Ch. 7

Can hate turn into love?

Siwon was thinking that mister Kim should know about suicide attempt of his son so he called him in the morning. Mister Kim promised to see Yesung on his way to his office.

After breakfast Siwon left and met Yesung’s father in lobby. He bowed to him and got in his car while mister Kim walked in an elevator and heads up.


Yesung doesn’t know that his father is coming here. If he knows then he would try to hide. The doorbell ring and Yesung opened the door. He is shocked that his father is here. Moreover this angry.


“So a suicide, hmm? You really try to embarrass me and your poor mother. She was so worried that maybe someone saw you and that the press is going to find out.”


Yesung is backing away from him and trembles in fear.

“Father .. please i wont do it again.”

His father only chuckled and nodded.

“Okay. I am just going to make sure about it.”


He jumped on him and tackled him down. His strong hands wrapped around thin neck of his son and he starts to choke him.


“Your head is really empty. Do you understand that this marriage is important for my company?! You should be whole hearted and try to pay me back for being a useless son!”


He is squeezing Yesung’s neck tighter and his son is weakly whining and choking. Yesung’s face is red from lax of oxygen and his vision is starting to darken. This is a ing irony - he was saved from committing suicide and now he is going to die during being punished for that.


Siwon is sitting in his car and thinks. Yesung’s parents are weird. When he said that Yesung tried to kill himself their first question wasn’t if he is okay but if anyone saw it. 

“Turn the car back.”


His driver nodded and heads back to his boss’s home. Siwon sees that mister Kim’s car is still here and he got in an elevator. Something feels weird. He doesn’t know what or why but something is bad. Siwon opened door of his apartment and hears only some muffled sounds. He walks further in his flat and gasped. Right next to the couch is lying Yesung on floor and his father is sitting on his chest and chokes him.


Siwon woke up from his shock and pushed Kim away.


“What are you doing to him?!”


Yesung is coughing violently and fights against unconsciousness. He is wheezing and his lungs burn from being so long without air. Mister Kim got up and fixed his suit.


“I made sure that he wont try to kill himself again.”


Siwon turned to him in disbelief. What? Kim left and Siwon turned back to Yesung who is struggling to breathe.

“I should take you to a doctor.”

He carefully helped Yesung back on his feet and then in his car. They go in a hospital where Siwon’s good friend Leeteuk works and go in his office. They are waiting for Leeteuk and Yesung lifted his eyes to Siwon.

“I know that you are busy, you don’t need to be here.”


Siwon shrugged because he was quite scared when he saw his wife being choked.

“I am your husband, thats why i am staying here.”

Leeteuk came and handed a white hospital gown to Yesung. 

“Get changed please and come here okay?”

Yesung slowly went behind a curtain and changed into the gown. He sat down and Leeteuk starts to examine him. Leeteuk finds it weird that Yesung is so thin and the bruises around his neck also don’t look good. Leeteuk took a neck brace and put it around Yesung’s neck. He is a very careful doctor and knows that back and neck injuries are serious. 

Then he spotted bruises on Yesung’s knees and thighs.


“Is your relationship intimate?”


Yesung hang his head down because he is shy and Siwon shakes his head no.

“I only need to check something so Yesung please lay down and Siwon leave.”


Siwon hesitantly goes out of the office and Yesung lies down on the cold stretcher dressed only in white hospital gown.

“Put your legs up please.”


Yesung doesn’t comply because he is and with legs up Leeteuk will see everything.

“Yesung please. After this we will be done.”


Yesung still doesn’t want to put his legs in the stirrups so Leeteuk grabbed his ankles and lifted his legs.


“I am sorry but i need to do this.”


Leeteuk then fastened two velcro straps which are holding Yesung’s legs in the stirrups and lifted the gown a bit. He immediately frowned because his looks seriously injured.


“This isn’t good.”

Leeteuk reached for speculum and gasped. There is quite deep fissure and it is still bleeding a bit. The doctor forced himself to smile a bit and then got up.


“I am going to speak with Siwon for a while, get dress okay?”


Yesung nodded and Leeteuk walked into the hallway where is waiting Siwon.

“Siwon why did you lied about having with him?! Obviously you ed him pretty violently.”

Siwon doesn’t know what to say and stutters.

“Siwon, you stupid motherer! He has open wound! Can you imagine what could have happened if the wound got infected?!”

Leeteuk slapped his face and tries to calm down.

“I saw his medical records. He has been injured more than twenty times. Broken fingers, ribs, mild concussion. It is clear that he was abused. Look at him!”

Siwon shakes his head no and walks inside Leeteuk’s office. Yesung is now almost dressed and Siwon finally realized why is he so thin. Siwon opened his mouth and then closed them again. How he can ask? It is clear that his father is very aggressive, he almost choked him to death so why he should have done thing like that before?


Siwon cleared his throat and fixed his tie.


“We can go home.”



Yesung slowly got up and winced because his neck and back hurt. He is walking two steps behind Siwon because his husband is probably mad. And he is right. Siwon is mad but not at Yesung but on himself. He remembers how he acted to Yesung who did nothing wrong. He basically him, forced him to sleep on floor and more. 


They arrived and Yesung is going in his empty bedroom when Siwon opened door of his room. 


“You can sleep in bed with me and tomorrow I am going to buy you your own bed. Don’t worry I wont you again, I am sorry that I did that before.”


Yesung takes few steps in the bedroom and turned to his husband.

“You don’t need to! You are my husband so you can do it to me. It was my fault that I got hurt.”


Siwon sighed in sadness. This is what his parents taught their son?!

“B..ut if you want to have then you can of course!”

Yesung looked at him with tears in his eyes and hopes that Siwon isn’t going to do it. Siwon silently left the bedroom and Yesung laid down. He is soon fast asleep, too tired and hurt to think about the sudden change in Siwon’s behavior.

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Chapter 11: how can u made yesung suffered so much huhu this is so sad
can we have a sequel for thisss
392 streak #2
Chapter 11: Tifana said what I wanted to say (but at that time I just forgot to come here again) XDDDD
cloudykuro #3
Chapter 11: That's it? But siwon hasn't paid any for his sin! Don't let yesung accept him just like that :( we need a sequel
LongBanana #4
Chapter 11: I have reached the end here. is this really over? but we don't know whether yesung really forgives Siwon

You know what? I cried throughout the story TT.. Yesung's life was very sad before. but fortunately Siwon immediately changed his character T ^ T.. I was afraid of Yesung if he really committed suicide

Thankyu for your story update.. I'll wait for another story ^^
Hwating!! (^^)/
Chapter 11: OMG You made me cry so hard! Poor Yesungie TT - TT Please authornim make a happy ending for this!
392 streak #6
Chapter 3: YOUUUU made (my) Yesungie really suffered?!? How could you T^T --butIlovewhensomeonehurthimsoyeah-- #slapped XD
392 streak #7
wait what? It's completed??? WOW! Okey, I'm just gonna get ready to read all of it in one go! YOSH!
Chapter 11: Omg why your story alway so angsty and makes me cry. And I'm a masochist because i like it!!!! I swear your stories always make me feels emotional Q ^ Q
LongBanana #9
Chapter 1: What? since when did this story end? God, I'm very surprised
mickeymousey #10