Chapter 6

A Tale of Two Packs

Hwanwoong was embracing what little sleep he could get, considering that he was plagued with constant nightmares every time he closed his eyes. He knew that Xion had it worse due to his insomnia though, so he couldn't complain too much. The only other person he knew had nightmares was Wooseok, but Wooseok never talked about them. Jinhyuk got them occasionally but it was nothing like Wooseok's nightmares according to Jinhyuk. Hwanwoong could only sympathize with Wooseok and offer some sort of support during their nightly talks.

"You must get tired of my company by now," said Hwanwoong as Jinhyuk met him outside after Hwanwoong returned from a run and sat in his usual chair. "Nah," said Jinhyuk as he sat down in his usual chair, propping his feet up on the table. "I rather like your company," he said. "And Wooseok sympathizes with you," he said. "He's lucky to get any peaceful sleep at night," he said.

"Is it that bad?" Asked Hwanwoong. "I used to wake up to his nightmares," said Jinhyuk. "So much so that my body automatically wakes me up around this time, so I'm kind of used to it," he said. "I just go to sleep earlier," he said. Hwanwoong hummed in response.

"Can we join you?" Asked Xion as he stepped outside with Wooseok not too far behind him a couple hours later. "Come on over," said Hwanwoong. Wooseok stepped out and closed the door as Xion went to sit down. Wooseok went to sit down, staring off into space as he hugged his knees. "Bad nightmares tonight?" Asked Hwanwoong. Wooseok nodded absentmindedly, not answering Hwanwoong verbally due to being tired.

"So..." Started Xion. "There's 10 of you," he said. Jinhyuk nodded. "Who's sharing rooms with who?" Asked Xion. "Wooseok and I share a room, Gyujin and Xiao share a room, Hwanhee and Jinwook share a room, Kuhn and Kogyeol share a room, and Changhyun and Sunyoul share the last room," said Jinhyuk. "Oh, cool," said Xion.

"It's not bad for a 2 story house," said Hwanwoong. "No," said Jinhyuk. "There's 5 rooms on one floor of the house and 2 on the other," he said. "As you saw from the rooms being across the hall from each other," he said. "Right," said Hwanwoong.

"I think one of the others will join us soon," said Jinhyuk. "Jinwook's been wanting to join us in our nightly sessions and I think Sunyoul wants to make sure we're okay," he said. "Ever the medic," mumbled Wooseok. "Gunhak told me he wanted to join in too," said Xion. "Watch, everyone ends up out here at one point," Jinhyuk said with a snicker. "I wouldn't be surprised, not at all," said Wooseok.

"I think it might be out of curiosity," said Hwanwoong. "We're out here most of the night, for various reasons," he said. "They have to be wondering what the hell we talk about," he said with a snicker.

"Why did you two take one of the bottom floor bedrooms?" Asked Xion. "More due to convenience," said Wooseok. "We get a bit more privacy too, as you saw we share a bathroom and it's just us four while everyone shares a bathroom upstairs," he said. "Who has the master bedroom?" Asked Xion. "Jinwook," said Wooseok. "Even now, we recognize that he was the alpha," he said. "The only reason he accepted it was because Hwanhee was rooming with him, even if he's gone for most of the time," he said.



As usual, their conversations were interrupted by Sunyoul as he stepped outside again, sighing as he saw them. "Really, how long are you guys out here?" He asked. "I've been out here since 4," said Xion as he shrugged. "Wooseok came out with him," said Jinhyuk as he motioned to a sleeping Wooseok. "Jinhyuk and I've been out since about 2," said Hwanwoong as he shrugged.

"Go get washed up and come get breakfast before going back to bed," said Sunyoul before he headed back inside. Hwanwoong was the first to get up, stretching before he headed back inside, trusting that Jinhyuk and Xion could wake the still sleeping Wooseok. Wooseok really did look like he needed to keep sleeping, as he had fallen asleep during the middle of a conversation an hour earlier.

"How was things last night?" Asked Youngjo as Hwanwoong and Xion joined them for breakfast. "Just fine," said Hwanwoong. "I got some sleep then went running," he said. "I got like an hour's worth of sleep," said Xion as he sighed.

"How can you live with this kind of insomnia? Jesus," said Youngjo. "I don't know," said Xion. "I wish I could get more sleep but," he said, shrugging. "I think I'll join you one of these nights," said Gunhak. "When do you usually head out?" He asked. "I head out around 2," said Hwanwoong. "I usually head out when Wooseok does, and that's usually around 4," said Xion.

"If I went running I'm out around midnight but," said Hwanwoong as he shrugged. "I get some sleep then, I let my wolf do the running," he said. "Ah," said Gunhak. "It's a bit odd for us turned werewolves," Hwanwoong said, chuckling some as he scratched the back of his head.

"Mind coming out with me today?" Asked Jinhyuk as he entered the livingroom. "We're getting new chairs," he added. "Ah, sure?" Asked Hwanwoong. "Are you gonna get one of those outdoor recliner things?" Asked Xion. "In case Wooseok falls asleep outside again," said Jinhyuk as he nodded. "And we'll have a place to sit," he added. "The other side of the deck can be used for us anyway, it's just empty over there," he said. "Sure let us finish breakfast," said Hwanwoong. Xion nodded in agreement and Jinhyuk smiled slightly, nodding in return before heading back into the kitchen.

"Have fun then," said Gunhak. "Don't try to murder the others while we're gone," Hwanwoong said jokingly as he chuckled some. "Sure," said Youngjo as he shook his head. Xion chuckled lightly as he finished eating, going to get ready for the day afterwards. Hwanwoong was already ready to head out, so he waited on Jinhyuk and Xion after he was done eating.

"We'll get one of those gazebo things too," said Jinhyuk as he drove to a Lowes Home Improvement store to get what they needed. "In case it rains?" Asked Hwanwoong. "That and we'll have a screen to protect us from bugs," said Jinhyuk. "I talked to everyone about it, they said it was fine," he said. "I see," said Hwanwoong. "We'll get one for each of us," said Xion. "And a couple outdoor chairs and a table," he said.

"Will everything fit?" Asked Hwanwoong as he looked around the jeep. "We bought a truck," said Jinhyuk. "I'll be driving home with the stuff once we go pick it up," he said. "I trust that one of you can drive and not run off?" He asked. "We won't," said Hwanwoong. "Just drive behind me and we'll be good," said Jinhyuk. "No worries," said Xion.

After getting the truck and then going to buy and load all the furniture in the truck bed Jinhyuk drove home with Xion in the truck while Hwanwoong drove home in the jeep, following them back to the house. Everyone came out into the backyard after Jinhyuk drove around into the backyard and Wooseok, Jinwook and Kuhn helped carry the heavier boxes over to the deck while Xion and Xiao took the furniture down from the truck bed.

They had gotten two gazebos, for both sides of the deck and Wooseok and Jinhyuk helped set up one while Gunhak and Youngjo helped set up the other as the other 'shifters along with Hwanwoong helped assemble the furniture.

Everyone decided to eat dinner outside once everything was done, relaxing in their own separate groups. Hwanwoong was hesitant to walk over to Jinhyuk and Wooseok as they spoke with Gyujin about something so he stayed near Xion and Xiao as they ate.

"I know you want to sit with them," said Xion. "I don't want to come off as rude," said Hwanwoong as he shrugged. "It's Wooseok, I'm sure he wouldn't mind," said Xiao. "If he did you'd know," he said. "I guess," said Hwanwoong. With the chairs named for each person that regularly sat outside everyone headed inside, going off to their rooms to do whatever until bed.

"Heading out again tonight?" Asked Xion. "Maybe," said Hwanwoong. "I dunno yet," he said. "It depends on how things go," he said. "Yeah," said Xion.

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I will love to read this but is there love story in it?