Blood is on the knife.

Love is mental.

Jackie was driving her desperate little sister to the airport. After the officer told them that they never saw a girl, Amber didn’t believe it and demanded to go and see it herself. As they were almost arriving to the parking where the Camaro was untouched, Jackie thought of confronting her sister so she stopped doing stupid things and getting in trouble.

“Amber” Jackie called her but she was too busy looking for Krystal on the street.

“Amber! Look at me!” Jackie commanded and got Amber’s attention.

“What now? Jackie” The short-haired girl turned to her sister.

“You got to return her to the mental hospital” Jackie sternly said.

“What if she’s hurt?” Amber reasoned, looking out of the window again. Jackie was losing her.

“No no, look at me” Jackie insisted, she parked her car behind the Camaro and pulled her sister’s arm for her to face her again. “She is sick. She must return to the hospital. Amber what you did is illegal, they’re looking for her and if they know she was the one in your car they’re going to look for you too. Let’s just give them the girl and live our lives as if nothing happened”

Amber was confused, she didn’t reply to her sister but she was thinking of the situation. How far can she go for a girl she barely knows? For a girl that stole her car and money. The ten minutes Amber stayed with Krystal weren’t enough for her to unpuzzle the girl, in Amber’s eyes Krystal wasn’t dangerous, otherwise she would’ve stabbed her or something. She’s got mixed feelings about her and that is not helping her to do the right thing.

“Please tell me you’re doing it” Jackie pleaded.

“I… Jackie” Amber hesitated, looking away from Jackie’s gaze.

“Ugh, I can’t with you, really” The older sister said as she walked out of her Mercedes, Amber followed and they stopped again in front of the airport gates. “You’ve made a decision; I can see it in your eyes. Amber it may not be the smartest decision you could’ve made but it doesn’t matter, I’m your sister. I won’t leave you alone. I promise” Jackie said and hugged Amber. It felt so good for the sisters to be reunited like this, but they knew. Jackie told Amber that she is not leaving her because she knows exactly that the one leaving again is Amber, years have passed and Jackie never changed. With Amber’s decision they had no other choice but to start living as fugitives, mostly Amber.

After they hugged, Amber started looking for a familiar face in the airport facility. She ran through the restaurant area, the restrooms, the recreation rooms, the waiting lobbies, there was no Krystal. She started getting impatient and asked people around if they saw her but all she’s receiving is ‘no’. she exited the facility and approached to Jackie, who was leaning on her Mercedes.

“She’s nowhere to be found” Amber said, trying to stabilize her breathing.

“Maybe she did get to escape” Jackie said.

Amber didn’t listen to what her sister just said and instead went to the Camaro to learn that it was open. She entered the car and started looking for anything, the strawberry scent Krystal had was all over it. Amber opened the glove box but found nothing, her hand landed on the edge of the diver’s seat and felt a familiar texture, it was her wallet.

“What the hell?” Amber asked in confusion. She opened the wallet and found out that her money was still there, then how could she run away with no money? She thought. There was something weird about this situation and because Amber is not very sharp, she couldn’t get the answer right away. She stepped out of the car and walked towards her sister.

“She left my wallet” Amber said, she threw the wallet to Jackie.

“Great, how much did she take?” Jackie asked while opening the wallet.

“She didn’t take a single penny” The younger sister replied, she leaned herself on her sister’s Mercedes and scratched the back of her neck.

“That is way too weird. How could she run away without any money?” Jackie asked while looking attentively to the main gates of the airport.

“That’s exactly what I thought” Amber sighed.

“What if she went to a crack house? You don’t know if she does drugs” The older sister asked, now turning to see Amber’s side profile.

“What do you mean?” The short-haired girl asked while turning to face her sister.

“Oh, I forget you lived in L.A…. this zone right here is very famous for its hidden crack houses” Jackie said and pointed with her index finger to all the block they were on.

Amber looked at her surroundings, she sighed. There were about five houses that could look like crack ones. Great, she thought, she was about to enter crack houses to look for that Krystal girl and she didn’t have anything to protect herself with, no knife, no gun, nothing.

“I can handle it from here, Jackie” Amber said.

“No, you can’t” Jackie backfired, she went to the Mercedes’ trunk and came back with a hammer.

“What the are you doing?” Amber asked her sister with the biggest eyes possible.

“I’m helping you. You really are dumb enough to just run to the crack houses this is Sparta style and get yourself killed, this is our weapon now” Jackie said swaying the hammer in the cold air.

 “You’re mental” Amber said walking away from her sister to enter the first selected ‘crack house’.

The door was unlocked and as soon as Amber opened it a strong smell filled the air. “Oh my God” Amber exclaimed while covering and nose with her hand, this was no drug smell, it was worse. The short-haired girl looked back to where her sister was and nodded, they started walking slowly through the corridors. The house was oddly quiet, syringes and weird substances can be found lying on the floor, the windows where covered in newspapers and black graffiti spray and there was no furniture. The sisters kept on walking and the smell got stronger, it smelled different… it smelled like dead animal. They reached a room, the last one. Amber carefully opened the door and revealed a pile of three bodies lying on the ground, a small ray of light coming from the window hit one man right on the face.

“Holy ” Amber murmured and stepped back, letting Jackie take a glimpse of the scene.

 “Oh my God. I’m going to throw up” Jackie exclaimed.

“You again?” Amber heard a voice. She squinted her eyes to have a better look on the partially dark room and found a pair of sneakers right on the corner of the room. Without hesitation, the girl stood up from the corner and took a knife out of her backpack, Amber instantly panicked and started to walk backwards.

“Krystal…?” Amber asked in confusion, the girl is not stopping.

“Stop bothering me” Krystal said in a cold ice tone and kept on walking towards Amber.

On a rampage, Krystal ran towards Amber, Jackie tried to hit her with the hammer but her younger sister blocked her, getting right on the way. Krystal swung her arm towards Amber and the latter dodged the stab, she grabbed Krystal by her arms and started trying to make her reason.

“No no!! Wait” Amber pleaded while fighting with Krystal.

“It’s me!!! It’s Amber” The short-haired girl said, she put her arms in the air indicating that she was unarmed and that she wasn’t going to hurt Krystal.

“Amber…?” Krystal murmured.

“Yes, it’s me. Calm down” Amber said and approached slowly to take Krystal’s knife.

“Amber…. Amber!” Krystal came back to her senses and hugged Amber tightly. She turned to her sister and Jackie gave her a what the actual look while she shook her head.

“Are you hurt?” Amber asked Krystal as she started caressing her back. She still doesn’t know what’s up with her, the girl was in that room, filled with dead bodies, and not a single tear was falling down her cheeks.

“I’m okay” Krystal shortly said.

“You killed that men, didn’t you?” Jackie asked Krystal. The older sister was disgusted, seeing how her stupid little sister was all protective and made her stomach upside down, the girl was clearly a killer.

“I had to” Krystal replied, she broke the hug with Amber and walked to Jackie, she stood right in front of her almost as if she was challenging her.

“Amber get her in the car, we’re taking her to where she belongs” Jackie commanded and walked out of the house.

Amber was speechless, she locked her eyes on the dead bodies again and couldn’t believe Krystal killed them. She was standing there paralyzed, trying to gain the courage to say something, anything. She looked at Krystal’s back profile, she was just standing there with her arms crossed like the very first time she saw her in her vulnerable state, somehow the fact that she killed three men didn’t change the way Amber still sees her, like a scared little girl.

“Krystal… we need to go” Amber stuttered.

“Amber please, I don’t want to go to the hospital again” Krystal said turning to Amber, she walked slowly towards the short-haired girl.

“You need help, professional help” Amber said getting closer to Krystal, she could see the shorter girl eyes getting glassy.

“But I didn’t mean it Amber” Krystal confessed.

“I don’t know what to believe okay?!!!” Amber yelled making Krystal flinch.

“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scream” The short-haired girl said.

“Can you trust me?” Krystal asked, it was really dark in the house but Amber could feel here intense gaze landing on her.

“C’mon are you really-“ Amber tried to reject Krystal but she cut her off.

“Can you trust me? Amber” The younger girl almost pleaded.


When Krystal arrived to the airport she parked the Camaro right in front of the main entrance, she checked her backpack one, twice, even a third time to make sure she had everything she needed in order to survive. “I guess I won’t be needing this” She said upon seeing her pocket knife, she was about to get out of the car when two men approached the Camaro and opened the door for her.

“Get lost crack heads” She adverted as she stepped out of the car.

“Nice wheels, babe. Where’s your boyfriend?” A guy with a nasty scar on the nose asked.

“He’s in his lab, stitching people’s chopped bodies to create a monster” Krystal said and passed by the men, almost making it inside the airport.

“Huh seems like we’ve got ourselves a freak, bro” The other guy said.

Krystal was feeling something was going down, she tried walking faster but the guy with the scar stopped her and grabbed her by her arm.

“Let me go, !” She shouted. The funny thing about Korea is that if you shout, kick, punch, ask for help a million times, no one will come. Upon seeing the scene Krystal was making, people only could assume that she was trying to get attention so they kept on walking, ignoring completely the cry for help.

“Hey chill, let me invite you to my place, you’re gonna like it” The guy said and with the help of his other friend they started dragging her to a nearby house.

When they opened the door Krystal couldn’t help but to have horrible flashbacks of her being dragged to the red room, she’s hearing the screams all over again, she’s smelling the same disgusting smell of blood and metal again, she’s fighting for her life again.

“Stop moving ” One of the guys said and Krystal was totally transported to her last visit to the red room, the guys were talking and joking about her but all she could hear was Minho and Jonghyun talking about her hopeless state and about increasing volts.

She lost her will to fight as she remembered her past in the hospital and ended up being carried around rather than being dragged. A third guy appeared and they all went to the last room, the room as one guy said. They dropped Krystal’s body on the floor and she grunted in pain as she held her ribs.

She was pissed and before anyone could do anything to her, she grabbed the pocket knife and assaulted one man after another. Her hand moved mercilessly against the guys’ bodies, blood rushed to their knees and their screams were fading, living them lifeless on the floor. Krystal panted and with her shaking hand she wiped the sweat on her forehead, leaving a smudge of blood. She walked to the corner on the room and saw her hands and knife covered in blood, she panicked.

“Not again” She said between her heavy breathing. She took a shirt from her backpack and wiped the blood off her hands, when she was done, she threw the shirt away and folded her knife.

She was left there, trembling, head hung low between her knees and her arms wrapped around them. She didn’t cry, she couldn’t cry, she was desperate, she wanted to leave, but now she’s killed four men in total.


“I can’t” Amber shortly said and grabbed Krystal by her arm to her out of the house.

Krystal squinted her eyes when they came in touch with the bright morning, she lost track of time and because the house was dark, she thought it was still midnight.

“Get her in, we’re leaving now” Jackie said jumping inside her Mercedes but Amber shook her head.

“Let me take her, I need to take my car too” The younger sister said as she extended her hand to Krystal, the latter looked at Amber’s hand then at her and then at her hand again.

“My keys” Amber said rolling her eyes.

“Oh, sure” Krystal replied while looking in her backpack, she then handed the older girl the keys.

“Amber please, do what’s right” Her older sister said giving her a terminating look. Amber didn’t say a thing and walked Krystal to her car. She the Camaro and adjusted everything so she was comfortable, she incorporated herself on the street and drove to the hospital.

The trip was quiet, Krystal was looking out of the window wondering where did her plan go wrong, she had everything but in a blink of an eye she lost it, killed the men and now she is going back to her purgatory.

“We’re here” Amber said parking the Camaro in front of the hospital. She quickly put the sunshade on her car’s window. Although she needed to hand over the girl, she didn’t want the police to know Krystal was already there.

“Don’t do it Am” Krystal pleaded, her hands found her way to the short-haired hands and she started rubbing her thumb against Amber’s skin.

There was just one thing left to do. Seduce Amber. Krystal knew that the tomboy girl was feeling something towards her, she’s seen the way Amber looks at her and the way she is confused about letting Krystal go. I need to use this, Krystal said to herself while she caught Amber stealing glances to her lips.

Amber on the other hand was a complete mess, the way Krystal caressed her hands was making her think twice her decision, the way Krystal’s big round eyes were inviting her to trust her, the way is dry and hands are sweaty, she knew it.

I can’t have feelings for her… I barely know her, and plus, she’s a murderer, Amber thought.

“Fine, whatever” Amber said and moved the sunshade away, then started the car.

Krystal was left dumbfounded as Amber changed her mind in a matter of seconds. This one should be easy then, she thought. Amber was mentally praising herself, she totally fooled Krystal, she had a new goal, finding who this girl was. Krystal can be as manipulative as she wants but the truth is that Amber could finally see through her, the short-haired girl understood Krystal’s motives, and now she had no other choice but to make the psychopath fall for her, once she knows the truth then Krystal can have a taste of her own medicine.

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I apologize if the ending was disappointing in any way👀 I will make it up by uploading some oneshots about the Kryber family later on, if you are interested👀


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2073 streak #1
Chapter 13: Still reading
2073 streak #2
Chapter 28: I love this story so much
2073 streak #3
Chapter 13: Rereading this story again!
2073 streak #4
Chapter 29: I love the way you describe the messiah complex in this story. Totally relatable and surprisingly common but we often don't acknowledge it
Hey author you had make this story to disable offline reading.Can you change is please?
snackplate #6
Chapter 30: I have two things to say.
1. Thank you for writing this beautiful story. Mental health is same important as physical health. You did great at explaining & tackling the issue.
2. Stay strong & have faith. Ignore the bad people, go have fun & make new friends. You can do it author!
2073 streak #7
Chapter 30: I’m reading this again and again
2073 streak #8
Chapter 8: Amber does indeed have a messiah complex, but I don’t know what would happen if she doesn’t have that. Where would they go? For the better or worse?
2073 streak #9
Chapter 2: No wonder why Liu is an after this, damn Jung is crazy
2073 streak #10
Chapter 29: Wait there IS an epilogue