
When The Wind Stops Blowing

The annoying ring of the alarm buzzes throughout the room, Wheein whines and snoozes it off. Why does the stupid alarm ring off again, she thinks for a while in half asleep mind.

“Oh , I’m gonna be late!”

She jumps out of bed to take a look at her phone. She thought to herself last night that she would take one last revision before the first round today “Case study”. Great, now she will have to do it without any revision. Wheein quickly chooses an elegant white veston and high heels, does not forget to wear her glasses instead of lens before taking one last look at her reflection on the mirror.

“Wow, look like a true intellectual, a beautiful yet knowledgeable”.

She gets off the bus, looks up the skyscrapper in front of her, across the street. A huge “Daijin Inc.” blinks blinks in the middle of the building, a smile of confidence formed on her cutie face.

“Daijin here we go”.

Suddenly she remembers that she has not taken her coffee yet, she just grabs a hamburger on the bus, Wheein can’t go through the day without a cup of coffee in the morning. She looks around and decides to enter the café opposite to the building. After ordering her drink, Wheein sat on a chair waiting for her name to be called.

“Ms. Wheein please”.

Wheein approaches the booth waiting for the waiter to hand her the drink, instantly her butts feels strange. Her mind screams “Some erts is touching my OMG”, she turns around with an annoyed face expecting some erted man but dumbfounded when she sees a face of a woman with long black wavy hair flipped into one side, curvy thick lips and long eyelashes as she is tilting her head talking on the phone. She wears a costume which looks like mechanic’s, but she let loose the buttons which shows the inside black body tanktop to show off her inevitable collarbone and the edge between her s. She seems awared of Wheein’s stare as she turns her head to stare back at Wheein with a questioning look on her face.

“Ugh this unreadable ert, how awfully straight and y she looks and she still wants to experience a flat of a complete stranger. And yet she’s there pretending not knowing anything and not responsible for the act. How rude and professionally erted, I’ll make her pay”, Wheein says to herself then suddenly, without thinking twice she slaps the girl on her face. The girl gasps, widens her eyes and stares at Wheein as if she is trying to figure out what made Wheein do that yet she hasn’t recovered from the shock.

“Yah don’t you give an innocent face like that, what do I have that you don’t have and you still have to touch my butts? I don’t even know you! And yours are way bigger and more delicious!”, Wheein shouts out.

The girl’s eyes are even wider at Wheein’s words, she is about to say something but after looking around at everybody in the café staring and whispering, she decides to keep silent. That was when a middle-aged woman hurriedly approaches them, she gasps before bowing her head constantly.

“I’m terribly sorry miss, please don’t blame her it was not her, it was my little son. He was so naughty earlier that you accidentally sat on his sticker, he went on pull it off your body without my observation, when I found him I already saw you girls fighting, please stop. I’m terribly sorry for not taking good care of my son”.

Wheein feels like her heart and breath just stops many beats, she’s just acted without thinking and she is feeling so ashamed. She stands struck, ducks her head and frowns at the thought of getting scolded and nagged from the strange girl, but for long she doesn’t see anything happens, she gradually raises her head to see the mechanic girl sigh annoyedly then boredly glances at her before turning around and goes away toward the exit of the café.


Wheein passed the first, second, and third round with ease. She has been preparing for this for months, giving the fact that she is a genius herself. To be hired as assistant of the vice president of one of the most powerful corporations of South Korea, apart from expertise knowledge, she also has to master necessary skills to act and deal with people in the tycoon world. The last round is to be directly interviewed and assessed by the vice president herself. Wheein has done a lot of research in order to prepare for this round, she has to have mutual things with the vice president as much as she can to defeat other applicants. Her future boss will be the only heiress and future president of Daijin after her grandpa – Brian Moon’s retirement. However, due to granddaughter’s safety and peace, the family never releases a single picture of the heiress, even the most skillfull paparazzi cannot capture any pictures of her. After 10 years of studying in Sweden, she has come back to South Korea to take over the family’s business, and to help her with a lot of important stuff, the company is hiring an assistant for her with an unrealistic rate of salary and benefits. What a mysterious family background! However, Wheein supposes she will be a cool elegant young woman with excellent profile, and maybe a little full of herself due to such high profile and class.

Wheein opens the door of the vice president’s office, her heart races in her chest. She needs this job, she really has to make it to help her mom and herself get through the days. Sitting in a chair is a woman with long straight silver hair with elegant glasses. She is wearing a gray menswear suit with black tie, the vibe was mannish yet tidy and attractive. Wheein holds her breath when the suited woman gave her a hamster smile telling her to take a seat at the chair opposite. She is quite of Wheein’s imagination, except for the mannish look, super cute smile and friendly attitude. They have an interesting interview and share a lot of habits and perspectives, Wheein is glad that she actually enjoys talking and working with this woman as friends and more than that, rather than being an assistant. Wait, what did she just think? She shake the thought off her mind, focuses on the warm hamster smile in front of her.

“Wow, you’re one of a kind Ms. Jung, I guess I will have a headache deciding who will be the one. Now you can leave, you’ve done a great job, you will receive notification from us in a few days. I hope I can see you then!”, Byulyi gave a friendly smile. Wheein was dumbfounded for a second before relising she had to leave.

A week later, Wheein receives a call from Daijin to offer her a two-month-probation and the salary when she becomes their official employee. After hanging up the phone, she jumps around the house out of excitement. She calls her mom in Jeonju.

“Mom I made it, I made it!!!! They offered me a probation before officially hiring!!!!!”.

“Ah good for you Wheeinah, I hope you enjoy what you’re doing”, her mom’s soft voice from the other line makes Wheein’s eyes wet. She misses her mom, she misses home, but she really has to do this for her mom.

“Yeah it’s great mom, it starts next week”. The thought of working closedly with Byulyi adds to her excitement and she unconsciously let go the slight imagination of being Daijin vice president’s wifey-nim.

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Chapter 3: ok, dude i finally read it.
this is an interesting plot, and i wanna know what happens next. also wheesa's relationship is a fun dynamic!
hurry up and continue thissss
NightRainbow #2
Chapter 3: Interesting plot so far, I'm anticipating how it will go. Please update soon!
Chapter 1: I like your portrayal of a hard working confident Wheein going for what she wants. Her interaction with the mechanic was funny and embarrassing lol.

As far as your writing goes, you have good potential. Some things I would suggest is to keep your tense the same through the entire story. You tend to switch between past tense and present. I would suggest picking one of the two to keep your story more uniform and also because it can confuse the reader.

Another tip is to start a new paragraph every time a character talks. Having quotations jumbled up in one paragraph makes the story seem cluttered. Plus it’s a grammar rule to start a new paragraph every time you have someone speak.