Chapter 2

Minutes To Midnight


“Morning, Yong Hwa…” greeted one of Jung Yong Hwa’s fellow detectives as he entered his office. Yong Hwa answered his greeting by waving a sign-peace-hand at him. His colleagues smiled at him as Yong Hwa sat down at his place and yawned widely.


“You are having a sleepless night again, don’t you??? I told you to go and see the doctor…or else you will have to turn yourself into an owl…sleep during the day and be active during the night…” he said to Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa laughed a little when he heard him.


“Thanks…but I don’t feel like going…the doctor will give me some useless sleeping pills…I hate taking them because once started, I will be addicted to it…no point at all…” Yong Hwa commented on his suggestion. That colleague nodded in agreement and he walked away, leaving Yong Hwa to try and open his eyes as wide as he can so that he can start working on files that were pilling up on his desk. Being a detective wasn’t all about going out to investigate cases and capture the bad guys. It also involved some writing report on the cases. Yong Hwa hated this part of the jobs because he wasn’t the type to sit down at his place and silently working on his computer to finish the reports. He likes to move around and feel the danger of his missions as he chased after those bad guys. Speaking of bad guys, Yong Hwa flipped his eyes opened, wide at once.


“Mikako…” he whispered under his name. That was the very reason why he had gone through sleepless nights these past 6 years. He had kept it hidden from his family, friends and colleagues that he had once used to date a girl named Tabe Mikako. Since the day she had gone missing, Yong Hwa had been through those nightmares in his sleep every time he tried to shut his eyes. Mikako was the girl that he dated during his high school years. She was one of the brightest girls in his school. It wasn’t because she is clever, or pretty or good in sport but because she was one poor girl, yet will to work hard for her future. Guys were lining up to get into her good book, yet she shut them out, one by one. Of course, girls were trying to bully her because of her luck with boys yet she stood up for herself and regained respect from everyone in school. It was still vivid and clear every time Yong Hwa pictured her in his mind. She had never failed to look so pretty and pure. ‘Innocent angel’ was her nickname. As thought those memories were electric current, it shot straight to Yong Hwa’s heart and burnt him. Standing up fast, Yong Hwa his heels and headed towards the exit door.


“Where are you going???” asked his colleague at him but Yong Hwa ignored him as he went out straight from the police station.


“Innocent, huh??? Don’t make me laugh!!! She made me a fool!!!” Yong Hwa said loudly, anger rising in his veins. He stepped into his car and drove away to the only place that he had long wants to destroy to pieces. Yet, no matter how he struggled to do so, he just couldn’t lay his hands on that place. No…no yet.



“Krrrinnnggg…” the bell rang loudly and at once, all the students in their respective classes started running amok around the school’s ground. Some were trying to run away from their duty to clean their classes, some were excited to go to their club activities, and they were some too, simply walking at ease as they headed towards the gate, heading home. Kutsuna Shiori was just walking out from the ladies when someone blocked her way.


“Ne…Shio-chan…” called the girl that was now blocking Shiori’s way. Shiori looked at her face and groaned.


“What???” she asked her. The girl that was standing before her was named Takada Riho. She was the most spoilt girl in the school. She was pretty good looking, okay, no one would ever say that she was ugly, not with a pair of bright, clear eyes with a pointed nose and pink-colored lips that matches with her red-rosy cheeks yet Riho had this identity that simply made people annoyed whenever they were with her. Dressed up modified school’s uniform, Riho wears too small shirt and a striped short instead of a striped skirt that the girls wore, and right now, Riho was popping a balloon-sized chewing gum at Shiori. Shiori pushed her away. She glanced at Riho’s knee-length red socks with her orange sneakers and thought that Riho’s good look was put to a waste with the way she dressed.


“You are getting in my way…if you have too much of a free time, go and annoy someone else…” Shiori said to Riho. She walked passed her but was pulled back as Riho pulled her skirt up to stop her from walking away.


“What are you doing???” Shiori asked her, shocked and totally annoyed as she looked around, worried that there were boys watching them. Riho chuckled.


“I’m not done with you…yet, you are trying to walk away…so, I pulled your skirt up just to annoy you…” Riho answered, unashamed. She held out her hand at Shiori.


“Give me some money…I saved you from being hit by that over sized during PE right??? I’m not doing it for free, you know…” Riho said, straight into business, waving her palm in front of Shiori’s face as her other hand still gripping on Shiori’s skirt. Shiori blew air out of .


“Fine…I will give you some money…but please, let go of my skirt…boys are watching us now…” she hissed at Riho, jerking her head towards some boys that were looking at them. Riho turned her head around and glared at the boys.


“You got a problem, man??? That I get to peek under her skirt yet you don’t get it??? Be wise, now…same lovers are trend nowadays…go get a life…” Riho said to the boys, who were watching her in disbelief. Riho pulled Shiori into a hug by grabbing her waist. Shiori rolled her eyes as the boys cleared their throats and walked away.


“Thanks…which mean, I will have to double up my payment, right???” Shiori asked Riho, her voice sounded angrier rather than being thankful. Riho grinned at her.


“That’s why I love ya, Shio-chan…you are one pretty and brainy gal…just the type of mine…” Riho said, laughing loudly just in time when Shiori put some money in her already waiting palm. Winking, Riho blew a kiss at her and walked off, skipping with her steps. Shiori exhaled a deep breath and bit her lips. She fanned herself with her hands and started walking again.


“How come there ever be a girl like this???” she asked in disbelief. In contrast with Riho’s messy fashion style and boyish acts, Shiori was a well-known girl in their school with her well-mannered personality, good in academic and sports plus, she came from a wealthy family and indeed, very pretty. She was a first class girl and definitely not able to tolerate with a stuff like Riho. Determined not to let her being too close to Riho, Shiori shook her head and sighed.


“I’m done with her…after this, I will not allow her to come and help me in anyway…she will only ruins my personality…” Shiori mumbled to herself.



Riho walked into her class and sat down on her desk. She started counting the money she had got from Shiori. Her friend walked in and spotted her.


“Tonight is still on???” he asked Riho, staring at the money that she waved in front of him. Riho smiled.


“Of course…I will get back the money that those bad giants swindled from your sister…” Riho answered the boy, cracking an evil smile. The boy nodded.


“Thanks…my sister owes you a big time…” he said to Riho, patting her shoulder. Riho shook her head.


“No worries…you guys are from poor family yet those giants swindled your money like that…it was incompletely insane and totally low…I can’t forgive them at all…so, tonight…let’s put on a show…it’s payback time…” Riho replied him with a wide grin. She stuffed the money inside her pocket and started whistling. She might be a spoilt girl yet she knew what was right and what was wrong. Swindling money from some poor orphanages was something that heaven won’t ever forgive. Which mean, it was up to Riho to punish those giants for good. Luckily, she was skill enough to do some show. It was part of being spoilt. No one treated her like a girl. Not when she was so boyish and tough. No. Definitely not. Riho pulled off the cap from her head and her long, shiny black hair rolled it way down on her back. Ignoring her friend that was gawking at her now, Riho picked her bag and started searching for her comb.


“Ne…Takada…” said the boy, amazed at how beautiful she looked with her real lady-appearance. Riho glanced at him.


“Close your mouth or fly will get into it…” Riho said at him, tapping his mouth her finger. Automatically, the boy closed his mouth and blushed.


“I don’t know that you are that pretty…” he commented, trying to steal a glance at her again. Riho ignored him as she hurriedly combing her hair before pulling it back together again and stuffed it into her orange cap.


“Sorry…gotta go…” she said as she gathered her bag and stuff. She jumped from her desk and walked away. The boy stood there, still gawking at her.


“Man…I think I will lost my soul if she really show up at school everyday like that…” he commented again, shaking his head in disbelief at how pretty Riho can be if she acted like a girl one in a while.



“Hello…we will be arriving in Tokyo in just five minutes…everyone, please fasten your seat belts…thank you for traveling with us…we wish you all a pleasant day…” announced the captain of the flight as the airplane ready to land at Tokyo, Japan.


“Sir…excuse me, sir…” said a flight attendant as she tried to wake Lee Jung Shin up. Jung Shin opened his eyes and stared at her face. She smiled warmly at him.


“Please fasten your seat belt, sir…we will be arriving soon…” she told him, her hand pointing at the seat belt. Jung Shin nodded curtly and put on his seat belt. The flight attendant smiled again at him yet he ignored her as he looked away. Sighing, she walked away. Jung Shin understood why she was acting like that. It wasn’t like he loves to brag about himself but Jung Shin certainly grew up as a good looking, pretty boy. He had thin, slender body and was very tall, a body that every male models would dream of to have. He had V-shaped face with a pair of small eyes, pointed nose and thin lips. He kept his hair long with gave him an aura of being mysterious and distant. When he was in high school, everyone had called him as ‘Goddess Jung Shin’ because of his looks that similar to girls. Due to that looks and aura, Jung Shin found girls attracted to him like magnet. Yet, he knew better that he has no right at all to be in any relationship with any girls. Since he was a four years old boy, his only reason to continue living was to get his revenge on his parents’ murderer. He had no desire to love or anything. He had lived his life like a phantom, shadowing his preys and killed them with no mercy. Like what had been done to his parents, he did it for others in to order to survive. Yeah, his survival was a sin yet he will keep on until his revenge was paid off. The flight landed easily and Jung Shin stood up to leave.


“Um…sir…” he heard the same flight attendant just now calling him. Turning his head around at her, Jung Shin stared at the pretty face that was now seems to be gathering her courage to talk to him.


“If you have the time…can we have some tea later??? My duty is over so if you will to wait for a while, I can meet you again later in about…” she started saying but Jung Shin cut her off. Putting on his sunglasses, he shook his head at her.


“I don’t have the time…in fact, I don’t have it for any girls…thanks for the invitation but yeah…goodbye, miss…” he said and turned around to leave, this time in a more forceful steps. Jung Shin could hear her sighing and knew that she was hurt with his words. But, there was no use to play a nice gentleman when he wasn’t one to begin with. Stepping into the airport, Jung Shin walked to look for a taxi. But before he managed to find one, a man in a black suit approached him.


“Mr Lee Jung Shin???” he asked, hesitated as he handed Jung Shin a piece of paper. Jung Shin took it and read what was written on it.


“When can I collect my guitar case???” he asked the man once he had crumpled the paper. The man smiled.


“As soon as we get to your safe place…follow me…” he answered, gesturing for Jung Shin to come with him. Jung Shin nodded and followed.


“There is no such thing as a safe place to me…once I get my guns and weapons, you will be dead…” Jung Shin thought to himself. It was part of being an assassin. He couldn’t trust anyone, not even the one sent by his boss. Hell knows, even his boss could betray him. So, in any case, for survival, he can only trust himself. The safest place for him to stay was the one that he seek himself and the one that he put various safety gadgets to barricade himself from any unwelcome enemies.



“I heard you created some ruckus last night…” said Master Kang as he blew out smoke from his pipe, surveying Lee Jong Hyun with his sharp stare. Jong Hyun nodded at him.


“It wasn’t a ruckus at all…but the police made it a big time news…after all, the murdered man was one of the leaders in the Taiga Gang…sure, everyone was thrilled…a little drama will put good impressions on the police…like they are working their butts real hard to put us down…” Jong Hyun replied calmly. Master Kang laughed.


“It’s a real shame, Jong Hyun…if only you are my real son…I think I will be at ease to pass on my business to you…but…” the man sighed as he put down his pipe and stood up to walk to the balcony. There, he looked down at the huge garden that stretched on with bed of colorful flowers. The garden was cared by his own son, Kang Min Hyuk. Once again, the man sighed, this time longer. Jong Hyun walked to him.


“How is Min Hyuk lately???” asked Master Kang at Jong Hyun.


“As usual…he is working hard on his studies…” Jong Hyun answered. His master turned around.


“Still hiding in his library???” he asked again, sounded sarcastic. Jong Hyun nodded.


“That boy…there is no use to have such a brain like him if he doesn’t train his body and mind to become a strong man…in the world we live now, to replace my place, he should be in a perfect state…strong both mentally and physically…” Master Kang said seriously as he fixed his stare on Jong Hyun.


“I tried to talk to him about learning some judo and coming to our clubs to learn about business and all…but…” Jong Hyun started reporting about Min Hyuk but his words were cut off when they heard Min Hyuk’s voice down at the garden.


“Uncle Goo…have you order the fertilizers that I asked before???” Min Hyuk asked Mr Goo, the gardener that helped him with his garden. The old man nodded with a smile at him.


“Yes, Young Master…it will be here tomorrow, I think…” he answered Min Hyuk. Min Hyuk smiled politely back at him and went to admire his flowers. He bent down on his knee and started sniffing on the roses.


“But Min Hyuk are too busy acting sissy by caring for his garden…” Master Kang concluded Jong Hyun’s words for him. Jong Hyun looked sideways and closed his eyes.


“Stupid Min Hyuk…” he commented under his breath, unable to believe that Min Hyuk show up while his father was talking about him being a leader to their gang and ended up showing him the side he would never want to see from his potential leader. Groaning, Master Kang tore his eyes away from Jong Hyun and looked down at the garden.


“Min Hyuk!!!” he called his son. Min Hyuk looked up and hurriedly stood up. He gave Jong Hyun an anxious look, which shook his head in return, indicating to him that the conversation wasn’t going to be a bright one.


“Come up here!!! Leave that garden to Goo…it’s about time you learn who you are!!!” Master Kang barked at Min Hyuk. Min Hyuk sighed but he didn’t object. Dragging his feet, he walked inside to talk to his father. Jong Hyun’s cell phone rang. He picked it up just after a ring.


“Hello…Lee Jong Hyun is speaking…” he said, his voice became icy cold. At that same time, Min Hyuk entered the room. He walked to his father, keeping his head down on the floor.


“What??? That detective is there??? Got it…I will be there soon…don’t do anything…yet…” Jong Hyun ordered his men. He shut the phone and turned to look at his master.


“A detective came to our club…he asked about our alibi for yesterday’s night…” Jong Hyun reported. Master Kang sat at his place and cracked a grin.


“Well done…just as we had expected…deal with him, Jong Hyun…but be nice and good…we need to keep this wild dog closer in order to tame him…” he ordered. Jong Hyun nodded. He turned around to leave the room but hesitated as he caught Min Hyuk standing behind him.


“Min Hyuk…I…” he started to say as Min Hyuk raised his head up to look at him, signaling that he didn’t want to be left alone with his father. But Master Kang caught them at once.


“Jong Hyun, go and deal with that detective…Min Hyuk will talk to me alone…” he said in a clear tone. It was a sign that no one should interfere with his words or else, he wouldn’t stay put with it. Min Hyuk looked at his father.


“Fine…I won’t bother Jong Hyun hyung…” he said, looking down at the floor once again. Jong Hyun sighed. He patted Min Hyuk on his shoulder as he walked passed him. Once he was out of the room, Master Kang stood up and walked to Min Hyuk.


“Min Hyuk-ah…you know that one day, you will replace my place, right??? Stop relying on Jong Hyun too much…even if he treated you like you are his brother, the fact remain the same…he isn’t a Kang…” he said to him. Min Hyuk looked up and stared at him.


“How could you say something like that??? Hyung is your most trusted man!!! You trust him!!! And he gives his everything to do whatever you asked him to!!! He even risked his life for you!!! True, he isn’t a Kang…but you said yourself that you will treat him like he is your own son!!!” Min Hyuk said loudly, his blood rising in his veins.


“Yes…yes…I said it…but he isn’t my son…you are…so, I expect you to show more respectful acts so that none of my men would be doubting your leadership once you take over the gang…Jong Hyun did too much already…it will be troublesome for you if our gang trust his leadership more than you…” his father countered him. Min Hyuk laughed mockingly at him.


“So what if they did??? I don’t care…I told you…many times already…I don’t want to take over this gang!!! No matter what happen, I don’t want to!!! I want to live a normal life!!! Not some kind of gangsters that violently break the laws and turn this world upside down because they are trying to be the richest and powerful man existed in this world!!!” Min Hyuk yelled at him. Master Kang raised his hand up and it landed on his cheek. Min Hyuk was thrown slightly backward from the impact of his slapping. He brushed the side of his cheek that had turned red.


“Such a disrespectful son!!! How dare you yelled like that to your father!!!” Master Kang yelled back at him. He turned his back on Min Hyuk and breathed heavily.


“You can’t change the fact, Min Hyuk!!! You were born in this family that survival came from being a gangster!!! You were born in it and so you will continue to honor it!!!” he said, his voice shaking with anger. Min Hyuk straightened his body. He chuckled a bit.


“I won’t honor it…ever…it’s because that I was born in this family that I had to watch my mum suffered in her life…I had to watch her struggling to support her husband that never was there when she needed him…every time he went out for his business, she would cowardly stayed in her room, praying to God that nothing bad would happen to her husband…but once he was back, safe and whole, she would have to suffer seeing him hugging and kissing another women!!! Those women changed days by days!!! It was no use waiting for a husband that came back home only to present her with another mistress that is as young as her own son!!!” yelled Min Hyuk once again at his father. Master Kang turned around to glare at him. Min Hyuk let go of a heavy sigh.


“I won’t be like that…I won’t ever be like you…I don’t want to let the person dearest to me live in fear and insecure because every time I walk out of the house, someone might come and kill me…or get caught by the police because of countless crimes…I won’t do that ever…” Min Hyuk said in his most determined voice. He bowed to his father and walked out of the room, leaving his father to glare at his back. The man glanced at the picture of his family that was hung up on the wall. His wife was smiling at him. He closed his eyes and sighed.



Jong Hyun pressed the handle of his motor bike and it roared loudly as he stopped at the traffic light. He glanced at his watch and cursed inside his heart. He was late yet the traffic wasn’t siding with him. He watched the old lady that was now trying to cross the road with her walking stick. She took her step one by one, taking five minutes already for just five steps. Groaning, Jong Hyun parked his bike and went to help the old lady. He stopped before her and squatted down.


“Get on my back, grandmother…if you don’t, the light will turn green soon…you won’t be able to cross the road in time…” he said to her, patting his back, indicating that she should climb on it. The lost old lady looked around at the waiting car, then to traffic light and finally stopped on Jong Hyun’s back.


“Then…thank you, young boy…” she said, squeaking a bit. She placed her two hands on his shoulders and Jong Hyun lifted her up instantly. He was half running, half walking as he crossed the road. Just as they reached the other side, the light turned green and the vehicle on the road zooming past them. Jong Hyun put the old lady down. She said thanks to him once again and left. Jong Hyun looked at his motor bike that was now parked on the other side of the road. He groaned and started punching the air in frustration.


“Aish!!! Stupid Jong Hyun!!! You parked your bike there and now you are here??? How long are you going to wait for the traffic to stop again before you can get to your bike??? Stupid, idiot, donkey brain of yours!!!” he cursed himself as he ruffled his hair. Biting his lips, he stood waiting to cross the road once again. Finally, the light turned red and people started crossing the road. A bus stopped right in front of where Jong Hyun was standing. He put his hands inside his pocket and took a step to move but his caught something on the bus. He stopped walking and fixed his gaze on it. A girl was sitting at the back of the bus. She was combing her shoulders-length black hair with her fingers. As she flipped her hair behind her ears with one hand, her other hand held out a compact powder. She checked her face on it, smiling at her own reflection. Jong Hyun blinked his eyes.


“What a beautiful lady…” he commented, his jaw hanging opened once he had said those words. The girl on the bus was now putting her lipstick on. Satisfied with her look, she put away her compact. She stuffed her earphones on her ears and once the song started playing, she nodded her head along with the tunes. Suddenly, she smiled as she turned her head to look outside the window. Automatically, Jong Hyun dropped his gaze down; afraid that she will catch him gawking at her. The red light blinked a few times and then turned into green. The bus moved and Jong Hyun looked up at once.


“Aish!!! Where are you going to??? Aish!!! Seriously!!! I’m not done looking at you!!!” he shouted after the bus. He made his way towards the busy and attempted to cross it, receiving loud honking from the vehicle. Reaching his bike, Jong Hyun put on his helmet and started to chase after the bus.



“What??? You said that everyone was here yesterday when Takako Rio was killed just a few blocks away from this club??? How could you be so sure???” asked Yong Hwa at the employee of King Cross Club. He nodded his head at once before exchanging glances with his boss. His boss was one of Jong Hyun’s men and he was named Fujiwara Kai. Kai looked up at Yong Hwa and smirked.


“Of course we are sure…we are doing business here, Detective Jung…we can’t afford to have our employees slacking off from their duties or else, we might close up this club for good…unlike you, detective…we don’t have that much of a free time…” he answered. Yong Hwa glared at him.


“How about your boss…someone called Lee???” Yong Hwa asked, pulling out Jong Hyun’s picture from his pocket and threw it to Kai, who caught it at once. Kai remained expressionless as he stared at Jong Hyun’s face. He looked up at Yong Hwa again.


“He was here too…dancing with some of our ladies…you can ask the ladies later if you stay here till the night…by that time, you can have some fun too, Mr Detective…” Kai answered him, throwing the picture back to Yong Hwa. Yong Hwa groaned.


“Fine…I will call my colleagues to search this club tonight for some evidences…and…also to interrogate your employees and boss…” Yong Hwa said. Kai made a move like he wanted to punch him.


“Stop it, Kai!!!” Jong Hyun’s voice rang from behind them. Both Kai and Yong Hwa turned their heads at him. Jong Hyun fixed his cold stare at Yong Hwa.


“Hello, detective…” he greeted him. Yong Hwa turned his whole body around to properly face him.


“You can leave…” Jong Hyun ordered the employee that was standing behind Kai. He nodded and hurriedly left.


“Detective…what is your name???” Jong Hyun asked Yong Hwa at once.


“Jung Yong Hwa…I’m a Korean too, Mr Lee Jong Hyun…” Yong Hwa answered him in Korean. Jong Hyun smiled.


“Nice to meet a fellow Korean here…I got mixed up with Japanese too much, my pronunciation turned bad every time I tried to speak Korean…” Jong Hyun replied back in Korean. Kai stepped away and let him to enter the office. Jong Hyun gestured for Yong Hwa to step in too and together, they sat down around a coffee table.


“What are you doing, Kai??? Get two cup of coffees…Detective Jung and I got so much to catch up…we will discuss kimchi and hanbok during our coffee times….” Jong Hyun said, sounded sarcastic as he giving out his order to Kai. Kai smirked and left. Yong Hwa chuckled.


“Your sense of humor is bad…no one laugh over it…” he commented. Jong Hyun nodded in agreement.


“My bad…I don’t watch sitcom at all…I preferred historical dramas if you are curious about my favorite drama…you can add that as my personal info…the one you got back at the police department…” Jong Hyun countered. Yong Hwa laughed.


“How about telling me what were you doing last night one hour before midnight??? I’m sure it will be a great help for me in writing report for Takako Rio’s murdered case…” Yong Hwa asked him, this time no longer with friendly tone. Jong Hyun pouted his lips.


“No discussion on kimchi??? Too bad…I look forward to it actually…I love kimchi…” Jong Hyun said, sounded unconcerned with Yong Hwa sudden changed of voice. Jong Hyun crossed his legs and positioned himself into a thinking mode, rubbing one hand on his chin while his other hand knocking the table.


“Let’s see…” he said as he closed his eyes, as thought trying to search his memories. Yong Hwa blew air out of his mouth.


“Yah…stop the act…and get straight into the business…” he said, balling his fist, trying to control his temper. Jong Hyun snapped his eyes opened. He grinned at Yong Hwa.


“Your temper must be boiling right now…” Jong Hyun commented as he stared at Yong Hwa’s face.


“If you are smart, you will start talking…” Yong Hwa warned him.


“Let’s say for the sake of this friendly Korean’s fellows meeting that I’m not being smart for the moment…what will you do, Detective Jung…if I don’t start talking???” Jong Hyun asked him. Yong Hwa breathed in and out as he surveyed Jong Hyun.


“I will punch your face…” he said at last. Jong Hyun chuckled.


“Then, it is you who are not smart, Detective…punch me and I will sue you for it…you came barging into my club and interrogating my employees without warrant…that’s more than enough too to sue you for making false accusation on us all…” Jong Hyun said, standing up and turned his back at Yong Hwa.


“Then I will get the warrant and come back later to discuss kimchi and hanbok…” Yong Hwa concluded their discussion. He stood up and ready to leave when Jong Hyun laughed loudly.


“On what charges if I may ask??? For you to get warrant to search my club and interrogates my men??? We are innocent souls…” Jong Hyun said, once he had stopped laughing. He turned around just in time when Yong Hwa did the same too. They stared at each others.


“You were involved with the Takako Rio’s murdered case…I will use that charges for your search warrant…” Yong answered him. Jong Hyun walked to him and stopped just a few inches from his face, they can practically kiss if he was an inch closer to him.


“But unfortunately, you have no evidence on it…police should work with evidences not on his guts or intuitions…sorry, Detective Jung Yong Hwa…you won’t win against Taiga Gang this time…” Jong Hyun reminded him. He smirked at Yong Hwa and walked passed him.


“Did you murder Takako Rio???” Yong Hwa asked him before he managed to get out of the door. Jong Hyun stopped walking. He titled his head to one side and raised his right hand up. Staring at his hand, he asked it.


“Ne…do you remember whether you stabbed old Takako or not???” …Yong Hwa looked at his hand too. Jong Hyun’s hand made a thumb up at Yong Hwa. He gasped as he stared at Jong Hyun. Jong Hyun chuckled.


“Hands don’t talk…you are unlucky again, Detective…it won’t be a good evidence for you too since it belonged to me…it won’t ever betray his master…” Jong Hyun said. He saluted Yong Hwa and left the room. Yong Hwa bit his lips.


“Just wait, Taiga Gang…I will get to you someday!!!” he swore as he punched the coffee table beside him and it broke into pieces at once.



Midnight came just before anyone knew it. Jung Shin covered the dead man that he had shot just now with a yellow canvas. He kicked it and the man rolled with his canvas before it was thrown into the river. Stuffing his guns and other weapons properly inside his guitar case, Jung Shin shut it closed and slung it on his shoulder. He tied his long hair in a short ponytail and walked out from under the bridge. Once he reached the edge of the road, he kicked off his boot and kicked it away. He won’t ever leave any evidences on him that could relate him to his victims. Walking barefooted now, Jung Shin scanned the direction on his phone.


“No motel around here…look like I need to walk further to catch a taxi…geez, this won’t do at all…I need to get a house soon and buy a car…it will be easier to move like that…” he mumbled to himself. Suddenly, there were hurried footsteps coming from behind him. Jung Shin turned around and was knocked by someone. They both landed on the hard ground.


“Ouch!!!” they said in union. Before Jung Shin could do anything, the one that knocked him down stood up so fast and ran away. Jung Shin sat up and watched as people came running after that mysterious person.


“Stop that girl!!! She hadn’t paid my money yet!!! Stop her!!!” yelled one of the men that were chasing.


“Her??? She is a girl???” Jung Shin asked as he too, stood up and watched the scene. The gang managed to catch the girl. She was thrown to the ground and pinned down.


“Hey, ya!!! Give me back my money!!!” said one of the men and he slapped the girl hard on her face. She spat out at him.


“Never!!! You idiot, rotten, bullying giant!!!” she roared at him back. Jung Shin laughed a bit.


“I admired the courage…way to go, girl…” he cheered for her. Crossing his arms, Jung Shin watched her useless attempts to free herself. At last, no longer able to take it and watch as the gang threatened to the girl, Jung Shin walked hurriedly to them. He kicked and punched the men one by one. They tried to fight back but they were no a match to Jung Shin’s single punching and kicking. At last, they gave up and ran for their lives. Jung Shin turned around to look at the girl. Her long hair was messy as she wiped the blood that was flowing out from her nose and the corner of . There was red bruise under one of her eyes. She tried to stand up and steadied herself but failed miserably as she lost her balance and stumbled back on to the ground. Jung Shin caught her and lifted her up in his arms.


“You…okay???” he asked, staring at her face. She smiled, more like a grimace and nodded.


“Phanks!!!” she said and winced just after she had talked. Chuckling, Jung Shin put her back on her feet. She stumbled again but managed to stand as she grabbed his waist.


“Foaaah!!! Fuuu pare fooo felim!!!” she said, this time, hugging him around his waist. Jung Shin stared at her in amazement.


“What are you doing now??? I didn’t save you so that you could actually stick to me like this!!!” he barked and tried to push her away but the girl winced in pain and it stopped him at once.


“I…I…my…hurt…” she said again, finally able to form some words that Jung Shin managed to understand but before she said what she was about to say, she fainted in his arms. Jung Shin shook her body.


“Yah!!! Yah!!! Wake up!!! Wake up!!!” he said, slapping her face a few times yet she didn’t budge at all. Jung Shin sighed. He looked around. The night had turned very dark and gloomy. Here, he was stuck with a girl that had fainted and hurt all over her body. How was he supposed to ask for help??? Jung Shin cracked his brain but nothing came out. Nothing at all.


(A/N) I hope there are someone reading this fic...thanks for reading~~~ I will post the teaser soon~~~

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Chapter 6: Jungshin... ;~~; <3 Omo, does he like Riho??
Im so happy for Minhyuk~ his future wife likes him too ^^ And Jonghyun is just so cute when he's nervous xD
Thanks for updating! <3 I have to read and catch up now~ x) Looking forward to it! Fighting! ^^
omg yay! <3 I'll read this later~ ^^ Fighting!
Amoeba #4
hehehe...updated 1 chap...
will try updating again later...
Oh~ so you do log in here x) hehe
Its no problem ^^ I really like and i would be willing to read whenever you want to write :)
Amoeba #6
Hi, camilekim...thanks for subscribing me...
And thanks too for reading and commenting here...
Fuh...i guess the lonely section put me off for a while in reading this fic...but no...
I will continue writing it...
Thanks again...
Omo~ this story is so daebak!
Just read the first chap~ i really like it!
I dont understand why your comment section is so lonely :/
Cause this is such a good story! <3
Hwaiting~! ^^