

Jihyo stared blankly at the screen of her phone for what felt like hours. She was waiting for her boyfriend, soon to be ex, to walk through the front door of their shared apartment. It was a photo of said boyfriend with another woman on his lap, kissing her, holding her like he would Jihyo.

Staring at the picture made Jihyo’s stomach turn with disgust, even though it hurt so much to be cheated on she was grateful for Nayeon, who sent the evidence.

Jihyo this is really important


What is it?


Is Minsu with you right now?


No? He told me he would be out with friends tonight. Why?


A few minutes passed before Jihyo received another message from her friend, this time it was a photo.


The photo was clearly of Minsu.


She felt her phone ringing and answered the call once she saw it was Nayeon calling.


“Ji, are you okay? Do you want me to come over.”


It was that moment when Jihyo fully felt the weight of the situation and she felt tighten up and answered back quietly.


“Maybe not right now… but.. Can I call you if I need you please?”


Jihyo sounded so small compared to her usually loud and cheery voice.


“Of course, call me okay? I’ll be there”


Without giving another response Jihyo dropped the call and tossed her phone to her bed.


Their bed


She sat there thinking about what she could have done to prevent this, or what she was doing that caused it. She figured she wouldn’t be able to stay in the apartment after this and decided to pack some things , hoping that Nayeon and Momo would allow her to stay with them for the time being.

Jihyo locked at the clock, it was almost 3 am and Minsu still wasn’t home, Jihyo felt like a fool waiting for him to come back, if he came back , she thought back to all the times he stayed over at a friend’s house and wondered if that was even the truth.


Deciding finally that she would wait until the next day to confront the situation, Jihyo picked her bag up and was heading for the door and dialing Nayeon’s number. It rang two times and she reached the handle of the door when it began to open. She almost dropped her phone when she came face to face with him.


“Jihyo? What are you still doing up? I figured you would have gone to bed hours ago.”


Minsu walked past her and started taking off his coat while she faced the door, back still turned to him. And that’s when he turned back around to look at her.


“Where are you going babe” Aren’t you coming to bed?”

He looked at her with confusion and as he took a step closer to her she took a step away.


“Don’t babe me!”


Minsu was even more confused now.


“Did I do something? And you didn’t answer me, where are you going off to? It’s nearly 4 am.”


Jihyo’s blood boiled.


“Are you going to stand there and look me in the eyes, asking me if you have done something?”  


His face had a second of panic before going to confusion again.


“Are you going to tell me what I did so I can fix it?”


Jihyo dropped her bag to her feet before unlocking her phone to pull of the picture of him. She wanted to throw the phone at him, but she brought it for him to get a good look at. Once he saw the photo he wanted to defend himself but there was no way to.


“Jihyo, I, I can explain” he started. Jihyo decide to humor him then.


“Fine, go ahead. What the hell are you doing in the picture! Because it looks to me like you’re kissing another girl!”


“Where did you get that picture from?”


“Don’t try and change the subject, were you kissing this girl yes or no?” Jihyo’s fist was balled up to her side and she felt tears pricking her eyes but held them in, she would not be crying infront of the person who she trusted not to hurt her. Moments of silence passed before Jihyo scoffed and turned to leave the apartment.


“Yes! Yes I was kissing her! But it was just a kiss! I didn’t do anything more than that I promise you Jihyo.”


Jihyo turned to face him again. “And what Minsu! Is that supposed to make me feel better! ‘That it was just a kiss’ you still cheated on me! I’m your girlfriend and you’re out there doing God knows what with God knows who! How do you think I’m supposed to feel right now? Relieved? God I can’t even look at you right now.”


‘Ji… please, it was a mistake, let’s go to bed and we can talk about this in the morning please Ji.”


“No! There’s no way I’m going to bed with you, And don’t call me Ji! I don’t want to have anything to do with you! I’m leaving, enjoy your freedom.”


Jihyo finally opened the door to the apartment and walked into the cool night air. She could hear Minsu calling after her but she refused to look back and kept walking to her car. She threw her bag in the back seat and sat in there for a solid minute before breaking down and letting all the tears she held in flow. After 5 minutes of crying she took a deep breath and finally called Nayeon. She held tightly onto the steering wheel as she waited for Nayeon to pick up.




Instead of Nayeon’s groggy voice she was expecting to hear, it was a worried sounding Momo who picked up the phone. And Jihyo let out a shaky breath.


“Hey.. sorry for waking you up Momo I-”


“I wasn’t asleep actually, I got up a few minutes ago to start my workout. Did something happen? Are you okay?”


“Can I please come over and stay with you and Nayeon? Please?”


She was glad Momo agreed and didn’t ask anymore questions, she felt tired and wanted to just sleep for a few hours.


When she finally arrived at the couple’s apartment she was greeted with a fully awake Momo and a half awake Nayeon, makeup partially still on her face and with cups of tea in her hand.


“Come inside Ji, it’s cold out and you’re not even wearing a sweater.”


She nearly made Nayeon drop the cups when she went in for a hug. She felt Momo come behind her and engulf her in a hug. Despite the pain she was going through at the moment, the love she felt when the two held her made it just bearable.


“Thank you”

Hello friends, thanking for taking a second to read the first chapter of this story, I want to try to really get back in the swing of writing things. It was fun and I really enjoyed it, I don't know why it took me so long to come back to writing but I'm here now and hopefully I will not be going anywhere. I also have a small collection of Michaeng facnfics too if you're interested, but I figure you're here for sahyo, which is good! I love me sahyo and believe me Jihyo will be meeting Sana soon just bear with me for now. Anyway thank you for reading leave any questions or comments and I will be happy to answer, until the next chapter bye friends :)

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Just_an_hedgehog #1
Chapter 3: omg i love this jsksjsjsjsk i got into sahyo recently and this story is so good, keep up! :D
ariast #2
Chapter 3: the story looks good so far :D stop doubting yourself too much
TDM_0405 #3
Chapter 2: One quick note: NEVER doubt yourself, I think your writing is good
TDM_0405 #4
Chapter 1: I like this so far. Will patiently be waiting for updates!
NutellaLisa #5
Chapter 2: This story has really great potential and I like the way you’re moving things, don’t worry about it you are a great author, don’t let it discourage you. I don’t comment a lot but I always be reading your story?
Chapter 2: Your writing isn't bad, I hope you update soon
KTrashForever #7
Chapter 2: I’m still waiting for Sana to popped up and slap that mf Minsu, god I can’t stand cheaters. I’m hoping that Jihyo will get over him and get better over time with help of her friends. Your writing is really good, I like the flow of it and I can read it without having any troubles. Keep up with the great work!
Chapter 1: Looks interesting