Chapter 1

Minutes To Midnight


It was only few minutes to midnight. The rain was heavily pouring, drenching the heart of the city called Seoul. In an area that was packed with low-cost flats, at the corner of a narrow street, a man and his wife were busily packing their stuffs in their now, empty living room. The husband let go of a heavy sigh as he glanced at his wrist watch.


“Just a minute to midnight…I think we should stop here…let’s continue packing tomorrow…” he said to his wife. The wife smiled at him and nodded her head in agreement.


“We will be leaving Korea forever after this…don’t you think we are going to miss the life we had here once we are back in Japan???” asked the wife at her husband as she walked toward the kitchen, preparing two glass of milks before they headed to bed. Yawning widely, her husband nodded his head.


“Oh…we will…but as there is a saying…” he started saying before his words were drown by loud voices coming from a house above them.


“Bang!!! Bang!!!” two gunshots erupted the night. Frozen, the couple turned their heads to look at each others. Then, came the sound of someone screaming and hurried footsteps. There were people running away at the stairs.


“What in the hell was that???” asked the husband, shocked as he stood up and went to the door. Just before he opened it, his wife held his arms and shook her head.


“Don’t go…you know that gangsters filled this area like ants did around sweet things…don’t meddle with them…” she said at him.


“But…someone might have injured…we heard the gunshots earlier…” protested the husband. Without waiting for his wife to argue back, he stepped out of his house and headed to the floor above. Reluctantly, his wife followed. They reached the house which was very dark. Someone had turned off the light. Slowly, the couple crept in.


“Hello??? Can anyone hear me???” asked the man, his wife was clutching his arms tightly; it had started to feel numb.


“Hello???” he pressed on as they tiptoeing passed the living room. Lightning struck in and what they saw was going to be a nightmare for them eternity. Two bodies were lying down on the floor, blood flowing out from the holes on their forehead.


“Oh, my God!!!” the wife enchanted under her breath, closing her eyes as she turned her head away from the dead bodies. But what caught the eyes of her husband was a little girl, probably just a year or two years old that was crying silently in the middle of the dead bodies, staring up at them.


“Come here, sweetie…come here…uncle won’t hurt you…” said the man at the little girl. At once, the girl sprang to her feet and she ran into his arms. Patting her back gently, the man ushered his wife to get out from the house. They ran back to their house and the husband called the police immediately. The little girl that they had found earlier was now sitting on a couch, chewing her fingers as she cried, looking down at her bloody hands.


“What can we do for her???” asked the wife at her husband. Her husband was racking his brains as he stared at the little girl’s face. She was one innocent soul that had survived the nightmare above of his house. Her parents’ killer might come back for her if they realized that one soul had survived this midnight. Letting the police to take care of her wasn’t a good idea either since she might end up being handed over to the orphanage. People will tell her about the cruel fate her parents had to face and she will grow up with that nightmare etched in her mind. Does all of that worth for an innocent soul like her???


“We will keep her as our daughter…we will keep her and spare her from the nightmare tonight…” he answered his wife.


“What???” his wife asked shocked at his answer. Ignoring his wife that had started complaining his idea, he walked to the little girl and hugged her.


“From now on, little one…you are my daughter…you are one of Kutsuna’s family members…” he said to her, patting her head.



“Come back here, you coward!!! Come back!!! I will kill you!!!” shouted a little boy that was chasing three grown up men before him. The little boy, around the age of three or four years old was holding a gun as he pointed it at their back, trying to catch up with their long strides.


“Ah…look at that…the little one is trying to be heroic!!!” the men laughed as they stopped running, turning their heads at the boy. One of them snatched the boy’s hand and the gun he was holding fall on to the ground.


“Get off me!!! Get off me!!!” he shouted at him, struggling to release his hand and to snatch up the gun back. Another man kicked the gun away from him.


“Shut it, kiddo…shut it and we will make it easy for you so that you can join your beloved parents…” he mocked the boy. The boy gave him a sharp stare as the men laughed loudly. But their laughter died away when their boss arrived. The boy was thrown to the ground, spitting mud out of his mouth. Rain was still heavily pouring down on them. The little boy had his vision blinded as the boss of the gang approached him. He couldn’t get to see his face properly yet he had no fear as the boss grabbed his head up.


“You have sharp stare…and very courageous too…I always valued that in a man…” he said to the little boy. Gathering all his strength, the little boy spat at his face.


“You are a murderer!!!” he said loudly, shouting on top of his lungs as the men holding him pressed him once again against the damp ground. The boss laughed as he wiped his face with his hand.


“You will be surprise, son…I will make you a murderer too…that way, one day, you can be thankful to me for sparing your life today…take him!!!” he said, ordering his men. The little boy was held up by two men as he kicked and punched his way to free himself.


“You can’t take me like this!!! I can’t leave Jung In alone!!! Jung In!!!” he shouted as he was pushed to get inside the car.


“Knock it out!!!” yelled one of the men at him. He hit the little boy with his hand and he fainted at once.


“Who is Jung In???” asked another man.


“Who cares???” the other one answered and they left the flat, taking the little boy away with them.



In the heart of city named Tokyo, at a very big bungalow located on top of a hill, inside one of the rooms, a middle-aged man was lying on his sickbed; his wife and his son were kneeling beside him. The wife was sobbing as she held his hand, unable to find words to comfort him as he struggled to keep breathing. His son, a five years old boy, sat very still as he stared at his father’s pale face.


“Come here, boy…” called his father at him. He held out his trembling hand at the boy. The boy took it and grasped it tightly.


“Son…when I’m gone…promise me that you will be a good son to your mother…promise me that you will carry on my duty as a faithful and loyal servant to our master…promise me, son…” he said to the boy. The boy nodded his head. He didn’t show any sign like he was sad or shocked when he heard his father. As thought knowing what a tough and rough world he was living in, the boy simple stared at his father’s face, with no emotions at all written on his face.


“Master…” all the men outside the room greeted a man that was walking towards the sick man. The man let go of his son’s hand and tried to sit up but failed as his weak body helplessly hit the bed once again. He had no strength at all left inside of him.


“Just lie down, Lee…takes it easy, now…” said the man, the one that everyone in the house greeted as ‘master’.


“Master…please…take care of my family…my son, he will be one faithful and loyal servant to you…I have taught him everything that he should know, in order to become a good servant of yours…” the sick man said to his master. His master, younger than he was, nodded his head.


“I will…and I know, your son will be a good company for me once he grow up…no worries, Lee…I will care of him like I do to my son…from now on, your son will be treated by us all like he is my own son too…” said the master. The boy turned his head to stare at him. The master smiled at him and patted his head. The boy turned his head towards the door of the room. Another boy was standing behind it, concealing himself as he peeked inside. His gaze met him and he shuddered before he turned around and run away.


“Son…” the boy heard his father calling him again.


“Yes, father…” he replied him, in a calm and clear voice.


“In your future, you will be leading a life just like mine…to be a wise man, you need to have a good control of your feeling…never let your emotion ruins your decision…a true man doesn’t act on his feeling or impulse, but he act based on his loyalty towards his master…listen to your master, son…promise me…” he said to the boy, who was listening intently.


“I promise, father…” the boy said back at him. The sick man nodded his head in relief.


“Never trust the pretty woman…they will ruin you…don’t put faith in them…worst, don’t put faith in love at all…if you love, you will only destroy yourself…” he added his final words as his eyes wandered to look at his wife. She looked away from him, avoiding his gaze as their son looked at them, shifting his gazes from his father to his mother then back at his father.


“Don’t you ever love mother???” he asked him. His father smirked and with that last smirk, he exhaled his last breath.


“Ding…ding…ding…” the big, ancient looking watch that was situated in the middle of a huge hall inside the house rang loudly for twelve times. It announced to them that it was midnight and exactly at this minute, the sick man had passed away before answering his son whether he had loved his wife or not. None of the men surrounded the bed said anything as his wife hugged his dead body. His son, expressionless as ever, stared at his pale face.


“I will never put faith in love, father…I will…so rest in peace…” he assured him. He stood up and turned to look at his father’s master. He kneeled down and bowed his head at him.


“Please take care of me, master!!!” he said, as loud as he can. The other men inside the room followed him. The master stood up.


“Very well!!! Very good indeed!!! As expected from Lee’s son…you are indeed his good son…a true leader!!!” the master said proudly as he helped the boy to stand up. Laughing loudly, he patted his head.


“Prepare a big funeral for Mr Lee…after we are done with the funeral, let’s have a toast for this young boy here…for he will be my right-hand man later!!!” the master announced to his men. They all bowed down to him as he left the room, still laughing in delight. The boy stared at his back as his mother patted his shoulder.


“You shouldn’t have listened to your father…he was a bad man…” she commented as she rounded at his son.


“You are no good either to talk like that about him…for someone who cheated on him, I mean…” he replied his mother, raising one eyebrow at her. He smirked at her and left the room, leaving his stunned mother to look at his back that slowly disappeared into the darkness of the hallway, as he stepped outside of the room.



The little library was dark as a boy slipped into the room. He walked passed the high window and went to sit down under his favorite hiding place. The moonlight illuminated the library through the window, creating a sense of mystery for the place.


“The man died…he is dead…I feel sorry for his son…” said the boy as he talked to his doll. He was holding an Elmo’s figurine when he heard someone entered the library. Quickly, he hugged his Elmo to himself and cowardly hid his body away from the light as that someone the lamp.


“Shhhh!!!” he said to his Elmo, placing one finger on his lips.


“What are you doing here???” someone asked him. Startled, the boy dropped his Elmo and he looked up from under the table, which he was hiding in.


“Shock me…” he said as the other boy, the older one, the very same one that had lost his father earlier sat down next to him. That boy examined the table in great interest.


“Is this your hiding place???” he asked him. The younger boy nodded as he picked up his Elmo.


“Is that yours???” the older boy asked once again and the latter just nodded his head.


“Wow…you don’t talk much but you are actually very unique…hiding in a place like this and playing with Elmo…my father won’t ever let me do them…” the older boy said as he poked the Elmo that was held by the younger boy.


“I’m sorry about your dad…” the Elmo’s boy said to the dead father’s boy. The dead father’s boy smirked.


“Don’t bother about it…everyone die…no exception…it is only a matter of time…” he answered, sounded unconcerned. The Elmo’s boy blinked his eyes at him.


“Aren’t you sad??? Or upset??? Or anything???” he asked as he studied the other boy’s face. The latter just shook his head.


“My mother was right…he was a bad man…I don’t think there were any good memories between us that were worth to be remembered…” the dead father’s boy answered. The Elmo’s boy bites his lips.


“I know…I saw it too…he was always shouted at you…saying that you should be practicing your judo, or shooting, or…” the Elmo’s boy said but was cut off in the middle.


“Or gambling…” the dead father’s boy continued for him. They looked at each others for a while before they burst out laughing.


“Can I be your friend???” asked the dead father’s boy at the Elmo’s boy. The younger boy lit a very wide smile on his face.


“Sure…I would love to be your friend…” he answered in a high-pitched voice. The older boy cracked a grin at his excited expression. He held out a hand to touch his Elmo. They both patted the Elmo’s head and hands, playing with it for a while.


“From now on, I will be your hyung…” the dead father’s boy said.


“Alright, hyung!!!” agreed the Elmo’s boy. Suddenly, the library that was earlier cold and mystery filled with their laughter as the two boys, for the first time in their life, created a bonding between them. It was then the first time the dead father’s boy had broken his promises to his father. He had learnt to love a little brother in his life. A promise that had broken just few minutes after the midnight passed.



17 years later…



Police cars had blocked a narrow road between two buildings in the heart of Shinjuku. People walking around the town had tried to crack their head to look pass the police men that were guarding the crime scene. Someone was murdered there as two police, placed on the white and red stripes tape around the road, creating a small parameter to be investigates by the detectives later.


“Move aside, please…moves aside…” said a man around the age of 23 years old as he walked through the crowded people surrounding the area. He managed to slip his way into the parameter created by his colleagues earlier. Slipping on his gloves, he examined the body as soon as he squatted next to it.


“He is one of the leaders in the Taiga Gang…his name was Takako Rio…” said another detective at him, as he looked through his notes book.


“What was his cause of death???” asked the earlier detective.


“He was stabbed straight to his heart…he died instantly because he loses too much blood…” answered the latter detectives. The earlier detective sighed.


“As expected from the Taiga Gang’s member…they would give you an easy death because it was the quickest and lacked of evidence for the detectives but…” he commented as he stared at the pale face of the body in front of him.


“The pain was terrible and unbearable…you are very right, Yong Hwa…” continued his colleagues. Jung Yong Hwa smiled at him.


“None of it matter now…he was dead already…all that matter to us now, is to find his killer as soon as possible…” he said again as he stood up and looked around. It was possible that the killer was still around. Being a detective at such a young age, Yong Hwa was considered one of the promising detectives in his department. He had taken a liking to hunt down all the members involved with the Taiga Gang. No one understood his reasons for doing so but they appreciated his efforts as the gang lately seems to have given lots of trouble to the citizen and the police.


“What are you looking at???” asked his colleagues at him. Yong Hwa smirked.


“For one familiar face…” he answered him. From way he was standing, a gang of boys, all dressed in black were looking at him. One of the boys, spitted out on to the ground.


“That pretty- detective again…” he said, annoyed at the sight of Yong Hwa. Laughing next to him, his friend smacked him on his head.


“What??? Are you in love with that pretty boy detective???” he asked him. The gang laughed loudly and it attracted Yong Hwa’s attention. He turned his head towards them and stared intently, searching their faces one by one.


“Oh…oh…look, the pretty detective is doing some screening now…I wonder if he will catch the glimpse of my ‘big buddy’!!!” mocked another boy in the gang as he patted his pants, especially on his private area. The gang laughed once more, louder this time before someone cleared his throat.


“Shut it!!! I can’t concentrate on my music, genius…” he said as he sat up straight on his bike. He turned his head at Yong Hwa, who smirked at once as they gazes met. The boy cracked a grin on his face and raised an eyebrow at Yong Hwa, as thought he was greeting him.


“What was that???” asked his gang members at him. He chuckled.


“Nothing…I’m flirting with the pretty-boy detective…can’t you see it???” he answered, looking away as he continued to lie down on his bike. s exchanged glances between them.


“Tell us…why did you decided to leave the body there??? The police found it now…it will create issue with the media…detectives will go snooping around to find his murderer…” one of the boys said to him. He smirked as he stared at the sky.


“So…in your opinion it is better to move the body away???” he asked him. The latter nodded his head at once.


“And what good will it bring to us???” he asked him once again.


“It will delay the time before the police find it…maybe, when they find it, the body had already decayed…they can’t relate his death to our gang then…” he answered him after giving some serious thought for the question. The boy laughed when he heard his answer.


“It is clear to me now why you are a gangster instead of a detective…because you only have big bones and big mouth but you have no brain at all…” he said as he sat up once again, giving the latter a sharp stare. He cowardly avoided his stare and looked down on his shoes instead.


“The detective have a way to identify one’s identity…they called it as analyzing DNA…whether the body had decayed or not, it won’t give trouble for them to find the person’s identity…so, even if you hide away the body down at the ocean, if they found it, they are going to know at once that the body was actually our dear Mr Takako…” he told the gang. They exchanged glances between them.


“But we are risking our gang when they found his body just few minutes after we killed him…” one of them said, but regretted it at once when he received sharp stare from the boy that they treated as their leader.


“Whether they find the body now or later, it won’t matter…they will find it someday…and they will relate the death to us…which…was my intention by killing him as openly as this way…” he explained to them. He jumped from his bike and slipped his hands in his pockets.


“I’m hungry…gonna stop at the ramen stall…” he said, looking unconcerned as he glanced at the crime scene once again. As expected, Yong Hwa was still looking at him. He waved at the detective and walked away.


“Eh…wait for us!!! Wait up!!!” his gangs called after him. The boy yawned widely as he ruffled his hair.


“Hey, Lee Jong Hyun!!!” one of his gangs called his name. It made him stopped walking at once. He turned around to glare at his caller.


“Don’t call my name, you heard our master!!! Call me Aniki!!!” he barked at his underlings. He glanced at his wrist watch.


“5 minutes to midnight…I will be late to pick up bo-chan…” Jong Hyun sighed and he walked on.



The loud music filling the place of the underground club where teenagers were having fun, dancing and drinking to their heart’s content. Ignoring the fact that it was already passed midnight, the club was still full and lively with customers. A very tall boy walked among the crowded dance floor. Few girls tried to stop him from walking through yet he coldly pushed them away and made his way straight to the back office of the club. He knocked on the door.


“Enter…” a voice said from inside the office. The tall boy walked in.


“Hello, Jung Shin…” said the man that was sitting on the other side of the table with a label name on it, Manager Han Ki Sung. Jung Shin sat down without being asked to.


“Huh…you are still as cold as the same little boy I met 17 years ago…” Mr Han said as he surveyed Jung Shin through his heavy eye lids. Jung Shin fixed a cold stare at him.


“I’m not going to be all warm and lovable in front of a man that ordered the murder of my parents…” he said to him. Mr Han laughed a bit at his words.


“I told you many times already…it wasn’t me that ordered your parents to be murdered…” he said, shaking his head in denial. Jung Shin smirked.


“Who would ever admit to his own crime???” he said, sarcastically. Mr Han nodded his head in agreement.


“Which lead to the reason why I summoned you here…” he said as he opened a drawer and picked up a file in it. The blue file was thrown across the table to Jung Shin.


“Your next case…you will be paid dearly if this case ended smoothly like your countless previous cases…” Mr Han told him as Jung Shin read the information inside the file. He looked up at Mr Han.


“This case is in Japan…why don’t you ask your men there to settle it instead of bothering me???” Jung Shin asked, throwing the file back at him. Mr Han caught the blue file and chuckled.


“Because there is no one as good as you, my young boy…” Mr Han said as he threw the file back at Jung Shin. He caught the file just before it fly off his head.


“Liar…” Jung Shin commented. Mr Han let out a barking laugh.


“I’m not trying to compliment you…so there is no need to get so work up over it…however, it is still a truth that is hard to be hidden off…you are one of the highly wanted assassin here…no matter in Korea or in Japan, all of our men know your name…” Mr Han said, this time with businesslike tone in his words.


“What is the catch???” Jung Shin asked him.


“Catch??? No catch…it is just a job that you should take on…of course, if you are still interested in the money it’s offered you…” Mr Han answered as he lit up a pipe and stuffed in his mouth.


“Don’t lie…I had worked under you for 17 years…you wouldn’t send me away if you don’t have a catch behind it…” Jung Shin countered him. Mr Han clapped his hands, laughing as he stood up and walked towards Jung Shin. He patted his shoulder and nodded his head.


“As expected from the best assassin…you wouldn’t believe a thing said people except you have full understanding on the matter at hand…very well, I will tell you about the catch…” he answered Jung Shin.


“The one who ordered your parents to be murdered is in Japan…” Mr Han said. At once, Jung Shin stood up and glared at him.


“What???” he asked, unable to believe his words.


“The reason why your parents were murdered is alive and kicking in Japan…he will answer all your questions about that murder case if you managed to find and corner him…” Mr Han repeated his catch. Jung Shin crumpled the blue file he was holding.


“If I manage too…what would you want me to do in exchange of this information??? You wouldn’t just tell me about this without a price to pay…” Jung Shin asked him once again.


“Well…in fact, I do have something in mind…” Mr Han said with a sickeningly, sweet smile. He leaned closer to Jung Shin.


“Kill him once you are done questioning him…” he ordered Jung Shin. Patting him on his shoulder, Mr Han walked back to his seat.


“Leave…” he said as he glared at Jung Shin. He stood up and smiled.


“Deal!!!” Jung Shin agreed with the catch stated by Mr Han. He turned his back at him and walked through the door towards the crowded dancing floor. Once he was outside, he walked to his car that was parked some meters away from the club. Jung Shin drove his car to the old flat where his parents were murdered. Parking his car, he stepped out and headed to the now abandoned flat. Since the murder case happened, people started to abandon the flat. Rumors spread that the flat was haunted yet Jung Shin knew it wasn’t the truth. Even if it did, who cares??? The spirits that haunted the place would be his parents, there was no need the feel scared if he was facing them. Jung Shin walked into his house. Standing in the middle of the living room, he pictured the scene where his parents were shot, first was his mother, dropped dead in front of him as his father shouted for him to runaway with his sister, a second before he too, was shot.


“Jung In…where are you right now??? I’m very sorry that I had failed to protect you…” he whispered to the deadly surrounding around him. Since that night, Jung Shin’s heart had frozen and dead. He had lost his whole family in an instant, with just a blink of his eyes.


“Whether you alive or dead, Jung In…please know that, oppa love and miss you so much…” he said as he kneeled down on the floor. A tear dropped from the corner of his eyes, falling off on top of his pointed nose. He has no intention too but he ended up being a murderer himself. He hated the person that had ordered for his parents to be murdered yet him, him, prepared to murder that person by training himself as an assassin. But revenge had been the purpose of his life, and he hadn’t known any world outside of it.


“I will have my revenge someday!!! Japan, wait for me!!!” Jung Shin swore as he wiped his tears away, his fists balling up in determination.



“Hyung said he will pick me here…but why is he so late???” said Kang Min Hyuk as he sat waiting for Jong Hyun to show up outside of the public library. He glanced around at the road before his eyes and sighed.


“I’m cold…” he commented as he wrapped his arms around his body. Then, he froze as he listened to the whisper of the night that was surrounding him.


“Hello???” Min Hyuk said, turning his head to look at the empty library. The door was closed and there was no light inside it. Yet, Min Hyuk was sure he heard someone walking just now.


“Anybody there???” he asked as he stood up, slowly walking towards the door. But still, only the dark, cold night answered him. Min Hyuk stopped walking. He wasn’t really a timid person yet you couldn’t help to be one if you were in his situation.


“HHUUUUUWAAAAAAA!!!” suddenly, someone jumped behind him and grabbed his neck, strangling him. Min Hyuk struggled to free himself but didn’t manage to. His mind started to think about possibility of being rob yet the person that strangling him stopped at once and started laughing instead at his shocked expression.


“HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!” Jong Hyun laughed out loud, pointing his finger at Min Hyuk, his other hand clutching his stomach. Min Hyuk glared at him as he rubbed his now, aching neck.


“It wasn’t funny, hyung!!!” he yelled at Jong Hyun. Jong Hyun shook his head as he tried to stop himself from laughing more.


“But it was…you should see your own face…it was really daebak!!!” Jong Hyun commented, pulling Min Hyuk to walk with him as he placed his arm around his shoulder. Min Hyuk pouted.


“Auw…don’t be like that, bo-chan…I’m sorry, okay???” Jong Hyun said once he realized that Min Hyuk was mad at his action earlier.


“Try to talk in one language, please…I can’t stand this switching from Korean to Japanese…” Min Hyuk said, ignoring his attempt to ask for forgiveness. Jong Hyun raised an eyebrow at him.


“Is our young master, Mr Kang Min Hyuk, the one who is smart and intelligent actually had confusion in languages???” Jong Hyun . Min Hyuk rolled his eyes.


“You know what I mean…so, where have you been??? What had taken you so long to be here???” Min Hyuk asked him. Jong Hyun cleared his throat. He kicked a stone that was blocking his steps but chose to ignore Min Hyuk’s question. Min Hyuk observed him.


“You were involved in another dad’s business, right???” Min Hyuk asked once again. Silently, Jong Hyun nodded.


“Hyung…you should stop following his order…he will only turn you into a bad guy!!!” Min Hyuk said to him, pushing his arm off his shoulder. Jong Hyun sighed as he ruffled his hair.


“I can’t, Min Hyuk…I’m his right-hand man…I’m abiding by his laws…all of his words, I would obey it…” Jong Hyun said in a low tone. Min Hyuk sighed too.


“But you do know what you were doing was bad, right???” he pressed on. Jong Hyun chuckled.


“I don’t know…I just know that it is a life that I chose to live in…simple as that…it’s survival…” he answered him. Min Hyuk groaned.


“Oh, come on…you know I am right…I can’t go back to Korea with all this bad records of mine…which mean, I can’t leave Japan too since I’m…em…quite a big name here…I have a stable life already…” Jong Hyun said, opening his arms wide as thought he was gesturing that this world they live in was indeed belong to him. Min Hyuk shook his head in disbelief.


“I can’t believe that hyung actually think of it like that…” he commented as he walked on. Jong Hyun watched him through the corner of his eyes.


“One day, Min Hyuk…you can’t hide away under a table inside a library anymore…you can’t talk to your Elmo and be satisfied that it gave you an opinion that you wanted to hear…one day, you will have to grow up and take on the world that I live in now…one day, you will be my master…” Jong Hyun reminded him. It made Min Hyuk to stop walking in his track. He turned his head to look back at Jong Hyun.


“That day won’t come at all…I will never leave my table or my library or my Elmo…I will grow up and be a better man…but I will never take on the world that you said just now…never, hyung…I will never be your master…mark my words…” Min Hyuk protested in a loud voice. He smiled a bit at Jong Hyun and walked on. Jong Hyun sighed as he stared at the little brother that he cares the most in this world.


“If only your father isn’t my master…then I can choose to believe in your words…yet, I know your father and I know his strength in forcing people to abide by his laws…you stand no chance against him, Min Hyuk-ah…” Jong Hyun commented, letting go of another heavy sigh.



“Yong Hwa!!! Come here…” said a girl as she swung around, giving a wide smile at him. Yong Hwa extended his hand at her and she took it, still in her pretty smile.


“Do you remember this place??? This was where we first met…” she said as she pulled Yong Hwa to her, linking her arms around his waist. Nodding his head, Yong Hwa kept his mouth shut as he gazed at her face dreamily. He was enchanted by his beauty.


“But this was also the place where you had killed me!!!” suddenly, the girl shouted at him. Her pretty face turned to ugly as she shrieked at him in a loud, whistling tone. Her long, black hair blown up straight behind her back, as thought she was hit by electricity. Her skin color changed from radiant white to pale white until it started to decay, peeling off to reveal her bones. Yong Hwa tried to free himself from her grips yet she was too strong that he failed miserably in his attempt.


“ You can’t run away from me, honey…I’m all yours…” the ghostly girl whispered at him. Yong Hwa closed his eyes, praying that this nightmare will stop. Eventually, it did as he woke up once his alarm clock rang loudly. He sat up straight on his bed. Gulping, Yong Hwa stared at the moonlight that was illuminating his foot. He glanced at the window. Full moon. He glanced at his clock. 12.00 am, midnight. He closed his eyes, sweats dripping from his forehead to down to his cheek. His hair hung like a mask around his face, drenched from his sweat.


“Mikako…” he called out the girl’s name, the one that was haunting his sleepless nights.


(A/N) This is my first chapter...hope you guys enjoys it~~~ thank you for reading and I hope you will drop in some comments later...

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Chapter 6: Jungshin... ;~~; <3 Omo, does he like Riho??
Im so happy for Minhyuk~ his future wife likes him too ^^ And Jonghyun is just so cute when he's nervous xD
Thanks for updating! <3 I have to read and catch up now~ x) Looking forward to it! Fighting! ^^
omg yay! <3 I'll read this later~ ^^ Fighting!
Amoeba #4
hehehe...updated 1 chap...
will try updating again later...
Oh~ so you do log in here x) hehe
Its no problem ^^ I really like and i would be willing to read whenever you want to write :)
Amoeba #6
Hi, camilekim...thanks for subscribing me...
And thanks too for reading and commenting here...
Fuh...i guess the lonely section put me off for a while in reading this fic...but no...
I will continue writing it...
Thanks again...
Omo~ this story is so daebak!
Just read the first chap~ i really like it!
I dont understand why your comment section is so lonely :/
Cause this is such a good story! <3
Hwaiting~! ^^