Extraordinary Encounter (3/3)

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“Chorong-ah, I’m home.” I called and this time she welcomed me with such smile that’s a little too brighter than usual. And as I look around the place, I realized how clean my home has been. Everything is literally sparkling neat. “You cleaned?” I asked Chorong as she walk towards me, and I already know what’s gonna happen next as it’s always been like this for days now.

“I did!” she answered and hugged me but did let go quite fast as she lowers her head. “Do I get a good job pat?” She- she’s too adorable that I can’t help but give her the praise that she wanted. 

And with this questionable courage that I’m feeling right now led me to pulling her back to our interrupted hug. I am so gonna miss this warmth, her sweet scent, probably everything when she leaves. “Is that why you’re extra happy today?” I said softly to Chorong and she shake her head buried on me. “No?”

“No. I’m happy because you’re home early.” She answered me as she breaks our hug and held out my hand for me to see the time on my watch and she’s right. It’s just five in the afternoon.

“I’m guessing that you’re quite lonely here alone.” And I know I’m right, she’s been staying inside these walls for longer than a week with nothing but the television and her phone to keep her entertained. “Shall we try and look for your place again? I’m pretty sure your family misses you.” I dare asked her but as always, she quickly dropped the idea as she went to her most used corner of my home. The kitchen. 

“What would you like to have for dinner?” She asked me and I followed her and lean on the kitchen counter as I watch her prepare.

“You know I’d eat anything you cook. You’re really good at it.” I said and finally saw her lit up again. She’s like a kid really, just say what she wanted to hear and everything will back to usual. “With you being lonely, I think I have the best solution for it.” I guess I’ll just have to tell her about my friends’ visit, it will either please her or the opposite.

But the way she responded to me is something I never thought I’d hear from her. “Please don’t tell me that we’ll look for my family because I don’t have that.” She used to say that she can’t remember where but this is way beneath that and I’m actually worried as the mood in this area of the house is no longer pink but blue.

“We’re not doing that. I just thought I’d let my friends come for you to meet, nothing else.” I told her but like we’re back to square one, she didn’t utter a single word.


I was expecting to be the one dining yet the atmosphere just ate everything of me as she’s been nothing but distant. Chorong has been avoiding my glances and the way I ruined her happy day made my tongue froze, making tonight’s dinner the worst one in history.


“Let me do the dishes at least.” I told her as we finished since I’m usually the one doing it but she gave me that stern look and I instantly backed off. “Come on, Chorong-ah don’t be like that.”

I followed her like a shadow because I can’t and won’t let this go on for any longer. We’re better than this. “If you continue watching me, I might melt so just go.” Did she just quote me? I remember saying those words before.

And I think I just know what she wanted me to do and that just took all the weight in my heart, “I’ve been wondering.. if I can-”

“You don’t have to say it. It’s fine.” I knew it. She just wanted a hug, how can this person be both complicated and not? Then I walked towards her and held her close. Chorong must’ve felt how cold my hands are as she cover it with hers for warmth.

“Rongie.. you should’ve told me earlier that this is the way to make it up to you. I would’ve hugged you even while eating, that’s how sorry I am.” I whispered as I press my head on her shoulders.

“You didn’t ask.” She said as she turned reciprocating the hug better. Now this is more like us. I like this better than the feeling of walking on thin ice. “I can’t believe you figured it all out with just one sentence.” 

“In case you forgot, I’m an actress and a good one too like you said.”



“Do you seriously want me to buy everything on this list?!” I asked her since the moment I woke up she bombarded me with this photos of recipes she wanted to prepare. 


“We’re not having a feast today are we? A simple dish would do.” I explained since it seems like she’s expecting about ten people coming today. But there’s no such thing as bargaining once her mind is made up. “Fine. I’ll do it. But I’m telling you it’s just Eunji and Namjoo, maybe Hayoung too but she seem too busy these days.” That’s true, I haven’t heard anything from our Investigator. Not that I wanted to get rid of Chorong like the first day she’s here. In fact if I could just keep her with me forever, I will.

“Oh. If it’s just three guests, I guess we can take this one out.”

“No, not the stir fried octopus!” I said as I quickly took my phone before she deletes the photo she sent. “Fine I’m buying everything and if they can’t finish them all you can count on me to do the job. I promise no food will go to waste!” I’m positive that she’s a great cook but I’m worried that she’s going over board with pleasing my friends. “You don’t have to worry about them they’re good people.” I assured her and she gave me this smile that speaks loudly that everything will be fine.


To: Eunji

Can we meet at the supermarket today? I need help with the groceries.


“I thought she have a knowledge of a kid? What’s up with this?” Eunji asked as she carries not just one but two bags of groceries.

Then the three of us made our way to the car, “She said she wanted to cook for you guys.” 

“Isn’t that sweet?! I pretty sure that she’s a lovely person, what’s the need to look into her more when she’s clearly an angel?” Namjoo asked and I honestly love the idea of her not thinking bad of Chorong but Eunji also has a point that it’s way better if they meet her just in case something’s not a fitting puzzle piece.

“Yah! The way you say it makes me the bad cop here! I simply just wanted to make sure that Bomi here isn’t poisoned or what do they call that, bewitched.” our director here must’ve seen a lot of movies to be this.. superstitious.

“I’d appreciate it if you guys treat her like an ordinary person. She might act weird especially with her words.. though lately she’s more normal.” And that’s true, now everything sinks in how our conversations lately is no longer like before.


And the time has come as we’re now standing in front of my door. I can’t explain this feeling but I’m really nervous, too nervous that I can’t seem to knock.

“I’ll do it.” Namjoo said as she knocked three times only to be welcomed with that one action Chorong does that I totally forgot she do.

“Welcome home, Bbom-ah.” She said as she jumps towards me for a hug. I can’t believe I didn’t warn her that my friends might see this inappropriate before I go.

I’ve seen those looks, looks of my two friends who’s so ready to shower me with questions probably some hands too. “Ahem.” 

“Right! Why don’t we go in.” I said, shaken over the fact that they saw everything, heard everything.

The moment we placed the groceries at my kitchen they pulled me to my room leaving Chorong alone and confused.

“Did she just hugged you?!” Eunji asked with her eyes shooting laser up and down my body.

“Actually.. she tends to do that every time I come home.” I explained and I just wanna disappear to thin air as they are definitely judging me at the moment.

“Is that why you’re so eager to come home every after shooting?” Eunji continued to interrogate me and Namjoo could only laugh at how I’m being grilled in this hot seat.

“She also called you by a nickname and I think that’s cute.” Namjoo teased adding fuel to the fire.

“No it’s not like that. I think she confused my name to Bbom that’s all.” A lie, obviously.

And just when they’re about to buy my words for it, Chorong really had to ruin this for me as she called knocked at my bedroom door saying, “Bomi? Bbom-ah?”

“Confused you say?” Can the gates of hell just open underneath my floor so I could jump in right away? I think I’ve had enough humiliation for today.

“Honestly, it’s only because I didn’t respond to her once when she called me Bomi..” I don’t even know why I’m saying this, it’ll only make me look even more defensive. 

“This is going to be so fun. I can feel it.” Namjoo stated as she be the first one to go out of the room and introduce herself to Chorong.

Eunji followed and I watch the three of them converse. She’s actually being so normal right now that I can’t believe what my eyes just witnessed.

“Jeong Eunji and Kim Namjoo right? I’m Park Chorong.” Park. How come she was able to say her last name to them and not to me? Isn’t she being so unfair? “I happen to have lost my way home that’s why I’m staying here at Bomi’s place.” And she’s actually being precise. I might have lost all my senses that I had to take a sit and process everything.

Namjoo seemed to have been so fond of Chorong to be kind enough and help her with the cooking as Eunji and I watch them from afar. 

“Ya. Yoon Bomi, have you been lying to me? She seems okay.. well except the part that she’s really pretty. No doubt about that.” Eunji told me and I’m glad that I’m not the only one who finds her gorgeous because dear god she really is smoking hot especially when she ties her hair up like right now. Even more stunning when she’s all so focused at preparing the food. “Bomi? Snap out of it, I’m talking to you.”

“She’s so fine, isn’t she? And no, I didn’t lie to you. She’s really being different today.” I told Eunji getting back to the real topic. “Any news from Hayoung? I don’t think Chorong really wanted to go back to her family so I hope you guys won’t bring it up later.” I told Eunji as I really don’t want to ruin her mood again. Not when she’s supposed to be making friends. But that’s also not the real reason why these two are here, maybe for Namjoo since she really looks genuine with wanting to be friends with Chorong. But I knew Eunji isn’t here for that.

“She told me that she’d meet us tomorrow. I’m hoping it’s about Chorong because let’s face it Bomi-ya, no matter how good she has been with you.. you can’t keep her here forever when some people are out there looking for Chorong.” Eunji said and I can’t help but to agree with her. It pains me just to think of Chorong leaving but I guess there’s really no stopping that, it’s bound to happen eventually.

“You’re right. We’ll just have to wait and see right?”

“Right. Now I think it’s only appropriate to just enjoy the day with her. She really is trying hard, I can tell.” And I appreciate Eunji for this, it’s never a bad idea to enjoy some quality time with one another despite being complete strangers.


“That’s probably the best stir fried octopus I’ve had.” Eunji said as she rest her back on the chair after consuming three servings of Chorong’s cooking.

“No doubt. You know what Chorong-ah, I’m planning to expand my restaurant! I’d love to have you there! I’m sure it’ll be the best in town if someone as good as you is there in the kitchen.” Namjoo might have been a little overboard here but seeing Chorong delighted at the idea, I really hope she consider it. It will not only keep me in touch with her but also her being friends with the same people I am friends with. That would be a dream, no it’s gonna be the dream.

“I’m really glad you guys loved the meal, I’m actually worried that I might not be able to pull it off but with Namjoo’s help I guess we both did well.” Chorong said and I don’t think I’ll ever move on from how she’s been acting at the moment. I’ll make sure to talk to her about this when we have some time alone for ourselves.

“How about we burn what we just ate by drinking a few cans of beer?” Eunji suggested and I don’t think that’s one way to better digest your food intake but who’s saying no to drinking? Definitely not me. “Well only if Chorong is fine by the idea of drinking.” 

“I’ll probably pass on this one, no worries I’ll join you guys but with apple juice instead.” Chorong said so she’s either too young to drink or not really the type of person who does.

“I also think that’s for the best. In case these two goes wild drunk, I have Chorong here with me to help.” Namjoo said and I’m quite jealous how the two of them really hit it off way quicker than how the two of us did.


I’m not gonna get drunk. That’s what I told myself.

“Like I said, Bomi here is the most stubborn actress that I’ve handled but also the best that’s why I kept on giving her the best part in every movie that I direct.” Eu

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And it’s done. Extraoridnary Encounter has come to an end. I have no idea how I did in this story. I hope you guys enjoyed this 3-shot fic. Thank you so so much for reading! Until the next drabble! <3


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Chapter 10: THAT last line, that is one strong punchline!! Hahaha wow~ I must gather my thoughts. I went to sleep after reading so I'll do my best to recall this comment xD

So all that gullibility of Bomi!! It clouded our vision too HAHAHA! Now I see all the descriptions, the bizarreness and cosmic feeling Bomi was telling us would lead us to think Chorong is some mystical alien being, when in fact looking at it from Chorong's point of view, it really makes sense to me too. Some of it may have been playing along just to keep hiding, but who knows how long she's been trapped, away from dramas, phones, and cooking, without the little things we take for granted. Thinking of all the time living with Bomi makes that revelation even sweeter T.T And how they truly have developed their feelings for one another without needing to say it.. Bomi just needed to wait for Chorong to come back on her own, because Chorong would definitely find a way to break out again T.T Im not crying!! I love that so much and how it references back to the scene of their beginning, at the front door. Thank you, thank you for writing this amazing plot. It really wraps up the questions for me and that is a great job to fill and achieve. A great plan is everything! <3
Chapter 10: isn't Bomi's world already shifted by the first time she let chorong in? I see not only gullible she also slow at realizing her feelings too..

and istg! chorong character always got the best punchline in your fics, from that psycho (my fav btw), tsunami chorong, and her last line in here *iykwim* ;))

anyways, thank you for another fun story! and thank God you didn't make chorong an alien. bcs that'll be weird af I don't know what I'm thinking when writing that lmao
Chapter 10: Omg this is a masterpiece. The end phrase sent me a vibe I can’t explain. It’s so good it deserves a sequel! Thank you for this amazing fic
Chapter 10: Omg this is a masterpiece. The end phrase sent me a vibe I can’t explain. It’s so good it deserves a sequel! Thank you for this amazing fic
Chapter 9: You’re really generous for giving us a three shot story. I’m so curious about Chorong. Bbom is so whipped keke
Chapter 9: not only two, we got three chapters??!! 😍😍

can't wait to see when eunji and namjoo visit Bomi's house! because oh boy we need someone who can actually interrogate chorong without getting flustered every five minutes. i need more info, i still can't decide whether chorong is sus or just a weirdo..


hold on.. no human basic knowledge, fast learner, Cosmis KISS

Chapter 9: It's gonna have 3 parts!!!? what a treat! and my my, this is just as cosmic confusing hehehe. Cosmic KISS lol I love that description a little too much.. They're getting all domestic and huggy without the explanation, ugh we have to find out what's going on~~

oh yeah and the way she tore out that page, a part of me also died HAHAHA ahh the weird situations.. but the detail and worry to Bomi's perspective keeps Chorong the enigma(?) something to be curious of, and I like the commanding take Chorong has sometimes that she doesn't know "nothing" (yet proceeds to rip out the page askhjh) Doing great!! I'm curious to see how the friends pan out. Thank you again authornim<3 ^^
Chapter 9: can’t wait for chorong’s meet up with the friends! 😍
Chapter 2: I love this so much. 🤯❤
Chapter 8: god and now I see your note at the bottom, Seoltang?? Is Chorong Seoltang??! HAHAHAHA you just made me think that suddenly xD There's definitely more to this we need~ because it's a mystery unknown~ Actress Bomi<3 hehe I'm instantly brought to the red dress look we've been seeing lately too.

So it seems we got a foreign supernatural of a Chorong! Our snappy entertaining dialogue where Bomi's thoughts move fast, regretting telling her to leave so fast, and likening them to a domestic situation already hahaha. But that kiss!! Not so innocent? HAHAHA what a kiss Bomi feels there, hmm~ and the soft angry pouts by Chorong, I really wonder how she thinks and where she's from.

There you go, my comment energy boost hehe! Ooh I also love the scene setting here with Bomi in her house, and make that more glamorous by being an actress and Eunji being what? A director!! And the entertainment industry, and maybe giving her co-star the wrong signs because of muscle memory aiiyaa>_< but wowee, a great setting :D yaaaa thank you for writing again!! I'm here for anything and moar!!