The Golden DonDonie

When The Wind Stops Blowing

Wheein enters the elevator to go up to her office. She is waiting for the elevator to stop at her office’s floor when it “ting” and the doors opens, a group of noisy girls enters. She rolls her eyes, tries to ignore the noise of loud talking and laughing when suddenly one of the girls shouts out.

“Ah is this the new assistant of the vice president? Are you still on your probation?”

Wheein simply nodds her head.

“Wow wow wow, I thought it must be an excellent and outstanding woman that caught the vice president’s attention, now I really doubt her administration skill, especially her taste”.

Wheein stares at them with questioning look on her face when one of the girls approaches her and caresses the bow on Wheein’s blouse.

“What are you staring at you ugly duckling, I doubt you can survive your time left of the probation, leave alone getting the official job”. A mocking laugh escapes the crowd, Wheein is about to argue back when the elevator “ting” and the door opens, there is Byulyi standing in front of the elevator. She is gorgeous and powerful as always, staring at the crowd and Wheein herself. The girls immediately stops their laughing, get out of the elevator and gather around Byulyi, leave Wheein alone behind in the elevator.

“Good morning Moon-sunbae, you having a good day?”, they approaches her with flirty and fake gigglings. Wheein silently watches the whole scenes, she has got used to it since the first day working here, get used to everyone, especially girls, approaching and gathering around her boss with such manners. However the only thing that makes Wheein uncomfortable is that Byulyi actually enjoys being admired and worshipped like the way others are doing toward her. She never says “no”, she is friendly and even flirty almost to everybody approaching her, she makes Wheein confused about her true feelings and causes. For a month and a half has passed, the job is going well for Wheein and more important, she and her boss are getting along really well too. There are some times Wheein thought she may have fallen for her boss and her boss may feel the same way, but she kept denying herself thinking it had been just almost two months, and she didn’t think she could fall for somebody that easily, she still had things to do. Yet right now Byulyi is talking and hugging those girls with joy apparent on her face, but still, she has saved Wheein from being insulted by those mean girls in the elevator recently, and Wheein is grateful for that.

“Ok ok girls, it’s time to work, go back to your office. See you around”, Byulyi eventually decides to stop the flirt when she is awared of Wheein’s presence. The girls keep nagging but she simply command Wheein to follow her to the office.

“Are you okay? You don’t look very good”, Byulyi states watching Wheein’s face when she closes the door behind her.

“I’m fine, just a little dizzy due to sleeplessness”.

“Then take a day off and rest well, I don’t want my dear girl to be sick because of overworking”.

“Stop it”, Wheein is unawared of her blushing cheeks.

“Stop what?”

“Stop flirting around people whom you don’t even know”.

“You’re envious?”, a nervous laugh escapes Byulyi. Wheein doesn’t answer.

“Anyway, leave it aside. Today I have something important to tell you, you’re not only my assistant but also somebody that I really trust and cherish.”

Wheein’s heart races in her chest. Finally this day has come? She can’t believe this.

“There’s only me and my Grandpa knows about this, now there’s you also. There are only 3 people in the world know this okay?”

Wheein sighs, Byulyi notices that and frown, “What, what are you expecting? I’m super nervous and has thought for days before deciding to tell you”

“I’m keeping one of the family treasure in my office, some places that others cannot see. Only Grandpa and me know, even my parents and sister doesn’t know about this because Grandpa believes that they’re not in the family business so the less they know, the better it is. It’s a golden pig called DonDonie, come here I’ll show you where it is”, she walks to the painting hung above the sofa.

Wheein has always admired that painting, it is a very old painting of the Buddha with sparkly golden lotuses around.

“You love it?” Byulyi asks noticing Wheein’s mesmerized face watching the painting.

“Yeah, it’s mesmerizing”

“Not only that. Look”, says Byulyi that she touches one of the lotuses’s pistil then gradually turns it counter-clockwise and pulls it out eventually in Wheein’s gasp of disbelief.

“This worths 10 billion won and is the symbol of the Moon. I’m so tired of keeping this secret to myself, you’re the only one that I trust so I decided to share this secret with you, please help and support me to protect this okay?”

Her words touch Wheein’s heart, it show how important Wheein is in Byulyi’s mind and heart that she decided to share this big secret with her. She nodds and assures Byulyi to believe her.


Wheein is preparing the documents for vice president Byulyi to present in front of the shareholders. This meeting is very important as the Moon has some investment projects that needs approval from the shareholders to proceed, as well as strengthening the Moon’s credit among Daijin’s shareholders.

Byulyi and the Sales Director, Kim Yongsun have been discussing in the office for 30 minutes, suddenly Byulyi leaves the office looking really angry. Wheein is about to follow her to ask what happened when she rememberes there is still Director Kim in the office so she decides to stay at her desk. However, minutes after that Director Kim also leaves the office.

“Did you guys just argued?”, Wheein asks her worriedly.

“Nothing, just loud talking”, Yongsun simply replies and leaves the room. These two are usually really closed that sometimes makes Wheein envious, but right now when an important meeting is ahead, it is definitely not a good time for the two to fight and for Wheein herself to envy. She shakes her head and continues her work.

A while later there are 3 knocks in the door and a girl comes in. She wears a fancy flower dress with white sneakers and light makeup, it somehow makes Wheein feel familiar.

“Hello I’m my sister’s sister”, the girl politely bows.

“You’re Moon Yokshim?”

“Wh...Ah yes! You must be the new assistant of my sister”, the girl startles at Wheein’s question but she quickly recovers.

“I’m here to look for her, is she in the office?”

“She just left a while ago, do you want to wait for her in the office?”

“Sure, it’s very nice of you”.

Wheein makes a cup of tea and brought it to Yokshim, she smiles receiving the cup.

“Thank you so much, I heard a lot about you from my sister” said Yokshim which makes Wheein smile widely.

After 15 minutes, Wheein finishes with her documents, she is checking for the last time when Yokshim comes out sighing.

“Ah I will come back later, now it’s time I have another appointment”.

Not long after Yokshim left, Byulyi comes back and goes straight to the office without saying a word to Wheein. When she comes out, Wheein can feel that she is anxious and bothered. Byulyi was never like that before even though there were a lot of incidents that were much more important and risky. She is about to say something to Wheein when Director Kim appears and pushes her to hurry otherwise they will be late for the meeting. Wheein shruggs then enters the office to take out the tea cup of Yokshim, she is cleaning the table when suddenly she spills the tea off the electricity plug-in on the floor. There is a buzz sound and the lights are off, meaning the electricity has gone out which makes Wheein let out a sigh of annoyance.


She comes out of the vice president’s office to her desk, roams for the Daijin’s phone directory. She searches for the number of the corporation’s private electrician.

“Ahn Hwasa electric”, Wheein let out a small giggling, what a funny name.

“Hello?”, a middle-aged male voice answers after a short ringing.

“Hello, I’m calling from Daijin, we have a problem with the electricity in the vice president’s private office. Can you come and fix it?”

“Sure, my daughter will be there in 10 minutes”.

Eh? A girl? Fixing the electricity? Wheein is awed at the information.

Wheein is scribbling on her notebook, she has so many images in her mind that if she doesn’t present it on paper soon, she might be bothered or even go crazy. Her mother is a painter and scupturist, since Wheein was a kid she was taught and inspired the love of arts from her mother, and she is glad that she is actually passionate and a little gifted in this field. Her love and passion for arts are so big that beside office work, at nights she allows herself to indulge in paintings and drawing (which is a part that causes her sleeplessness, apart from overworking). Not only that, whenever she has free time between tasks or during breaks, she just takes advantage to scribble things. She is focusing and immersing herself in a hamster’s figures that has been haunting her minds recently when a husky voice wakes her up from her dream.

“So you’re working here?”

Wheein raises her head to look at the voice’s owner, an awfully familiar face of a woman grinning devilishly at her. Wheein’s body immediately stops functioning, the embarrassing memory from that day floods back, crystal clear making Wheein stare at the woman unconsciously, but she quickly comes back to earth.

“You come to fix the electricity? Why don’t you knock the door before coming in?”

“The door opens itself, I’ve knocked but there’s no answer whereas a while ago there’s somebody urged my dad to come and fix their electricity as soon as possible”.

Wheein rolls her eyes then checks the woman out from head to toe. Now that Wheein has the chance to take a closer look of this woman, she can’t help but admire her figures. Diamond shaped face, high cheekbones with a cute mole on the right cheeks. She is wearing the same outfit that she wore that day, but today she exposes more of her tanned and healthy looking skin as she let loose one of the shoulders so that even her abs can be seen. Damn this is fatal, Wheein gulps but feigns calm.

“So this is your uniform? You wear this kind of clothes to work?”

“It’s my own business choosing what to wear at work, by the way why did you just check me out like that?”, the woman keeps teasing causing Wheein to blush.

“But in this freezing weather? You go everywhere fixing the electricity wearing this, this is inappropriate, you may catch a cold!”

“I enjoy catching a cold, especially after showered by all the craving looks”, forms that devilish smirk again.

“Oh man you overconfident and full of yourself, sadly it’s not true. Such attitude and manners…ughh…the other day I felt so guilty having thought you were a ert, but today I regret feeling guilty, it served you right!”, Wheein is so embarrassed that she gets angry without any reasons despite the fact that she rarely gets angry and shouts to anybody.

“Then you call me to come to fix the electricity or give me attitude and fashion training session? You’re talking too much my head hurts, you’re wasting my time”, she keeps grinning while pretending to touch her forehead.

Wheein startles, she remembers the reason that caused her to meet this annoying idiot. She signals the woman to follow her, opens the dark room and stands beside her holding a flashlight.

“You can leave now and go back to your doodles, I’m not used to working in a dark room with an unrelated stranger’s presence”, Wheein can’t see the woman’s face but she can sense the sarcasm in her voice. She hesitates, she has DonDonie to look after, but half of her doesn’t want to be in the same room with this person.

“I can push you on the floor to do whatever I like that you will have no way to protest, I’m feeling hot right now, you look delicious yourself”, the woman doesn’t give up teasing Wheein.

Wheein gasps angrily again but she holds herself back, thinking when this idiot finishes and gets out, she can body examine her. How can she let her get away that easily, Wheein whistles getting out of the office.

One hour later, the woman gets out of the office, her uniform is wet with sweat. She tied her hair into a bun exposing her sweaty neck, shoulders and collarbones. She turns her back to close the door behind her when Wheein notices a tattoo in the middle of her nape, “Maria”. Wheein is dumbfounded at the stunning figures in front of her, this is too much for her to take. However the woman’s heavy breath snaps her out of her thoughts. She nervously approaches the woman while thinking to herself that what she does is because of DonDonie, only for DonDonie.

“I need to examine your body and also your equipment bag”, Wheein tries very hard to show calmness.

“You think I rob things from the ofice? My family has been working for Daijin since its establishment, or you are finding some ways to touch me? It’s funny that the other day you slapped me thinking I touched your flat butts and now you request me to let you check my whole body”, the woman goggleeyes in surprise, then not a devilish but quite nervous smile formed on her lips. Wheein enjoys this little change herself.

“It was a mere mistake and misunderstanding, I’m so sorry for that and this request has nothing to do with the other day’s thing. I don’t need to know how good your relationship with the corporation is. I have my own responsibility and reasons that you must oblige without asking. Now you have 2 options, me or the building’s security team”, Wheein ignores the woman’s sarcasm and accusation. What she’s doing is for DonDonie.

The woman rolls her eyes in displeasement, but she hands her equipment bag to Wheein. Finished, she places the bag on the table and turns at the woman to see that she has already hung her two arms in the air, signals Wheein to body examine her. Wheein hesitates a little, how it will feel like to touch that tanned skin, that shoulder, that chest…

“Yah, if you still want to check then make it quick, I don’t have much time to stay here for you to touch all over me”, the woman said impatiently, not without the smile.

Wheein glowers at the statement, but she slowly approaches the woman. She checks her from the toe and up to trouser legs, two side pockets, up to the belt and belly area, two side pockets of the belly then suddenly halts. The woman stares at Wheein and grins of satisfaction. Wheein frowns, she grits her teeth while putting her hands into 2 pockets in front of the woman’s chest.

“Damn why are there so many pockets, this damn uniform”, Wheein thinks to herself checking the outfit’s collar. When she wraps her arms around the woman to check her back and waist, she abruptly feels two strong arms around her waist holding her closer to the opposite person’s body. Wheein can feel the sweat on her own skin and the scent of sweat mixing with shampoo, surprisingly she doesn’t feel annoyed but it is very relaxed and comforted. She stays still for a while but quickly pushes the woman away, flusters a little.

“Sorry I can’t help”, the woman smiles asking for forgiveness.

“It’s done, you can leave”, says Wheein with an uneasy face.

“You have my number already, you can dial whenever you miss me”, the woman winks at her before heading to the door.

Wheein sits at her desk hugging her own chest. Her mind is still wandering around the recent hug and the scent left on her vest when she hears noises out of the door. Yokshim enters the room, impatiently asks if her sister has come back. Wheein shakes her head in reply when she suddenly remembers something that makes her hurriedly comes into the office. She turns on the light and checks the painting on the wall. The painting is still there but inevitably a black hole can be seen on the lotus’s pistil. Wheein’s heart sank in shock and scare, the golden DonDonie has disappeared.

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Chapter 3: ok, dude i finally read it.
this is an interesting plot, and i wanna know what happens next. also wheesa's relationship is a fun dynamic!
hurry up and continue thissss
NightRainbow #2
Chapter 3: Interesting plot so far, I'm anticipating how it will go. Please update soon!
Chapter 1: I like your portrayal of a hard working confident Wheein going for what she wants. Her interaction with the mechanic was funny and embarrassing lol.

As far as your writing goes, you have good potential. Some things I would suggest is to keep your tense the same through the entire story. You tend to switch between past tense and present. I would suggest picking one of the two to keep your story more uniform and also because it can confuse the reader.

Another tip is to start a new paragraph every time a character talks. Having quotations jumbled up in one paragraph makes the story seem cluttered. Plus it’s a grammar rule to start a new paragraph every time you have someone speak.