Matchmaking Monkey?

Monkey Business
Emily entered the classroom the next morning and was pleasantly surprised by the incredibly clean chalk board. She put down her books and smiled as she ran her fingers down its smooth surface. 

"Wow, this board looks like it's brand new," she commented, happily.
Wes looked over to Wayne who looked down shyly and then smirked. "Miss Cai, do you like this surprise?" he inquired.
Emily nodded, "Very much," she responded, "Did you do this, Wes?" 
He chuckled, "The credits go to Wayne," he revealed, making Wayne's cheeks turn pink in embarrassment.

Emily lifted a brow in surprise, "Really? Thanks a lot, Wayne," she said with a smile.
A chuckle also escaped Jiro's lips as he eyed Wayne from his seat at the back of the classroom, "Did you know he spent the whole evening after school on Friday cleaning it for you?" he asked his teacher. As a result, Wayne burst out into a loud 'SSSSSHHH' and looked at Jiro with pleading eyes to say no more. 
Emily smiled, "I'm impressed," she then spoke, "But you really didn't have to go through all the trouble, Wayne."
Wayne laughed nervously with flushed cheeks, "W-Well.... I-I just... just wanted to d-do something... nice for you, Miss Cai!" he stuttered, avoiding her gaze. 

When Jiro noticed that his face was as red as a tomato, it dawned on him that the younger man seemed to have a crush on their teacher. "Well that's interesting," he whispered to himself, leaning back in his chair to enjoy this drama. "I wonder what King Kong Jie Jie thinks of him...." he mumbled.
"Jiro, stop talking!" Emily barked suddenly. Jiro looked up to see that they were already halfway through a lesson - how did time go so quickly? 
"You can't even hear what I'm saying from there!" he retorted as he began to copy down the notes written on the board.
"But the fact that your lips are moving annoys me!" Emily shouted back but Jiro ignored her and continued to do his own thing. 

Before he knew it, the bell rang signalling lunch time. However, when Jiro packed his thing away and stood up, a thick folder was slammed onto his table by Emily, making him jerk backwards in surprise. It was so thick that Jiro began acting as though he was choking on imaginary dust. Emily ignored this. "Jiro Wang, stay right there," she ordered, pushing him down into his seat forcefully.
A sad pout crept onto Jiro's lips as he watched his classmates leave the room to enjoy their temporary freedom. He reached out for Wayne who looked back at the two. "Waaaaaaaaayne! Save meeee!" he wailed with anime tears beginning to run down his cheeks.
Turning around, Emily looked at Wayne, "Wayne, you are free to leave. Don't let this monkey stop you," she said in a sweet voice before turning back to Jiro with a hard glare.

"This is your tutoring timetable and plan," she told him as Jiro flipped through the several pages in the ring binder. His face paled and he looked at her in horror, "Are you trying to murder me?" he inquired in a weak voice.
"Of course," she replied sarcastically.
"That's not funny," Jiro replied, "This is so much work. You've literally slotted in work in all the slots of free time I have!"
"It's manageable if you try," Emily answered, "And there's also time for you to work at the company as well. Don't worry," she added with a small smile.
"Thanks for being so considerate," he grumbled with sarcasm.
"You're welcome," Emily responded before walking over to her desk, "Your tutoring starts tomorrow morning. Be here half an hour earlier than usual. That's all from me; you're dismissed."

Grumbling and groaning to himself, Jiro trudged his way over to the door. As soon as he opened it and stepped foot outside the classroom, someone grabbed him by his blazer and pulled him with them.

"Ack-!" Was Jiro's muffled cry of surprise.

The next thing Jiro found himself doing was standing in front of Wayne and Wes in a dark corner somewhere. He looked at them in confusion, "What's the matter?" he asked.
"We need your help," Wes revealed, "More precisely, Wayne needs your help."
A chuckle left Jiro's lips, "All you needed to do was ask me! There's no need to abduct me."
"We didn't want to tell you with Miss Cai around," Wayne replied.
"So it's about Emily?" Jiro responded and Wes nodded. "Sorry, I don't want to get involved in any of her business," he quickly said causing Wayne to frown.
"Please?" he pleaded, "You seem to be close to her! And we're also classmates and classmates help each other out, don't they?"
"That's true, but I'm not close to her at all. I have the same relationship with her as you do," Jiro admitted.
"But you call her by her first name," Wayne pointed out, trying to persuade him.
Jiro turned away from them, ready to walk away, "We're both adults," he responded, "And I don't intend to get into any more trouble. We have enough problems with each other already," he added as he began to walk away. 

Wayne stared at his retreating figure in desperation, "I'm in love with Miss Cai!" he blurted out, blushing furiously.
Instantly, Jiro stopped in his step. Slowly, turned around with a small sigh and an unsurprised expression. "So you want me to help you get together with her?" he guessed and Wayne nodded.
"You do realise that it will be hard right? Emily is a teacher after all and she isn't allowed to be getting into relationships with her students," Jiro replied.
"But it'll be fine once Wayne graduates," Wes cut in, "And graduation isn't too far away."
"Will you help me?" Wayne asked again and Jiro sighed again.

He slid his hands into his pockets and became silent for a moment before speaking again. "I really don't think-"
"Please!" Wayne pleaded, interrupting him.
"She will kill me if she finds out about me plotting against her like this," Jiro confessed, "And I don't want to get into any trouble with her either."
"But if it all works out she will be grateful to you," Wayne pointed out, "It'll be a win win situation!"
Scratching his head, Jiro bit his lip in an unsure manner, "I don't know...." he muttered.
"Unless you like her too," Wes suddenly spoke out.
"What?" Jiro asked quickly.
Wes looked at him firmly, "You're not hesitating to help us because you're in love with her too right?"

A chuckle escaped Jiro's lips and he shook his head, "No way am I in love with that King Kong," he replied and then smiled at Wayne, "I'll do my best to help you."
His response made a bright smile crack onto Wayne's face and he thanked his new classmate excitedly.


"Class dismissed," Emily announced at the end of the school day. 

Jiro grinned happily after yawning loudly. Quickly, he sprang up from his seat and almost skipped over to the door before the words he dreaded to hear at that moment entered his ears. 

"Jiro, stay behind," Emily suddenly called out to him, making him groan. Jiro had nearly made it out of the room but Emily had been too quick for him. Reluctantly, he trudged over to her desk and his classmates filed out of the room soon leaving the two alone.
"What now?" he asked his teacher, "I promise I've been a good student today!"
He searched her face for any signs of anger but there were none, instead she seemed to be slightly uncomfortable. Instantly, his face changed, "What's wrong?"

Unexpectedly, she passed him a black bag and avoided his gaze. "Thanks for your shirt," she spoke in quite a low mumble.
A smile formed on Jiro's lips, "No worries, you can keep it," he replied kindly.
"I've washed and ironed it so hurry up and take it back," she snapped, shoving the bag into his hands and then heading over to the door.

Confused, Jiro watched her open the door only too see Wayne stumble in with Wes behind him. Surprised, Emily stared at Wayne, "What are you doing?" she asked.
"I-I... Y-you... I mean I was just..." Wayne trailed off in embarassment as he stood up properly. Jiro rolled his eyes, already having the idea that he was eavesdropping.
"We were just waiting for Jiro," Wes quickly stepped in and Emily nodded in understanding.
"Oh well okay," she replied, "See you tomorrow, bye," she bid them farewell before leaving as Jiro appraoched Wayne.

"What's that?" Wes inquired after noticing the black gift bag, "Did she give you a gift?" he questioned, suspiciously. This caught Wayne's interest.
"A gift?" he repeated but Jiro shook his head.
"She just returned my shirt," he explained, "I lent her it the other day."

"Let me see," Wayne said, reaching into the bag and bringing out the folded shirt. His eyes sparkled as he stared at the shirt, "So Miss Cai wore this?" he asked and Jiro nodded. But what Wayne did next surprised both him and Wes. Wayne brought the shirt closer to his face and inhaled the fresh smell of the fabric. He smiled dreamily, "This heavenly smell must be of her house," he babbled, "Can I keep this?" he asked with puppy eyes.
Jiro stared at Wayne with wide eyes, weirded out. "Uh... sure, knock yourself out " he responded, handing him the bag. 
"Thank you so much! I'm going to cherish this shirt," Wayne answered.

"Do you like her or worship her?" Wes commented with an amused scoff.
Jiro smiled at the two teenagers, 'I guess love makes you do weird things,' he thought as he walked past them. "I'll see you guys tomorrow, bye," he then said. 


That night, Wayne sat on his bed. He reached over to the black bag and brought out Jiro's shirt with a smile. As he unfolded the shirt, he spotted a small card slip out from under the folds. Curiously, he picked up the card and stared at it. 

" Love Aunty: The best Dr. Love around,'" he read aloud slowly, "Why does Miss Cai have this... does she already have someone she loves?" he muttered before looking back at Jiro's shirt, "....Why was she giving it to Jiro....?"
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Sorry for the long wait, I couldn't be bothered to update this fic even though I had around 15 chapters already written. However, I'm going to start posting them although I don't know if I'll continue writing this fic.


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Chapter 5: insanehallucinatis omg :D
Chapter 4: awww their first meeting!
Chapter 3: I wonder what will hapoen if Jiro goes back to high school
Chapter 2: Oh no! It was going well for Jiro! Also I love that Gui Gui and Danson's a couple here
Chapter 1: Aw Jiro... Can't wait for the next chapter
Yay new fic!