She doesn't waste her time.

Love is mental.

Amber drove her way to a small convenience store near the familiar hotel, she parked the car and entered the store. Krystal was left speechless when she saw Amber not saying a single word and just going out of the car without bothering to tell Krystal where she was taking her. After ten minutes, Amber came back with a small box in her hands.

“What’s that?” Krystal asked.

“A phone” Amber shortly replied and started setting up the small device.

“Oh my God” Krystal chuckled “Did you just really buy me a burner phone? Are we drug dealers now? Am I your partner in crime? I can be the pretty one, y’know” Krystal said sarcastically and Amber found it annoying so she reserved her words.

“Here, I’ve put my number so you can call me” Amber said with a serious look on her face. Krystal was getting worried, for some reason she didn’t want to be left alone. Sooner or later the police are going to investigate the crime scene they just left, the neighbors are going to complain about the rancid smell coming from the crack house and even if she wanted to deny it, she was careless. She left her shirt on the floor, covered in the men’s blood, with her fingerprints on it.

“Are you gonna leave me?” The younger girl asked Amber while looking at the small phone on her hands.

“Why do you care? I thought you wanted to be out of the city by now” Amber said raising a brow, turning on the car’s engine.

“Oh c’mon Amber, you know I can’t leave this hole now” Krystal said.

“I’m not, for now” The short-haired girl said. They arrived to the hotel and Amber left Krystal on the room. Hotel rooms are all the same and because of that Amber couldn’t help but to remember the night Krystal tied her to the bed.

“Stay here, I won’t be long” Amber commanded but before she could exit the door Krystal stopped her. They say history repeats itself.

“Why are you being such a to me?” The shorter girl asked while blocking the door.

“I’m sorry, am I being a ? I just saved your Krystal. TWICE” Amber tried to reason with the ice-looking girl but the latter was still furious.

“I don’t want this” The younger girl said handing Amber the burner phone and collecting her backpack.

“What are you doing?” Amber asked, confused by the girl’s actions.

“If you’re going to act like some kind of ‘savior’ and to expect that I owe you something then I’m out of here” Krystal said, she fixed her backpack and stood in front of Amber as if she was waiting for a response.

Amber sighed and rolled her eyes. “Okay, I’m sorry” She said while she handed back the phone to Krystal.

Maybe Krystal was right, maybe because she’s sick she doesn’t know the magnitude of her actions but Amber was no one to be judging her right now. I shouldn’t be to hard on her, after all she’s still a human, right? Amber thought. But then there was that feeling again, the feeling of protectiveness towards Krystal, the feeling that she needed to hug that precious girl and to hide her from the world.

“Just, stay here a little, I need to go get my clothes” Amber said and Krystal moved away from the door so the tomboyish girl could walk out.

“You’ll come back, right?” Krystal said, before Amber could respond, she wrapped her arms around the older girl, hugging her from behind. Amber froze at the action and became stiff.

“I will” She shortly replied moving away Krystal’s arms and walking out of the room.

Krystal stood there dumbfounded by her actions. Why did she hug Amber? Was that really necessary? God, she’s making me sick, she thought. She went in the bathroom and splashed her face with cold water, sending shivers down her spine. It was January, the weather was cold and she needed to wake up. Her plan was to make Amber fall for her, not for her to fall for Amber. But was there such thing as love? Was there an emotion for her to feel? It is water clear that Amber was developing feelings for her, otherwise why would she stay? Why would she look for her in that crack house? Why would she still be here after learning that she killed three men?

“This is bull” Krystal sighed and walked to the bed to sit.

With her tendency to over analyze everything, Krystal kept on trying to figure out what’s wrong with her, she’s never felt something like this in her life and doesn’t know how to put a name to it. Guys came by her life while she was a schoolgirl but she never got herself to say it was love, the feelings where temporary and she used to get tired of the atmosphere soon. But with Amber was different, for some reason she couldn’t get tired of her and the moment the other started acting like a hurt Krystal.

“This can’t be right” Krystal said in a low tone and let her body rest on the bed completely.


Amber made it to her mom’s mansion and once again tip toed her way to her room, she landed a foot on the wooden floor of her room and a squeaky sound gave her away.

“Amber Liu” Her mom called her. She thought of not answering and just pretend like she wasn’t there, but the fancy woman came out of the room and with a death glare she pointed a finger to Amber and motioned her to come near her.

“Hey mom, what’s- what’s up?” Amber stuttered.

“Where do you think you’re going?” The shorter woman asked.

“I’m just gonna go get some clothes” Amber said with a cheeky smile and scratched the back of her neck.

“Because you’re going to…” The old but classy lady said, eyes glued on the gulping tomboy girl in front of her.

“I’m gonna… stay… with, uh- Luna! I’m gonna stay with Luna” Amber cheered at her fast and not so ‘dumb’ response.

“Oh, are you? Really?” The older woman raised a brow making Amber sweat like crazy.

“Well then, tell her I say hi” Her mom said walking away and Amber sighed in relief.

Luna was Amber’s ex, they met in Los Angeles but when they broke up two years ago, Luna flew back to her hometown, which happens to be Seoul. Her mom always adored Luna because she said that the girl was humble and refined, she always praised her sense of humor and the way she took care of Amber.

After that encounter with her mom, Amber grabbed her whole luggage that was lying on the floor, since she came here, she hadn’t been able to unpack and she thank herself for that. She ran down the stairs and before she could exit the mansion her mom called her again.

“Honey, don’t forget to give Sulli her choko pies” Mrs. Liu shouted from her master bedroom.

“Ugh, the god damned choko pies” Amber said under her breath and exited the mansion, ignoring completely her mom’s request.

When she drove to the hotel only one girl was on her mind, Krystal. The last 24-ish hours she’s spent with the girl had been the most stressful yet interesting of her life, and now imagining herself living with Krystal was almost giving her butterflies. How would she look like when she wakes up? Will she be smelling like strawberries the whole time?

Questions flooded Amber’s head but she shook them off as she thought will I ever know who she is? As much as Amber wanted to trust the younger girl, there still was that question, she doesn’t know who she is, what she’s capable of, and she’s not sure if she wants to find out completely. Before she knew it she was already in the parking lot of the hotel, she hesitated before stepping out of the car and grabbed her things. She walked by the lobby to the elevator and pushed some numbers, arriving to her floor she approached to her room’s door and noticed that it was slightly open, she carefully put her luggage on the floor trying not to make a sound and opened the door slowly.

She looked around the room and Krystal wasn’t there, “What a ing surprise” She said while grabbing her bag again and fully entering the room, she opened the closet to put her luggage in place when she saw Krystal’s backpack was there, Amber furrowed her brows and walked to the bathroom to see if something was there, she saw water dripping out of the faucet and proceeded to kitchen, she though that maybe Krystal went out for some air… to have some space, but she started panicking when twenty minutes passed and she wasn’t returning, when she was about to exit the room, she saw a familiar silhouette outside the hotel in an alley, struggling to get out of the grip of the other, the girl pulled and pushed.

Amber ran and didn’t bother to take the elevator, she ran the stairs and with her last breath made her way to the alley. There she was, Krystal was struggling against… Jackie???

“Jackie, what the are you doing?” Amber asked her sister while she separated the both girls.

“You didn’t take her to the hospital, Amber” Jackie said trying to regulate her breathing.

“No, I didn’t, but It’s none of your business… did you follow us?” Amber asked in disbelief, her sister is supposed to be supporting her.

“I’m worried, Amber. She’s a killer” Her older sister replied.

“Look, Jackie, it’s okay, she won’t harm me” Amber said, she put a hand on her sister’s shoulder.

“You don’t know her, Amber” Jackie said.

You don’t know me, ” Krystal jumped in the conversation and Jackie glared at her.

“What did you call me?” The older sister asked, ready to fight.

“No, guys! Stop. Jackie go home, Krystal let’s go” Amber commanded and Krystal obeyed.

“You don’t get it Amber, she’s getting between us” Jackie shouted but Amber ignored her sister and kept on walking to the hotel.

“Why did you leave the room? I told you to wait for me” Amber scolded Krystal.

“We haven’t eaten, it’s been a day Amber, I was hungry” The younger girl said while hiding her hands on her hoodie’s pocket.

“Well don’t do it again” Amber replied.

“What? Be hungry?” Krystal asked, amused.

“I mean… ugh- Jesus. Just text me next time, okay?” Amber stopped in front of Krystal, her eyes were giving a different feeling to the conversation, Krystal saw how worried Amber was.

“You look cute when you’re worried” Krystal said and pinched Amber’s cheek before passing by her and walking to the hotel’s lobby.

“Don’t call me cute, I’m older than you” Amber whined while catching up with the girl who was already in the elevator.

“But you are” Krystal pouted. Amber didn’t want to but ended looking straight at her lips, she’s dangerous.

When they arrived to the room Krystal went straight to the kitchen and took two ramyun cups and a bottle of water.

“Wait… you don’t have any money” Amber said raising a brow.

“Oh no, this?” She asked while pointing to the food. “I took some money when I hugged you before you left” She nonchalantly said.

“You ing thief” Amber gasped sarcastically, at least the girl bought some food with it.

The day passed quickly as the girls accommodated themselves in the room.

“I’m gonna shower” Krystal said, they just finished eating the ramuyn. “Wanna join?” She said and winked at Amber, the latter gulped, shaking her head.

“No thanks, I’m good” Amber said avoiding eye contact.

“Sure” Krystal said and disappeared into the bathroom.

C’mon Amber, don’t fall in her game, she said to herself mentally, as much as Krystal was a tease, she couldn’t let this kind of things happen, or at least not now.

“I need to know” Krystal whispered. She was getting ready to shower when she got the wonderful idea to tease Amber and to know if what she’s feeling is real. Since Amber left her in the room by her own she kept on analyzing the possible answers to her behavior and it all pointed to one main answer, she’s attracted to Amber. She wasn’t sure if Amber was weak enough to let Krystal in, but one thing was sure, she is trying.

After a speedy shower, Krystal prepared herself for the ‘action’, she sprayed her perfume on her body and she adjusted the towel for her to walk out of the bathroom in it. She’s gonna think this is so cliché but it, she thought as she fixed the last details.

“You can shower now” Krystal notified Amber who was busy looking for some clothes on the closet.

“Can’t find anything you like?” Krystal talked again in order to get Amber’s attention.

Amber turned herself to Krystal with a pair of jeans and a shirt on her arm and as she laid eyes on her she lost it, “” she cursed.

Krystal smirked as she said “Seems like now you found something you like”, she approached Amber and placed her hand on the jeans she was carrying on her arm, “Nice jeans” She whispered on Amber’s ear, sending shivers down her spine.

“What? Did the cat got your-“

Amber didn’t let Krystal finish, she started kissing the younger girl passionately and almost demanding. She dropped the clothes she was carrying and focused her attention in Krystal and Krystal only. Krystal responded the tomboy girl’s kiss with the same intensity as she wrapped her arms around Amber’s neck. The older girl pushed Krystal to the bed and grabbed the latter’s arms, putting them up as she started to kiss down Krystal’s neck.

“You don’t waste your time, huh?”

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I apologize if the ending was disappointing in any way👀 I will make it up by uploading some oneshots about the Kryber family later on, if you are interested👀


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2073 streak #1
Chapter 13: Still reading
2073 streak #2
Chapter 28: I love this story so much
2073 streak #3
Chapter 13: Rereading this story again!
2073 streak #4
Chapter 29: I love the way you describe the messiah complex in this story. Totally relatable and surprisingly common but we often don't acknowledge it
Hey author you had make this story to disable offline reading.Can you change is please?
snackplate #6
Chapter 30: I have two things to say.
1. Thank you for writing this beautiful story. Mental health is same important as physical health. You did great at explaining & tackling the issue.
2. Stay strong & have faith. Ignore the bad people, go have fun & make new friends. You can do it author!
2073 streak #7
Chapter 30: I’m reading this again and again
2073 streak #8
Chapter 8: Amber does indeed have a messiah complex, but I don’t know what would happen if she doesn’t have that. Where would they go? For the better or worse?
2073 streak #9
Chapter 2: No wonder why Liu is an after this, damn Jung is crazy
2073 streak #10
Chapter 29: Wait there IS an epilogue