but loving you had consequences

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She sighed, “We should have been more careful.” she pulled her hand away from his. “It’s… been hard.”


Kai looked down to his lap, “I’m sorry.. I should’ve protected you.”


“No don’t say that.” she glanced at him with a bittersweet smile. “We anticipated this when we started dating, remember?”


“ Dispatch!” he slammed the steering wheel in anger, “I want to hunt the damn reporters down and demand for an apology. They can’t get off my back since…” he paused. His lips almost mentioned his ex-girlfriend, Soojung.


Jennie looked away, she knew he would mention it some time in the future. There were reports and a lot of forums comparing her to his ex-girlfriend but she just brushed it off knowing it was the past.


She sighed again, “I don’t know what to do oppa.” this time her tone was sorrowful, “I think.. I’m not ready for this.”


Kai looked at her, at loss for words and Jennie looked down at her fingers which were shaking at that point. 'She knows it too..'


“You and I both know our relationship caused so much distress to everyone around us…” her dejected voice cracked, “and I’m still new to all of this and t-to be honest, I’m not comfortable knowing my fans ...and your fans are upset with this.”


She bit her lips and looked away to avoid his eye-contact.


“I’m still far away from where I want BLACKPINK to be and from where I want to be in my career.” she cried. “I really really liked you and if I could, I want you all to myself… but I can’t.”


Kai breathed in deeply and exhaled, “Jennie,” he slowly grabbed her trembling hands. “ I know you’re scared and to be honest I am terrified… for us… for you. And I understand what you’re trying to say...” he tried to muster a calm tone but it came out trembling, “you’re just not ready.”


“You became one of the most precious people in my life in such a short time and you will always be.” he grasped her hand and lifted it to his lips to give it a kiss.

Her eyes began to glisten with tears and she tried to blink to push them away.

“I’m s

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FarhanNorazwan #1
Chapter 9: Such a great story! A sequel please!
1lalice #2
Chapter 9: i’m so sad
aweyhidris #3
Chapter 9: ??????
verdlgrls #4
Chapter 9: I'm so sad. I'm legitimately crying. i hope they're happy after all that's happened ?
Chapter 9: Omg i cried. Why did you do this to me? I love Jenkai so much and they are technically the first kpop couple i've shipped and dated but their relationship was so short lived. :( still i support them and want their happiness apways ❤️ Thank you for this heart wrenching story i
Chapter 9: It's over just like that. This is so sad omg.
kpopcanuck #7
Chapter 9: Great job - made me all emo lol. Btw I started reading Give Your Heart a Break after I started this and am enjoying that as well even though it was written years ago. Kinda miss those days of anticipating Team B and YGNGG - my life seemed less complicated then too haha. I'll leave a comment on that story when I'm done as well. Hope to read more of your writing - especially anything with Jennie in it!!!
Chapter 8: Ufff on her birthday. Just ing punch me in the face, it would hurt less.
Yuliyacrt #10
Chapter 9: No I'm crying so hard ? We need a Tome 2, a reunion please, the way you write is amazing. Please do a another story about this too ❤