
A Familiar Feeling

The next day...

I woke up early good thing after I ate my breakfast I got a message from Mr. Gobels driver.


"Good morning Miss Jisoo. I'm Hoony and Mr.Gobel asked me to fetch you."

"Nice to meet you Hoony."


I'm really not used to chitchat so I just stayed silent while reading a book. It was an hour drive. We arrived at Mr. Gobels house, mansion rather since its really big. Gates automatically opened. There was a flower garden at the side of the house.


We entered the house whose ceiling was so high with a huge chandelier. 


"Just wait and sit there." Hoony said. I sat on their being fancy couch. I was looking all over then a little boy was peeking from a door.


"Hey little one, are you Roman?" I asked. He slowly walked towards me. His hair was blonde and he has a chubby cheeks.

"Are you a friend?" He asked.

"Yes I can be your friend. I'm Jisoo. You're Roman right?"

"Yes. I am. Are you a Dad's friend or are you a new Nanny?"

"I'm work for your Dad. Why do you ask?"

"Well. I was hoping you're a Nanny too. Nini's favorite is Ella and I have no one."


"Yeah. I want a new friend. If you are Dad's friend then I can be your friend right?"

"Sure! Haha you're so cute. Why? Do you feel left out?"

"What do you mean left out?"

"Like you feel alone?"

"I have my toys. But Nini likes Ella than me. I can feel it."


"Having a little chitchat Roman? Haha. Hi Jisoo! Welcome to my home. I'm leaving in about 30 minutes. This is my wife Marissa. This is Jisoo, she works for Siwon." Mr. Gobel walked down from the stairs with his wife.

"Nice to meet you Mrs.Gobel." I shake hands with her.

"Just call me Marissa. It seems our little Roman here likes you."

"Yes I do Mom. She said we can be friends."

"That's good. Well, you have to meet Ella too. Come follow us to the dining room. Have you eaten your breakfast?"

"Oh yes I did."

"Well, Jennie here makes good coffee. She's also a barista." Marissa said. Jennie? 

"Ella! Come here. Meet Jisoo."

"Hi Jisoo! I'm Ella Gobel, 5yrs. old and 10hours older than my twin brother Roman."

"It's nice to meet you Ella." She came closer to me and hugged me.


"Ehh? Ella! She's my friend first!" Roman complained. Ella went back to her seat and pouted. "Everyone is my friend Roman." she said. 


"Stop bickering you two and start eating your breakfast. Anyway Jisoo don't worry about your weekend okay? Everything has been taken cared of already. Relax and enjoy New Zealand okay?" Mr.Gobel turned to me.


"Yes and thank your Mr.Gobel." I smiled.


"Anyway, we need to go to the airport now. Kids, behave okay? Or else Daddy and Mommy won't bring you any toys."


"We will Daddy!" They answered in chorus.


The door on the left side of the dining room opened and I saw a familiar face.


"David! Marissa! Sorry the coffee took so long. Please bring this to your trip!" She was holding a cup holder with 2 disposable cups of coffee.


"My! Thank you Jennie! Oh by the way, Jennie, here's Jisoo. She's David's visitor from Korea. Jisoo, she's Jennie, the kid's baby sitter and tutor." Marissa said. Jenni's eyes widened while looking at me. And I was just looking at her, in shocked.


"N..nice to meet you..again, Jennie." I stuttered.


"Anyway, we need to get going now. Jennie, just report to me if i need to know something okay? Take care of the kids and yourselves. Jisoo, please enjoy okay? Kids, give daddy and mommy a hug!" Ella and Roman ran to their parents and they did a group hug.


I was just staring at Jennie while she awkwardly looking away.


"Ella, Roman, you need to go upstairs. We need to take a bath." The head maid said. Ella turned around and she looked at Jennie while giving a thumbs up. Jennie just smiled at her.


"Jisoo, just wait for me here okay? And promise me you are my friend okay?" Roman said.


"Yes little man. I will wait for you here." Roman smiled and then he went away.


Jennie immediately went inside the room where she got out from.


"Hey Jennie! Are you leaving me here?!" I yelled.


"Just wait there." That's the first 3 words she said to me since earlier. She didn't even say Hi to me.


She came back with a tray of sliced cake, cookie and a cup of coffee.


"That's vanilla latte if you don't mind. We don't have a caramel here so I can't make you your usual." She said still not looking at me.


"Oh wow. Thank you!"


"I suppose you still love sweets? Uhm. I saw your Instagram stories before and you usually post cake and cookie."


"Wow! Did you stalk me?!" I said while laughing.


"Ew no. As if you don't react heart eyes on my stories." She said while eating her toast.


"Aha! You noticed me. I thought you don't notice it like everyone else. I usually react to all stories of people that I know." She looked at me for a second and she seems pissed while having a big bite on her toast.


"So you do that to all your friends?"


"Uhh yes? hey I love this latte. Glad to have a barista friend!"


Jennie just rolled her eyes.


"Hey, what brings you here at Mr.Gobels house? How many jobs do you have? Sorry i ask a lot."


"Your still the talkative Jisoo that I know. Well, I have 2 jobs. A barista on weekdays and a babysitter/tutor on Saturdays. Then I go to the university on Fridays and study on Sundays."


"Wow. So you still go to school?"


"Yeah. Getting my master degree for Business Administration. It's an advantage if you have masters degree here."


"But why are you working so hard for that? Don't your parents support you?"


"Uhh, no. I kinda lived independently for 4 years already."


"Oh. Well I saw your mom when I went home in our home town. I asked if how are you and she just said she don't know... sooo.."


"Ella!! Roman!! Are your things packed already?" Ella and Roman entered the dining room and Jennie had an excuse to not answer my question.


"Nini! Are we going to the Zoo now?" Ella asked.


"Yes in about 10 minutes okay? I'll just have the car ready. Jisoo please watch over them for a while. I'll just have the engine ready."


"Mmm kay."


After a few minutes we all got in the car.


"You're driving?" I asked Jennie.


"Yes, why? does it bother you? Hoony asked for a day off today. I have a drivers license so I am capable."


"Okay. I was just asking. How far is the zoo?"


"About an hour."


"Cool." Ugh. Here it goes again, another awkward silence between us. It's always like this anyway. Like before, we talk for like about a few minutes then we don't know what to talk anymore. I though it changed but it seems that its still the same.


Ella and Roman were just playing at the back seat while Jennie played some children song on the car stereo.


I was sitting so stiffly at the front seat. The sea view were at Jennie's side so I keep on glancing at her side.


I wasn't just glancing at the view tho, I was also glancing at Jennie's face. How she matured yet her cheeks are still the cheeks that I used to stare. Her cat like eyes were focused on the road. But damn, I haven't seen her for 9 years. I just saw her on pictures and sometimes in my dreams. Ugh, yeah like this girl beside me, I dreamed of her since before and every dream about her gives me smiles whenever I wake up.


Honestly, after I realized I had crush on her I started crushing on other girls too. She was like the starting point that opened me into this uality. Sadly, she never knew about it. I'm just wondering if I still have a crush on her or I have moved on already.


"Something wrong with my face?" Jennie snapped me out of my thoughts.


"No I wasn't looking at you. I was looking at the sea." Yep. Jisoo you're doing a good job.


"Hey Jisoo are you friends with our Nini already?" Roman asked.


"Uh, kinda? We just know each other." I answered.


"Oh, so it means I am your only friend here, right Jisoo?" Roman giggled.


"Yes Roman. And Ella too is my friend."


"But why aren't you friends with Nini?" Ella asked.


"Uhm because.."


"Jisoo doesn't want to be friends with me." Jennie answered. I just looked at her and she gave me a side smile.


"Why?" Both kids went close to Jisoo's seat and waited for her answer.


"I did not say that." Jisoo glared at Jennie.


"I'm just kidding kids, come on. We have arrived!" Jennie switched the subject. Gladly we arrived at the zoo.


"I wanna go to the aquarium!!"


"No! I wanna see the dinosaurs!"


"There are no dinosaurs here Roman." Jennie said.


"They're already dead Roman, all of them!" Ella added.


Roman was about to cry, I went closer to him.


"Hey, little man, don't cry. The dinosaurs, they are all in heaven now. The heaven were looking for stars to light up the sky at night. The dinosaurs wants to help and give us light at night, so, they all became stars." I tried my best in explaining to the kid why there are no more dinosaurs.


"Really?" Roman asked.


"Yes little man." Roman smiled and wiped his tears.


"Let's go to the aquarium now!"


"Hey, thank you for that." Jennie elbowed my right arm.


The kids enjoyed the whole morning trip to the aquarium. After lunch, they all headed to the safari where they ride an car with railings to protect them from Lions, Tigers that may attack them. 


"I wanna sit near the window!!" Roman said.


"No Roman. Tigers might bite your little hand. Just sit on my lap okay?" Jisoo said while she carried Roman and placed him on her lap.


Ella was between Jisoo and Jennie then she sat on Jennie's lap.


The car started to roam around the safari then suddenly one tiger was roaring at Jennie's window side. Ella and Jennie screamed that Jennie hugged the kids including Jisoo.


Jennie was still closing her eyes for a few minutes and still hugging the 3.


"Ohoo. That's okay Jennie, tigers gone now. We're at the giraffe's now. You can open your eyes."


"Haha Nini was scared!" Roman laughed.


"Nini are you okay?"


Jennie slowly opened her eyes and she just realized she was hugging the 3 of them and her head was on Jisoo's right shoulder.


"Sorry.. I was just surprised."


"Thats okay Jennie. Your still the scaredy-cat Jennie that I know huh? I remembered you're afraid of ghosts too!"


"Huh? When was I afraid of ghosts?" Jennie was confused.


"Err- uhm.. " . That was in my dream. I had a dream before that I saved Jennie from that headless priest that was chasing her in an old school.. Oof. Why did I remember that dream.


"Sorry?" Jennie asked.


"Oh that was someone else. ehehe." Damn this memories of my dreams that I have with her. 


Wouldn't it br weird if she'd know that she usually shows up in my dream?

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Chapter 6: Update or no Jisoo solo or Jennie cb.
bittersweetlover #2
Chapter 6: This is cute... i love it!!! :)
Jinriin #3
Chapter 6: Omo update please. Hehe
Chapter 5: Omgg hahaha ♡
Kween1990 #5
Chapter 5: OMG I love this!!
jenxchu #6
Chapter 5: A nice dream
tropys #7
Chapter 3: Bet the babysitter is Jennie
aw, jennie is too cute.