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“Thank you! Please let us know if you encounter any problem about Box.” The animal shelter personnel told me as they finally approved of my adoption to this adorable poodle, Box, which is Bomi’s favourite since the day we have decided to volunteer in the place.

Bomi loves taking care of the dogs and has been begging me if we could have one in our home.

“I’ll call the shelter if anything wrong happens, but I doubt that. My wife knows so much about Box. You’re rest assured that this brave boy is in good hands.”

“In all honesty, we’re glad that it’s you guys who’s adopting him, given the situation he’s in. Anyway please send my regards to Bomi. It’ll be nice if she comes and visit next time.”


It’s been months since Bomi stopped going out and withdrew from her career as a baseball pitcher. Everything started out with simple shoulder pain. A pain I never thought would take away her happiness.




“Bbom-ah, are you okay? You seem tired from practice.” I called out Bomi as I saw her massage her shoulder with pain reflected in her face.

“Ahh it’s just a sore muscle, nothing a kiss from you wouldn’t resolve.” That’s the Yoon Bomi I married. Always gonna make her way to steal a kiss from me. And I’m not complaining.

I granted her little wish and lean in to give a soft peck but worries in my head doesn’t go away just like that.

“It’ll make me feel better if you allow me to bring you to the doctor for check up first thing in morning. Would that be fine?”

“Of course, love. Anything to ease your heart and mind.”

We’ve been to the doctor back and forth every time she feels a heavy shoulder. At first Bomi thought it’ll go with a few rest but sadly it didn’t. 

She developed a serious damage to the UCL (ulnar collateral ligament) that makes every throw kick in soreness and unbearable inflammation that soon lead to the doctor advising Bomi to stop playing as her injury only gets worse and worse every game.

Stubborn as she is, she didn’t listen but continued playing for the team. 

“When will you stop and listen for once, Yoon Bomi?”

“I’ve been listening to you! We visit to the doctor every now and then! I just want to play one last season. Is that so hard to ask?” She reasoned out but I know that this will bring no good to her but harm so I stayed firm in my ground.

“No more baseball! Are we really gonna wait ’til you fail one throw? Do you want that? Being the reason behind your team losing the Finals?!”

“You really think that I can’t make it do you? Fine! I’ll let coach know that I’m quitting! ANYTHING TO MAKE YOU HAPPY!”

It was hard being the bad wife when all I wanted was the best for her.

Bomi did call the team coach but the devil has to do his dirty work. With her team’s encouragements that she’s still good to go and that she’s the MVP that’ll give them chicken for dinner, Bomi didn’t quit baseball.




“Bbom-ah, I’m home!” I greeted as I entered our place. And as usual she’s in the couch watching baseball on tv. I hope she stops one day though.

I walked towards her and gave her a kiss in the forehead making her smile at me and return a kiss on my lips.

“You’re home early? Missed me already?” She asked. At least she still say those simple phrases that never fails to make my heart have trouble beating.

“I actually have something for you.” I told her as I look at our doorway waiting for Box to approach us.

“Box!” Bomi screamed seeing the poodle and as familiarity kicks in, the dog made his way to Bomi’s lap showering my wife with wet kisses. And as I watch the two interact I can’t help but shed a tear as it’s been so long since the last time I saw Bomi this genuinely happy.

“Oh no. Rongie, are you crying?” She asked as she noticed me wipe my eyes and I hugged her, tight. “Chorong, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing. I- uhh so what do you want for dinner?” I diverted the conversation as I know I can’t tell her that I’m happy to see her smile so brightly again. It’ll only make her sad, I’ve known Bomi for so long and she’ll only end up blaming herself like how she always have been since she failed the winning pitch for last year’s baseball finals.




Bomi threw her last pitch, the supposedly winning serve but fails. Everyone’s all into the game as the opposing team wins.

No one is worried about my wife screaming in pain, no one but me as I rushed to the grounds to get to her side witnessing those tears of disappointment.

“I’m sorry, love. I should’ve listened to you.” Her last words before passing out. 

Bomi was rushed to the hospital and it’s been the most fearful time of my life. The idea of losing her is just the scariest I’ve ever thought about.

The moment she’s sent to the private room, I stayed with her and waited for her to wake up. 

Hours later, her coach made a visit and I wasn’t able to control myself I as shouted at his insensitivity towards his players, “You knew! YOU KNEW SHE COULDN’T DO IT! Yet you forced her to be in the game! You and the team!”

“Hey Chorong-ssi. You’re her wife! It’s your job to hold her back not mine.” I was mad. Mad for how arrogant the words coming out of his pitiful mouth.

“How dare you?! You act like your players are just chess pawns and not humans! JUST GO!”

“Oh I will. I’m just here to let you know that Bomi’s out of the team. I was hoping to tell her the news myself for the man I am but since she’s still sleeping, would you mind telling it herself when she wakes up?”

Disgusting. That’s one way to describe this ty man right in front of me. 

Not being able to hold myself back, I lay a hard slap on his face. Something he deserve for thousands of times.

“Go! Bomi is never gonna play for your team again!”

“Tss, that’s if she could ever play for any team after this.” He said as he made his leave. 

My heart is heavy knowing how his words are true, there’s no way Bomi could play again as the doctors insist that it’s time for her to quit baseball. 


I tried my best to keep Bomi away from any sports article about the game as it’s only full of blames directed to the famous Yoon Bomi. But I failed.

“It’s all my fault. They have the right to blame me about this.” 

“Don’t say that. You’re not the only player in that game.” I tried to console her but there’s no way, no words that can remove the disappointment in her heart.

“I’m sorry. Sorry for making you worry too.” She apologised, an apology that I never wanted to hear from her because she’s never to blame.

“Please, Bbom-ah. Stop blaming yourself. If you feel so bad about me worrying.. just work hard on getting better alright?”

“I’ll get better. I promise that to you, love.”




Everything seems to be back to normal since Box joined us in our home. Bomi’s been out of the house to take the dog for a walk. It’s been days since she gets to feel the sun in her skin and I couldn’t be more thankful for adopting our angel.

She’s been smiling a lot nowadays too, even laughing whenever we play with Box. Finally, everything is fine. 

Well actually not until one night,

“Are you up? Rong unnie? I have something important to say.” Bomi wakes me up in a very ungodly hour. 

“Bad dream?” I asked her as I notice fear in her eyes.” 

“Yes. It’s been days that I keep dreaming about your mom passing away. I don’t want to bring this up but I think we should make a visit.” I don’t actually know how to feel about this. My mom has been living her life in the hospital for days and the possibility of Bomi’s dream to be real is high so we did make a visit the following day.

And it’s like vision is given to Bomi as what she’s been dreaming is true. The night we came to the hospital is also the same night my mom passed away. It is as if she’s just been waiting for me to come for her to say goodbye.

The following days are harder for me as the thought of not being able to be with my parents for months and only to meet my mom on her dying bed all the good in my heart. I t

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And it’s done. Extraoridnary Encounter has come to an end. I have no idea how I did in this story. I hope you guys enjoyed this 3-shot fic. Thank you so so much for reading! Until the next drabble! <3


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Chapter 10: THAT last line, that is one strong punchline!! Hahaha wow~ I must gather my thoughts. I went to sleep after reading so I'll do my best to recall this comment xD

So all that gullibility of Bomi!! It clouded our vision too HAHAHA! Now I see all the descriptions, the bizarreness and cosmic feeling Bomi was telling us would lead us to think Chorong is some mystical alien being, when in fact looking at it from Chorong's point of view, it really makes sense to me too. Some of it may have been playing along just to keep hiding, but who knows how long she's been trapped, away from dramas, phones, and cooking, without the little things we take for granted. Thinking of all the time living with Bomi makes that revelation even sweeter T.T And how they truly have developed their feelings for one another without needing to say it.. Bomi just needed to wait for Chorong to come back on her own, because Chorong would definitely find a way to break out again T.T Im not crying!! I love that so much and how it references back to the scene of their beginning, at the front door. Thank you, thank you for writing this amazing plot. It really wraps up the questions for me and that is a great job to fill and achieve. A great plan is everything! <3
Chapter 10: isn't Bomi's world already shifted by the first time she let chorong in? I see not only gullible she also slow at realizing her feelings too..

and istg! chorong character always got the best punchline in your fics, from that psycho (my fav btw), tsunami chorong, and her last line in here *iykwim* ;))

anyways, thank you for another fun story! and thank God you didn't make chorong an alien. bcs that'll be weird af I don't know what I'm thinking when writing that lmao
Chapter 10: Omg this is a masterpiece. The end phrase sent me a vibe I can’t explain. It’s so good it deserves a sequel! Thank you for this amazing fic
Chapter 10: Omg this is a masterpiece. The end phrase sent me a vibe I can’t explain. It’s so good it deserves a sequel! Thank you for this amazing fic
Chapter 9: You’re really generous for giving us a three shot story. I’m so curious about Chorong. Bbom is so whipped keke
Chapter 9: not only two, we got three chapters??!! 😍😍

can't wait to see when eunji and namjoo visit Bomi's house! because oh boy we need someone who can actually interrogate chorong without getting flustered every five minutes. i need more info, i still can't decide whether chorong is sus or just a weirdo..


hold on.. no human basic knowledge, fast learner, Cosmis KISS

Chapter 9: It's gonna have 3 parts!!!? what a treat! and my my, this is just as cosmic confusing hehehe. Cosmic KISS lol I love that description a little too much.. They're getting all domestic and huggy without the explanation, ugh we have to find out what's going on~~

oh yeah and the way she tore out that page, a part of me also died HAHAHA ahh the weird situations.. but the detail and worry to Bomi's perspective keeps Chorong the enigma(?) something to be curious of, and I like the commanding take Chorong has sometimes that she doesn't know "nothing" (yet proceeds to rip out the page askhjh) Doing great!! I'm curious to see how the friends pan out. Thank you again authornim<3 ^^
Chapter 9: can’t wait for chorong’s meet up with the friends! 😍
Chapter 2: I love this so much. 🤯❤
Chapter 8: god and now I see your note at the bottom, Seoltang?? Is Chorong Seoltang??! HAHAHAHA you just made me think that suddenly xD There's definitely more to this we need~ because it's a mystery unknown~ Actress Bomi<3 hehe I'm instantly brought to the red dress look we've been seeing lately too.

So it seems we got a foreign supernatural of a Chorong! Our snappy entertaining dialogue where Bomi's thoughts move fast, regretting telling her to leave so fast, and likening them to a domestic situation already hahaha. But that kiss!! Not so innocent? HAHAHA what a kiss Bomi feels there, hmm~ and the soft angry pouts by Chorong, I really wonder how she thinks and where she's from.

There you go, my comment energy boost hehe! Ooh I also love the scene setting here with Bomi in her house, and make that more glamorous by being an actress and Eunji being what? A director!! And the entertainment industry, and maybe giving her co-star the wrong signs because of muscle memory aiiyaa>_< but wowee, a great setting :D yaaaa thank you for writing again!! I'm here for anything and moar!!