Chapter 3

Minutes To Midnight


Takada Riho turned her head to the right as she sniffed her nose around. A mixture of sea breeze and spicy curry filled her nose. Riho inhaled those scents and smiled widely.


“Oit!!! Get up!!! Don’t smile like an idiot if you are awake!!!” she heard a boy barking at her as a soft pillow hit her face. Instantly, Riho opened her eyes wide. She stared around but her vision was blocked by the black striped pillow that had hit her face. She made a move to throw that pillow away but stopped as she listened carefully to the sound around her. Someone was walking at the foot of the bed. That someone was kicking something before he yelled in pain.


“Ouch!!! Ouch!!! AHHHHHH!!!” Lee Jung Shin screamed on top of his lungs as he jumped around with one foot, heading towards his bed and hastily sitting on it. He stared at the nail that was piercing into his foot and cursed.


“!!! What an !!!” he said as he bites his lips and pulled the nail out from his foot. Once again, he screamed, this time louder as he threw the nail straight into the waste paper basket that stood at the corner of his room, next to his kitchen. A pillow flew just an inch before his eyes and he jumped, his hand flew to his waist, ready to pull out his gun but stopped in the middle of the act as the girl that was laying on his bed, sat up straight and stared at him. He stared back at her. Silence wrapped them, only the crickets were singing their song outside of the house.


“Who are you???” they asked each others at once. They both groaned and looked away at once.


“That is something I should be asking, you know…” they said again in union. Then, both of them looked at each others once again.


“Okay…time’s up!!! Get out now!!!” Jung Shin said at last, breaking the silence between them as he grabbed Riho’s arm and started pulling her to get off from his bed. She yanked his arm away from him and made to push Jung Shin away but failed miserably as Jung Shin easily lifted her off in his arms and started walking towards the door.


“Hey!!! ert!!! Put me down now!!!” Riho yelled at him, punching his chest a few times as she struggled to get off. Jung Shin ignored her harmless punches and walked on.


“Very well…if you think you can deal with me…” Riho said, knowing that this boy will probably just throw her off his arms once they were outside of his door. She leaned closer to him and titled her head to get a closer view of his neck.


“AHHHHH!!! What???” Jung Shin yelled on top of his lungs once again as he hastily put Riho down to stands and backed away, his hand rubbing his neck. Riho had bites him there in order to get him to release her off. He cursed as Riho raised her two arms, like she was readying herself to punch him if Jung Shin ever made a move on her again.


“Don’t come any closer or I will beat you to death!!! Now explain why I was here!!! And worst…on your bed!!!” Riho yelled at him, circling him. Jung Shin narrowed his eyes at her but ignored her orders. He walked back to his room and went to his closet. Pulling out a first aid kit, he started searching for something to cover the wound that caused by Riho. Riho watched him and regretted her action. She lowered down her arms and walked to him.


“I’m sorry…I didn’t mean to hurt you…” she said as she grabbed the kit away from Jung Shin. Jung Shin groaned.


“Yeah…the same goes here…I am not in any position to hurt you…in fact, I think you should be thanking me…” he replied her. Riho gestured for him to sit on the bed while she treated his wound. He obeyed her. Silence wrapped them as Riho worked on his wound.


“Why should I be thanking you???” she asked him. Jung Shin chuckled.


“You don’t really remember what happened, huh???” he asked her back, pointing to her things that he had put on his couch. Riho glanced at where he was pointing and realization hit her. She smiled a bit.


“Ah…I remembered it now…you were the slim-waist guy that helped me beating up those stupid, bad bullies, right???” she commented, closing the kit and looked up to look at Jung Shin’s face. He gave her a twisted smile and nodded. Riho blinked her eyes. It was the first time she had actually looked at him properly. This boy that helped her was indeed a good looking boy, matches with his well-shaped male model body. Riho trailed her eyes from his big eyes, down to his pointed nose and well-curved lips. She cleared and turned her back on him.


“Then…you deserved thanks…thank you…” Riho said, stammering with her words as her heart started beating madly inside her chest. Jung Shin groaned a little and patted his neck.


“Welcome…I think it is a fair and square situation for us now…you helped me with this wound too…” he replied her, standing up and walking passed her. Riho nodded slightly, daring herself to look at him once again. Jung Shin now was standing with his back on her, looking into the pot that was placed on his stove. It seems like he was cooking something and Riho’s mind concluded it was a curry since she had smelled that spicy curry scent earlier.


“Aren’t you leaving???” he asked her, oblivious to the fact that Riho was enjoying herself while looking at his back. Riho shook her head. She pretended to feel dizzy and quickly, lying back down on his bed.


“Ah…my head hurt…em…I think I’m going to be sick…” she said, coughing and touching her forehead. Jung Shin looked back at her. Riho kept herself eyes closed and arranged her expression like she was suffering from serious headache. Jung Shin sighed. This girl reminded him of his little sister, Jung In, who had long been missing since the night their parents were killed. If only Jung In was alive, she should be around the same age of this girl, he thought to himself.


“Fine…you can stay here tonight…but make sure you leave tomorrow morning…I hate it if someone is invading my privacy…” he said to her and turned his back on her once again. Riho cracked a winning smile but hid it quickly, scared that he will catch it and realized that she was faking her pain. Slowly, she opened her eyelids. Turning her head to look at Jung Shin, Riho admired his back.


“My hero~~~” she sang under her breath as she stared at Jung Shin’s long legs and broad back. She smiled once again and closed her eyes, feeling her heart beats going into faster rate as his back and face played in her mind.



“Hyung!!!” Kang Min Hyuk screamed at Lee Jong Hyun, who was sitting across him. But Jong Hyun seemed to be oblivious with his presence and kept staring off space. Suddenly, he curved a little smile and blushed. Min Hyuk narrowed his eyes.


“What are you thinking actually that made you to have that creepy expression???” Min Hyuk commented, taking a big book off from the shelves. He threw the book to Jong Hyun and it hit him straight on his face.


“Ouch!!!” Jong Hyun said, rubbing his nose as he stared at the book that was thrown earlier by Min Hyuk. Min Hyuk laughed as he walked to him. Jong Hyun picked up the book and threw it back to Min Hyuk, who caught it nicely with his hands.


“What are you doing, idiot??? You can just call me the normal way instead of throwing me with a book…I would appreciate it more, you know…” Jong Hyun said to him, still rubbing his nose and forehead. Min Hyuk chuckled.


“I did…but your body seems to be sitting in this library yet your mind was off somewhere…what happened???” he asked Jong Hyun, giving him a serious searching look. Jong Hyun smiled.


“Em…I...maa…let’s just forget it…it isn’t like a big thing actually…” Jong Hyun answered, blushing more as he started to play with his fingers. Min Hyuk laughed out loud when he saw this.


“Ah…hyung, seriously!!! It is really creepy when tough guys like you acting this sissy!!!” Min Hyuk commented, pointing to Jong Hyun, who was playing with his fingers. Jong Hyun groaned and stopped his sissy act. He adjusted his expression to look like his usual tough act yet Min Hyuk couldn’t stop laughing yet. Irritated, Jong Hyun rolled his eyes.


“Yah!!! Does it really fun for you???” he asked Min Hyuk, who nodded his head at once.


“Oh…this is the first time I saw you acting like that…you usually have this expression like…I’M A COLD-BLOODED GUY…COME NEAR ME AND I WILL BLOW YOUR MIND…but there, just now…wow…DAEBAK!!!” Min Hyuk replied him and continued laughing, this time louder and longer. Jong Hyun pouted as he looked away. His expression softened. He curved the same smile he had before while he was playing with his fingers. What was this feeling that turned him into this sissy guy??? Was it the yesterday incident??? Jong Hyun thought to himself.



Horikita Maki put on her earphones and started browsing through her MP3 player, searching for her favorite song. Once the song started playing, she nodded her head along with the tunes, enjoying the music. She turned her head to look outside the window and spotted a guy, standing on the side road, looking down on his shoes. Maki studied his features. The boy was tall with slender body yet he had broad shoulders. His black hair was messy and curly. Somehow, that hair style looks good on him and Maki was curious to see the face under that hair. Yet, as thought knowing that someone was watching him, the boy remained to look his gaze on the ground. Maki was pretty sure that he had very fair skin, judging from the color of his chest, exposed because of the V-line shirt worn by him. The bus roared and it moved once again. Maki chuckled.


“What am I doing here???” she asked herself, shaking her head in mental rejection, that she was staring at some stranger, interested in his appearances and the mystery aura emitted by him. She pulled out her book from inside her bag and sighed as she read the title. ‘Dynamic Laws and Its Significant To People’.


“It’s definitely doesn’t bring any significant to people…the bad guys are still on loose…all of them!!!” she commented, slamming the book with her hand. She turned her head back to look outside the window and jumped. There was a guy on his motorbike trying his best to catch up with the bus. He was racing his ways to stay closer to the bus, in fact, exactly aligned with the place where Maki was seated. The rider of that bike looked up. He pulled up the cover of his helmet, revealing his eyes. Maki blinked, stunned as they eyes met. He had dreamy eyes that filled with wonder and anticipation as he stared into her eyes. Somehow, Maki was mesmerized by those eyes. She was pretty sure that she had never seen those eyes before but it gave her some calming effect, putting her at ease.


“Pin!!! Pin!!!” …Maki moved her gazes towards the vehicles around the bike. They were honking repeatedly at the rider since he was blocking their ways. But the rider seems to be oblivious with those sounds, ignoring them as he once again, racing his bike to catch up with the bus.


“Mad guy…” the passengers inside the bus commented as they watched the bike once again managed to catch up with the bus and was staring at Maki again. Maki blinked her eyes and turned her head away from him, hoping that he would be gone. Someone tapped her on her shoulder. She looked to her left.


“Do you know that man???” the girl that was sitting next to her asked. Maki shook her head.


“No…” she answered and glanced at the window once again. The rider was still there, looking at her and trying to catch up with the bus again. The girl sat next to Maki chuckled.


“But he keep staring at you…he must be really taken by you…who would dare enough to race with a bus on a busy road like this just to catch a glimpse of you??? Aish…you are one lucky girl…” she commented as she smiled at Maki, shaking her head in disbelief. Maki blushed. She gulped down and tried to keep her expression as calm as she could. She was pretty sure that the rider of that big motorbike was still there and now, she was determined not to look at him again. She was sure if she did, she would be mesmerized with his dreamy eyes again. That won’t do for someone like her. On the bike, Jong Hyun was trying his hardest to keep his attention on the road and the traffic around him while determined to look at the pretty girl sitting on the bus. She had been looking back at him earlier with her round, big, bright eyes but now she was ignoring him. Jong Hyun had never seen someone as pretty as her. He was mesmerized by that bright, round eyes and now eager to stare into those eyes again. But the owner of those eyes was determined not to look at him again. Jong Hyun sighed. He felt his phone vibrating in his pocket and it brought him back to the reality. He was late to go and meet the detective that was waiting for him at his club. Reluctantly, Jong Hyun pressed the bike’s handle and zooming away from the bus. He pulled down the cover of helmet and imagined the bright; round eyes that belonged to the prettiest girl he had ever seen in his life.


“Who are you, sunshine???” he asked himself, knowing that the question would always remained a mystery for him.



“Welcome to the club, Miss Kobayashi…” greeted Master Kang at the pretty girl that was standing before her. The girl, Kobayashi Ryoko smiled at him and bowed down politely. Master Kang clapped his hands and stood up.


“I want you to be comfortable while working here…this club is the best among all of my clubs and is under the best man of mine, Lee Jong Hyun…you will find it easy to work with him…he is very capable and considerate…no worries…” Master Kang said to Ryoko. Ryoko nodded her head as her eyes scanned the club. It was indeed the most comfortable club she had ever worked in. The dance floor below was crowded with people indicated that this club was working well on business terms. She was hired to work here with high salary just to be a singer.


“Are you sure you are paying me that much money just to sing???” Ryoko asked Master Kang, curious as she looked back at the man. Master Kang chuckled.


“Of course not…I have a better job for you…whether you like it or not, you will have to do it…since I already paid you this high amount of money…” Master Kang answered her, handing her a cheque. Ryoko took it and her eyes widened at the number written on the cheque.


“What can I do for you???” she asked him, putting the cheque inside her handbag. Master Kang laughed.


“Good!!! You are the perfect candidate for this job…now, let’s see…” he answered her. Pulling out a file from his drawer, Master Kang passed the file to Ryoko. She took it in silence, fixing her eyes on the file.


“That…will be major duty…” Master Kang ordered her. Ryoko read the information inside the file. One of her eyebrows rose up.


“This man…he won’t show up here, right??? I mean, you are not going to be friend with some police detective, isn’t it???” she asked him in wondered as she looked down on the face of Jung Yong Hwa. Master Kang nodded in agreement.


“Yeah…we won’t be friend with him…but you, Miss Kobayashi…will be…you will be his friend…his girlfriend…his lover in fact…and find out what he knows about us…a detective as he is…very secretive indeed…yet, he would definitely talk about his work with someone his trusted…and you will be that trusted person to him…” Master Kang explained the exact job that he was hiring Ryoko for. Finally understood her task, she closed the file and smiled at Master Kang.


“Very well…but I expect to be given more money if everything goes according to the plan…” she commented on the matter. Master Kang nodded his head.


“Certainly…if…everything goes according to the plan…” he agreed. Ryoko smirked. She bowed down and turned her body around to walk out from the office. Once she was out, Master Kang’s secretary walked to him.


“Can we trust that girl, Master???” he asked. Master Kang chuckled.


“You can put your trust on someone who is desperate for money…and definitely, she is one of the kinds…” he answered him. The secretary shifted his body, uncomfortable to give out his thought.


“You have something to say on this matter…go on…” Master Kang said.


“Well…if we can easily buy her like that, wouldn’t it mean that detective can buy her too for our information if he want to???” the secretary said out his thought. Master Kang laughed and shook his head in disagreement.


“No…no…that won’t happen…first, because he wouldn’t do that all…a detective has his own pride…he won’t ask for help from a weak girl…second…he wouldn’t want to buy someone…that’s bribery and as a police, he wouldn’t do that mistake…as for the last reason…do you think that poor detective will ever have more money that the amount that I paid the girl???” he asked him, confidently. His secretary cracked a grin and shook his head slowly. Master Kang laughed louder when he saw this reaction. Satisfied, he asked for two ladies to come and serve him in his office.



Yong Hwa parked his car outside of a beautiful white bungalow. He stepped out from his car and looked up to admire the bungalow. Clearing his throat, he arranged his appearance to look presentable and once that he was satisfied, he walked confidently to the gate. A maid was waiting for him.


“Welcome, Mr Jung…” she greeted him and bowing down politely. Yong Hwa returned the gesture and then was ushered to go inside the bungalow. Once he was inside and sitting at the living room, the maid excused herself and asked him to wait for her master. Yong Hwa scanned the living room with much interest until his eyes found a big frame that was hung on the second floor, at the top stairs. His eyes trailed of from the face of the man he was about to see and his wife as Yong Hwa assumed off but what caught his attention was the pretty girl that was standing behind the couple. A girl cleared behind him. Immediately, Yong Hwa tore his eyes away from the frame and stood up to greet the girl.


“Papa will be here soon…please make yourself feel comfortable…” Maki said to him as she bowed down. Yong Hwa nodded and sat down again as Maki took her own seat. Silence wrapped them as they glanced at each others.


“Nice to meet you…my name is…” Yong Hwa started to introduce himself but Maki cut him off.


“Jung Yong Hwa…I know already…papa always speak very highly of you…” she said, smiling a little at him. Blushing, Yong Hwa waved a hand like he was denying what she had said.


“No…no…I’m sure whatever Chief Horikita was saying, it’s probably only exaggerating…” he commented.


“Am I now, Detective Jung???” asked a man that suddenly appeared at the living room, walking towards them. He was a tough and rough looking man yet he was giving both Yong Hwa and Maki a friendly smile. Both Yong Hwa and Maki stood up but he gestured for them to continue seated while he too sat down. Grinning at Yong Hwa, he pointed his finger at Maki.


“This is my Maki…pretty isn’t she???” he asked him, giving Maki a look that was filled with admiration. Yong Hwa nodded his head, shyly agreed with his statement.


“Papa!!!” Maki said, blushing as she pouted and glared at him. Chief Horikita laughed loudly as he saw the reactions of them.


“Well, Detective Jung…there is only one reason why I’m calling you here…” he said once he had stopped laughing, this time talking in a very businesslike tone. Yong Hwa squared his shoulders and paid full attention to him.


“Maki is my only daughter…she is turning 22 years old this year….in this such sweet age, I’m hoping that she will meet just the right man to lead her in her life…” Chief Horikita said, giving Yong Hwa a very serious look. Stunned, Yong Hwa moved his eyes to look at Maki. She was looking down on her lap, her fingers firmly gripping on her skirt. Somehow, she was giving him an aura like she needed to be protected, just like what her father had said. She doesn’t have the confident like that normally posed by a rich girl. Looking back at the chief, Yong Hwa gave him a warm smile.


“I can be her friend…if you would like me to…and of course, if Miss Horikita agreed on it…” he gave out his opinion. Chief Horikita returned his smile. He took Yong Hwa’s hand in his and gripped it tightly.


“I am not talking about this like I’m giving you an order…even though I am your superior in our police department…” he said but Yong Hwa chuckled a bit and it stopped him half way.


“You aren’t just a superior to me, Chief Horikita…you are the Chief Police in Tokyo…everyone fears you…” Yong Hwa said, teasingly. Both the chief and Maki laughed at this statement. Maki nodded her head in agreement. Chief Horikita pointed his finger at Yong Hwa, warning him not to again and the latter saluted him, gesturing that he will obey his order.


“As I was saying…I’m not ordering you as a Chief Police in Tokyo…but I’m asking you as a normal father did for his daughter…if it possible…can you take my girl’s hand and let her be your partner of life???” asked Chief Horikita at Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa blinked his eyes at him. Silence filled the empty air as none of them speak or move. Suddenly, Maki stood up. Both of the men turned their heads to look at her.


“I’m…I’m very sorry…but…I don’t think I can agree to this matter…excuse me, Detective Jung…Papa…” she said hurriedly and after a quick bow, she left them, half running towards the stairs and disappeared soon after she took the stairs in the speed of light. Chief Horikita let go of Yong Hwa’s hand. He sighed, shaking his head.


“Look like I was rejected…” Yong Hwa commented, glancing up at the stairs. His chief chuckled.


“Actually, I’m expecting her to act like that…Maki is very shy every time I mentioned about boys and married to her…” he countered back. Yong Hwa nodded, understood the matter.


“Will you forgive her???” Chief Horikita asked him. Yong Hwa grinned.


“I will…I have this feeling that we shouldn’t bring this matter out again until she is comfortable enough with me…” he replied him. His words brightened up his chief at once.


“So…does that mean you agreed to try and get to know her first??? Later, we can discuss about the engagement???” he asked Yong Hwa, sounded cheerful and anticipated.


“Yes, sir~~~” Yong answered, saluted him once again. They both laughed loudly in union. From the second floor, inside her room, Maki closed her ears with her hands, trying to shut off the laughter she was hearing.


“I can’t marry him!!! I can’t!!! I can’t!!! I can’t!!!” she chanted under her breath repeatedly. The scary and dark thought of her past crept into her mind. Maki shook her head in a fast mode, as thought doing so would swept the thought away. But it grew clearer and Maki found herself difficult to breathe. She wiped the sweat running down from her forehead to her cheeks and barely made her way towards her bedside table. There, she pulled open her drawer and took out a bottle. Hastily, she opened it and with her shaking hands, the pills inside it spilled out and randomly scattered on the floor. She grabbed two of them and stuffed them into . Gulping down , she tried to count the numbers to calm her nerves.


“One…two…three…fo…four…” she counted, stammering with every go. She opened and closed her eyes repeatedly. Her heart rate growing faster and she felt herself suffocated.


“No…no…no!!! No!!! PLEASE!!! LET ME GO!!! NO!!!! NOOOOOOOOO!!!” Maki screamed loudly when her dark thought finally filled her mind and she no longer able to block it out. She threw herself down on the floor and started jerking her body around, her hands punching the air frantically.


“GO AWAYYYYY!!! LET GO OF ME!!! GOOOO!!! PAPPPPPAAAAAA!!!” she screamed, louder this time. Her maids came running into her room. Down the stairs, Yong Hwa jumped in shocked as he heard the screaming upstairs. Chief Horikita instantly stood up and rushed towards the chaos. Left alone, stunned and confused, he stopped one of the running maids.


“What happened???” he asked her.


“It is our Ojou-sama!!! Her fit must have attacked her again!!!” she said, sounded worried and concerned.



“I’m done with my work…I will be going now…” Erina Mano said to her friend as she hurriedly packed her bag. She glanced at the farthest table inside the library she was working in and narrowed her eyes, disgusted at what she was seeing.


“That damn rich boy is here again!!! Making loud noises instead of studying!!!” Erina complained as she watched Min Hyuk, throwing a book to a guy that she doesn’t know. As thought knowing that Erina was looking at him, Min Hyuk glanced back and flashing his cute smile at her. Erina rolled her eyes and pretended like she was about to throw up.


“Gross!!!” she commented, shaking her head to throw away the images of Min Hyuk smiling at her. Her friend walked to her and grinned widely when she saw Min Hyuk.


“Kang Min Hyuk!!! The perfect prince in this university!!! If only he smile like that to me…” she said, battling her eyelashes but then stiffened her face and glared at Erina.


“What???” Erina asked her, raising one eyebrow. Her friend sighed a long sigh.


“That prince only has her eyes on you, poor girl!!!” she finished her words, pinching Erina’s cheek. Erina pushed her hand away and shook her head.


“He is just fooling around…rich boys usually found poor girls as a good stuff they can play with…fortunately, I’m not the kind to fall for that old tricks…” she replied her friend, slinging her bag on to her shoulder. Her friend crossed her arms together and surveyed her through serious-looking eyes.


“What if he is sincere??? You know what they said about Cinderella and her prince??? You should leave one of your shoes so that our Prince Kang can collect it and turn you into a Cinderella…” she gave out her opinion. Erina laughed madly at her words but still keeping her voice down.


“That’s fairytale, my friend…my life is never a fairytale to begin with…it is so real and painful…there is no way it could end as beautifully as what Cinderella got…” she countered back. She waved to her friend and hurriedly walked out from the counter, heading towards the exit door, not wanting to hear any opinions on the Cinderella or Prince Kang.


“Where are you going???” she heard Min Hyuk asking her. A hand grabbed her shoulder and she was jerked backward. She blew air out of and turned her head around to find Prince Kang looking at her. As soon as their eyes met, Min Hyuk dropped down his gazes and immediately let go of Erina’s shoulder.


“Ah…I’m sorry…” he said, stepping away so that they were standing more distantly from one another. Erina put her hands on her waist.


“It’s really none of your business, Mr Kang Min Hyuk on where am I going to…stop being so damn annoying!!!” she barked at him. Min Hyuk looked up at her and tried to speak, opening his mouth and closing it again as he desperately trying to form words. Erina waited as she glared at him in disgust.


“I would appreciate it if you could take back those words of describing Min Hyuk to be damn annoying, Miss…” they heard a boy speaking from behind Min Hyuk. They both looked towards the boy and Jong Hyun waved at Erina.


“Yo!!!” Jong Hyun greeted her, giving her a peace-sign.


“Hyung…” Min Hyuk said, shocked and hurriedly went to him, clapping a hand on Jong Hyun’s mouth. He grinned at Erina while trying to keep Jong Hyun still, as he was struggling to free his mouth from Min Hyuk’s hand.


“Erina-chan…this is my hyung…no, I mean…my brother, Jong Hyun…he is a bit unstable with his mind…but don’t take it as a bad thing, okay??? He is just…just…ouch!!! HYUNG!!!” Min Hyuk started saying in a fast mode but ended his talk with a little screaming as Jong Hyun bites his hand. He jumped away, waving his hand as it tingled in pain.


“Who is unstable, you baka!!!” Jong Hyun commented angrily, glaring at him before shifted his glare on Erina. Erina raised an eyebrow at him.


“I don’t care who the hell you are…just get out of my sight…bring along this little brother of yours…” she said, half hissing at Jong Hyun. Jong Hyun groaned and made a move towards her, mad that she didn’t take his words seriously but Min Hyuk blocked his way by hugging his body from behind.


“Auw!!! Come on now, hyung!!! There is no need to get work up over little things likes this, right???” he said loudly, laughing a bit at his words as Jong Hyun once again struggled to free himself. Erina rolled her eyes and walked away from them.


“What a mental siblings…” she mumbled. Once she was out of earshot, Min Hyuk released Jong Hyun and hurriedly ran to catch up with Erina. But she was gone and he sighed in desperation.


“Seriously…I’m the one who is unstable here…” he said, shaking his head in mental rejection about the way he approached Erina.


“Glad you know it…” Jong Hyun said, agreeing. Min Hyuk turned around to glare at him.


“Ah…hyung!!! Good guy won’t fight with a lady!!! Don’t you understand this basic???” he asked him. Jong Hyun rolled his eyes.


“Ah, gomen!!! I’m not a good guy, remember???” he countered Min Hyuk’s words, punching him on his chest. Min Hyuk sighed.


“Don’t you dare acting like that to Erina ever again, you hear me???” Min Hyuk asked him, in a high-pitched voice. Jong Hyun smirked. Whenever Min Hyuk was speaking in a high-pitched voice, it means he was giving out a real warning and no one should be messing with him.


“Why???” he asked, testing Min Hyuk’s patience. Min Hyuk narrowed his eyes, his hands on his waist.


“Because she is my future wife!!! If you respect me as your little brother…you should be giving the same treatment to your sister in law too!!!” Min Hyuk replied him, determinedly. His words caused Jong Hyun’s mouth to part, opening widely as he gazed stupidly at Min Hyuk, who was now, tightening his lips together, with his eyes closed, nodding in full spirit.



Jung Shin walked through the crowded people in the heart of Shinjuku, his hand holding a piece of paper.


“The King Cross Club…King Cross Club…wait a minute...” Jung Shin said as he stared at the address written on the paper. He sighed and crumpled the paper.


“Aish!!! This is impossible!!! I can’t read Kanji!!!” he mumbled alone as he stared around the busy road, lost.


“Shiori!!! Wait up!!!” a girl yelled suddenly as someone bumped herself on to Jung Shin.


“Aish!!!” Jung Shin said, pushing her away from him. The girl bowed down to him, her long, shiny black hair covering her face.


“Sorry…sorry…” she apologized again and again. Jung Shin made a clicking noise with his tongue and walked passed the girl. She raised up her head and her long hair waved to reveal her face. She stared at Jung Shin’s back, titling her head to one side.


“Huh…what a rude boy…” Shiori commented. She shrugged and looked back to her friends.


“Sorry…let’s go!!!” she said cheerfully to them. She walked to get to them, keeping her back on Jung Shin. Jung Shin stopped walking and turned his head to look at the girl that had bumped into him earlier. A familiar feeling crept into his body. He titled his head to one side.


“Huh???” he uttered out, gazing at her long hair.


“My Hero!!!” another girl screamed behind him and she threw herself in his arms. Jung Shin struggled to free himself.


“Yah!!! Get off me!!!” he said loudly, trying to peel off the girl that was hugging him tightly around his waist.


“Nana…nana…I don’t want too…” Riho answered him, singing her words into some tunes. Rolling his eyes in disbelief, Jung Shin grabbed her hands tightly and managed to push her away.


“Stop following me around!!!” he barked at Riho. She grinned widely at him.


“I can’t!!!” she replied him at once.


“Why???” Jung Shin asked her, hands on his waist.


“Because I decided…to…” Riho answered him but stopped halfway, staring deeply into his eyes. Jung Shin raised his eyebrow at her.


“To what???” he urged her. Riho chuckled. Suddenly, in the speed of lightning, she stood on tip toe and reached out to put her hands around Jung Shin’s neck. She landed a kiss on his lips, giving him a full and direct kiss. Stunned, Jung Shin froze, his mind stopped functioning, unable to analyze what was happening. Then, Riho let him go.


“Bye!!!” she said, blushing madly before she turned around and ran away. Still in the frozen state, Jung Shin blinked his eyes.


“Eh??? Eh??? EEHHHHHH???” he responded at last, putting a finger on his lips. Riho had just stolen his first kiss.


(A/N) Thank you for reading...comments will be highly appreciated~~~

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Chapter 6: Jungshin... ;~~; <3 Omo, does he like Riho??
Im so happy for Minhyuk~ his future wife likes him too ^^ And Jonghyun is just so cute when he's nervous xD
Thanks for updating! <3 I have to read and catch up now~ x) Looking forward to it! Fighting! ^^
omg yay! <3 I'll read this later~ ^^ Fighting!
Amoeba #4
hehehe...updated 1 chap...
will try updating again later...
Oh~ so you do log in here x) hehe
Its no problem ^^ I really like and i would be willing to read whenever you want to write :)
Amoeba #6
Hi, camilekim...thanks for subscribing me...
And thanks too for reading and commenting here...
Fuh...i guess the lonely section put me off for a while in reading this fic...but no...
I will continue writing it...
Thanks again...
Omo~ this story is so daebak!
Just read the first chap~ i really like it!
I dont understand why your comment section is so lonely :/
Cause this is such a good story! <3
Hwaiting~! ^^