror, feeling worse than ever about leaving for Korea. “I hope this internship goes well. I need to start new and get away from everything.” Cameron stuffed all she could into her suitcases and stepped out of her room and walked down stairs where her mother was waiting for her. “You all set?” she asked taking one of the bags. Cameron nodded and followed her mother out to the car. They got in and drove off, Cameron said goodbye to her old life, and prepared herself for her new one.


In Seoul, South Korea:

     Finally arriving in Seoul, Cameron was feeling extremely tired. The whole plane trip to Korea, the people beside her were just gawking at her, I guess not use to seeing a foreigner. She could speak Korean pretty well, and spoke to them. The people were surprised by her Korean and commented on her pronunciation every time she spoke. As she stepped outside of the airport, she walked around looking for a man with a card with her name on it.  Cameron finally spotted her name and hurriedly walked to the man, for she was running a little late. The man greeted her and opening the door for her. Cameron smiled at the driver and got into the car, while the driver put her bags into the trunk. “Maybe it won’t be as bad as I thought it would be. Everyone seems friendly…maybe my size won’t matter so much here. I wonder if the people in the YG building are going to react the same way.” She said to herself as the driver finally got behind the wheel.

     As they were driving through the traffic, Cameron strained her neck against the window to see all the buildings and different shops around. The car started to make a right and pulled up in front a tall building. Cameron looked out the window and could not believe this is where she gets to intern at. “Omo, it’s so…pretty.” Her door opened and she stepped outside. She continued to gaze up at the building while her luggage was being placed beside her. While she kept looking at the building, the driver tapped her on the shoulder. “Miss, you go inside now.” Cameron felt embarrassed for being blinded by the building and nodded at the driver. He waved goodbye and got back in the car, leaving Cameron alone at the entrance of the YG building. “Well…here goes nothing.”


lol, okay so this is a random idea of a story I've thought about

maybe people will like it, maybe some won't.

but.. I am trying something different.

So bare with me even if this first chapter..isn't very good

or if some things don't make sense. ^^~

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kaytbear3 #2
haha seems cute so far!!!