

Jihyo had been living with Sana for a while now and if she had to admit, she really enjoyed the older girl’s presence. Sana was a breath of fresh air in Jihyo’s life, and she encouraged Jihyo to go out and de-stress from life, going out included being 3rd and 4th wheels to Momo and Nayeon’s date nights. Most of the time Jihyo hated being the third wheel to Momo and Nayeon, but having Sana by her side made it much more fun, especially at the movies when the couple would play footsies not caring if their friends noticed or not.

“What do you want to do for dinner tonight Ji? I’ve been craving pizza but honestly I could go for anything.”


“Pizza sounds good, should I pick the movie while you order?”


“You’re making me order the pizza because you know I’ll put on a disney movie huh?”


“Sana we all know that Disney movies are great but I’m in the mood for something other than Lilo and Stitch.”


“You’re just jealous because stitch is cuter and fluffier than you.” Sana stuck her tongue out at Jihyo as she grabbed her phone to call the restaurant. She took a seat on the couch browsing Netflix but couldn’t decide on anything until she got to the Netflix originals. She knew Sana would pout at her choice but that she would also give in to Jihyo eventually.


To All The Boys I’ve Loved Before


An absolute classic in this household.


“The pizza will be here in twenty minutes I also got breadsticks do-” Sana stopped once she recognized the starting scene with Lara Jean and Josh Sanderson.


“Jihyo again? Are you ever going to get tired of this movie.”


“It’s so cute! I think I’m just a er for romantic movies.”


“And you’re telling me that Disney movies are romantic!” JIhyo simply pretended to ignore Sana so she wasn’t going to argue with Jihyo instead, she took her spot next to the girl resting her head on her shoulder.


“I think it’s a little tragic that Josh didn’t even get a chance with her even though she loved him for so long, but I guess Peter is a good fit for Lara Jean.”


“Shhh Sana watch the movie” Jihyo’s eyes were glued to the screen and the two conitnued their movie in peace until they heard the doorbell ring.


“Finally I’m starving.” Sana got up from her position and answered the door.


“Hurry! Or you’ll miss Lara Jean and Peter’s first kiss!” Sana chuckled to herself, Jihyo’s love for this movie knows no end.


Jihyo sighed to herself, she didn’t know what she’d do if one of her sisters sent out secret love letters, especially to all at once. Jihyo still lost in her thoughts didn’t hear Sana come back balancing the pizza and breadsticks in her hand.


“I think you secretly want to be Lara Jean, I seriously don’t know why you and Nayeon love romantic movies and dramas so much, I mean what’s the appeal?”


“The love stories are so cute! Imagine having a forbidden love! Meeting your soulmate randomly by bumping into them, things like that. You can’t tell me that you’ve never wanted a fairy tale like love story! I mean you love those Disney movies so much don’t you?”


“I guess that’s true, I like the princess fairy tale movies though, my favorite was always Cinderella, the way they danced together and fell in love. I can’t wait to find a love like that.”


Sana had a dreamy look in her eye and Jihyo felt a small lump in .


It had been a few months now since she and Minsu broke up, by now Jihyo felt more healed, sure it still stung to think about but, she was happy with her life right now too.


The last time she saw Minsu was at her job, he had listened to her and gave her time, he didn’t come back or try to call her and the time she spent away from him gave her time to think. Nayeon and Momo did their best to avoid the topic, and Sana didn’t feel like she knew enough about the two so she kept anything she thought to herself. It was hard for Jihyo, she had her own sleepless nights, her own dark thoughts and times she wanted to go and see him, but she got through it and maybe, she would have the strength to face him again soon.


She was broken from her thoughts went she felt a weight on her, of course when she looked down she found Sana with her head nestled comfortably on her lap. It’s a perfect pillow she remembers Sana telling her, often times when the two girls would watch movies together, somewhere during the movie Sana would rest her head on the girls lap, and Jihyo in turn, would find her fingers running through her friend’s soft hair absentmindedly. This time however she felt Jihyo’s fingers slowly massaging her scalp before eventually felt the younger girl stop.


“Aww Jihyo that felt really good, why-” When Sana looked up she saw Jihyo had accidentally fallen asleep. Her bangs covering her face as she lightly snored, Sana thought it was kinda cute, very cute if she was going to be honest. Maybe she would let her sleep for just a few more minutes.



Today had been painfully slow for Jeongyeon, Dahyun and Jihyo. They had the usual rush of people in the cafe for their morning caffeine fix but other than that , not many people visited the cafe today. To occupy their time the girls were playing a game, trying to make nasty drinks. Well, Dahyun and Jeongyeon did, Jihyo simply laughed at the pair and watched.


Dahyun nearly spit up whatever concoction Jeongyeon had made. “How did you even get bubbles in there!?” Jeongyeon was recording the younger girl’s reaction, “I put a few drops of dish soap.” Dahyun then ran to the sink to rinse out. “That’s what you get for making me chug coffee grounds Kim!”


All three girls heard a laugh and turned around to hear a familiar voice. “Wow looks like you girls are working hard, maybe I should come back another time.”


“Hey Sana! Iced Americano?” Jeongyeon asked while Dahyun was already getting the drink ready.


“You know me so well, I must be a favorite customer or something.” Sana said as she was getting out her purse.


“How can we forget your order when you come here everyday?” JIhyo asked as she started ringing her up.


“Well there are cute baristas here, I’m surprised you don’t have more customers.”


By the time the two girls were done practically flirting, Sana’s coffee was made and she was ready to go. But before she left she had a question for Jihyo.


“I was wondering Jihyo, would you like to get lunch with me? If you’re not too busy of course.”


Jihyo looked behind her, her two co workers preparing another disgusting drink for the other, surely they would be fine if she took her lunch break early.


“Sounds good, lemme just get my purse and we can get going.”


Sana waited at the front for Jihyo as she got her purse from the back.


“Is it just me or are those two getting awfully close?” Jeongyeon watched as the two girls left the cafe. “I mean they are roommates, Jihyo’s just made a really close friend.”



Sana and Jihyo were big fans of kimbap and they were also big fans of sharing. Jihyo was more keen on the vegetable kimbap while Sana enjoyed the crab filled kimbap.


“I remember making these with my sisters when I was younger and my parents would always tease us because they were always lopsided and the fillings would come out.”

Sana laughed. “I wish I had siblings, I always wanted a little sister especially, somebody who would play with me, someone who I could put the blame on if I needed to.”


“Wow Sana, maybe it’s good you don’t have siblings seems like the only thing you’d do is bully them.”


“I was just kidding, but I was serious about wanting siblings! My parents are great but it got a little lonely sometimes you know… and being a perfect daughter can sometimes be a little tiring not that you could relate.”


“Miss Minatozaki are you suggesting that I am not a perfect daughter?”


“Hey I didn’t say that, but it is interesting that your parents had two more girls and decided to stop.”


“I have to say I'm a little offended, in my opinion, I'd say I’m the ideal daughter. I’m smart funny-”


“Don’t forget cute as a boot!” Sana interrupted.


Jihyo blushed, leave it to Sana to tease and praise the girl at the same time. She loved that she could act like this with Sana, Nayeon often times would just defend herself and Momo was too sweet to tease, Sana was perfect she could take the teasing and do just as much back.


“Oh Jihyo, I think we’re a little late, I’m pretty sure that you were supposed to be back a while ago.”


“Oh shoot you’re right we should probably go! I hope the girls are still good.”


“Those goofballs were making each other throw up when we left I’m sure 10 minutes isn’t gonna kill them.” Sana said as she held the door open for Jihyo. She laughed as Sana followed behind her out the door, and someone watched as the two girls happily walked out of the restaurant.


:( Sorry it's been almost a month I had writer's block, but I had the day off today so I decided I was gonna buckle down and write something, I put more actual Sahyo in this chapter and i really hope you guys like it. Please like comment and subscribe! (especially comment! I like reading the comments when I'm working on the chapters) I hope you guys have a good day. More Sahyo coming.

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Just_an_hedgehog #1
Chapter 3: omg i love this jsksjsjsjsk i got into sahyo recently and this story is so good, keep up! :D
ariast #2
Chapter 3: the story looks good so far :D stop doubting yourself too much
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 2: One quick note: NEVER doubt yourself, I think your writing is good
TDM_0405 #4
Chapter 1: I like this so far. Will patiently be waiting for updates!
NutellaLisa #5
Chapter 2: This story has really great potential and I like the way you’re moving things, don’t worry about it you are a great author, don’t let it discourage you. I don’t comment a lot but I always be reading your story?
Chapter 2: Your writing isn't bad, I hope you update soon
KTrashForever #7
Chapter 2: I’m still waiting for Sana to popped up and slap that mf Minsu, god I can’t stand cheaters. I’m hoping that Jihyo will get over him and get better over time with help of her friends. Your writing is really good, I like the flow of it and I can read it without having any troubles. Keep up with the great work!
Chapter 1: Looks interesting