It's Your End



A/N: prepare. Buckle up. For a roller coaster ride. It's harsh down there *insertsmirkemoji* 





“Baby. It’s morning already.”

“Kyu, I’m tired. Can I sleep more?” groan the smaller with husky voice.

Such a turn on, though Kyuhyun but decide to hold back from attacking the smaller in his state. Carefully Kyuhyun slips off the blanket and tuck it back for the smaller.

Leaving a chaste kiss on the smaller forehead before completely getting off the bed.

“Sleep more. I’ll bring your breakfast.” said Kyuhyun, receiving a hum from Yesung before the latter went back to his dreamland.

Kyuhyun chuckles as he watch the smaller trying to toss around the bed but immobilized by his injured left leg. Satisfied with the morning view, he went out to the kitchen.

Cutlery rattling and clanking sound came from the kitchen area. Leeteuk who already up earlier than them had begin to prepare for the breakfast.

Kyuhyun approach the older with greeting, not wanting to accidentally surprising the older who now using the kitchen knife.

“Can I help?” said Kyuhyun.

“Oh sure. Just serve this on the table. Did Yesungie already awake?” said Leeteuk as he passing the dishes to the younger.

“Still sleeping”

“Oh. That’s rare. Usually he can be easily wake up if he didn’t had any night terror…” said Leeteuk with a frown.

“Night terror? But he was just fine this morning. He said he want to rest more so I let him be. Was it often?” said Kyuhyun.

Knowing what the younger mean by it, Leeteuk nod. “Heechul said it happen after he met Siwon again and even had it after few days ago. But I think he become more comfortable since you here.” said Leeteuk, patting the younger’s head.

Kyuhyun blushing upon the compliment. He had been confusing Yesung a lot ever since they’ve met and yet he manage to grab the very heart, even so far such as to heal one’s night terror.

“Yah! Don’t flirt when we not here…” 

Both of them turn around and found Heechul carrying Yesung who look too groggy to even comprehend the situation.

Kyuhyun quickly take over the smaller and place him on one of the chair.

“You should have call me,hyung.” said Kyuhyun to Heechul.

“Nah. If I ask you to wake him up, he will just persuade you to let him eat in the bed. It’s a bad manner to eat in your room.”. Heechul never liking the idea of dirtying the space where sleeps and studying happen. Opposite with him, Yesung always manage to sneak some food just because the latter were too lazy to move around.

“Hey, wake up. Your head will hit the table..” said Kyuhyun, shaking the sleepy smaller.

“Aish. I’m so tired…” groan the latter, wiping his tired eyes in sulking manner for his sleep had been disturb by the others.

“Why are you tired?" the older seems to be loading his thought at the moment before his eyes went wide open. "Haaah!? you done it?!” shouts Heechul, successfully waking up Yesung right away.

Yesung turn to the older in clueless expression, processing everything the older had said.

Kyuhyun approach the confuse Yesung and whisper. “He meant that I had taken your ity..”

“What!” shouts Yesung with bright red’s face, groaning afterward from the results of standing without concerning his own injury. “Ow…”

“Aish Chullie.. they’re not doing it yet. You shouldn’t say that.” said Leeteuk, massaging the smaller’s leg from the pain.

“thanks Teukie hyung. Heebongie!” shouts Yesung again with a pout.

“Fine, sorry. Then why you said you’re tired? I thought you guys went to bed early?” said Heechul, begin to take a seat next to Leeteuk.

“We just talking about each other.” said Yesung, feeling embarrassed by how childish it’s sound to the others but the other just nod to him instead.

“Oh. Don’t stay up too late even if it’s holiday. So not healthy.” said Leeteuk as he fills in the other bowl with rice.

They were having traditional Korean breakfast due to Heecul’s request. They eat in comfort silent, a bit chit chat here and there. It’s one comfortable morning for the four of them despite what to come.


Gangnam Police Station, Seoul.

“Siwon ssi, I went to Yesung’s house yesterday. Can I ask something?” said Eric, trying to hide the fist clenching under the table from leashing on the younger.

“Yes sir.” said Siwon with tired eyes. Truth to be told, he had been inside the interrogation room for who knows how long already and now the chief inspector had call him once again after he had gone home only for few hours.

“I didn’t know you are Yesung ex boyfriend… What did Changmin do to Yesung?” said Eric, soften his look after the younger look exhausted to even deal with his brother complex issues.

“Oh… that’s.. wait. Why did you know that?” said the younger in surprise.

“Well.. ahaha. I’m his cousin just like Heechul. So now. Tell me what did that boy do to Jongwoonie.”

The soft voice then turn cold and stoic. ‘Uh-oh. Another Heechul’ thought Siwon and chuckles.

Siwon begin to tell from the moment he join the so-called investigation by Heecul. Starting by how he never know Yesung was Jonwgoon to how he had been caught shaking Changmin’s dead body inside his own house.

The inspector never ask for the rest of the stories but the older never once stopping him from letting everything pour out. He can see the pain and fear in the younger expression once the story entering the crucial part where Siwon had found the dead body lying lifeless inside his kitchen with his chest wide open.

“I’m sorry. I know I had no right to ask you all this thing. I’m sure you still mourning over the loss of you old friend.” said Eric with guilt.

Siwon staring into the older’s eyes, searching for his own answer. “You trust me? You know I didn’t do it?”

“Of course. I’m on your side. There’s a hole in the cop’s report and the victim’s brother confession.” said Eric with a warm smile.

“Brother?…. oh.. now I remember he had an older brother. We never meet before. Can I know the name?”

“Em… I don’t think I can..”

“Please… it might help in this case… I don’t want to be accused for killing my own friend. I want a justice for him. And if you said there’s something weird on his brother statement, there’s must be something he had hide.” said Siwon with defeated expression.

Eric sigh and rub his nape nervously. He know he shouldn’t breaking the oath to protect the victim’s family profile but the lack of evidence on Siwon’s accusation are far more important than everything.

“Fine. It’s Shim Junsu. But he want to be identified as Kim Junsu after their parent separated 10 years ago and they even live separately.”

“Junsu… Sir, did you know how old is he?”

“Oh, he’s one year older than you. Why?”

“Did he ever told you where he studying or working at now?” said Siwon in all seriousness.

“Wow… you don’t have to look so intimidating. It’s at my uncle university. Studying. Same as yours.”

Siwon slump to his chair, feeling more tired than he ever feel after hours of interrogation.

“Siwon? What’s wrong?” Eric become worried for the younger who now looking not much of a different than the a real murderer who waiting for their death sentences.

“Eric.. hyung..Yesungie in danger…”


A/N: in this part of special stories, everything will be told from Changmin’s side. Everything will be told. Everything.

                                 -Changmin’s story-

It’s my second year on this Kim’s University. I never understand rich people and their’s need in putting their own name in everything they own. Kim’s here. Kim’s there.

On the first day coming back to my second year, I had join a bunch of jocks and hot chicks but none had catch my eyes yet. Feeling the needs to be in this group of friends. Fitting in with the cool people. It’s fun. Until one idiot decide to be the real idiot by looking for a problems.

Hah… he look like Jongwoon hyung. This kid probably those typical nerd who ready to be bullied. Literally had sign for others, begging to be the lowest of us, jocks. I don’t even know why I’m still stuck with Junsu idea of me being bad just because I punish Jongwoon for being gay. If mom can do it on Junsu, why can I? but years had past, I know that b*tch is wrong for doing such things.

Bet and bet. I don’t really care but reminding myself to stay fitting into this group, I place a bet on not a . Those nerds must had once in their life. Look at that body. Such a turn on. I never into gay sh*t but as long as the meal look nice, I’ll eat it.

And I lost. I swear I saw the smirk on his face. Mocking a jock like us a re suicidal, baby.

And there I am. Trying to force myself on this small fry. Damn he loos hot. But then I saw it. The mark on his stomach. Too unique to be ignore. Maybe a doppelganger, I thought. Resuming what I mean to do for this y.

His moan and whimpering are such a turn on. Getting so vulnerable just from me his sensitive spot. What a jackpot.


Bastard had kick my precious bu rather than chasing after him, I rather deals with this pain. And so I leave it until I came home.


“Where did you go?”

Ah Junsu hyung. A midget who think he can control me… but he did. After mom had kill herself, she left us to be pick up by our dads. My real dad. And Junsu real dad. Who know how small the world is. Both my mom exes are now gay and married to each other. Resulting her to run away with two of her son from both marriage.

Due to my dad and Junsu dad having their own family, they gifted us a house just for us to stay. Sending moneys monthly but never once they came to see us. Never once they try to help me to run away form this madness. Junsu’s madness.


I never want to deal with this psycho. But who could have thought. This midget are stronger than me? With one swift on my leg, I had been throw on the ground.

“I ing ask you. Where did you go?”

“I.. I just came back from university…Hyung..” 

The pains striking from my hips bone from the fall. And at this time I wish I never had attacked Jongwoon and making my mom ashamed by my crime to the point she kill herself.


“Eat properly.”

Junsu snap. I can’t even eat properly due to my hand being whipped by a belt just because he was mad of me befriend with those jocks.

“It’s hurt.”

“Serve your right.”

I don’t even want to have this so called family dinner. But seeing how Junsu still stuck in the same loop. Created by my mom who obsess in having a normal family. She forced us to have meals together. Pray together.

I don’t get it. Before her death, Junsu was the rebel in the family.He had  admit being gay to his old friend, resulting us to move right away form the humiliation we got.

Day by day, mom punish Junsu and had tried to change him into normal. Even goes as far as forcing him to watch a straight p*rn. Such a maniac. Never once she drag me into the punishment for I had told her I was normal.

I’m not. But I’m too afraid to tell her so. And so I become homophobic myself, trying to correct myself by having a girlfriend but nothing works. Alas, it was all in the past. I hate to remind myself for trying to a boy who smaller than me just because he turn my friend into those taboo. Junsu who I know had been petite and small at that time know saw what I’ve done and told mom. I know this bastard hates me for hitting him alongside with mom. And who knows it was a plan. He knows mom’s mental state so he plan everything… I think.. I just know how mess up his head is once we live together like this.

“Anything happen today?” said him.

“Eh? Ah no.”

“It’s okay to be gay. We won’t let mom’s teaching get the worst of us.”

And here we are, practicing her rituals. 

“Um… I tried to hook up with a ner-- a student today.”

“Hook up means ? Get on your knees now.”

Uh-oh. Here’s come the belt. I don’t know how he knows my every moves. I don’t know why I’m so weak against him. I’m way taller than him but yet, here I am, holding my cries out from the belt latching to my back.

“Who is this guy?”

Should i tell him? How this guy look like Jongwoon? His old crush? I can see the love every time they play together. Will he stop if I told him Jongwoon location? Are that nerd really Jongwoon. it.

“Hy..hyung… I don’t know….if this guys are our old friend or not.. but will you stop if I were to tell you?”

And so Junsu stop. Finally my back can breath a little.

“Who is it? Our old friend?”



Ever since then Junsu had been occupied with Jongwoon. How did we know he really are Jongwoon? Junsu had the audacity to hack the Kim’s system. To even wipe out all the cctv that capture my crime. I should be thanking him but I won’t.

No more belt. No more judo on me. It was fine. Junsu had been stalking Jongwoon for days now. Not my problem but I still hand up on the taste of that cherry lips. I need to taste him one more time. Just for the last time.


I’m well prepared. Drug. . Even lube. I know Siwon never him on their past relationship. So I’m sure as hell Jongwoon are indeed a bottom.

With Junsu hyung occupied with his club now, like others, I use my time to kidnap this hottie and drag him to my prepared den.

I did it. I got him writhing underneath me. So cute and small. The drug are the miracle of them all. Little did I know our Jongwoon had change. No more shy boy. No more stuttering. Just swearing and boldness.

I was so close to get to my heaven when a lanky er interrupt us. I shoo him away but I was instead amaze by his boldness. Threat are a no no. So I ran. Better save than ever.

But boy oh boy. I got busted once I got home. Days of confine had me a bit obey to Junsu. instead of continuing his beating on me, I heard he mumbles to himself about Jongwoon taking his day off.

Ah. Must be from the drug and fever he had at that time. I swear I won’t attack him after this. But that y creation are too irresistible. I might have turn crazy like Junsu and mom.

He had went off to stalk him again, I must say. The house become silent again with no huffing sound coming from Junsu’s practice room. Our own judo room. I never into exercising but Junsu had make me do so once in awhile. Madness to the max.


I had attacked him again. I saw him walking alone inside this building. So small… so petite. I want to get to him. I know Junsu are gonna know this but at least he won’t kill me. I am too suicidal to begin with.

After Siwon had came to this campus, I can feels my plan ruined. Every single of it. And true to my guess, Siwon came in with a punch, leaving me to take more and more punch. I must say, angry Siwon are the worst.

Thanks to this Lee guy, I’m free form this mad horse. I took my chance to run away. Hoping for my hint of Junsu get to Jongwoon’s head.


My last day. I know I had to do it. It’s been a month after I daringly tapping my brother’s doing. Recording every single detail of him stalking Jongwoong. Not even once I got busted since half of it was me paying others to do it.

I compiled it in one memory card. Small and easy to be send. But not enough evidence. I know. Sooner or later, Junsu will be taking Jonwgoon away from his freedom. 

If I had not stumble onto his stash inside his room when he was busying gaga on Jongwoon. 

Among the stashes. Jongwoon stolen passport. Two tickets to China. I know why he pick China. It’s where my dad and his dad live. He wan to reach for their help, of course. This sicko. And I saw in the garage a wheelchair. Gathering all this item, I know he trying to take Jongwoon away using the wheelchair and making Jongwoon look disable. I sh*t you not, this sicko is genius. But the thing is. When. Shrug it off and take bunch of photos.

Back to the track, I am now trying to look for Jongwoon. Even with this limited evidence, I’m gonna try to pass it to him nevertheless.

But Siwon. Oh this church boy had to mess everything up. I should have been honest with him form the beginning but Junsu are far too deep in watching over me in the campus area.

It’s hurt but it was once worth it after Jonwoong approach us, hugging Siwon dearly. I thought ths two are hating each other now. Well more like Jongwoon hating on Siwon from my mistake.

But then I saw Junsu right behind them. Tssk. There’s go my chance. I can just slip this small thing inside his pocket. What if he didn’t realize it? So I just continue with hugging him. For the last time. The smells always enticing me. Such a pure fragrance. And again, I had to ward him. But… I can feel that… it will be my last time… to be this close to him…


I had been put on watch by Junsu. I never admit trying things behind his back so here I am. Now, watching over him and Jongwoon. I had come with a plan. I need Jongwoon’s phone. That’s the only way. I had been cut off from using phone and gadgets by Junsu. I could just buy new one from the money dad had send me but he will know. As I said. I’ve been watched over.

I follow them discreetly. With all evidence inside my pocket that ready to be use on Jongwoon’s phone, I’m sure and confident to get that thing by tonight.

It was then I saw my chance. Jonwoon was using a phone. I know how over protective Junsu can be it it was Jongwoon so I decide to act like I’m trying to chase them over. And yes, I’m cheering. 

That strong midget had pull Jongwoon way too hard and the phone fall to the ground but after I got the phone, it will be too obvious if I had come just for that thing. And I did what I can do. I ran towards them.

Once I’m sure it was enough, I ran to the opposite direction. But not to our home. Too dangerous. I know Junsu had saw my face. I know after this, he will be looking for me. To end me.

So using the charity of my friend that I had left, I stay at their home. Only for two days. In the amount of time I had left, I gather everything I had. Putting it into his phone… his.. him… Jonwgoon. It’s hard…knowing you own death.. is coming.

With an oath I had on my friend. I had ask him to send this phone directly to address I had give him.

“So when do I send it?”

“Once you heard about my death on the news.”

“Wha….. Changmin ah… we should go to the police…”

“You know I can’t… Junsu still will be going after Jongwoon after that. If we report him on the act of stalking, he will be let loose in no matter of time. And I still will be dead by his hand after that. But with this evidence and my death, Jongwoon will be free from this madness…”

I hear a knocking on the door. It’s my time. Junsu must had come to fetch me. I don’t know how he knows this place but it’s Junsu I’m talking about.

“I had to go… Goodbye Yoochun. It’s been great to get to know you.”

I can hear Yoochun falls on his knee. A frail sobbing are the last thing I heard before I been drag into the car, darkness taking over my eyes as a voice said

“It’s your end.”






A/N: there's still more to the 'behind the scene' thing.  We are close to the real end. And for some reason i cried a bit when i was writing how everytime Changmin talk about his last moment. I got emo there lol.

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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
395 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
395 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
395 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
395 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again