Hundred Steps

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“Today is our final lecture day for the mid semester and tomorrow is the day y’all have been waiting for, not Christmas vacation just yet but examination day.” The professor announced in class as if it’s our first time hearing about this, my classmates started whining and muttering words of nonsense, what an awful noise. 

I couldn’t say that I’m not bothered by how quick time flies but with me working on a new part-time job, I’m pretty much not prepared for the exams but at least I know I’m not dumb. 

“Yah. Chorong unnie! I know you hate this kind of stuff but Bomi is hosting a study group tonight at her place.” Hayoung told me and normally I’d decline given that the person I despise the most is the one behind this but.. clearly I need to stay up all night to refresh all lectures for tomorrow’s test. “Naeun and I will go, Namjoo too. So we’re wondering whether you’d like to join.” Bomi’s place is just across the street being there for the time being as I study is fine I guess. I could simply just go home and rest once I’m done. Hmm. “Chorong to earth? Earth to Chorong?”

“Sure. I’ll be there.”


Am I making the right decision? This could either go well as planned or drag me down the foul-smelling gutter. 

I look around the classroom and saw Bomi, captain of our school’s baseball team. Looking at her you’d see how she’s all balls balls balls with no sense of academic obligation in life. That’s one thing I hate about her, this baseball varsity won’t get you anywhere when your grades are drowning like an abandoned piece of plastic in the ocean. 

“I heard you’re joining us later?” Eunji, another varsity player but at least this girl can balance her sports and studies. Given that she’s one friendly classmate, I get why Bomi and her are best friends. No one could stand Bomi except this girl right here.

“Yea. Think I could use some company to keep me awake tonight.” I told her and she quickly understood that I’m going there not to tutor anyone, not to mingle, but to get myself as far from my bed as possible.

“Then I’ll see you later! Bomi will be fired up knowing you’ll be there.” Please not again. Since the day Bomi confessed her feelings for me during our freshman year, the school treats us as a couple. Was my ‘walk out’ scene during the confession isn’t enough to say I’m not interested? I hate how she never have spoken a single word about me turning her down.


Oh. I’d never forget that one baseball match where it all started.

“I like you, Park Chorong-ssi!” Bomi screamed at the mic during her interview after being awarded as the MVP of the game. It’s mandatory for us to support the school’s baseball team on their games, and that’s the only reason why I’m attending this. With all eyes on me, with the audience’s pressure for an answer, I can’t help but to stand up from the bleacher and walk away.

But Bomi didn’t just stop there yet. It’s been days, weeks, months since she’d randomly talk to me as if we’re friends. Giving me chocolates, flowers, letters all of those things, she did. And I hated it. I just hate the fact that she’s not giving up despite the cold shoulder. 

So it is until the day I confronted her, “Bomi stop playing with me, I’m not like you. I can’t afford to do dates, I live for myself. If you haven’t noticed it yet, I live alone. We’re a hundred steps away from each other’s home. I was hoping you noticed that but I guess you didn’t.” I told her and I’m not expecting her to stay mum and listen but she did. Without her uttering a single word, I continued “I work 2 to 3 jobs just to pay this school’s tuition fee. I’m not like you who doesn’t care about money. I’m not saying that you’re some spoiled kid but what I’m trying to say is that I don’t have the luxury to date someone. I can’t afford to lose my scholarship, I can’t afford a distraction.” And after that day.. Yoon Bomi finally let me go, she let me be alone with no more gimmicks. 

I can’t say I found peace since everyone in school didn’t stop but pair my name to hers. It has always been like that, it has always been Chorong & Bomi. ‘chobom’ as they call us.


“Someone’s lost in her thoughts? You can now go Chorong-ssi. I’ve heard that you and your friends are having a group study tonight.” the manager told me and even before I ask how he knew about the whole study thing, I saw a familiar figure walk out of the restaurant. Yoon Bomi. Maybe I’ll thank her for this. I do need an hour or so of rest before I burn out my brain later tonight.

Bomi can’t even hide herself, I can see and feel her following me as I walk home. “I know you’re there.”

“I’m not following you if that’s the thing that bothers you, Park Chorong-ssi. In case you forgot we live close. A hundred steps.” too much for not following as she started walking with the same pace as I do, now we’re side by side. I’m starting to regret calling her out.

“Hey, uhh thanks for the rescue back there.” I whispered, what the is wrong with me. Nothing, nothing’s wrong. It’s certainly normal to thank someone who did you a favor.

“I didn’t know that Park Chorong says thank you. Very well then, you’re welcome.” Bomi, I don’t even know how to deal with you. 

The rest of our walk is quiet, it could pass as peaceful and surprisingly I like it. And it is at this crossroad where we usually part. Yes, usually. I don’t even want to say that I remember all the times when Bomi would eat at the restaurant right before I go off work and we’d end up walking home together but yes those moments happen, a lot.

“I guess it’s not ‘see you tomorrow at school’ this time.” Bomi said and I.. I smiled.

“Yea. See you later.”

“Laters, Park Chorong-ssi.”


the ‘I’ll take a quick nap before heading to the group study session’ because obviously, I didn’t. I ended up looking at our class records and saw how Bomi’s grade are improving, or at least quite. Then it all sinked in, maybe she’s really serious about her grades this time. Maybe this study session she called for is not an excuse to have people over but to actually learn something. 

“Have I been really thinking so bad of her?” I told myself and that’s when I heard my phone ring. Seeing that it’s Naeun’s number, I knew I had to go walk a hundred steps.


Standing in her yard, it’s crazy how I feel.. jumpy and anxious. I’ve never been inside her place and wow looking at it this close, it’s way bigger than from what I see in a distance. “Come on in, Park Chorong-ssi.” Bomi said as the owner of the place, I did expect her to be the one opening the doors. Upon entering I noticed how her place looks sad. I don’t even know how I got this feeling but the colors are just dull and lonely. This place clearly needs more color. 

“Hey it’s Bomi’s girl!” One of her teammate said and that’s when all my hatred for this girl crawls back in to my head. 

“Are you here to help, Bomi out?” 

“Ahh I’m jealous, I want a smart girlfriend too!”

“Bomi, you’re lucky.”

Just one word Bomi please. How can you have this two personality, it’s always a different Bomi when we’re alone and another Bomi when you’re with your team. 

“I’m here because Hayoung needed me, not Bomi.” I reasoned out even after noticing that Hayoung is not even here yet. Quickly, I found this window seat and claimed it as my study corner. It’s perfect, it’s as if the spot is made for me. Away from the crowd, away from the distractions. I can see myself 100% focused for tonight.

“Looks like you knew Bomi’s place well, Chorong unnie.” Naeun said, and oh please not her too. 

“Believe it or not this is the first time I’m here. Unlike you guys who hang out with them a lot.” I knowing that she’s dating Eunji which is Bomi’s best friend and that would make her Bomi’s friend as well. High school is such a funny stage in life.


I started studying, disconnected from the other side of this living room. Or not so much as when I heard Bomi that she’ll be ordering chicken, I couldn’t stop myself from saying “dakbal.” .

“Chicken feet it is.” Bomi said and I tried so hard not to mind all the teasing as I continue reading my papers. Seriously CHORONG how can you act like that, you two aren’t even friends.

Little did I know after the food order incident another huge thing happened, and none of us even expected this as Hayoung.. Hayoung brought what she claimed to be tomorrow’s test papers. A leakage. An exam leakage. “Our senior who works at the photocopying department gave me this as a gift! He said it’s our test papers!” Hayoung exclaimed and all ears and eyes are on her.

“Are you sure he’s not just setting you up?” Bomi asked, she sounded concern but I guess everyone is just happy to see those papers. It’s like the moon shining for people to see at night.

“Okay now that we have these test papers, what do we do about it? There’s no answer key with it.” Eunji asked and that’s when I knew I’m in deep deep as everyone started looking at me with those puppy eyes.

“Oh you’re not expecting me to answer it do you?” I asked but they all just nod and clasps their hands together in prayer. It is at times like this when the angel and devil argues on my shoulder. After weighing the pros and cons, I sure do need to pass this exam to keep my scholarship. Helping them isn’t so bad too. And I didn’t mean to look at Bomi’s eyes to find answers but clearly she needed this one too. “Fine. I’ll do it in one condition, no one speaks of this outside. What happens here, stays here. And no one should get a perfect score or we’ll be ed.”

“Those are two conditions.” Bomi teased. Funny.

“Do you want me to do it or not?” This is no time to kid around, this is one hell of a serious matter. It’s cheating for crying out loud.


It d

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And it’s done. Extraoridnary Encounter has come to an end. I have no idea how I did in this story. I hope you guys enjoyed this 3-shot fic. Thank you so so much for reading! Until the next drabble! <3


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Chapter 10: THAT last line, that is one strong punchline!! Hahaha wow~ I must gather my thoughts. I went to sleep after reading so I'll do my best to recall this comment xD

So all that gullibility of Bomi!! It clouded our vision too HAHAHA! Now I see all the descriptions, the bizarreness and cosmic feeling Bomi was telling us would lead us to think Chorong is some mystical alien being, when in fact looking at it from Chorong's point of view, it really makes sense to me too. Some of it may have been playing along just to keep hiding, but who knows how long she's been trapped, away from dramas, phones, and cooking, without the little things we take for granted. Thinking of all the time living with Bomi makes that revelation even sweeter T.T And how they truly have developed their feelings for one another without needing to say it.. Bomi just needed to wait for Chorong to come back on her own, because Chorong would definitely find a way to break out again T.T Im not crying!! I love that so much and how it references back to the scene of their beginning, at the front door. Thank you, thank you for writing this amazing plot. It really wraps up the questions for me and that is a great job to fill and achieve. A great plan is everything! <3
Chapter 10: isn't Bomi's world already shifted by the first time she let chorong in? I see not only gullible she also slow at realizing her feelings too..

and istg! chorong character always got the best punchline in your fics, from that psycho (my fav btw), tsunami chorong, and her last line in here *iykwim* ;))

anyways, thank you for another fun story! and thank God you didn't make chorong an alien. bcs that'll be weird af I don't know what I'm thinking when writing that lmao
Chapter 10: Omg this is a masterpiece. The end phrase sent me a vibe I can’t explain. It’s so good it deserves a sequel! Thank you for this amazing fic
Chapter 10: Omg this is a masterpiece. The end phrase sent me a vibe I can’t explain. It’s so good it deserves a sequel! Thank you for this amazing fic
Chapter 9: You’re really generous for giving us a three shot story. I’m so curious about Chorong. Bbom is so whipped keke
Chapter 9: not only two, we got three chapters??!! 😍😍

can't wait to see when eunji and namjoo visit Bomi's house! because oh boy we need someone who can actually interrogate chorong without getting flustered every five minutes. i need more info, i still can't decide whether chorong is sus or just a weirdo..


hold on.. no human basic knowledge, fast learner, Cosmis KISS

Chapter 9: It's gonna have 3 parts!!!? what a treat! and my my, this is just as cosmic confusing hehehe. Cosmic KISS lol I love that description a little too much.. They're getting all domestic and huggy without the explanation, ugh we have to find out what's going on~~

oh yeah and the way she tore out that page, a part of me also died HAHAHA ahh the weird situations.. but the detail and worry to Bomi's perspective keeps Chorong the enigma(?) something to be curious of, and I like the commanding take Chorong has sometimes that she doesn't know "nothing" (yet proceeds to rip out the page askhjh) Doing great!! I'm curious to see how the friends pan out. Thank you again authornim<3 ^^
Chapter 9: can’t wait for chorong’s meet up with the friends! 😍
Chapter 2: I love this so much. 🤯❤
Chapter 8: god and now I see your note at the bottom, Seoltang?? Is Chorong Seoltang??! HAHAHAHA you just made me think that suddenly xD There's definitely more to this we need~ because it's a mystery unknown~ Actress Bomi<3 hehe I'm instantly brought to the red dress look we've been seeing lately too.

So it seems we got a foreign supernatural of a Chorong! Our snappy entertaining dialogue where Bomi's thoughts move fast, regretting telling her to leave so fast, and likening them to a domestic situation already hahaha. But that kiss!! Not so innocent? HAHAHA what a kiss Bomi feels there, hmm~ and the soft angry pouts by Chorong, I really wonder how she thinks and where she's from.

There you go, my comment energy boost hehe! Ooh I also love the scene setting here with Bomi in her house, and make that more glamorous by being an actress and Eunji being what? A director!! And the entertainment industry, and maybe giving her co-star the wrong signs because of muscle memory aiiyaa>_< but wowee, a great setting :D yaaaa thank you for writing again!! I'm here for anything and moar!!