The Burden




It’s take them 15 minutes to reach the older house. Being the so called gentleman he is, Kyuhyun hurried himself to help the older with his stuff.

“Let me carry Ddangkkoma,Kyu.” said the older, grabbing the small tank into his arm.

Both were playfully teasing each other on the way to the front before Yesung realize a strange thing in front of the house.

“Uncle’s car?” mutter him.

“What’s wrong?” said Kyuhyun, poking the older arm.

“We have a guest. I think.”

The walk into the house after knocking few times. Say that Kyuhyun had the best reflexes in the house, he manage to stop the older from letting go of the poor turtle’s tank.

The latter only froze despite almost killing his new pet. The sight that greeting him were more important to just brush it off.



Here they are, hanging their head low, sitting on the floor while the judges sitting on the couch in front of them. The situation couldn’t get even worst when Heechul too was dragged by his parent to kneel together with Kyuhyun and Yesung.

“Mom, why me too?” whine Heechul, causing Kyuhyun to hold his laughter back.

“Shush it Heechul.” said the older’s mother in irritation. 

Both parents were fumed red upon hearing about the incident that happen the other day. Forcing Yesung’s parent to fly off immediately from Japan to Seoul.

The incident had cause quite uproar for the worried mother, letting herself to leash his anger on the poor husband who had to let her with her choice of the same day flight over.

“Kim Jongwoon.”

The stern voice had the shudder in fear, still didn’t have the guts to look into the old man’s eyes. Only small reply escape from his mouth. “Yes appa…”

“What is this news that we heard from your uncle, hurm? Want to tell me about it?” said the concern father. He had no intention in being rough for his son, knowing how the frightening his son at the time the incident happen.

“Jongwoonie… answer us. Why would you hide it from us? I heard this is the second time this happen. What if there’s no one to save you at that time?” now the mother join in with teary eyes.

Heechul steal a glance at both mother and son, familiar with the feelings that the mother had. Betrayed, angry and most of all feeling useless for not doing nothing to avoid things from happening.

Yesung fidgeting again from both cramps and scares. He had know how angry the old woman can be once thing had become the way they are.he begin to look up, staring into the dissapointed looks of the elderly woman.

“Eomma… I’m sorry… I didn’t mean to hide it. I’m just didn’t want to to bother you with stupid thing… it was enough with me being idiot son all this time.” said Yesung, begin to sniffle, feeling the guilt worsen by reminiscence the thing he had done in the past.

“No honey… you’re not gonna bother me a bit. Instead, I wish you could tell more about you rather than knowing it from other people’s mouth.” said the now crying mother. She resorting with hugging the son dearly, as if he will disappeared once she had to let him go at the exact moment.

“Please don’t do that again… I love you so much Jongwoon.” whisper the mother.

It has been one heartwarming scene between the mother and son. Crying as the son let it all out, feeling relief for the parent finally on his side,soothing him as he promise what they had been wanting to hear all along.

“I’m sorry eomma… I won’t do it again. I promise I’ll be a good son and I won’t cause any more trouble… eomma… please forgive me.” the smaller’s voice broke as he forcing the words out between the sobbing and a bit choked from the soreness.

“Shh it’s okay. We already forgive you long time ago. Now stop crying. A man shouldn’t cry too much. My son is the strongest in the world, right yeobo?” said the father, hiding his own red eyes.

“What!? that’s discrimination! Man can cry too!” shouts Kyuhyun and soon covering his own mouth for interrupting the moment.

The family only laugh at the outsider, only then Yesung’s parent realize his presence after the trainwreck episode.

“And who is this?” said Yesung’s mom.

“I’m Yesung hyung’s boyfriend,eommanim, abeonim” said Kyuhyun, bowing fully for the two elder, earning a slap on his head from the blushing smaller.

“Yah! Don’t just say what you want! Eomma! Don’t believe this evil!” said Yesung frantically, hugging the mother tightly.

The kim’s only laugh for Yesung cute antic, except Heechul who begin to pinch the said evil for being too outspoken.

“So you finally forget about Siwon?” said his mother, caressing her son lovingly.

“Already did years ago. I won’t miss him.” said Yesung with cold tone.

The mother only shakes his head for the stubborn headed son. “Now let’s get you to change. We’ll go out for dinner, invite your boyfriend along.”

“He’s not my boyfriend!” shouts Yesung with red face, leaving them to go change for the dinner.

After the smaller were no longer can be seen between the corridor, Yesung’s father begin to turn towards both Heechul and Kyuhyun.

“You two. Did anything else happen after that?” said him with crossed hand.

Heechul knew it will ruin the dinner time if he were to open his mouth. Taking the leap for them, he shake his head, denying the real truth about Siwon and Yesung.

“Okay then. So when this ‘bully’ will be expel? I won’t leave this country until I know my son are safe in your hand, brother.” said Yesung’s dad to the said brother, Heechul’s dad.

“Oh don’t worry. Tomorrow the notice will be out for him and the next day is the day he should not be coming to classes anymore.” reply the latter.

“Good. Don’t make me do my way.” said the older, black aura smitten from behind his back, scaring the others away.

‘Uh-oh. Daddy’s “girl” are out.’ thought the rest of the Kims.


It’s been a day after the dinner and the whole Kyuhyun accepted tot he family, much of Yesung ‘dislike’. It was the day where they were expecting for Changmin to the campus area after getting the rest of his stuff from his classes.

Ignoring everything Changmin’s issues, Yesung move on with his day like usual. Accompanied by Eunhyuk and Donghae all day until it was the last class of the day when quite commotion happen outside of the building.

Yesung watch as the crowd gather around the tennis court. The commotion had his interest right away, sneaking through the massive amount of students as he was followed by the couple. But due to the narrow walking space in between each students, Eunhyuk and Donghae accidentally lost the smaller.

“You bastard!”

Shouts one of the main attraction inside the court, throwing a punch to his enemy without listening to the people who trying to avoid the fight from happening.

Few painful kicking and punch been throw at each other. Both won’t give in until one had to admit their defeat.

‘What was that?’ thought Yesung who finally reach for the front ‘sit’ of the fight, only to taken aback by the two fighting people who he know too well.

“Si-” he had been surprised by a hand covering his mouth, without knowing who was the owner.

“Shh. Just watch.” said the person. Voice were too low for him to recognize it.

And so he watch as the two keep fighting and shouting incoherence word. The fight went on until Yesung had enough of it and pry the hand off and run towards Siwon. Ignoring the fact he still doesn’t know was daring enough to shut him up just now.

“Siwon stop!” shouts Yesung, hugging the taller from behind.

“Ye..Yesung hyung?” said Siwon, wincing as the smaller gripping too tight on his bruised rib.

“Ah the princess is here.” said the opponent, Changmin. “I was wondering where were you. I want to have a word with you.” said him again as he begin to approach the smaller who were guarded by Siwon.

“Don’t come near him!” said Siwon, become more aggressive in hiding the smaller behind his back

Yesung can feel the taller shaking, probably from the pain and fear of the older getting hurts again. Wanting to end it right away, Yesung pry of the taller’s hold.

“Yesung hyung?” said Siwon in confusion.

“Say it now or leave.” 

Changmin begin to smirk, feeling victorious from the older agreement. He walk closer, leaning forward for the older’s height.

“Act normal. He’s watching. You’ll be much more in danger after this. He won’t leave you alone. I can’t tell you yet who am I talking about because I’ll be killed by him. It’s not the time yet but I assure you, with Siwon and Kyuhyun by your side, you’ll be safe. Now, act like I’m trying to molest you like usual so things won’t get any worst.” said Changmin but getting no reaction from the older, probably too shock to react. He do what he had to do as he the older ear, getting the exact reaction he wants to.

Yesung shrieking and jumping backward, holding his ‘abused’ ear with blushing face. But something had him more stunned than the weird confession. The taller face were full of sorrow and pained expression. Changmin then procced in leaving the crowd and dissapeared into the building.

“Hyung, are you okay?!” said Siwon, rushing to the older side with staggering leg.

“Ah yeah… I’m okay. Are you?” said Yesung, wiping the corner of the taller’s bloodied mouth.

It’ll be a lie if he wasn’t bothered by the forever nemesis talk. That doesn’t make any sense, thought him. Finally, Eunhyuk and Donghae manage to reach to those two after the crowd finally disperse away.

“Oh geez you look so beat up. Let’s get you to the infirmary. After that you so gonna explain everything to us.” said Eunhyuk, taking the left side of Siwon while Donghae on the other side, helping the taller to get his wound fix.


“So why are you guys fighting?” said Heechul once he arrived at the infirmary after he had been informed about the fight.

Siwon grimacing after Eunhyuk accidentally dab on the wound too harsh. The said man only apologize sheepishly as he continue his job.

“He had been looking for Yesung hyung all day so I tried to avoid him from doing so but end up with a fist fight.” said Siwon glancing at the spaced out Yesung.

“Hemm that’s troublesome. Don’t worry, I ask for the guard to make sure that he already leave the compound.” said Heechul.

The other begins corwding around Siwon, asking for the said guy well being. As for Yesung, smaller had been left to reflect on what Changmin had warn just now. Feeling too confuse by everything that happen.

‘What do you mean by that. Aren’t you the one who start it first? Who was him…’ thought Yesung before gasping loudly, gaining the other attention.

“What’s wrong Yesungie?” said Kyuhyun who had been watching the older for minutes now.

“Yah what’s wrong? You got involve just now, right? Did you hurt or something?” said Heechul, grasping the smaller shoulder.

“Ah. No… just now. When I was sneaking through the crowds, there’s someone hold me back when I almost got to Siwon. That person cover my mouth and whisper to me to just watch everything silent. It was so weird…” said Yesung.

The other too was having the same expression, shocked by the news.

“Did you recognize his voice?” said Leeteuk from Heechul’s side.

“No. The voice were too low. Drowned by the crowds just now. He kinda strong too but I manage to get away from him and ran to Siwon. I don’t know why he do that…” said Yesung.

Soon what begin to surround them was the biggest questions of all. Thinking about the person who might be responsible of beating down Heechul the other day and today’s event. 





A/N: sorry. Hehe. Upvote this story if you want something interesting happen soon or elesw I'll hold it back, kekeke.

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I'm gonna end January with this fict and come back with new one in February. IT'S MAAA BIRTHDAY SOOON!!!!!


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Chapter 24: awesome story <3
Chapter 1: But why will you give someone a hickey put of nowhere?
394 streak #3
Chapter 24: I... I don't know if I have to be sad, or happy, with the ending...

I mean, Junsu just... oh gosh that poor baby T^T I know what he did wasn't good, but that's because he's in love with Jongwoon since the day 1 (?) And if I want to blame someone, that must be Junsu and Changmin's mother (and their fathers too!! Why're they so in love and forget about their sons????) Oh gosh! They're the worst parents in this entire universe!!!!

And Junsu, if only he's in his right mind, being a good person, maybe he could capture Jongwoon's heart, and if he couldn't do that, he could be Jongwoon's best friend! I cried (a lot) when I read about Junsu tried his best to save Jongwoon when the accident happened, poor soul T^T
394 streak #4
Chapter 22: reading changmin's POV made me.... T________________________________T
394 streak #5
Chapter 20: Changmin is my bias too, and he's dead? in tragic way??? WHYYYYY #screaming T___T
394 streak #6
Chapter 11: Sooo... I read this few months ago (?) but It's not completed yet, and I forgot to subscribe **damn my stupid brain**

I'll take my time to read this, because I LOVE 3in1 (yesung kyuhyun siwon) hihihi...
Chapter 24: Am going to miss reading a new chapter everyday~~~
REading it again