A Conversation

A Simple Distraction

Jungkook found himself in a bit of a daze, and the next thing he knew Rebecca was sitting down at a booth and he was joining the table. They were in a small and cozy space that was a little run down with cracks showing in the walls and mismatched tables and chair sets.

“The family who run this place are really nice and make really nice pastries as well as coffees!” She hurried to explain, obviously worried about his reaction.

“That sounds really nice.” Jungkook said honestly.

“Some places here in Melbourne are far too pretentious for my taste.” She scrunched her face adorably.


“Hi Bec! I am surprised to see you here with someone.” A kind looking older woman spoke in English, carrying a small notepad and pencil.

“Don’t get used to it.” Was the self-deprecating reply from the blushing girl.

“Latte as normal?”

“Yes please.”

“And for you?” The woman looked to Jungkook next.

“Cappuccino please.” It was one of the only drinks he felt comfortable asking for.

“Coming up.” The woman left with a smile at Rebecca.


“So are you visiting Melbourne on a holiday?”

“I am.” Jungkook hesitated, wondering what information to give that would not be too revealing. His desire for a normal conversation that was not bogged down by his group and their popularity stopped him from being completely honest with Rebecca. He did not know if she would recognise his face or name or if she was even aware of KPOP and BTS, but there was no way he was risking it. There was a chance she would know, and then he would be stuck alone with a fangirl.


“Do you work?” He winced internally at the awkward topic change. Thankfully she either did not notice or did not mind.

“I do, I work as a freelance translator.”

“I wondered about how you knew so many languages.”

“I have always picked up languages really quickly, so it made sense.” Rebecca shrugged.

“It sounds to me like you are downplaying it.” His comment made her blush more and tuck a lock of hair behind her ear. She is endearing he thought before he could stop himself.


“Here you go!” The waitress arrived at the table with their two drinks and placed them down carefully in front of them.

“Thank you.” Rebecca smiled, Jungkook echoed her sentiment.


Looking down at the coffee, the singer remembered that he would need to take off the mask in order to drink it. I guess I might as well find out sooner or later. Like he was ripping a band aid off, Jungkook yanked his mask down before glancing to see Rebecca’s reaction with no small amount of trepidation. She was raising her own cup to her lips and looking at him, but there was no recognition or surprise in her eyes. Catching his gaze she smiled softly.


That makes this easier. Jungkook sighed in relief and took a sip of his drink, letting out a satisfied hum. It was a nice coffee. Settling back into his seat he found himself relaxing for the first time since he had run into the other. He also allowed himself to look her over. She was wearing a floral dress with a bright yellow cropped cardigan.

“You look adorable.” A moment passed before Jungkook realised he had said that out loud and he groaned, shoving his head in his hands in embarrassment.

“T-thank you?” Rebecca looked equally embarrassed, her face flushed red.

“Sorry, I did not mean to say that aloud.” he admitted in shame.

“How about I even us up then? You are very handsome.” She smiled shyly, focusing back on her coffee immediately afterwards.


“Thanks… Now I have made this awkward haven’t I?” Jungkook groaned in defeat.

“Well it was already an awkward situation.” Rebecca shrugged with a smile, “I mean, we are having coffee after meeting each other half an hour ago when you ran into me and I hurt myself. It was weird from the start.” He found himself laughing, realising the absurdity of the situation. Soon she joined in and they settled back into silence, some of the awkwardness dispelled.


“So what do you do for work?”

“I am a dancer.” The half lie rolled of his tongue with ease. It really is not a lie; you do a lot of dancing. A small voice inside his head reminded him.

“Oh cool, has dancing always been a passion of yours?”

“It has, I am really lucky to have my current job.”

“That is great; it is good to be able to do what you love.” The smile Rebecca gave Jungkook was warm and genuine.

“Do you love your job?”


Rebecca looked thoughtful for a moment. “I do, I work for some charities and non-governmental organisations and I feel good helping people link in with services that they need. I think I just like being of use, and I have the ability with a few languages to do that.” Again, Jungkook was struck with the self-deprecation in her tone.

“You do good work then.” He simply said.

“How long are you in Melbourne for?”

“Another four months I think.” The change in topic caught Jungkook completely off guard, but it gave him an opportunity. “I would like to spend more time with you while I am here. If you want to as well.” The smile he got in return filled him with warmth for being the cause of it.

“That sounds great. I have pretty open hours, so let me know when works for you.”

“How about tonight?”

“That soon?” Before Jungkook could retract the invitation she continued, “Sounds good. I know a cool cocktail bar if you want to give it a try. Maybe we can meet back here in a few hours to give us both time to freshen up.”


Jungkook agreed, and took down her number on his phone. He noticed the texts from his Hyungs and winced. They are going to lecture me about this. Still Jungkook could not bring himself to care that much. This was nothing serious, and they had only a few press obligations while they stayed here. It truly was more of a holiday than anything else, and their managers had told them to find ways to entertain themselves. Jungkook smiled over at Rebecca, unable to regret his decision in that moment.

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miyoonji #1
Chapter 7: That was a long holiday for idols. Were they on hiatus? I am curious when and how will he reveal his identity to her.
Chapter 7: I love how caring Jungkook is and damn I am curious when he will reveal his real name to her
good job authornim <3
Chapter 5: authornim you had at this chapter
Chapter 1: Pretty cute so far huehue
BreeHj #5
Chapter 5: I am so happy that I found you! Your writing is superb! I found myself immediately drawn in! Can't wait to read more! BRAVO!
Sounds promising