

Jihyo looked down at the ‘cake’ she attempted to make. It was lopsided, overbaked, and now that she’s thinking about it, she might have forgotten to add the sugar to the batter.


“What a complete disaster…” Jihyo said to herself.


“What’s a disaster?” Jihyo whipped her head around and saw her boyfriend standing behind her. She wanted to hide her failed attempt of the dessert but there was no point.


“I tried to make you a cake to celebrate our anniversary, but things went a little wrong with the process, I’m sorry.” Jihyo pouted still looking at the cake. “That’s so sweet Ji, I love it, thank you.” He kissed the top of her head and hugged her. “Even if it might kill me if I eat it.”


“Hey! It’s not that bad! You don’t need to rub it in!” Jihyo faked offense and playfully smacked his arm.


He rubbed the spot that she hit and pretended to be hurt before continuing, “But really Ji, I appreciate that you did this for me. These past 3 years with you have been the best of my life, thank you for being such a great girlfriend.” He held Jihyo’s hand as he looked her in the eye.


Jihyo felt shy under his gaze, and held onto the sincerity in his voice. “I love you.”


“I love you too.”



“Jihyo! Wake up I’ve got great news for you!!!” She could hear Momo’s excited voice and the said girl shaking her leg to wake up. Jihyo groaned and finally gave in, “Momo, I thought you said I can skip today.”


“No, I have news! I know you’ve been looking for your own place, but what if I told you I found you a super friendly, super cuddly, and super energetic roommate?” Momo wiggled her eyebrows to persuade Jihyo.


“Truthfully only one of those qualities sound appealing. Besides do I even know the person you’re talking about?”


“Well… no but, you will! Her name’s Sana and she’s an old friend of mine from Japan! She’s looking for a roommate and I told her all about you!”


“Momo, I don’t know, I haven’t even met her and you think we should live together?”


“I knew you would say that, which is why we’re all going out for today! I planned the whole thing!” 


Jihyo was in no mood to meet a complete stranger just to see if they’d be a match living together, but she also wasn’t going to refuse the offer since she knew Momo was trying her best to help her. Thinking about it, maybe having a roommate was better than living alone, rent would be cheaper, she wouldn’t be all by herself a majority of the time, and maybe Jihyo could admit that she needed a few more friends. She could see Momo still waiting for her reply and Jihyo asked hesitantly.


“Mind telling me a little more about Sana?”



“Momo, do you think I should wear my hair up or down?” Momo stared at her girlfriend for a few seconds before making her decision. “I like you both ways.”


Jihyo laughed at Momo’s sweet reply. Nayeon, although blushing at the girl’s reply, was a little less amused by it. “I love you but I can’t trust your opinion sometimes Momo, one day I’ll end up wearing a potato sack and you’ll tell me I’m the most beautiful girl you’ve ever laid eyes on.”


“Well it’s not my fault you look good no matter what you do, and besides you live off of my praise.”


“She’s got you there Nayeon.” Jihyo loved the couple so much, convinced that one day the two would get married and have tons of kids, but right now the sweet mushiness was a little much for her. Jihyo hated herself for thinking it, but she didn’t want to be around the couple as of late, it reminded her of Minsu and she hated to think back on those times that used to make her so happy.


Nayeon finally decided on her hairstyle and picked up her purse, “Alright kids, it’s time to go!”


“You guys never even told me where we were meeting her.” Jihyo said aloud, she didn’t think much of it though, her mind was occupied with questions regarding Sana. Although hesitant about the whole roommates thing, Momo told her a little more about Sana so Jihyo was a little nervous and excited to meet her. One important thing Jihyo learned about Sana is that she was single, which meant Jihyo wouldn’t have to be around a lovey dovey couple like she was with Nayeon and Momo.


“You’re meeting her at that one Bingsu place. I know you like melon most, though I’m not sure which flavor Sana likes best.” Momo said absentmindedly.


“Momo, it sounded like you said I’m meeting her at the bingsu shop, do you mean to tell me that I’m meeting with her all by myself?”


“Well, we’re not the ones who might be interested in having new roommates” Nayeon butted in “And you’re a big girl Jihyo, it’s not like little old Sana could hurt you, if anything she’d somehow hurt herself.”


That must be the clumsiness that Momo mentioned, ‘not the clumsiness that breaks a thousand year old vase, but the kind that trips over thin air’ she had clarified.


“Nayeon’s right Jihyo. I’d believe you were a serial killer before Sana, but I promise you’ll be okay, Sana is very talkative and she’ll make you feel at ease right away.” Nayeon nodded to her girlfriend’s words as they reached the Bingsu place. “Sana should be here soon, call us when you’re ready, we’ll go out for jokbal on me tonight.” Momo had a bright smile on her face, hoping for the best for Jihyo. Nayeon and Momo left without saying much else,which left Jihyo to wait for Sana.



“One melon bingsu for you miss, would you like me to get anything else for you?” The worker placed her treat on the table in front of her, it looked absolutely delicious and she couldn’t wait to dig in.


“No thank you, I think I’m all good for now.” She smiled to the worker. “If you don’t mind me asking miss, but are you here by yourself?” Jihyo was a bit taken aback, but she was here by herself when usually there would be groups of people coming in. “Actually I’m waiting for someone, they’re on their way right now I believe.” The worker nodded and placed another spoon on the table for her. “Please enjoy miss.”


Jihyo watched as the worker walked away,and wondered where Sana could be. “I hope she didn’t ditch me…” Jihyo said aloud only to herself. “I would never ditch you!” She heard a voice behind her say. “Sorry for keeping you waiting, It’s nice to meet you Jihyo! I’m Minatozaki Sana.”


Minatozaki Sana. She was a bit taller than she expected, taller than both Nayeon and Momo. And her voice sounded so nice and pretty, and if Jihyo didn’t know any better she would think Sana was actually Korean. And then she remembered she had to introduce herself as well.


“I’m Park Jihyo, it’s nice to finally meet you.” Jihyo stood to bow. “Momo has told me so much about you Jihyo! I’ve been really excited to meet you.” Jihyo smiled. “Please forgive me, I only learned a bit about you just yesterday, but I share the same excitement.” Sana laughed. “It’s okay, that’s why we’re here right? Also I think your bingsu is melting a bit.” Jihyo looked down at her dessert, Sana was right. “Well it looks like we better start eating then huh.” She handed a spoon to the Japanese girl. “I hope you like melon”


“It’s the best flavor!”


The two girls sat talking to each other for what felt like forever, their bingsu long finished and the sun was soon to set. The pair of girls learned so much about each other in such a short amount of time to Jihyo’s surprise. Whatever nervousness Jihyo had before meeting Sana had dissipated soon into their conversation. When Momo mentioned Sana being super friendly, she assumed the girl was just talking her friend up but no, Sana was so easy to talk to and Jihyo felt (or hoped) that they would become fast friends.


“You know Jihyo, you’re exactly how I imagined you’d be.” Sana said.


“Oh yeah? And what did you think of me exactly?”


“Well I thought you were going to be pretty, but I confirmed that when Momo showed me a picture of you. I also felt like I would get along with you when Momo mentioned that you’ve been friends with her and Nayeon for a long time, those two are hard to be around sometimes.” Sana laughed to herself while Jihyo felt a faint blush on her cheeks. “Momo said you’re also very sweet, which so far, I think is pretty true. I think maybe we were meant to be friends.”


“I think so too Sana.” Jihyo felt like she was making a genuine friend, and the idea of Sana being her roommate sounded more appealing not that she had a chance to talk to her.


“So about this whole roommate situation, do you think we’d be a good fit together?” Jihyo asked. 


“Well, you don’t seem to be a serial killer, I think I can trust you.” Sana smirked.


“Hey! Why do you and Momo accuse me of such a thing! I’m an innocent girl just trying to find her own place!” Jihyo replied. “How do I know that you’re not a serial killer!”


“I guess that’s a fair point, but if we’re both serial killers don’t you think we could learn a thing or two from each other? Maybe being roommates would be beneficial for us.”


“Maybe you’re right, I guess there’s no harm in trying huh? But in all seriousness, do you think the other people here think we’re real serial killers.” Jihyo looked around hoping no one heard their claims of being murderers.


“I hope not, but they could also think we’re just crazy, which I guess is the better option.” Sana shrugged her shoulders not caring about the other people who could be eavesdropping on the girl’s conversation.


“I guess being seen as crazy with you doesn’t sound terrible.”

Jihyo and Sana finally met how exciting. Also I scream everytime I see some subscribe or comment or upvote like?????? That's crazy that yuou guys like this. I feel so happy but anyways as always leave any question or comments or criticisms  and thank you for realing!!!!! love you guys!!!!!!

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Just_an_hedgehog #1
Chapter 3: omg i love this jsksjsjsjsk i got into sahyo recently and this story is so good, keep up! :D
ariast #2
Chapter 3: the story looks good so far :D stop doubting yourself too much
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 2: One quick note: NEVER doubt yourself, I think your writing is good
TDM_0405 #4
Chapter 1: I like this so far. Will patiently be waiting for updates!
NutellaLisa #5
Chapter 2: This story has really great potential and I like the way you’re moving things, don’t worry about it you are a great author, don’t let it discourage you. I don’t comment a lot but I always be reading your story?
Chapter 2: Your writing isn't bad, I hope you update soon
KTrashForever #7
Chapter 2: I’m still waiting for Sana to popped up and slap that mf Minsu, god I can’t stand cheaters. I’m hoping that Jihyo will get over him and get better over time with help of her friends. Your writing is really good, I like the flow of it and I can read it without having any troubles. Keep up with the great work!
Chapter 1: Looks interesting