Chapter 2

My Prince

(Graphic scenes: Violence/Abuse)

(It's a really short chapter)


"Your majesty," the servant bowed. "Someone is here claiming they know where your son has been disappearing to." The king beckoned for the servant to let them in.

A middle aged women walked in and dropped to her knees. "You claim to know where my son has been?" The king said in a monotone voice. 

"I do, your majesty." She said, her voice small and weak. 

"What if I don't believe you after you have told me?" The king asked the women as he leaned forward in his throne expecting an answer. 

"I have proof. I have a part of your son's cloak." She said while looking up from the floor. 

"That piece of cloth could be anyone's. How do you expect me to believe it is my son's?" He said in a raised voice as he becomes impatient. 

"Because, your majesty, it has the royal crest on it." She said with a slight smirk. He gestured for the piece of cloth, and once he had possession of it, he looked at it thoroughly. "Okay, then. You have permission to talk."


Once Mark came up to the gates of the palace, he was stopped by the royal guards. "Halt! By order of the king, you are to be escorted to the throne room immediately." The guard says.

Mark looked at them confused. "Why, if I may ask?" 

"We do not know the reasons, your highness. We only know the orders." The guard motioned for Mark to get off his horse. "Please come this way."

Mark was escorted by about five guards into the palace. What did he do to make his father make so drastic orders? Did he find out about Jinyoung? Mark's heart sped up and his palms started to sweat. Please anything but that, Mark thought. 


"Let them in!" Mark heard his father demand from the other side of the doors. Once opened, the guards pushed Mark in and shut the doors behind him.

"Father..." Mark bowed. "You needed me?"

The king rose from his throne and made his way over to Mark in a way Mark has never witnessed before. His eyes showed wrath and determination. Once he was right in front of his son, he raised his hand and struck. 

Mark fell to the ground as he clutched onto his cheek. His father had never ever laid a hand on him. "What the hell is wrong with you?" His father yelled. "How could you be such a disgrace to this family? How could you disappoint your mother this much?" Mark stared at him in disbelief. His mother was dead. Is he going crazy? Did he finally crack?

"Mother is dead! Don't talk as if she is still alive!" He rose back up to his feet to only be struck again, but harder this time. Mark kneeled on the ground while holding onto his throbbing cheek. He was seething in anger. He knew his father was crazy, but not this crazy. 

"Don't talk to me that way, you little brat!" He yelled as he raised his hand again making Mark flinch.

"Whatever I did to make you like this..." Mark said in a calm voice as he stood shakily. "should not be enough of a reason to strike me twice. I am still your only son and your only heir." He stared into his fathers eyes with the same amount of power. 

"Okay, then. Tell me, son, who is it you have been seeking comfort from? Is your own fiancé not enough?" His father asked.

"She has never been my fiancé, and she never will be." Mark said as he raised his voice. "If you are going to hit me once again, I might as well leave until you have calmed down so that we can speak like real men." His father lowered his hand once again.

"I want you to never meet that boy again. I will forget this has ever happened if you agree to that and marry Princess Sana." His father said in a strained voice.

"I will never," Mark said.

"You have no choice, my son." His father smirked. "Your precious lover is now locked away, never to see the light ever again."

Mark launched himself at his father, but was held back by his father's personal guards. "You bastard!" Mark yelled as he was dragged away. Mark was shaking in anger by the time the guards let go of his arms.

'Jinyoung, I am so sorry, baby. I never meant for this to happen' 


(I hope you liked it. Please tell me what you think in the comments! I'll post again a few days!)

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UnordinaryMe #1
Chapter 5: I missed this
Hope you'll be back soon authornim
JinyoungsMark #2
Chapter 5: Stay strong markjin!! soo happy jackson r here to help :")
markjin18 #3
Chapter 5: im so happy they saw each other and that mark is willing to fight for them aw:(
Chapter 5: Marks endearment breaks my heart. (ಥ_ಥ) despite of what they are going through he is willing to fight for Jinyoung.
Cutiepies1228 #5
Chapter 5: I guess Mark is going to have genuine friends this time. Good luck with getting Jinyoung out of the king's reach.
Markjinlife #6
Chapter 5: God I hope mark can get jinyoungie out from there as Soon as possible before he's Father find out
Chapter 3: I hope it’ll be better soon :(
Love will conquer all <3
markjin18 #8
Chapter 3: awwh jinyoungie:(
Chapter 3: Poor Jinyoungie. My heart hurts! </3 Mark, do something please. T^T
JinyoungsMark #10
Chapter 3: Poor jinyoung :"( the dad is cruel but the person told him is more cruel !!