Chapter 4

My Prince

Mark woke the next day with an aching cheek. He couldn't believe his father was so brutal. How could a father hit his own son with his own hand? Never in his whole life had he witnessed his father so crazy. Mark knew his mother's death took a toll on him, but he didn't know how far it went. He's basically a madman now. 

Mark slowly got out of bed with a heavy heart. His mind wandered to Jinyoung. How was he? He was in the dungeons, right? Did they hurt him? Did his father hurt him? Mark shook his head at the thought. If anyone laid a hand on his lover, he would personally teach them a lesson, even if it was his own father. 

Mark wasn't as experienced as his father, but he was definitely more skilled when it came to combat. His father never participated in the fighting and locked himself away in his chambers while his own men were dying for him. Mark had felt so disappointed when he knew of this and he still is. His father was a terrible ruler and Mark knew that. So if he ever had to go one on one with him, he could definitely get in a few fatal hits. He would never want to hurt his father without a reason, but Jinyoung is definitely a good enough reason for Mark. 

Mark's servants hurried into his room when they noticed their crown prince was awake. They busied themselves, making a bath and preparing his clothes for the day. 

"Your Highness, your water is ready." They bowed quickly and left the room. Mark glanced at the door as it closed with a loud thud. He sighed as he started to undress his night clothes. He hissed at the cold air and quickly stepped into the water hoping to get warmth. 

He leaned his head back on the rim of the tub and closed his eyes. Even with the steaming water surrounding his body, he craved more warmth. The warmth only a certain person could give him. Mark felt a small tear escape his closed eye, and he took a deep and shaky breath. He needed to see Jinyoung again. He needed to see him breathing. He needs him to be okay.




Once Mark had finished bathing, his servants surrounded him. They dressed him without a word, as they were used to this, and left after finishing. But today, one servant stayed behind. 

"Your Highness..." It was a girl about his age. She looked shy and he could tell she was nervous. 


"I was ordered by the king to accompany you to your studies today. He said something about helping you get into the right mind." Of course, his father would do this. He wanted Mark to take his mind off of Jinyoung. He wanted him to feel attracted to someone else, and he did that by sending a youthful and beautiful woman to follow him everywhere. 

"I'm guessing you are of a higher class. Well higher than a servant." He saw the girl nod. 

"Yes, I am Lord Kim's daughter."  

"I see, and do you know why you have to do this?" Mark asked with a pressing tone. He didn't mean to sound so harsh to the innocent girl, but he just couldn't stand his father's intentions. It made feel disgusted and angry. 

"I only know what he said, sire. He didn't mention anything else." 

"Okay..." Mark sighed. "Let's go." He said as he gestured to the door. 




Mark couldn't focus. He didn't understand anything he was reading or anything his private tutor was saying. All of his thoughts were too preoccupied with thoughts of his lover who was in the same castle as he. His thoughts were mainly about how to see him again. About how to shake off this pestering little girl and find him. 

Apparently, the 'shy' girl had a thing for him as she continuously his thigh under the table until he swatted her away and scooted his chair further away from her. When she noticed he was stuck on something in his lesson, she would lean a little too close to his liking and whisper the 'correct' answer into his ear. When he had trusted her opinion the first few times, he was scolded by his tutor for being so stupid. 

Mark felt stressed. He was constantly thinking of a way to see his Jinyoung. He needed a way to get him to safety without being caught. He needed to help him escape. It was his fault Jinyoung was in this position. He never regretted meeting Jinyoung or being able to love him, but maybe it would have been better for both of them not to have fallen in love. He wanted Jinyoung to be safe, and being involved with the crown prince of a kingdom is not something that will make you be or feel protected. If only Mark was just a normal commoner and didn't have these responsibilities, they both could be happy.




It was nighttime when Mark snuck out of his room. The guards guarding his door had fallen into a deep sleep for the night and Mark couldn't help but think this was the best chance he could get. He silently made his way down to the dungeons while hiding occasionally from guards or servants. His heart sped up when he entered the dungeons. He didn't know what to expect when he sees Jinyoung. He just was trying to prepare his heart for the sight. 

He made his way down the dark corridors while glancing at some of the prisoners behind some bars. Some were sleeping but some were watching his every move while glaring. 

"Halt!" Mark stopped in his tracks. "Who are you?!" The guard yelled. Mark slowly turned around and recognition spread across the man's face. 

"Your Highness! What are you doing down here?! Shouldn't you be asleep?!" The guard said as he got down on his knees. 

Mark sighed in relief. The news of his affair didn't reach the guards that guarded the dungeon and he was entirely grateful to that. 

"I was looking for someone that I would like to have a word with," Mark said.

"I will take you to them, sire, if that is your wish." 

Mark nodded and gently smiled. "His name is Park Jinyoung. He was recently brought here." The guard stood and nodded and motioned for the prince to follow him. 

While they were walking, the guard seemed uncomfortable with the silence. "I-I don't know exactly why this man is here. He seems so nice and thoughtful. I caught him this morning trying to share his food with his cellmate, who was recently beaten. He looked so concerned about that thief's health, but in fact, his condition is way worse." Mark's heart dropped. His condition was worse? 

"Here he is, your majesty. He might be asleep though. Last night was a rough night for him. Apparently, your father personally visited him, so whatever he did, it was bad. So be careful. Even though he might look sweet, he still is in the dungeons for some wrongdoing." Mark just silently nodded. 

"What is your name?" Mark asked in a low voice.

"Jackson, your majesty." 

"Can I count on you to be loyal to me, and me only. Once I am king, I will give you anything you want, just please keep all of this a secret." Mark could see the guard's eye's light up. 

"Anything?" Jackson asked with a voice full of hope. Once he saw Mark nod, he broke out into a huge grin. "Okay, I will be loyal to you only. But, your majesty, does that mean keeping this from your father as well?" Once he saw Mark nod, a panicked expression took over his happy one. "Isn't that treason?!"

"You will be fine. If you keep this promise to me, I will raise your status to my personal guard. You will be under my watch at all times, so you won't have to worry about my father." Mark saw Jackson visibly relax. "In the future, I might need your help though, but in the meantime, will you stand guard for me. I don't want anyone hearing this, but you."

Jackson moved to the end of the hallway that was not very far away and stood there. Mark watched him for a moment before turning to the cell. 

"Sweetheart?" Mark said gently. "Are you in there?" Mark grabbed onto the bars and tried looking into the dark cell. 


"Yes, baby, I'm right here," Mark said hurridly with a desperate tone. He was so happy to hear Jinyoung's voice, but he needed to see him. He needed to see what his father did to him. 

 "Mark, you can't be here." Mark's eyebrows furrowed at the reply. 

"I needed to see you. Now please come into the light." Mark asked as his grip on the bars tightened. 

"No, Mark, if he finds out you saw me, he'll hurt you. He said he'll kill you." Mark froze. He didn't expect this. His father, or could Mark still call him that, said he'll kill him if he saw the person he loved. He couldn't believe this. 

"I-I don't care. I'm going to get you out of here, baby. I will get you somewhere safe." That's when Jinyoung finally stepped forward. Mark's heart physically cracked into a million pieces at the sight. His lover's beautiful face had purple and blue bruises covering it and dried blood all under his nose. His lip was cut and his cheek also had a gash on it. 

"Oh my gosh!" Mark gasped. "My father did this to you?!" Jinyoung just looked to the ground but didn't reply. "Jinyoung! Did my father do this?!" Mark repeated and he saw his lover nod. 

Mark saw his knuckles turn white even in the dark. His breathing changed into rapid pants as he tried to call down. He felt a soft touch on his left hand and he looked up to see Jinyoung looking right at him. 

"Hey...It's okay-"

"It's not okay! It's all my fault!"

"No, it's not. Do you understand me? Don't think that way." Jinyoung said as he reached through the bars to touch the prince's cheek. Mark leaned into the gentle touch and let a tear fall down his cheek. 

"I'm so sorry," He whispered. 

"Please don't apologize. It's not your fault." Mark lifted his hand to touch the others. He moved his face to the side a little bit and kissed the skin of his lover.

"I will get you out of here, my love. I will not let anything else happen to you." Mark saw a few tears run down Jinyoung's cheek. 

"I love you, Mark."

"I love you much." 




"So, that's why he's locked up? You had an affair with him?" Jackson asked as he walked with Mark back to the entrance of the dungeons. 

"It wasn't just an affair. I genuinely love him and I want to spend the rest of my life with him, but my father had to get in the way of that." He glanced at the guard and saw him nod in understanding. 

"It makes sense now. There was no way Jinyoung could be in the dungeons."

"It really is my fault though, but I plan to fix it, and I'll need your help with that," Mark said as he stopped. 

"What do you mean?"

"I need your help to get Jinyoung out of the kingdom. I need your help to get him to escape." Mark said seriously. 

"You want me?! Me out of all people? How could I even help?" Jackson said all in one breath. 

"All you need to do, is pledge allegiance to me and to stay with me, and you already did that, so you're perfect for the job," Mark smirked as he saw a huge grin spread on Jackson's face. "And if you happen to know someone that could help with this and be loyal to me as well, please send them to me." 







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UnordinaryMe #1
Chapter 5: I missed this
Hope you'll be back soon authornim
JinyoungsMark #2
Chapter 5: Stay strong markjin!! soo happy jackson r here to help :")
markjin18 #3
Chapter 5: im so happy they saw each other and that mark is willing to fight for them aw:(
Chapter 5: Marks endearment breaks my heart. (ಥ_ಥ) despite of what they are going through he is willing to fight for Jinyoung.
Cutiepies1228 #5
Chapter 5: I guess Mark is going to have genuine friends this time. Good luck with getting Jinyoung out of the king's reach.
Markjinlife #6
Chapter 5: God I hope mark can get jinyoungie out from there as Soon as possible before he's Father find out
Chapter 3: I hope it’ll be better soon :(
Love will conquer all <3
markjin18 #8
Chapter 3: awwh jinyoungie:(
Chapter 3: Poor Jinyoungie. My heart hurts! </3 Mark, do something please. T^T
JinyoungsMark #10
Chapter 3: Poor jinyoung :"( the dad is cruel but the person told him is more cruel !!