The Meeting.

My sweet medusa. (HIATUS)

He loved the screams and cheers from the audience. It was his source of energy, the reason he goes on. Even more rewarding was the sight of Shirley waiting for him backstage with a fresh towel in hand.

'Hey! You enjoy the show?' he addressed her, taking the towel and drying himself off.

'Mm, most definitely!' came her reply. 'Hey..If you're not too busy, I wanted to ask if you'd like to come with me and Seunghyun to our cottage in the countryside for the weekend. Since he's free, and the tour's over now, I'm assuming you are too? Our parents wanted to have a get-together, and one of my bestest friends wanted to meet Seunghyun. I have no idea why.' Shirley rolled her eyes.

Chuckling at Shirley's sarcasm, JiYong agreed to spend the weekend with the Choi's.

He nodded at the others, 'They invited?'

'Yes, of course! I mean, we're all friends right?'

'Alright. Let me get my stuff and we can get out of here.'


Half an hour and a bag full of clothes and supplies later, JiYong and the gang were headed to Shirley's SUV to camp the night away.

'I CALL SHOTGUN!', yelled Seungri.

'HEY! NO FAIR! YOU ALWAYS GET SHOTGUN!', retorted an angry Daesung.

'Whoa. Chill guys. No need to fight over the front seat... CAUSE I'M GETTING IT. SO HAH!', laughed Youngbae.

'Ayee.. Look at these children. Sigh'. The way JiYong shook his head mesmerized Shirley unexplainably. The way his hair so softly grazed his cheeks, the way the wind was hitting his head at exactly the right angle.. She caught herself staring before any of the others could. Phew.

As the guys piled into the car, the long car ride that awaited them didn't feel so long..

They sang '101 Bottles of Beer on the Wall' until all the bottles had been knocked down.

It was actually somewhat impressive, the way they freestyle remixed it, and added their own raps to it .. Who knew corny good-for-nothing songs could actually be so fun..Hmm.


Hot showers, and a delicious dinner later, the boys decided it was time to set off some fireworks to celebrate a show well-done.

As the crew - minus JiYong - hiked out to the lakeshore beside the huge mansion-like cottage 20 feet away, JiYong and Shirley sat down with their drinks to have a leisurely chat.

'So Shirley.. Why don't you tell me about yourself?', smiled a very cute JiYong.

'Eh? Like what? What do you want to know?'

JiYong chuckled. 'Mm.. How about like.. your life story?'

'Hm.. Well. I came from Korea, my birth name is Choi Parkmin, but I moved to Canada at an early age, so I changed it to Shirley. We moved around for a bit to different provinces and such, but we settled in Ontario. How're you liking this beautiful country of ours?'

'It is beautiful, isn't it.' Not as beautiful as this girl, and her hypnotizingly-tender voice, JiYong thought to himself. She had gorgeous flowy dark brown, almost black hair, that perfectly framed her petite face. Her skin was pale, and it glowed under the light of the stars. She was almost a head shorter than himself, and she looked to weigh no more than 55kg. She wore an oversized hoodie, a pair of jean shorts, and some black flipflops that she changed into after the concert. If he thought she looked darned stylish in her earlier getup of a leather jacket, ripped denims, navy-blue high-top converse, and a whole lot of shiny accessories, he was stunned at the angelic aura that almost surrounded her whole self.   

'Ah, look! A shooting star!' exclaimed the young girl as she eagerly pointed her index finger towards the sky.

He redirected his attention to the heavens above, and they both enjoyed the view of the flying points of light in the midnight sky in a comfortable silence.

'Ahha! Shooting stars! So beautiful!' screamed the others. By some unknown bond between these boys, they began singing Wonderful in perfect harmony. It was a spectacle to witness, and Shirley was eternally grateful for bringing everyone here.

The adults came out from their dining room, and after the show was over, ushered everyone inside for bed, for it was getting chilly this beautiful July evening.

JiYong leaned in, close to Shirley's ear. 'I'll see you tomorrow?' he asked, hope in his voice.

'Yup, you betcha! Goodnight JiYong!'

'Haha, sweet dreams Shirley.'

They walked their separate ways, leaving JiYong in a wonderful bliss from a wonderful day.



Ahh, i'm sorry if this chapter was boring. ; ;

I promise it'll get better soon!  

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asianFrustration #1
lol already pregnant, ditto...but don't tel jiyong..or daesung or seungri or taeyang! lol update soon~
asianFrustration #2
OMG! Thats how my friend greets m on the phone too! lol sometimes she goes "hey asian!" I feel like something good's happening next chapter update soon~
--venissa #3
kekeke c:
update soon! ^^;;
asianFrustration #4
yaaa canada!
You are off to a good start! Update soon ;)
asianFrustration #6
lol TOP's excuse to leave sounded pretty gay xD. Of course it's Daesung that ruins the moment but i think he saved him from a chicken joke towards a girl..Maybe he saved him..i dunno update soon ~
Ajtothehustler #7
sounds interesting. update soon