Chapter 1.

In this body. NOT ONE BUT TWO.


Narrator POV :


*past 17 years, 24th 04 1995 *


“Arghhhhh. Fast-fast-terrrr doctor. It hu-hu-rts! Erghhhhh” countless drop of tears flow onto Mrs. Jo cheek. She’s groaned and moaned as she no more able to bare with the pain.


“Mrs. Jo, now please hear me. Please be strong! The babies need you now. Just a little bit more. Do what I say afterwards. Inhaled your breath and….. Mrs. Jo!!” the young doctor panicked as he she saw Mrs. Jo already in unconsciousness condition.


“Nurse! Prepare for  the operation’s equipment! We need to operate her now!”


The condition of the room became tensed and everyone worked faster and hurriedly. 3 life were needing their help and they should do whatever so to saved the 3 life. As long as they can saved them!


(5 hours later)



Mrs. Jo POV :


I feel some peacefulness around me. The environment was too peaceful that I don’t feel want to wake up. No more pain that I had before and the feel that I felt in my heart can’t be described by words. I want to feel this  feeling forever. I kept my eyes closed and just lay on the smooth mattress. I can feel that I’m smiling. And I kept smiling without knowing the reason.






“Mom? Omma?” my voice at last out. But I still kept my eyes closed as I thought that was only my haluscinating. My long eyebrowed curves as I want to make sure whether it is true or really just my haluscinating.


“Yah omma~~ please wake up-p-p-p. At least look at us ehh.”


“Dongsaeng, don’t talk like that. Mom must be tired just to give birth us. Let’s just wait, okay.”


Oh my god. Am I dreaming? What is that voices? Hurriedly I open my eyes and become widened as I saw cute and pretty baby boy staring and me. The baby grinned happily as he saw me. My heart fluttered just to saw the baby. I’m smiling happily and about to touch the baby when suddenly I heard once again the voice earlier.

“Yeayyyy omma wake up!! Omma-a-a-a I’m hungry~”




“Ee. Just shut up hyung. Stop if you want to continued nagging. My stomach growled just to hear your voice. Psttt irrirating.”


“WAIT! What was that? Who’s voice is that? Is that your voice baby? But why there is two voice when you are the only person that was here? With me?! If you are my son, where’s another one? I know I’m supposed to have twin! What was happened actually?!” my voice risened up as I really feel tensed and curious about the voices.


“Mom. I am sorry to say this. But I, no, we had to tell you this. One of we can’t survive well while you want to give birth us. And me, the elderly was the one that suppose to not live in this world anymore. But I love you. The dongsaeng also love you. Even that this matter is impossible, but we decided to share one body. So please accept us mom. We’re sorry to not just give birth like others normal baby do, but we want to share our love with you and want to feel your love, your infinite love to us. Tsk tsk”


I saw the baby’s tear flow onto his chubby cheek. I feel very touch with his word and at last I’m crying while hugging the baby. The baby and I stayed like that until one another voice out. His voice cracks and seems like he crying too. I wiped the baby’s tears and kiss the cheek.


“Omma. We know someday there would be a day that may be bad to us. And we know that we really need you. Would you mind to be there and and continued to support us? Please just make us to be one. Even the condition was the worst, we want to be one. And as we said, we need you. Our mother”


My sobbing become more hard than before and my tears can’t stop flowing. I kiss the baby’s cheek continuously and promised to myself that I would raised my baby with love even I can’t give them any luxuries. Even I need to raised them by myselves without their dad. My husband has died in a scene of accidents before he knows that I’m pregnant his baby’s. And if this is my fate, I accept it sincerely with all over of my heart.


“Mom. Let’s back to our real world.” the baby smiling again non-stop.


“What did you mean my son?” I said blankly


“Omma.. We are here just to tell you this. And now let’s facing with our real life. I can’t wait. I want to eat a lot-t-t-t-t! Hahaha.” and now I saw the baby laughing. I can’t resist on how cute and pretty my son is.


“Do you know how we want to go back, dear? Omma too can’t wait to start a new life with you guys. My pretty boy” I said happily and again my tears flow. I can’t hide on how happy am I to have my baby that I carry for 9 months and live well with them.


“Just go back too sleep mom and closed your eyes. We’ll wait you there.”


I went back to where I lay on the first and stop when I heard voices.


“I LOVE YOU MOM/OMMA!” I chuckling when heard two voices in unison and saying different words of mother towards me.


“MOM/OMMA LOVE YOU MORE GUYS.” I replied them and kiss the cheek’s again before went back to the mattress and closed my eyes with a happy smile on my face



First chapter DONE :') Kinda but seriously my brain. AHHHHHHHH -.-

Do comment if there any mistaken so I can fix it. As I said before, pls support me guys :")

Thanks for reading and please bare with me and my kinda story :"}

Ahhh stop the tear here and there! Hahaha xD

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PikaMinNa #1
@parkeunjung : ohh really? haha. i've never read that but this story actually taken from thailand's drama that also i never watch it xD only heard briefly from my friend. haha >_< and thankyou so much for reading it :D
this story reminds me of 24 faces of billy, it's a fiction novel.. >.< anyway, your update is daebakkk ^.^
PikaMinNa #3
@starchaser97 : awww thankyou! next chapter updated so come read it :D thanks :)

@parkeunjung : thankyou thankyouuu ;D chapter 2 updated already. hihi, ppyonggg! (^^,)
omg this is so interesting!!! >.< please update soon, I can't wait for your next update, ppyong!! ^^
can't wait to read the next chapter! this is quite good! :D