Characters Description

Minutes To Midnight


Jung Yong Hwa

-         23 years old

-         A detective that actively investigating any cases related to one big gangster gang, The Taiga Gang

-         Used to date Tabe Mikako, a girl that had gone missing without trace during their high school years

-         He constantly had nightmares after the day Mikako had gone missing

-         His purpose of life is to bring the downfall upon Taiga Gang


Lee Jong Hyun

-         22 years old

-         A right-hand man to the Taiga Gang’s leader, Master Kang

-         His purpose of life is to serve his master with full loyalty

-         He had no faith in love and simply live as a cold-blooded man without emotion and all

-         The closest person to Kang Min Hyuk, his master’s son


Kang Min Hyuk

-         21 years old

-         Master Kang’s only son, the heir for the Taiga Gang

-         Studying laws in a local university

-         Love books and his sacred place is the library

-         He wants to lead a normal life, away from his father’s gang

-         He treated Jong Hyun like his own brother, calling him hyung and trusted him more than anything else in his life


Lee Jung Shin

-         21 years old

-         His parents were murdered before him when he was a kid

-         He has a sister, Lee Jung In, who had gone missing the night their parents were murdered

-         He continued his survival as an assassin

-         His life purpose is to track down the man that had ordered his parents’ murder and get full revenge on him


Takada Riho

-         18 years old

-         A very spoilt girl, boyish-looking

-         She was saved by Jung Shin in one incident that leads to her taken a liking on him and calling him as her life saver

-         Riho is a schoolmate to Kutsuna Shiori

-         She knows that Jung Shin is an assassin but keep the secret for him



Kutsuna Shiori

-         18 years old

-         A very well-mannered girl, a total contrast of characters to Riho

-         She is a schoolmate to Riho too

-         She met Jung Shin in a café where she works as a part timer

-         Taken a liking on Jung Shin but doesn’t want to admit it since she thought of him as a very mistrustful boy


Horikita Maki

-         22 years old

-         A daughter to the Chief Police in Tokyo

-         Her father is the superior to Yong Hwa and later, they are expected to engage and be married

-         Is a senior to Min Hyuk in laws department

-         She hid a dark past that happened when she was a teenager


Erina Mano

-         21 years old

-         A library worker that works in the library where Min Hyuk usually studied in

-         She come from a very poor family

-         Min Hyuk like her from the first time he met her

-         Is hired by Min Hyuk to work as a maid in his house


Kobayashi Ryoko

-         23 years old

-         She works as a singer in King Cross Club, working under Jong Hyun

-         She reminded Yong Hwa about his past lover

-         Ryoko is ordered by Master Kang to seduce Yong Hwa and stopped him from investigating further about the gang

-         Later, she fall in love with him


Tabe Mikako

-         Yong Hwa’s high school lover

-         She had gone missing during her high school years

-         She is haunting Yong Hwa’s past, causing him to suffer nightmares each times he fall asleep

-         A character that was described as very pure and innocent

-         She used to work under Master Kang as one of his mistress

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Chapter 6: Jungshin... ;~~; <3 Omo, does he like Riho??
Im so happy for Minhyuk~ his future wife likes him too ^^ And Jonghyun is just so cute when he's nervous xD
Thanks for updating! <3 I have to read and catch up now~ x) Looking forward to it! Fighting! ^^
omg yay! <3 I'll read this later~ ^^ Fighting!
Amoeba #4
hehehe...updated 1 chap...
will try updating again later...
Oh~ so you do log in here x) hehe
Its no problem ^^ I really like and i would be willing to read whenever you want to write :)
Amoeba #6
Hi, camilekim...thanks for subscribing me...
And thanks too for reading and commenting here...
Fuh...i guess the lonely section put me off for a while in reading this fic...but no...
I will continue writing it...
Thanks again...
Omo~ this story is so daebak!
Just read the first chap~ i really like it!
I dont understand why your comment section is so lonely :/
Cause this is such a good story! <3
Hwaiting~! ^^