Ch. 2

Can hate turn into love?

Next two weeks is their huge wedding being prepared. Everything must be perfect because every one is looking. Siwon is even more grumpy and yells on maids for smallest mistakes. Meanwhile Yesung’s parents are angry with their son. Yesung cant bring shame on their family, he must be perfect. 


Finally the big day is here. Yesung is dressed in white suit and his mother is walking around him in circles. She is still not fully satisfied with her son but now they have no more time.


Siwon’s mother is smiling widely at her son and fixed his tie for the last time. Their car stopped in front of a church and outside are waiting many TV reporters and photographers. Siwon got out of the car and headed inside the church with long steps. Inside are waiting hundreds of guests. Siwon’s mother is smiling and went to sit on her seat while Siwon stands in front of altar and waits for Yesung.

Yesung almost vomited when the door opened and he sees so many people staring on him. His father squeezed his arm painfuly and leaded him to Siwon. Yesung has urge to turn around and run away from this place but he knows that he cant escape.


Suddenly he is standing in front of Siwon and a priest starts to speak. Yesung isn’t listening him, he is observing his husband. Marriage is huge thing. Yesung feels scared and excited in the same time. It will be nice to have Siwon as his husband. They are going to live together and while Siwon works, Yesung will take care of their home. And maybe once a baby will come ...

Yesung is maybe smiling but Siwon is frowning. He hates this young man who ruined his life right now. He is disgusted, angry and depressed. Siwon sees his mother smiling and crying a bit from her happiness and his father is sitting next to there. Meanwhile Kim’s look somehow angry and Siwon doesn't know why. Isn't this what they wanted? 


Suddenly the part with exchanging rings is here and they kiss for first time as a married couple. Everyone is cheering up for them except Siwon.


Yesung glanced toward his parents who are clapping their hands a bit but don't look happy. Siwon is dragging Yesung is their black limousine and immediately after they sat down inside the car he let go of his hand with disgust. Yesung isn’t sure if he did something wrong so he is quiet and they drive to Kim’s residence where is going to be a banquet.


Soon the banquet started and everyone is eating and chatting together happily. Only Siwon and Yesung are silent. Yesung doesnt know anyone here because he has no friends and Siwon is silent because his friends aren’t here.


Yesung is eating his lunch when his mother reached her hand with a silver fork. She stabbed it in the bigger piece of meat on Yesung’s plate and put it away on a smaller plate. She doesn’t want to see her son getting fat. No husband likes a fat .


Yesung finished the small meal and looked at Siwon who is angrily chewing on his food. Yesung thinks that he is handsome but he would be even more handsome with a smile on his lips. Unfortunately Siwon isn’t going to smile.


“Time for your first dance, honey!”

Siwon’s mother smiled at Yesung. She really likes this boy but he is weird. He barely makes a sound and he seems scared, like he is going to get scold. Siwon got up and he walks in middle of the room while holding Yesung’s delicate hand. Then he wrapped his arm around Yesung’s waist and the music starts to play.

Yesung remembers his dance lessons. He was never good at it so it was hell for him. His dance teachers often beat him with a stick so his legs were striped with purple bruises but thanks to that he knows the steps perfectly. After their dance it is time for photos and then, because it is dark outside, they walk outside and watch a huge firework. Yesung is trembling while watching the nice colors exploding on sky. Tonight he is going to lose his ity.

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Chapter 11: how can u made yesung suffered so much huhu this is so sad
can we have a sequel for thisss
394 streak #2
Chapter 11: Tifana said what I wanted to say (but at that time I just forgot to come here again) XDDDD
cloudykuro #3
Chapter 11: That's it? But siwon hasn't paid any for his sin! Don't let yesung accept him just like that :( we need a sequel
LongBanana #4
Chapter 11: I have reached the end here. is this really over? but we don't know whether yesung really forgives Siwon

You know what? I cried throughout the story TT.. Yesung's life was very sad before. but fortunately Siwon immediately changed his character T ^ T.. I was afraid of Yesung if he really committed suicide

Thankyu for your story update.. I'll wait for another story ^^
Hwating!! (^^)/
Chapter 11: OMG You made me cry so hard! Poor Yesungie TT - TT Please authornim make a happy ending for this!
394 streak #6
Chapter 3: YOUUUU made (my) Yesungie really suffered?!? How could you T^T --butIlovewhensomeonehurthimsoyeah-- #slapped XD
394 streak #7
wait what? It's completed??? WOW! Okey, I'm just gonna get ready to read all of it in one go! YOSH!
Chapter 11: Omg why your story alway so angsty and makes me cry. And I'm a masochist because i like it!!!! I swear your stories always make me feels emotional Q ^ Q
LongBanana #9
Chapter 1: What? since when did this story end? God, I'm very surprised
mickeymousey #10