Funny Honey Bunny

The combination of hitting your head and the insanely good looking stranger right in front of you made you feel quite dizzy. Stumbling forward, you held onto his shoulder for balance. "You OK there?" he asked, genuinly looking concerned rather than creeped out.

You started to reply, "Y-yeah... just a bi-"

"LEE ROSA! MY DARLING WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?!" You slightly recognized the figure as your aunt Hyori, running towards you on her very very tall heels. Right behind her was yet another cute boy, grinning wildly. Who was he? Hyori didn't have any children...

Aunt Hyori and boy no.3 keeped on running towards you, stopping only as they noticed the guy who helped you up. He was looking insanely confused, but then he looked at their faces and got real mad. Actually, so did the other two. Wae was everyone so angry?!? 

"Rosa. What are you doing with this creature." Hyori continued glaring at boy no.2. Something was definitely going on. 

The boy responded to Hyori calmly, "Just doing my job as a good citizen. Not causing any harm." His eyes told a different story, full of hatred and rage.

You were about to step it up now and stop a fight from starting, but boy no.3 suddenly pushed boy no.2, yelling at him. "Get. Out. Of. Our. Turf"

(OK, so we need some identifiers~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~enlightened boy no.2 is called hero boy, boy no.3 is called smile boy. DUN. )


Anyway then some stuff happened, I can't really be bothered writing about it, witty remarks, yada yada hero boy leaves, you guys are walking to your Aunt's house now. 


It was a silent walk back, the only thing you could hear was the wheels of your suitcase. You were quite scared, what the hell was with all the gangs in this town?! 

"OH MY, ROSA DARLING!" Hyori stopped, looking absolutely shocked. Smile boy stopped as well, but you kept going so you smashed into the back of his head. He didn't say anything though, so you assumed he wasn't angry or anything. Hopefully. You never could tell with Seoul boys. They were always so serious, mysterious, like alien. 

"Omo, Rosa my niece, i haven't introduced you to panda baby yet have I?" 

You assumed 'panda baby' was smile boy. You could see where he got the name panda baby, he had huge dark circles. Maybe that was what was hip with the Seoul kids these days? Urgh, you didn't really like Seoul people. You were a Busan girl through and through- you had even joined an underground Busan crew, Buckwilds. Those boys were hella cool. You had to leave behind your best friend, Andup. you guys were always talking to each other on facebook! 

You were still waiting for your aunt to speak. And why wasn't panda baby objecting to his nickname? 

"Well... you know how incredibly far away my work is from Insadong...  but then, you do know how no one wants to buy my house... so, there is a chance that I have moved out of the house and am now living in Bucheon, which is quite a while a way..."

Oh hells no. You did not come all the way Seoul to moving to freaking BUCHEON, in the middle of no where. 

"...so I've rented out the house... I mean, it's possible that other people are living there now... and I've already enrolled you in the school... so, you may as well live with them, right?" 

you looked at your aunt.

she looked at panda baby.

he looked at her.

you looked at him.

he looked at you. 

"NOONA WE'RE GONNA BE ROOMIES!!!I!I!I!I!!!!!!I!!!!!!!" he shouted. 

Your mouth fell open.

Hyori started talking again. 

"This... is Seungri... uh, he and his 4 friends are renting the house... Fabulous, darling I'm just going to leave now you can all go be bffs now see ya"




You were going to be living in a house.

with 5 Seoul boys.

Where was your boy Andup when you needed him???

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Chapter 5: update soon :3
hantothehey #3
ps. merry xmas rosa <3