Ch. 11

Can hate turn into love?

Heechul and Siwon loaded Yesung in their car and Leeteuk is driving. Heechul is already calling in the hospital so everything is going to be ready right when they arrived.


“His body isn’t ready. He is only bleeding and the babies are ready to come out but his body isn’t responding. I need to do c-section.”

Yesung is crying in pain and fear. Are his babies going to survive? He doesn’t care about his life but he wants the babies to be healthy.


They arrived and two nurses laid Yesung on a stretcher. Yesung is sweating a lot and wrapped his arms around his big belly. Heechul is trying to calm him down while he is getting dressed in blue scrubs. 

Meanwhile Siwon is standing in front of the operating room and nervously plays with his tie.


“Are you going inside Siwon?”

Leeteuk asked him and Siwon shakes his head no.

“Siwon, it wasn’t quite a question. You need to go inside to support him. This is traumatic for him so get your in a scrubs and hurry inside.”


Leeteuk went in the operation room and smiles on Yesung.


“Are you excited? You are going to see your babies soon!”


Leeteuk takes an injection with long needle and two nurses gently turn Yesung on his side. Leeteuk is going to assist to Heechul and his first task is to stab this needle in Yesung’s spine. Yesung cried out in pain but soon stopped feeling what is going down there.

The nurses changed Yesung into hospital gown and put a breathing tube under his nose. Then they connected few electrodes to his chest and suddenly Siwon hesitantly walked inside. He is wearing a scrubs and a mask and slowly grabbed Yesung’s small hand in his.


“Yesung, it is going to be okay. Soon you are going to be mommy.”


They pulled a curtain across his midsection so now he cant feel anything or even see what are they doing. Unfortunately Siwon can. Heechul took a scalpel and made a cut across Yesung’s belly. Blood is pouring from the cut and Siwon better turned his eyes to Yesung or he will vomit. 


Yesung is still crying silently and waits for some sign that the babies are okay. Heechul got the first baby out and handed him to a nurse. Cry of their first born son ruptured the air and Yesung sighed. One of his sons is okay. Then everything went bad. 

The second baby has umbilical cord tangled around his neck. On top of it Yesung started to bleed. Heechul silently cursed under his breath and tries to work faster. When he finally got the second baby out Yesung is bleeding harder and Leeteuk pushed Heechul aside. Heechul created friendship with Yesung and now he is too scared and shocked. Leeteuk likes Yesung too but he can focus only on stopping the bleeding. He is ignoring everything around him and finally stopped the bleeding. Yesung already fainted thanks to the big blood lost and the nurses are checking up if he isn’t getting worse.


Finally Leeteuk closed Yesung’s cut and Yesung is moved in a private room. The babies were born a whole month sooner so they are in incubators but they are fine. On the other hand Yesung is still unconscious and he doesn’t look good. 


Siwon goes to see his sons and then broke down. He caused this. He risked life of his wife and sons for one flirt with an actress. He banged his head against wall few times until Heechul pated his back. Now it is useless to be sorry because what happened cant be taken back. They are silently standing there and watching the two small babies.


“What about names?”


Siwon thinks for a while but then smiled.


“Yesung wanted to name them Hyukjae and Donghae.”


Heechul nodded and goes to write the names on the babies incubators. Now when Siwon sees their names it is so real. They aren’t a random tiny humans who came from Yesung’s body but their are his sons.


Siwon walked in Yesung’s room and sat down on a couch. Yesung is still sleeping and a thick bandages are wrapped around his stomach. He is sitting there for whole four days and only sometimes goes to see their sons. Heechul comes from time to time because the babies need to bond with their mommy which means that Heechul lays them on Yesung’s chest and Hyukjae and Donghae drink milk of their mommy. On the other hand when Siwon holds them they are immediately crying like if they know that it was him who caused this. Siwon is mostly watching them or unmoving Yesung or cries. He was so stupid. He was drunk when he had with the actress, they were both drunk and he had no idea that she was so stupid to take a photos. 


After two days later Yesung finally opened his eyes. For a while he doesn’t know what happened but then spotted Siwon. Heechul immediately asked if it is okay for Siwon to stay or if he should leave but Yesung only shakes his head no. He can finally hold his babies for the first time and fell in love with them after seeing their tiny bodies and curious eyes watching him. His sons are hungry so he ed his shirt and let them drink. The only sound in the room is their and soft whimpers.

“Yesung can you forgive me?”


Yesung shakes his head no slowly and Siwon feels like he cant breathe.


“Not now, not yet.”


Yesung cheek of tiny Donghae who stretched his tiny arms and whined. Siwon is almost crying in relief because there is still a chance. He was ready to leave their house and send money to his wife and sons but he can stay with them.

Siwon is watching Yesung nursing their babies and smiled. He isn’t going to risk this huge happiness again. Ever.

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Chapter 11: how can u made yesung suffered so much huhu this is so sad
can we have a sequel for thisss
394 streak #2
Chapter 11: Tifana said what I wanted to say (but at that time I just forgot to come here again) XDDDD
cloudykuro #3
Chapter 11: That's it? But siwon hasn't paid any for his sin! Don't let yesung accept him just like that :( we need a sequel
LongBanana #4
Chapter 11: I have reached the end here. is this really over? but we don't know whether yesung really forgives Siwon

You know what? I cried throughout the story TT.. Yesung's life was very sad before. but fortunately Siwon immediately changed his character T ^ T.. I was afraid of Yesung if he really committed suicide

Thankyu for your story update.. I'll wait for another story ^^
Hwating!! (^^)/
Chapter 11: OMG You made me cry so hard! Poor Yesungie TT - TT Please authornim make a happy ending for this!
394 streak #6
Chapter 3: YOUUUU made (my) Yesungie really suffered?!? How could you T^T --butIlovewhensomeonehurthimsoyeah-- #slapped XD
394 streak #7
wait what? It's completed??? WOW! Okey, I'm just gonna get ready to read all of it in one go! YOSH!
Chapter 11: Omg why your story alway so angsty and makes me cry. And I'm a masochist because i like it!!!! I swear your stories always make me feels emotional Q ^ Q
LongBanana #9
Chapter 1: What? since when did this story end? God, I'm very surprised
mickeymousey #10