Chapter 3

My Prince

(Graphic scenes: violence/abuse and strong language)


Jinyoung was making breakfast when his door burst open. The palace guards grabbed Jinyoung's arms with a force so strong almost making them break. "You are sentenced to a lifetime in the dungeons by order of the king." One guard said. 

"Why?" Jinyoung yelled as he struggled against the guards painful hold. 

"You are known to be enchanting the crown prince. You will be held for questioning first by the king himself. Then, you will be sent to the dungeons to grow old." Another guard said with no emotion. 

"I have never enchanted the prince! I promise!" Jinyoung yelled but the guards paid him no attention as they dragged him out of his house. They locked his wrists in shackles and made him walk behind a horse barefoot. It was torture. Did these people have no mercy at all? 

They rode and Jinyoung walked for miles. Jinyoung's legs were going numb and in any second, he would collapse. Jinyoung felt light headed and he was so thirsty. He stomach hurt from his hunger, and his wrists ached from the weight of the metal. Occasional rocks and sticks poked at Jinyoung's delicate feet that made him yelp in pain every time.  

After about a mile more, however, Jinyoung started to see black spots. He turned left and right, but they never disappeared. He tried to stop walking for a moment, but was pulled along by the horse. He looked up and could see a huge structure, but before he could see anymore, his knees buckled and everything went black. 


Jinyoung was woken by cold water hitting his face. He gasped at the temperature of the water and the pain in his head. He looked up and saw the same guard that dragged him from his house looking down at him with a bucket in his hand. "His majesty awaits."

Jinyoung was dragged by his arm to a room not far from the dungeon. Once the door opened, the guards pushed him in and then shoved him to his knees. "Your majesty, this is the boy."

Jinyoung kept his gaze to the ground as he felt as hard gaze traveling up and down his body. "This is what my son wastes his time on. This piece of dirt!" The king cackled and Jinyoung flinched away from the sound. 

Jinyoung heard loud footsteps make contact with the floor until they stopped right in front of him. Jinyoung glanced up and saw shiny leather boots in front of his face. Jinyoung grunted in pain as the boot made contact with his nose. "You have no right to look at me, !" Jinyoung lowered his gaze even further as tears welled up in his eyes. He felt a warm liquid running out of his throbbing nose, but he chose to ignore. What could he even do about it anyways? 

"What did you do to my son!" A kick to his stomach was delivered as Jinyoung clutched at it. "Speak!"

"I-I d-didn't do anything, your majesty." Jinyoung said in a small and weak voice while still gasping for air from the harsh contact. 

"Then how come he was spotted at your cottage every week?! Did you enchant him with some type of spell? Did you think you could become rich if you did that?!" The king yelled.

"I d-did no such thing, your majesty." Jinyoung said.

"Did I say you could speak?!....I don't think so." A tear escaped Jinyoung's eye.

"Look at me?" Jinyoung slowly looked up and met the king's gaze. "Your face is really pretty isn't it?" Jinyoung was confused. Didn't the king just call him a piece of dirt? "Did you seduce him?" 

Jinyoung didn't answer. He was too afraid to get hit again because he didn't have permission. "Speak!"

"I-I promise I didn't do anything to him. We just love each other." Jinyoung regretted saying that right after it left his mouth. 

He clutched at his cheek as a new pain formed there. "Did you know I hit your 'lover' right there as well?" He hit his own son? How could a parent live after doing something like that?

"You think I'm crazy, don't you? Well let's see if you call this crazy. I will not hesitate to kill my son if he comes anywhere near you again. Do you understand me? He is not meant to be with someone as low as you."


Jinyoung sat in the cold cell as he quietly cried. What did he do to deserve this? Why did this have to happen to him? He already lost his whole family, but now he lost the rest of his life. He would never see the sky, the sun, or the moon ever again and that broke him. But what hurt most was never being able to see Mark again. He could never touch him again. He could never kiss or feel his love ever again, and that hurt like no other. 


(I hope this wasn't bad. I'm not very good at writing these type of things. Please comment your opinions! I'll post again soon!)

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UnordinaryMe #1
Chapter 5: I missed this
Hope you'll be back soon authornim
JinyoungsMark #2
Chapter 5: Stay strong markjin!! soo happy jackson r here to help :")
markjin18 #3
Chapter 5: im so happy they saw each other and that mark is willing to fight for them aw:(
Chapter 5: Marks endearment breaks my heart. (ಥ_ಥ) despite of what they are going through he is willing to fight for Jinyoung.
Cutiepies1228 #5
Chapter 5: I guess Mark is going to have genuine friends this time. Good luck with getting Jinyoung out of the king's reach.
Markjinlife #6
Chapter 5: God I hope mark can get jinyoungie out from there as Soon as possible before he's Father find out
Chapter 3: I hope it’ll be better soon :(
Love will conquer all <3
markjin18 #8
Chapter 3: awwh jinyoungie:(
Chapter 3: Poor Jinyoungie. My heart hurts! </3 Mark, do something please. T^T
JinyoungsMark #10
Chapter 3: Poor jinyoung :"( the dad is cruel but the person told him is more cruel !!