The One and Only.

My sweet medusa. (HIATUS)

'Shut up, boy', countered Lee June, snapping her fingers at him in hopes for him to back off, but all she got was a smirk.

'Well..It looks like you guys are already acquainted..' mumbled a surprised Shirley, looking back and forth between both her friends.

'HAH. ACQUAINTED. YOU HEAR THAT LEE JUNE? WE'RE ACQUAINTEEED.' JiYong couldn't seem to stop laughing, it was making Shirley crack up too.


'I never knew.. I mean, I've met JiYong-hyung a couple times before through Seunghyun.. but we've just recently became like, good friends.' Shirley admitted shyly.

JiYong was extremely excited that Shirley thought of him as a good friend of hers, but he wanted to tell Shirley about him and Lee June.

'Ehh..', he nervously started. 'We-'

Once again, Lee June was quick to cut him off mid-sentence.

'What he's trying to say is that we were pen pals in grade school.'

'Yeah, and once Big Bang debuted, guess who was the first to try to contact me again? Heh. Lee June you meanie. I still remember your attitude to this day!' JiYong chuckled. 'Looks like you finally succeeded in your mission to get to our hyung today!'

'OH MY GOD. IS HE HERE?' she quickly forgot about her verbal brawl with JiYong at the mention of the one and only Choi Seunghyun.

'Yup.' smirked a sly GD. 'Here, why don't I call him for you?' JiYong then turned towards the empty hallway. 'SEUNGHYUN-HYUNG! THERE'S SOMEONE HERE FOR YOU!' he happily called.

No response. Yet Lee June was already hyperventilating and sweating like a crazy puppy. ( puppies sweat? e_e)

As footsteps started becoming more distinct, JiYong grabbed Shirley's arm and led her away.

'Haha. Have fun, June. I hope you get pregnant under his stare.'

Already pregnant, Lee June thought to herself.


Aiiiishhh, he's holding onto my arm!, Shirley screamed in her head.

Omo, is he letting go? Ahh, I hope not. His hands are so soft and gentle.. hm.

'Shirley? You okay? You seem kind of spaced out', questioned a slightly worried JiYong.

Oh! He let go, and I didn't even notice. Nice one Shirley. Nice. She mentally slapped herself.

'Ah, I'm fine JiYong. Let's finish eating. The egg's are almost done' she smiled, reassuring she really was fine.

She heard a familiar chuckle and asked him what was so funny, that kept him laughing the whole morning.

'Haha, I don't know. Partly because of Lee June. Ahh.. those memories. None of them were good', he smiled to himself. Also because of this beautiful girl cooking me breakfast, he thought.

'Oh. Sorry I didn't mention she was coming.'

'It's no problem, Shirley. It's just a pleasant surprise. She's been on TOP-hyung since forever. Haha. You two close?' he asked, taking a piece of toast from the remaining meal the others left for them.

'Yeah, you could say that. We've been best friends for a while now, and we do everything together. We even went to your concert in Japan, remember? We decided to attend some friends' wedding there, and just then you guys had a concert. It was super fun.' she praised the eating man. 'Alright! Let's eat' she smiled as she piled food onto plates and handed one to JiYong.

Pleasant conversation was made about friends, families, concerts, and anything else random they could think of. Time was of no essence to both.


'OMO. TEE. OHH. PEEE. AHHH~' screamed a fangirl-ing June.

Seunghyun nodded a 'sup' and waved, causing Lee June to melt into a puddle of giddiness.




find out next update~ :D


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asianFrustration #1
lol already pregnant, ditto...but don't tel jiyong..or daesung or seungri or taeyang! lol update soon~
asianFrustration #2
OMG! Thats how my friend greets m on the phone too! lol sometimes she goes "hey asian!" I feel like something good's happening next chapter update soon~
--venissa #3
kekeke c:
update soon! ^^;;
asianFrustration #4
yaaa canada!
You are off to a good start! Update soon ;)
asianFrustration #6
lol TOP's excuse to leave sounded pretty gay xD. Of course it's Daesung that ruins the moment but i think he saved him from a chicken joke towards a girl..Maybe he saved him..i dunno update soon ~
Ajtothehustler #7
sounds interesting. update soon