
hush • baekhyun x chanyeol
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Chanyeol rode the elevator in Baekhyun's apartment up to the 14th floor. He looked down at his outfit. He had chosen something he hoped was a bit cooler than yesterday. His shirt, still a white button up, was short sleeved and had a thin self stripe. He wore it open over a black tank and black shorts. He'd added a cap even though his ears stuck out underneath it even worse than they usually did. He reassesed his outfit then suddenly wondered why he even cared. Its not like it was a date or anything, and Baekhyun was another guy, why was his outfit so important?

He shook his head and opened the door. His breath caught in his chest. Baekhyun was wearing a vintage yellow and brown hawaiian shirt left ed almost to his bellybutton over a simple pair of cream drill shorts. A thin leather string tied multiple times around his neck for a necklace and a oversized sun hat completed his look. It was effortless, chic and stunning.



Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.


Chanyeol's heart came to life instantly.




He calmed his nerves and controlled his breathing. He felt big and awkward and very uncool again. . Anyone would think I had a crush on him or something. Chanyeol thought to himself. He wasn't even gay. Or bi. He was most definitely straight. He snapped out of his thoughts to realise he was just standing in the doorway staring at Baekhyun.

"So are you going to come in or are we just leaving?" Baekhyun asked and Chaneyol followed him inside. His apartment was tiny but amazing. Everything screamed Baekhyun. Old books covered every spare surface and everything was obviously second hand and carefully chosen. Chanyeol wandered around while Baekhyun filled his leather bag with his art supplies and found a towel. He returned to find Chanyeol staring intently at his ibis sculpture. "I'm guessing this isn't for sale." Chanyeol asked and Baekyun shook his head. "That is my first and only sculpture. And no it's not for sale."

They headed down the elevator to Chanyeol's car, Baekhyun managing his bag and towel, and Chaneyol carrying a large canvas that Baekhyun had chosen to work on. Baekhyun was grinning like a child by the time they got to the car. "You seem really happy." Chanyeol observed the expression on the small man's face. "I never get to go paint at the beach. I don't have a car and I can't take all this on the bus. Plus it's boring by yourself." He smiled at Chanyeol. "I hope this didn't seem like a weird thing to ask you for but Minseok's always working and my girlfriend hates the beach."



Thump thump. Thump thump. Thump thump.

Chanyeol turned back to the road and gripped the wheel tight.



His heart pounded all the way to his house. As the car sped up to the top of the cliff Baekhyun's eyes filled with wonder. He looked out the window with his eyes shining, taking everything in, enjoying the beautiful view. As they pulled into the driveway he turned to Chanyeol and asked where they were. "This is my house. I live at the beach." He smiled at the look on Baekhyun's face as they walked into his home.

Chaneyol opened the door and Baekyun was greeted with his own artwork as soon as he walked in. He was speechless. The whole image was perfect. He knew now why he had been so compelled to gift it to Chanyeol. He understood it and valued it. He carefully inspected the carved oak table. "Where did you find this?" He turned to Chanyeol with his eyes full of delight. "Japan." Chanyeol smiled. "Didn't you see? I posted a picture. I even made sure I tagged you this time." Baekhyun laughed. He hadn't been on Instagram yet today but he pulled his phone out, opened the app and went to his notifications. He double tapped and a heart appeared over Chanyeol's photo.

Chanyeol packed snacks from his refrigerator, added a bottle of wine to the bag, and grabbed a huge blanket from a pile outside on the deck before leading Baekhyun to the staircase that led to the beach. Baekyun was still wide eyed. "I can't believe you live here. Right on the beach." He marvelled as they descended. "Yeah well that's what selling out gets you." Chanyeol was only half joking. "Come on man, I said I didn't mean it." Baekhyun was stung. Chanyeol could tell and he stopped and turned to face him. On the stairs, with Chanyeol three steps down, they were eye to eye. "Sorry. It was a cheap shot." Baekhyun's puppy eyes would haunt him unless he made the other man smile. As they stared into each other's eyes for a second too long Chanyeol's heart pounded harder than it ever had. He absentmindedly clutched at his chest and Baekhyun noticed straight away. "Are you okay?" Chanyeol cursed in his head. "Yes. I'm fine."

They finally made it to the bottom, with the snacks and wine, and blankets and towels, and canvases and paints. Chanyeol spread out the blanket while Baekhyun set up his canvas. "I want to swim." Chanyeol said to Baekhyun as he tossed his cap onto the blanket, stripped off his shirt, and ran into the waves. Baekhyun just stared at him. His heart skipped a beat as Chanyeol lifted his shirt over his head.

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Beau1996 1374 streak #1
I've read this on Wattpad I think but looking forward to reading again!!
It doesn't matter how many times I read this story, I cry every time. Every. Single. Time. *sigh*
Jasmaring123 #3
Yes it is I read this story in wattpad but m gonna read here to coz this story is just amazing ???
Chapter 24: The ending is so beautiful. thank you for writing such an amazing story
Chapter 21: Nooooo! it makes sense why they had to part ways but I wish it wasn’t so. them being apart is going to be more painful than them being together.

Also, I was searching for this story since it wasn’t on wattpad and I’m so happy that I’ve found it again.
Chapter 24: Done reading! TT_TT thank you for writing such a wonderful story~ loved it so much!! ^^
Chapter 24: I'm really crying. This is so beautiful, Author-nim!
It's amazing how you took the concept of love to th next level and turned it into something this magical. You never fail to amaze me with your stories. You are definitely one of the best writers in this platform. Keep up the great work, Author-nim!
Chapter 19: It seemed like he can't live without Baek now.
Since his heart started beating, he can't be left with it being idle now. My mind must be so effed up for me to think that's so beautiful. It's just like how love is in real life. You learn to live with someone and you forget how life is without them, that once they leave you just end uo broken.
Chapter 11: I know I've said this before on you other stories but, you really have a knack for making scenes so sweet. Like, it's not just about two people relishing the pleasure, you always manage to keep the emotions and sweetness afloat and make the readers believe that the characters really love each other.
Chapter 10: Baekhyun should stop with the "I'm killing him thoughts". Thoughts like that are clouding his mind, too much, that he can't see how perfect they are and how good his presence is to Chanyeol.

But, gosh...that (almost) love scene. I think I'm the one being killed. These ain't good for my heart.