

Luckily for Jihyo the cafe wasn’t busy and her two friends were able to handle the patrons of the cafe. Her shift was just 3 more hours and she promised Sana she would return home with dinner so they could resume the movie they never finished. Maybe she might try making a meal instead of eating out, she was sure both of their wallets would like a break from all the take out they get. And the rest of the shift was uneventful, save for the scolding the girls got from their manager for playing such a dumb game and not inviting her to play.


By the time Jihyo got to go home, she figured she would be able to do a bit of grocery shoppingand make it home in time for dinner. She went on her way to the market and while deciding if she wanted ramen tonight or not she felt a tap on her shoulder.


“Hi Minsu.”




“Jihyo everytime we go grocery shopping I have to stop you from getting the ice cream.”


“Correction, you try to stop me from getting the ice cream. If you really loved me you would get me all the ice cream I want.”


“Hey! You know I love you, don’t try and weasel your way into getting what you want.” Minsu said as he put the pint of ice cream in their cart.


“Don’t act like you don’t eat my ice cream too! I know you sneak a spoonful every night before bed.”


As the couple playfully bickered in the aisles, an older woman couldn’t help but overhear their conversation and make a comment on how all married couples should be happy like that. Jihyo blushed but corrected the older woman.


“Actually, we’re not married but we have been together for a while now.” Jihyo felt extremely shy but Minsu had a proud look on his face.


“Well we’re not married yet, but we’ll get there one day, thank you miss.” Jihyo’s faced absolutely burned and butterflies fluttered all around her stomach. Once they and the woman parted ways Jihyo lightly smacked Minsu’s arm.

“Babe, what the heck!”


“What? It’s the truth! Even if I propose with ring pop wouldn’t you want to get with all this?” He struck a pose batting his eyelashes to the girl. Jihyo rolled her eyes at him. “You wish”



“Hey Jihyo, can we grab a coffee?”


Although hesitant, Jihyo figured she’d better get closure out of this now, than wait and reopen wounds.


“Yeah sure.” It looked like take out tonight for the girls.


Jihyo sat at a small table in the corner of this smaller cafe, if she didn’t know any better she would think this place was abandoned. She figured the boy just wanted to talk privately about… them. A small familiar drink was placed in front of her as the boy sat down.


“Hope this is still your favorite.” Jihyo could feel the tension in the air, it made her uncomfortable and she didn’t know at all what they were going to say to each other.


“How have you been Jihyo?” He looked sincere asking.


“I’m doing good now… how about you?” It felt wrong, Minsu was always someone could talk comfortably with, making eye contact with him is hard and her voice felt quieter now. Minsu on the other hand hadn’t seemed to change. He looked deep in thought after she had asked.


“Honestly Jihyo, I’m okay. It’s just that I really miss you, miss us.” Jihyo would be a liar if she said she didn’t miss them being together, but the sane part of her knew she shouldn’t go back to being with him. He hurt her, knowingly, and that was something both of them would have to accept and live with. “I know what I did was wrong, and I know you were hurt because of it, but Jihyo we were perfect together and throwing away our whole relationship like that just seems wrong. Isn’t there anyway for me to fix this?”


The way he pleaded with her tugged at her heartstrings but she shook her head looking down at the drink in her hands before speaking.


“Minsu… we just can’t. You did what you did, you can’t take it back and while I’m not angry with you anymore, things can’t go back to how they used to be. I would love it if we were together again but how can I trust you? What’s stopping you from doing the exact same thing and both of us getting hurt again because of it? I’m sorry but no, I think the best we can be from now on is friends.”


Minsu’s jaw clenched as he listened to Jihyo.


“Jihyo you act like things can’t go back to being how they used to be, what else am I supposed to do? I already said sorry and I am, and you’re here telling me you want to be together again but at the same time telling me we can’t? You and I both know we’re meant for each other, it was just one mistake, please Jihyo think of everything else we did, how good we were.”


“Minsu if we were so good together then why were you kissing some girl in the first place? Are you even listening to yourself? I’ve forgiven you for it already and I want us to at least try to be friends but are you going to reject that idea? I know I loved you but that was then and this is now, it’s either we’re friends or nothing at all.” Jihyo stood her ground and watched as his face fell.


Loved? You loved me?”


Jihyo at first couldn’t understand, but upon seeing his dejected face she realized and he had sat there waiting for a reply that never came.


“Is there someone else Jihyo? Is that why we can’t be together?”


Jihyo was speechless.


“No, I told you why we can’t be together. Where would you even get an idea like that?”


“I don’t know Jihyo, I keep seeing you with some girl a lot recently, is she what’s stopping us from being together? Is there something you’re not telling me?”


“Some girl? Are you talking about Sana?”


“Whatever her name is, she’s always with you! Taking you out for lunch and the way you guys act together, she’s with your friends too. Are you dating her or something?”


“Listen, Sana is my roommate, and a new friend. Whatever jealous feelings you have over her needs to end right now, even if we were dating you have no right to act like that. And are you keeping tabs on me or something, how do you know how much time I spend with her and why is it any of your business?”


“It’s my business because I worry about you Jihyo! You just left me like nothing and I have to keep an eye on you to make sure you’re okay! It was just a question why are you getting so defensive about it?” Minsu looked irritated but Jihyo didn’t care.


“I came here because I thought we could end the day as friends but I feel like this is a mistake. Thank you for the coffee but I have to go now.”


“Have you even told your parents yet?”


Jihyo stopped, sat back down with him and sighed.


“Not yet, I haven’t had a chance to see them and I didn’t want to have to tell them over the phone. You know how much they love you and I.”


When Minsu and Jihyo first started dating, Jihyo’s parents were surprisingly very supportive, the pair had been friends before and Jihyo’s mom and dad knew Minsu was a good guy who would make their daughter happy. Jihyo’s mom was convinced the two were going to get married one day, she was just waiting for the call to hear about an engagement. Jihyo knew it would break her parents’ hearts to hear that the couple ended the relationship and she didn’t think she could bring herself to tell them why either.


“I’m sorry if I upset you at all, but I truly believe it’s supposed to be you and I.” He held onto her hand and she let him. “I’ll let you go now but please just consider it Ji, I miss you.”


Jihyo didn’t answer, she simply put her hand in her pocket and left the coffee shop, thanking Minsu and the worker there for the drink.




At home Sana was doing her best to not burn herself on the stove, she got off work earlier than expected and decided to surprise Jihyo with ramen tteokbokki. She saw sometimes how Jihyo would get lost in her thoughts with a melancholic look on her face, she took it upon herself to relieve the girl of any excess stress in her life.


While adding the boiled eggs to her dish she heard the front door open and close.


“Jihyo! I have a surprise for you!” Sana said excitedly with a bowl of steaming food in her hand, though when her eyes caught Jihyo, the younger girl looked extra worn out for some reason.


“Uh.. you okay Ji? Long rest of the day at work or something?” Jihyo looked up at Sana, the girl with the hot food in her hands waiting for her to come back home so they could watch movies together. She smiled.


“Something like that. Is that tteokbokki?” Jihyo seemed to perk up at the smell of the food.


“Even better, ramen tteokbokki! Made it special just for you since I got home early today. You’re hungry right?”


Jihyo nodded, she was very grateful to have a roommate like Sana at moments like these. She followed Sana to the living room to finally finish their movie. But it wasn’t far into the movie when Jihyo was getting lost in her thoughts again, Sana looked up from her usual spot in Jihyo’s lap and could tell the girl wasn’t really paying attention to what was going on in the screen. Sana turned the whole tv off and sat up, not that Jihyo was paying attention, but once she finally did she looked at Sana quizzically.


“You seem like you’ve got a lot on your mind, do you maybe want to talk about it?” Sana had her hand on Jihyo’s shoulder showing her support. Jihyo was hesitant but eventually opened up.

“It’s just… Minsu and I talked today. He was really adamant about getting back together with me, and I don’t know, I miss what we used to have but I don’t think I could ever get back together with him. I haven’t even told my parents that we broke up yet, I’m scared of what they’ll say. And I found out he’s been spying on me? I don’t know the whole conversation was a lot.”


Sana took her words in, listening intently for her friend before asking. “Why haven’t you told your parents yet?”


“Well, they were really supportive of our relationship, my mom even believed that one day we were going to get married, I did too, I just don’t know how they would react, especially because he cheated on me. At the very least, I don’t want my parents hating him, if the two of us stayed friends I think that would be fine but Minsu wants more than that.”


“You know, I’ve been cheated on before too, I think I know where you’re coming from. You’ve forgiven the person for what they did, and because you guys were friends as well as lovers it’s hard to not want them as a friend since, I assume, is what you guys were before you started dating? I don’t know, when you get cheated on things get complicated since you love them but they hurt you in such an awful way. I think you’re very strong to be willing to let him be in your life even after this, if you think that being friends is the most you can be with him from now on, then you’re right, your heart is usually right when things like this happen.”


Jihyo felt a little more understood and more sure of herself.


“As for your parents, from what you tell me, they love you very very much and only want you to be happy. Once they find out about this, I think they’ll be upset but only for a short while, if they end up hating Minsu, then it’ll be his responsibility to work for their forgiveness, I know you care about him as a friend but that doesn’t excuse him from his actions.”


Sana stretched her arms around Jihyo holding her close to her body. Though Jihyo seemed soothed by her words Sana knew her physical affection could be uplifting when someone was sad or troubled. Right now Jihyo seemed a little better, but Sana really didn’t want to let go.


“Sana?” Jihyo asked, still in the older girl’s embrace.


“Yeah? Do you want me to let go?”


“No.” Jihyo giggled, “Do you mind if I sleep with you tonight? I think I need your hugs.” Apparently Jihyo didn't want to let go either.


Sana felt her lips tug into a smile. “Anything for you Jihyo.”


hello friends the very very beginning of this chapter was supposed to be the end of the last chapter I just am really bad at doing what I'm supposed to be doing plus i dont think it really matter or that you guys care all that much. Anyway look at me go I upated in a reasonable amount of time, I'm really hoping you guys like this chapter pretty please comment because I love it lol. Also upvote???? Love you guys sm i did my best see y'all next time I gtg.

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Just_an_hedgehog #1
Chapter 3: omg i love this jsksjsjsjsk i got into sahyo recently and this story is so good, keep up! :D
ariast #2
Chapter 3: the story looks good so far :D stop doubting yourself too much
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 2: One quick note: NEVER doubt yourself, I think your writing is good
TDM_0405 #4
Chapter 1: I like this so far. Will patiently be waiting for updates!
NutellaLisa #5
Chapter 2: This story has really great potential and I like the way you’re moving things, don’t worry about it you are a great author, don’t let it discourage you. I don’t comment a lot but I always be reading your story?
Chapter 2: Your writing isn't bad, I hope you update soon
KTrashForever #7
Chapter 2: I’m still waiting for Sana to popped up and slap that mf Minsu, god I can’t stand cheaters. I’m hoping that Jihyo will get over him and get better over time with help of her friends. Your writing is really good, I like the flow of it and I can read it without having any troubles. Keep up with the great work!
Chapter 1: Looks interesting