What a way to start school

Jennie's Choices
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I am Jennie Kim, also known as Jennifer Ruby Jane Kim but people hardly call me that. I would be turning 21 years old this year and I'm preparing to enter my first year of university. Studying has always been my forte and it has been my hobby.

Whenever I am feeling stressed, sad, angry or happy, you'll find me in the library or at home doing what I love best. Studying.

Apart from being known as Jennifer Ruby Jane Kim, people know me as the biggest nerd in school. Always topping the charts at being the number one at everything. Ranging from mathematics to english, to science and even chinese.

I was not only good at studying, I had a talent at studying. I love and enjoy studying while I work my hardest to excel in them. Never will you find me procrastinating at doing my homework as I get it done the day I receive it.

Being a nerd has its pros and cons. The pros would probably be a good GPA to secure a well-paying job in the future, a better resume when searching for work and also making my parents happy. As for the cons, well... It doesn't really affect me much but I don't really have many friends to hang out with, I haven't been in a relationship yet despite living on this earth for 21 years and I also get picked on and laughed at a lot for being a study freak.

None of those cons matter much to me as I have the bestest friend I could ever have.

Stirring in my sleep, my eyelids fluttered open. My legs were tangled in the sheets along with another pair of legs. A hand was resting on my waist. My eyes were met with the sleeping view of the sleeping beauty.

We had known each other since we were young as our mothers were close friends with one another. Plus, we had attended the same school and we had been glued to one another since then. I wouldn't complain as my best friend was the best thing that happened to me in my life so far.



We had just moved in to a rental apartment together as it was closer to campus. Travelling time was an hour shorter compared to staying with our parents and we decided that getting an apartment close to school was the best idea.

It was an average apartment which came furnished. There were two bedrooms, a living room, a bathroom and also a kitchen that had all the basic cooking appliances for us to cook some dishes.

The whole of yesterday was spent unpacking the boxes as we organized our items in our respective rooms. It took us almost the entire day when we were finally done moving in.

Jisoo decided to hang out in my room with me and we laid in bed together as we were watching a movie. We were watching Our Times, a sad romantic taiwanese movie when she fell asleep the moment the third subtitles came on.

She was really tired and sleepy before the movie even started. I guess sleep just hit her like a truck as she was snoring as loud as Snorlax. Her head was leaning against my shoulder as my back rested on the headboard of the bed.

Carefully, I turned the TV off using the remote controller and I slowly placed her head down onto the pillow. It seemed as if I was on slowmotion as my actions were really slow. Like super duper slow.

When I was done placing her head on the pillow, I pulled the blanket over her and walked over the turn off the lights. I tucked myself in bed and nestled up beside Jisoo. "Goodnight sleepy head."



Slowly, I untangled my legs from her's and I gently placed her arm to her side. I got out of bed and bumped into a few empty boxes on my way out. I made my way into the kitchen and cooked a simple breakfast for both of us. An omelette and some hotdogs at the side.

I went into the bedroom to wake Jisoo up as we had to leave for the first day of school in roughly an hour time. Waking her up was no easy feat. She was a monster in the morning and she would spare no mercy to anyone and everyone who woke her up from her slumber.

"Get lost..." She slapped my hand that was shaking her shoulders away but I didn't stop there. I grabbed both of her shoulders this time round and shook her even harder. "Stop it before I stab you."

I stepped back a few steps after her threats and I looked around for anything that could help me wake this frightening creature up. Spotting Jisoo's favorite, I picked it up and poked it gently on her face.

"Pika pika... Wakey wakey." I used the hands of the Pikachu and poked her cheeks. This seemed to have done the trick as her eyelids fluttered open before closing again. "Urgh... 10 minutes more please."


"Chu, Pikachu is sad that you keep sleeping and ignoring him. Wake up and play with him before he cries." Jisoo finally woke up as she sat up in bed and lifted her hands up. I passed Pikachu over to her and she hugged him tightly while giving it a peck on its head. I smiled at the child in my bestfriend as I reminded her that we had school and needed to get going soon.

5 minutes later, she emerged from the bedroom and she sat down at our small dining table. We started digging in and devouring our food before we got dressed and ready to head to school.



Jisoo was going to drive today and we both got in her car.

"It's a pity that we aren't in the same class. Why do you have to go and be a Business student?" Jisoo grumbled as she had her eyes fixed on the road. I had always been interested in taking up a business course and I decided that was going to be my major. As for Jisoo, she was better in the creative aspect and she decided to major in Music.

"Being in business might allow me to earn more in the future! Plus, I can't see myself being a Music major because I'm not good at singing or anything."

"That's not true! Your voice is one of the best I have ever heard. And remember how you rapped to Outsider's fastest rap song? Damn you spit bars and fires everyone would be blown away by you!" Jisoo always praises me for my talent in music but I always thought she was just exaggerating because she wanted me to take Music with her.

"Hmm... Yeah sure. Anyways we'll be meeting for lunch later on right?" She nodded her head as she pulled in to the carpark and expertly parked her car in a parking lot.

We got out of the car to a group of students m

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I'll try my best to update but I'm starting to get busy so there might be slower updates until Late August :)

Are you ready to start making choices for Jennie?



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Chapter 6: hopefully chaennie endgame...
Chapter 6: what's next authornim?
qazedctgb12345 #3
Chapter 6: update?
badentic #4
Chapter 6: jj my brand
18 streak #5
Chapter 6: Okay but why do I ship Jennie with all of them.. okay lowkey I want her & rosé to happen because I feel like I never see that ship sail & plus she’s jennie’s first friend she made besides jisoo
babyblackpink #6
Lets Go Chaennie!
Kazioo21 #7
Chapter 6: I'm a biased b#sh im all for jensoo and if I could get chaelisa on top that would be awesome
Tagzho #8
Chapter 6: Jisoo about to call dibs on the mandu
Jisoosbby #9
Chapter 4: JENSOO I'm being biased rn, but seriously pls let them breathe even if it is just for a fanfic lmao
Chapter 4: well jisoo ruined the chaennie moment. I think Rose could kiss her
I go for the chaennie team. God are so beautiful together