The Electrician

When The Wind Stops Blowing

All of them including Wheein, Yokshim, Yongsun, the electrician and Byulyi are summoned to the police station to be interrogated. During her turn, Wheein just blankly answers the inspector’s questions. Byulyi quietly sits next to him trying to find Wheein’s eyes, but Wheein feels too guilty to dare to glance at Byulyi’s place, she avoids her gaze for the whole time as she wishes she can melt away at the place. She doesn’t mind being considered suspects, together with Yokshim, Yongsun and the electrician, but the fact that she has let the DonDonie slip away right under her eyes, she has let Byulyi down, which hurts her self-esteem and self-respect, not to say her probation has not even ended yet.

Leaving the interroagating room, she finds the electrician sitting beside the police officer that guards the station. She has changed her “uniform” to a sporty hoodie with shorts and sneakers giving her a chic look. Never mind, she’s not in the mood for checking out this idiot.

“Ah so you’re summoned here too, no wonder wherever I meet you, bad luck will come and find me”, the wavy hair girl breaks the silence.

Never mind, she has no time for minding this idiot, it’s time for relax from the stressful blaming gaze of Byulyi and indulge in self-pity instead.

“First the slap, then you roamed my whole body thinking I may have stolen something from your office, now I am summoned to the police without knowing anything about that stupid thing of yours”, the electrician blames as she didn’t receive any reaction from Wheein earlier.

“I’m not in the mood for arguing with you right now, leave me alone”, Wheein finally responds as she doesn’t see the regular smirk from the other girl.

“Whatever, you and your ignorant rich chaebols, you will never understand what our blue collar workers have to come through”, the electrician girl clicks her tongue as she shruggs her shoulders.

What? Ignorant? Will never understand? This girl is out of her mind?

“Yah, what do you know about it to claim? Don’t even judge when you literally have no idea about it you stupid ”, Wheein shouts it out loud as she widens her eyes in anger. She knows it better than anyone, how poverty and underestimation feels like, how hard it is to be at her current position and to be socially recognized. She’s not that kind of ignorant people who will randomly put some innocents into jail, neither is Byulyi, she will be wise and fair enough to get this case solved.

“Hey you two, stop arguing and fighting, this is a police station and I can put both of you into jail for disturbing the police station’s order”, the police officer prevents Wheein from jumping in and hit the other girl just in time.

She lets out a sharp sigh and whine, still staring at the electrician in fury whereas the latter just squints at her mysteriously.

“Miss Ahn please, it’s your turn”, the door opens and the inspector’s assistant annouces. She stands up and comes to the room. Wheein’s eyes follow her until her figure disappears behind the door.

The interrogation ends late at early morning the next day. Wheein comes to the office in colleagues’ stare and whisper, she has no idea if they whisper at her inevitable tiredness after an eventful and sleepless day or the mess she has caused to their soon-to-be boss. She’s just too exhausted and mind-occupied to care, until the police find the true thief, the guilt and worry has not lifted from her chest yet.

She enters Byuyi’s office, they haven’t had the opportunity to talk yet since the incident and Wheein hasn’t been ready to face Byulyi yet, but she still has jobs to do.

Opposite to her expectation, Byulyi is sitting at her desk, looking rather calm.

“The police has caught the thief redhanded, DonDonie has been found at her electricity shop. It was Miss Ahn, Wheein”, Byulyi slowly claimed looking straight into Wheein’s eyes.

For the first time, Wheein doesn’t feel nervous or stunned by Byulyi’s stare, she’s just staring back at Byulyi.


“You heard me Wheein, the pig was found at her place last night, the police decided to search her house and shop after the interrogation ended”

“But…but….but….”, Wheein was speechless.

“I know you examined her bag and her body that night, but she may have cheated you in some ways. Ah that girl, we have worked with each other since our dads’ generation, I thought that Hwasa would be like her dad, talented and dedicated, but what a life”, Byulyi closes her eyes as she sits on the sofa putting her hands behind her neck.

Wheein doesn’t say anything, she still hasn’t recover from the shock. She was pretty sure that idiot couldn’t be the culprit.

“Are you okay Wheein-ah?”, Byulyi worriedly asks as she hears nothing from Wheein.

“No, I’m fine, just a little shocked. I’m going back to work now”.

“Alright, stop blaming yourself, you make me hurt and feel guilty seeing you like that. Just cheer up that now everything is fine ok?”, Byulyi smiles of relief.

“Yea, gladly”, Wheein feigns a smile.


Wheein turns on the shower to let the water cool down her dizzyness, she has never come through a long and heavy day at Daijin as today. She’s still thinking hard about the case. Although as for the background, that idiot has the most reasonable motivation to steal the pig, even her words that night when she came to fix the electricity was so suspicious, she uses that face, that body, the skill with the inherited electricity shop to steal things from clients? Before she left the office Wheein also examined the whole of her (she suddenly feels hot on her cheeks) and finds nothing, how on earth could she escape with the pig?

More importantly, the fight with her at the police station strengthens Wheein’s belief that that idiot is innocent. She gradually remembers each moment of that evening, like a film reel, suddenly it stops at Byulyi’s pacnicked face, which she has never seen her like that before, when Byulyi came back to her office after Yokshim had left. Maybe at that moment Byulyi had already found something wrong but she didn’t declare to the inspector? Wheein’s memory film reel stops at the loud, noisy scene in front of Byulyi’s office when Hwasa left the place just in time Yokshim came back.

All of the scenes have helped her come to the conclusion, and half of Wheein wishes it isn’t the truth. She still needs the evidences to confirm her hypothesises, so she hurriedly dialed the case’s inspector’s number.

“Hi Mr. Park, it’s me Ms. Moon’s assistant. Sorry to disturb you this late at night but this is a very urgent case. May I ask where exactly DonDonie was found at Hwasa’s place?”

“Ah it’s ok, Ms. Jung”, kindly says Mr. Park. “You may not believe it but I must say that even I was surprised to hear that they found the pig still deep in her belt pocket, looked like she didn’t even try to hide it or didn’t have time to, but I doubt the second possibility as before you called us she had plenty of time to do so”.

“Is that so? Such helpful information, thank you so much Mr. Park. You’re the savior”.

The next morning, without her daily shyness, Wheein comes straight to Byulyi’s office staring at her confidently.

“Byulyi unnie, please let me see all of the CCTV clips the evening of the incident”, Wheein stating clearly.

“Morning, Wheein. Why are you rushing? Have some tea?”, Byulyi gestures at the sofa.

“Please unnie, this is an urgent case”.

“This case is over Wheein, the thief has been caught and she will be punished soon”. Byulyi says focusedly.

“But she’s not the thief”, Wheein shakes her head in disagreement.

“What’s wrong with you? This case is closed. No matter how sad I am to the fact that Hwasa who’s very closed to me and my family for a long time, she still has to receive punishment for the crime”.

“Is it her crime or you are trying to hide the real crime, the true culprit?”, Wheein lowers her voice.

“What do you mean?”, Byulyi asks weirdly.

“If it were really Hwasa who did it, it wouldn’t take you so long to let me see all of those CCTV clips. And I know you didn’t hand it all to the police”, Wheein narrows her eyes as she’s trying to persuade Byulyi.

“It’s getting late, I have an urgent meeting in 30 minutes, please get back to work Wheein”, Byulyi tries to avoid Wheein’s stare.

“Please tell me you didn’t do anything that would make you regret and feel guilty later, I know you’re not that kind of person”, Wheein stomped out of the room.

20 minutes later, Byulyi comes out fully prepared, still avoids staring at Wheein’s eyes.

“Remember to go home early when you finish work okay? There’s a lot of work to do in the next few days and don’t let yourself collapse, I won’t be able to talk with your papa and mama”, she lets out a nervous smile as Wheein just simply nodds.

As Byulyi’s heels’ sound dies away, Wheein enters the office, tries to log into Byulyi’s office laptop but as always, it has password. Byulyi never lets anyone know passwords to her private computers, even her trusted assistants, but Wheein is so much of a genius and knows Byulyi too well to be defeated by her passwords. After several attempts, she succeeds gaining access into Byulyi’s office CCTV folder where she sees what is needed and most wanted at the time: the clip of Yokshim rushed into her room and purposedly bumped into the leaving and knowing-nothing Hwasa. She pauses then rewinds to see Yok Shim purposedly put something into Hwasa’s right belly pocket. Wheein carefully copies all of the folder into her own usb and leaves the building.

Closing the apartment door behind her, she heavily drops the bag into the wardrobe. Watching the instant pasta dish bought at the nearby convenient store spinning monotonously in the microwave, she lets out a heavy sigh.

“And I said that I understood everything, now guess who’s the ignorant pig headed one”.

Half of her is relieved that she has succeeded saving one innocent person from the jail, and the other half is shooked, she doesn’t want to believe the fact that the Moon sisters, especially Byulyi, is the kind of person that will put any random person into jail just to protect and reserve the family and corporation’s reputation.

“Can’t believe this is happening”, Wheein presses her thumb on her forehead.

The next day, without waiting for Byulyi to be available, Wheein approaches her desk in the office on which she puts the usb.

“Please call the police to release Hwasa – the innocent one, you’ve found DonDonie anyway, why still put her into jail?”, Wheein says, somehow pleas.

“Why are you so worried about that poor electrician?”, B widens her eyes in surprise.

“She’s not guilty, she’s just trapped by you rich es”, Wheein blurts out.

“What you’re saying may harm your future career”, Byulyi says, somehow threatens.

“Call the police yourself or I’ll come get her and you”, Wheein stops to point at Byulyi, “You and your little thief sister will be infamous for putting the innocent into jail due to your cowardess and selfishness”.

Byulyi widens her eyes more than ever, maybe she hasn’t witnessed this side of Wheein before.

“How about making a deal?”, Byulyi quickly makes an offer.

Wheein tilts her head wondering.

“We can make a deal. I will let you do this job until you get rid of it, apart from giving you a considerable amount of money, I will consider rising your salary for some time in a while. If you like I can also put you in any position in this corporation you want, within my ability of course. How does that sound?”

Wheein stares at Byulyi in disbelief. She thought Byulyi was better than that, she thought Byulyi would think of her better than that, she was different from all the ignorant rich chaebols using their money without thinking, she thought they could get along well thank to the same perspectives of life. However, after all it was just her thought and self illusions.

“This is an once-in-a-lifetime offer that I make, Wheein. Don’t blow your chance for some stupid heroic acts and a poor irrelevant electrician. Are they worth your sacrificing all these valuable chances and efforts you’ve earned?”, Byulyi lowers her voice as she stares straight into Wheein eyes, as sharp as a knife.

Wheein quietly stands there staring at Byulyi for a while, then leaves the office without another word, does not forget to slam the door behind her. Maybe she just also slammed the door of her career opportunities, but she doesn’t care anymore.

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Chapter 3: ok, dude i finally read it.
this is an interesting plot, and i wanna know what happens next. also wheesa's relationship is a fun dynamic!
hurry up and continue thissss
NightRainbow #2
Chapter 3: Interesting plot so far, I'm anticipating how it will go. Please update soon!
Chapter 1: I like your portrayal of a hard working confident Wheein going for what she wants. Her interaction with the mechanic was funny and embarrassing lol.

As far as your writing goes, you have good potential. Some things I would suggest is to keep your tense the same through the entire story. You tend to switch between past tense and present. I would suggest picking one of the two to keep your story more uniform and also because it can confuse the reader.

Another tip is to start a new paragraph every time a character talks. Having quotations jumbled up in one paragraph makes the story seem cluttered. Plus it’s a grammar rule to start a new paragraph every time you have someone speak.