
A Simple Distraction

“You can’t just disappear like that Kookie!” Jin worried, running his hands through his hair. “We need to know where you are, especially when we are in a foreign country!”

“Jin is right; you can go off on your own but just let us know when you are going to do so.” Namjoon joined in, calmer than the eldest.

“I’m sorry for worrying all of you.” Jungkook bowed his head with genuine remorse, “I had just wanted to explore, and then got distracted by something.”

“We are just glad to see you are alright.” Taehyung reassured the younger.


All of the other BTS members had been waiting in their hotel lobby when he returned, in various stages of worry and panic. Seeing that their youngest was alright they had whisked him off to Yoongi’s hotel rooms (that the thankfully had to themselves, gone were the days of sharing).


Jin sighed, “It is alright Kookie, and you just worried us. We all want to enjoy this time off, let us just make sure we keep each other updated on our whereabouts from now on.”

“I will, I promise.” No time like the present to bring it up I suppose… “I have plans to go out tonight.”

“Cool! Can we come with?” Hoseok chirped up. Jungkook shuffled on the spot awkwardly. Yoongi’s eyes opened in understanding while the other members remained confused.

“I think this is a solo adventure, right Jungkook?”

“Yes!” The youngest nods vigorously.

“You probably want time without us smothering you right?” The rapper helped him out.

“Exactly. I love you guys, but I want to feel a bit independent for once. Exploring a new city alone and all that.” Jungkook did not think he sounded all that convincing but the members accepted it without question. A small sliver of guilt made him swallow heavily but it was for the best. They would never let me go if I told the truth.  


“Well the rest of us are going to Lygon St to try some Italian food.” Hoseok explained, “We should probably get ready now.”

“Let us know if you get bored and want to join us!” Taehyung chirped, hugging the maknae before leaving for his own room. The rest of the member’s aside from Yoongi said their goodbyes and filed out.

“It is a girl right?” The rapper asked when they were finally alone.

“What?” Jungkook was caught off guard by the question.

“Come on, you do not need to play dumb with me. You met someone and are going out with her tonight are you not?”

“Yes.” He knew better than to lie directly to the other man. “It is not really a date though; she just invited me to a bar.” The look Yoongi levelled at him was full of disbelief.


“I mean, I literally just ran into her and she hurt her ankle. I felt bad so I helped her home and then she invited me for coffee and then to a bar tonight.” The sequence of events sounded ridiculous when spoken out loud.

“Just be careful. If you are messing around with a fan it could get messy-“

“She is not a fan hyung, just a normal girl. I just think she will be fun to pass the time with.” Jungkook shrugged indifferently, uncertain of exactly how true that statement was.

“Fine, if you say so. Just use protection and all that.” Yoongi waved him off.

“Hyung! I am not having with her, we just get along well!” the other snorted at that.

“How exactly do you get along well with a foreigner? I know your English is not amazing – just admit she might be a good lay and move on.”


Jungkook could feel his hackles rising, and the overwhelming need to stand up for Rebecca took over. “She is not just some lay! She speaks Korean fluently and I enjoy talking to her. I am allowed to speak to girls without wanting to have with them!”

“Jungkook, calm down. I did not mean anything by it.”

“Sorry hyung, she is just a nice girl. I do not want anyone, even you, seeing her in a poor light.”

“Kookie, be careful with yourself. We are not here forever ok?” Yoongi’s voice had softened with concern and Jungkook hated that he was right.

“I will be fine; I am not taking this seriously.” With that Jungkook left the room and went back to his own, his mind occupied with so many thoughts it was difficult to think straight.


He knew that it was a dangerous and silly path he was treading. There was just something about Rebecca that captivated him, and Jungkook was not strong enough to resist the urge to see her once more. He wanted to impress her, make her smile and see her laugh. Entering the keycard into the door slot he waited for the beep and let himself in to his room. His first move was to take a shower, hoping that time under the warm spray would help him think.

I need to stop overthinking. He decided as the water beat down on his back. I can just enjoy her company; there is no need to complicate it so quickly.


Once his skin was blushed red all over from the heat Jungkook exited the shower and dried himself methodically. He took a moment to consider what he should wear. They were going to a cocktail bar, so he wanted to dress nicely. The night was also likely to be cool. He settled on a pair of plain jeans with brown boots paired with a button down shirt and black leather jacket. Looking at himself in the bathroom mirror the performer dried his hair before brushing it down neatly. Checking his phone for the time, Jungkook realised that it was time to leave if he wanted to be at the café on time. Exiting his room, he looked left and right to ensure none of the members were around to question his outfit and rushed into the lift as he sent a message to Rebecca informing her that he was on the way.


Rebecca’s phone buzzed with a message from Jooheon. The nervous bubbling in her stomach increased when she saw that he was on the way. She turned to investigate her own reflection in her mirror, mentally critiquing every aspect of her outfit. She had settled on a navy blue shirt with a peter pan collar which was tucked into a polka dot skirt. A grey jacket with a hood sewn in was thrown on top and she was wearing dark tights and flat boots. The boots were a loose fit luckily, so the added bulk of the ankle strapping did not stop them from fitting.


Honestly he did not say he wanted this to be a date, we are hanging out as friends and that is all. She tried reminding herself, but still was unable to calm down. Deciding that she looked as good as she was going to get, Rebecca made her mind up to head to the café already. With her ankle it would take a while and she did not mind waiting for a bit.


Ten minutes later she found herself at the café, taking a seat at one of their empty outdoor tables. Her ankle was already throbbing gently in reproach to her use of it but she was more than prepared for the pain. As the minutes passed Rebecca debated just leaving and ghosting on Jooheon, although that seemed unfair to do to him.

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miyoonji #1
Chapter 7: That was a long holiday for idols. Were they on hiatus? I am curious when and how will he reveal his identity to her.
Chapter 7: I love how caring Jungkook is and damn I am curious when he will reveal his real name to her
good job authornim <3
Chapter 5: authornim you had at this chapter
Chapter 1: Pretty cute so far huehue
BreeHj #5
Chapter 5: I am so happy that I found you! Your writing is superb! I found myself immediately drawn in! Can't wait to read more! BRAVO!
Sounds promising